class: middle, center, title-slide count: false
PV system design using SMA sunny design web
Bertrand Cornélusse
[email protected]
Learn how to size a PV system installation
- we will use a free tool from SMA:
- we will dive into the details of the PV system installation
Side goals:
- evaluate the potential of the ULiège buildings
- compare to their consumption
- evaluate the benefit of storage
- B28
- B5a
- B7a
- B8
- B15
- B28
- B30
- B31
- B33
- B62
All the energy generated is fed to the grid at a given fee of 130 EUR / MWh.
Use an all-in cost of the PV installation of 800 EUR/kWp (relatively large installation).
No storage is needed.
- Delimit the surfaces
- Place a maximum of PV panels
- Organize the PV strings to meet a trade-off between cost and energy yield (for the amount of PV panels defined previously)
- What are the constraints to connect the strings
- What is a polystring configuration?
- What is the minimal power rating of the inverter you can use for the given amount of PV panels? What is his energy yield?
- Get the consumption data from ULiège building assigned to you:
- Insert them in SMA sunny design web in a self-consumption design
- Analyze the difference with the "feed to grid case."
- You buy electricity at 150 EUR/MWh
- There is no net metering, it is a dual-flow meter
- Redo the analysis and determine how much storage power/energy you would need as a function of the costs
- use costs of 300 EUR/kWh and 100 EUR/kW for the batteries
- Redo the analysis and determine how much storage power/energy and diesel generator you would need as a function of the costs
- use costs of 300 EUR/kWh and 100 EUR/kW for the batteries
- Write a little presentation with your answers to the listed questions
- Include SMA sizing reports in a zip (with meaningful names for the different analyses).