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205 lines (103 loc) · 7.16 KB

File metadata and controls

205 lines (103 loc) · 7.16 KB

version 0.4-2

  • make copying over of dimensions somewhat easier; #295

  • st_as_stars.Raster tries to read from file if the raster object is not an in-memory object.

  • write_stars normalizes path, as read_stars already did; #293

  • merge for proxy objects acts, and is no longer lazy; #290

  • st_as_stars.Raster returns a proxy object if the raster layer is on disk

  • add st_extract to extract e.g. time series from grids at point locations; #279; #290

  • read_stars chooses a value for proxy that depends on the data dimensions; #281

  • x/y range subsetting of stars_proxy objects now only reads that range, similar to how crop already did this.

  • st_warp preserves levels and colors;

  • st_crop works with bounding boxes larger than the downsampled bounding box; #276

  • st_crop has a non-zero default for epsilon (bounding box shrinkage) to exclude cells touching the crop bounding box; #275

  • image.stars (and hence plot.stars) gains an extent argument for setting the extent of a plot; r-spatial/sf#1193

version 0.4-1

  • st_warp (stars native) flips longitudes a full cycle; #256, #264, #269

  • handle axis order in st_transform (requires sf >= 0.9-1)

  • depend on sf 0.9-0

  • adapt to cubelyr split-off from dplyr; add cubelyr to Suggests:; hadley/cubelyr#2

  • add droplevels method

  • handle color tables, category tables and raster attribute tables read through GDAL; #128, #245; r-spatial/mapview#208

  • handle dimension crs specially, for proxy objects now.

  • handle new-style crs objects from upcoming sf, moving away from proj4strings

  • handle full crs objects as refsys element in a spatial dimensions, rather than proj4string only

  • st_raster_type(x) reveals the raster type of x; #248,

  • add st_as_stars.OpenStreetMap method; #241 by @mtennekes

  • add st_flip to flip arrays along one or more dimensions without changing dimension properties

  • add as.owin method to convert (2D raster) stars objects to spatstat owin; r-spatial/sf#1233

  • for temporal aggregation, aggregate.stars now also takes by arguments like "week", "month", or "5 days"

  • add st_as_stars method for xts objects; improve as.xts for stars objects

  • skip some tests on solaris

version 0.4-0

  • plot now uses all data to figure out breaks, in order to also find extremes; #216

  • st_mosaic creates mosaics from spatially disjoint rasters; #210

  • #205 large refactoring of read_ncdf, by David Blodgett and Mike Sumner, affecting #199, #89, #30, #86, #175

  • allow for funny units like m s**-1; #201

  • add contour method for stars objects; #196

  • plot uses rasterImage by default if available; #194

  • the x and y raster dimensions can be set and unset with xy argument in st_set_dimensions; #190

  • retain factor levels with dimension values when set in st_set_dimensions; #188

  • add conversion from stars_proxy to Raster: #193

  • make plotting of multiple curvilinear grids work

  • plot by default no cell borders in case of curvilinear, rotated or sheared grids

  • robustify handling of units

  • allow read_ncdf to ignore bounds

  • scale was applied wrongly on multi-band images; #189, this requires sf >= 0.7-5

  • .nc is now recognized correctly by write_stars and will write a NetCDF file; #186

  • [ subset now works correctly with negative or logical indices; #184, #185

  • NA values for float32 grids are now correctly detected; #182, this requires sf >= 0.7-5

  • cropping of a stars_proxy object now works; #179

  • st_apply can now loop over Raster layers; examples in #176

version 0.3-1

  • st_as_stars.bbox now has an ncells and pretty argument, to better choose default raster dimensions

  • geom_stars now works with stars_proxy objects, but needs downsample to be set; #21

  • NA values in Float32 rasters are now read correctly with read_stars; #182

  • handle bounds, when given, in read_ncdf

  • provide time parsing (POSIXct, PCICt) for read_ncdf; #115

version 0.3-0

  • add st_area method to return raster grid cell sizes; #99

  • fix st_warp with use_gdal=TRUE, allowing for multi-band warps

  • add st_get_dimension_values to get the values of a particular dimension (if meaningful); #100

  • allow for setting intervals as dimension values; see examples of st_dimensions

  • add st_contour, and clean up st_as_sf; #99

  • experimental color table support; r-spatial/mapview#208

  • rewrote vignettes, added vignettes; #99

  • deprecate st_write.stars for write_stars; #96

  • use "native" R array-factor support

  • support for PCICt 360- and 365-day calendars; #29

  • remove import of ncdf4 in favour of RNetCDF, now in line with practice in ncmeta package. Thanks to David Blodgett for motivation and testing (see #87, #94).

  • st_as_sf uses date/time column names when appropriate

  • allow missing trailing comma's when subsetting: a[1,,] and a[1,] now do the same.

  • move rlang to Imports: ; rewrite [ subset using rlang.

  • add conversion to and from Spatial* classes, including the gridded ones, taking care of factor variables

  • depend on sf 0.7-2

  • add logz support for log-scale keys to plot and image

version 0.2-0

  • vignettes now use an external package, starsdata, for larger dataset examples

  • support [<-.stars e.g. to mask out values; support to replace NA masks

  • support cut methods and factor arrays (plot, subset); #56

  • add st_rasterize, which uses GDALRasterize to rasterize an sf object; #13

  • st_as_sf.stars now uses GDAL(F)Polygonize when give a regular or sheared grid grid cells are not points, and returns contour bands using GDALContourGenerateEx (requiring GDAL 2.4.0) in case cells are points; #13

  • support curvilinear grids; see #54 and the data_model vignette

  • add vignette about how stars_proxy objects work

  • stars_proxy objects defer processing of st_apply jobs until after subsampling; #50

  • allow reading sections of a raster, raster at a lower resolution, selected bands; #48

  • allow reading vectors (arrays) with more than 2^31 elements; #48

  • fold all higher dimensions into the third dimension before coercing to Raster; #40

version 0.1-1

  • add meta data reader to read_stars

version 0.1-0

  • add merge (merge attributes into array dimension) and split (split dimension over attributes)

  • interface to sf, raster and spacetime

  • improve plotting

  • handle logical arrays in plot

  • add st_apply, analogous to apply

  • add cropping/masking when used as x[buf] with buf an sf, sfc or bbox object; masking when x[buf, crop = FALSE]

  • add Ops (+,-,/ etc) and Math (sqrt, pow, sin etc) methods

  • add dimnames and dimnames<- methods for stars objects

  • downsample large grids to only plot pixels actually shown

  • can plot rectilinear grids (but will plot rgb images as regular grids)

  • rgb argument to image works

  • [ array-like subsetting works; first index is attribute selector

version 0.0

  • interface the 9 C++ gdal utils through gdal_utils() (now part of sf)