##ToDos to replace the shell script:
- modify standard values with enviroment variables
- modify standard values with a config file
- check if all required software exists e.g. virtualbox,..
- init Create a new boot2docker VM.
- up|start|boot Start the VM from any state.
- save|suspend Suspend the VM (saving running state to disk).
- down|stop|halt Gracefully shutdown the VM.
- restart Gracefully reboot the VM.
- poweroff Forcefully shutdown the VM (might cause disk corruption).
- reset Forcefully reboot the VM (might cause disk corruption).
- delete Delete the boot2docker VM and its disk image.
- download Download the boot2docker ISO image.
- info Display the detailed information of the VM
- status Display the current state of the VM.
- go get suport
- build with Dockerfile
- Testcases