- I'm currently focusing on decryption ATM thanks to requests/donation. In the meantime, there won't be nearly as much work on the GUI or JMobileDevice. Furthermore, most of the changes will stay local/uncommited until the code can (semi-)accurately decrypt a file from iCloud, at which point I'll start pushing more frequent code updates. Thanks!

- Icew1nd will be an alternate method of backing up and restoring iDevices
- It will not require a fully booting device, just one that can enter DFU
- I desperately need help with this. Any contributions are greatly appreciated
- All tasks done by ICEW1ND can be done at any point in time, in DFU or after the iPhone has been restored
- It is written in Java (although I will probably have to use a JNI)
Current Tasks:
- GUI Prototyping
- JMobileDevice
- iCloud Stuff
Current Status:
iCloud {++++++++--} 80%
Data Backup {+++++-----} 50%
Data Restore {+++++-----} 50%
App Backup {++++++++--} 80%
App Restore {++++++++--} 80%
Cydia Restore {+++-------} 30%
Cydia Backup {+++-------} 30%
OVERALL [=======> ] 70%
- For discussions on iCloud decryption, please see this issue
- For the reddit thread and discussion, please see this post
- For work on Pymobiledevice and Jython/Python related errors, please see this issue or this repo
- Icew1nd will be able to do 6 things:
- Load selected app data from iCloud onto an iDevice even after it has been restored
- Backup apps and their data even when an iDevice is in DFU mode
- Restore those apps/data to the Device at any given time.)
- Bulk modify the metadata for multiple apps at once
- Backup/Restore packages & sources
- Backup/Restore custom paths
- You can contact me via email at [email protected]
- If you just want to add snippits of code, put them into the "code" folder. They don't necessary have to have correct syntax.
- General discussion can be found in issue #1.
- I use Netbeans, but you can use whatever you want
- Please try to use 4-spaced tabs (or just regular ones) and keep your curly braces on the same line as your statements. example:
if (this.user[0].codingStyle.toLowerCase() == "correct") {
} else {
- You can do basically anything you want with this, just follow these guidelines when redistributing my software
- Follow the license.
- Include my donate button when distributing binaries of Icew1nd (when its done, of course)
+ The iCloud restore will download and decrypt the iCloud data in a similar fashion to [Elcomsoft Phone Password Breaker](http://www.elcomsoft.com/eppb.html)
+ Multiple HTTP GET and POST requests will be made to the iCloud servers to enumerate a list of files, names, urls, and keys.
+ It may be important to note that many of these requests will be encoded in [protobuf]() form
+ A list of protobuf message structures that I (or [Jurriaan](https://github.com/Jurriaan)) have reverse-engineered) can be found [here](./code/protobuf.proto).
+ Once the HTTP requests have been made, they will be downloaded from Windows Azure and AWS.
+ These downloaded "chunks" will be __decrypted using the output of "getKeys"__ and renamed to their correct names.
+ The downloaded chunks will be categorized by their domain (AppDomain, etc) and the apps will be matched using their bundle IDs (ex: com.2dboy.worldofgoo) by looking at Info.plist on the client device and parsing out the value of "CFBundleIdentifier"
+ This data will then be copied over to the device over an SSH tunnel (or like [this](#altMeth)).
Here is a table
+ A handy table depicting this process can be found [here](./ICLOUD.md).
+ The backup process will start off by checking if the device is in DFU Mode. If it is, it will load on an SSH Ramdisk using [msftguy's JSyringe and SSH Ramdisk](https://github.com/msftguy/ssh-rd)
+ Then, disk0s1s1 and disk0s1s2 will be mounted on the DFU device (if necessary)
+ The SSH connection (DFU ramdisk or usb tunnel) will be mounted onto the computer directly.
+ The data in /var/mobile/Applications will be stored in folders containing the apps' bundle ids
+ This will all be zipped into a file which can then later be restored using this program
+ If the device _isn't_ in DFU, then it will have to find an alternate, non-jailbreak-dependant method for backing up apps.
+ I think that all the important info _should_ be in the "Documents" folder, which I'm pretty sure is publically accessable
+ (See "Manual app/data restore" for Info on non-jailbroken backup
+ (See "Manual app/data restore" for Info on non-jailbroken backup
+ You can see the script for doing this (DFU/Jailbroken) [here](./code/AppBackup.sh).
+ It also might be important to note that this should also be done over SSH with an alternate root if the device is in DFU.
+ The data restore process will be almost exactly like the iCloud one, only there is no prefix.
+ The _app_ restoration will be different, however. It will need to load the ipas onto the device, ignoring or updating duplicates.
+ All app restoration will be done using a Jython port of pymobiledevice (which, in turn, is a port of libimobiledevice).
+ [this repo](https://github.com/pythech/pymobiledevice)provides in-depth information on how most of the non-jailbroken stuff works.
+ Finally, the program will need to parse itunesmetadata.plist.
+ This shouldn't be much of a problem, as its just a matter of parsing and manipulating multiple xml files, something there's bound to be a library for.
+ If this is to much of a problem, I just won't include it, as it is somewhat out of place in this program.
+ Icewind will get the installed packages with ```dpkg --get-selections | sed 's/^.+[ \t]*deinstall[ \t]*$//g``` and iterate through each line in a "for" statement
+ The program will check if the specified package can be downloaded online by executing ```apt-cache policy $1``` where $1 is a line in the above command after running ```preg_replace("^([^ \t]+)[ \t]*install[ \t]*$``` to get the package id
+ If the package is not found in any of the sources, it will be repackaged into a deb file, which will be added to a "deb" folder in the backup zip
+ If the package _is_ found, that line of the the dpkg command (something like "com.blah.blah install") will be added to another file, containing the dpkg selections
+ The sources will also be backed up. I know there is a file somewhere that lists the sources, but I don't know its location off the top of my head. Regardless, backing up sources should be relatively easy.
+ The user will also have the option to backup up custom paths
+ This can be done by using something like ```split("/")``` on each path the user wants to create and iterating through each folder.
+ On each subdirectory, the program will create a folder. For example, backing up "/private/var/mobile" would start off by creating a "private" folder in a temp directory, a "var" directory in the private folder, and so on.
+ Once this is done, the contents of the last folder will be copied into the temp folder. In the example, a command such as ```cp -R /private/var/mobile/* /tmp/icewind/private/var/mobile``` would be run
+ This will happen for each path the user wants to backup, all of the paths being merged into one root folder
+ Finally, this root folder will be packaged into a deb and deleted.
+ This deb can then be added to the "debs" folder in the backup zip
+ First, the "debs" folder, the dpkg selections file (which I'm going to call "sel"), and the sources file will be unzipped
+ I'm going to assume that they're unzipped into the current directory, but it goes without saying that this might not always be the case.
+ APT 0.7 Strict will be installed via dpkg so that the "apt-get" commands can be used
+ The sources will be copied over to the device and ```apt-get update``` will be run to refresh everything
+ The dpkg selections will be put on the device using ```dpkg --set-selections << sel```
+ Then, the custom debs will be installed using ```dpkg -i debs/*```
+ The "debs" folder and selections file will be removed with ```rm -R debs``` and ```rm apt```
+ Finally the selections will be installed (the dpkg command doesn't accually install them) with ```apt-get --fix-missing -f dselect-upgrade```
+ The "f" flag is for "force." It allows you to install the packages even if there are some dependency errors, which might have happened because some debs were installed manually
+ The "--fix-missing" flag makes sure that the command doesn't stop mid-way because of an error. That could be disastrous.
+ Finally, a simple ```reboot``` will reboot the device and finish the installation process