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63 lines (63 loc) · 30.6 KB

File metadata and controls

63 lines (63 loc) · 30.6 KB
Chap Standard Rule name Description Fix Tests Config FixMe
1 1.3 PACKAGE_NAME_MISSING Check: warns if package name is missing in a file
Fix: automatically adds package directive with the name that starts from the domain name (in example - com.huawei) and contains the real directory
yes PackageNamingWarnTest
missing package name (check)PackageNamingFixTest
missing company name (fix)
no Domain name should not be hardcoded. It should be moved to extra configuration.Recursively fix all imports in project.Fix the directory where the code is stored.Make this check isolated from domain name addition
1 1.3 PACKAGE_NAME_INCORRECT_CASE Check: warns if package name is in incorrect (non-lower) case
Fix: automatically update the case in package name
yes PackageNamingWarnTest
package name should be in a lower case (check)PackageNamingFixTest
incorrect case of package name (fix)
no Recursively update all imports in the project.
1 1.3 PACKAGE_NAME_INCORRECT_PREFIX Check: warns if package name does not start with the company's domain
Fix: automatically update the prefix in the package name
yes PackageNamingWarnTest
package name should start from domain namePackageNamingFixTest
fixing incorrect domain name (fix)
no Fix the directory where the code is stored.Recursively update all imports in the project.Domain name should not be hardcoded. It should be moved to extra configuration.
1 1.3 PACKAGE_NAME_INCORRECT_SYMBOLS Check: warns if package name has incorrect symbols like underscore or non-ASCII letters/digits.Exception: underscores that are used for differentiating of keywords in a name.
Fix: no but will be
no PackageNamingWarnTest
underscore exceptions - incorrect underscore case incorrect symbol in package name underscore exceptions - positive case - keyword
no Add autofix for at least converting underscore to a dot or replacing itFix the directory where the code is stored.Cover autofix with tests
1 1.3 PACKAGE_NAME_INCORRECT_PATH Check: warns if the path for a file does not match with a package name
Fix: replacing incorrect package name with the name constructed from a path to the file.
yes PackageNamingWarnTest
missing package name (check)
package name should be in a lower case (check)
package name should start from domain name (check)
underscore exceptions - incorrect underscore case
incorrect symbol in package name
underscore exceptions - positive case - keyword
regression - incorrect warning on file under test directory

fixing package name that differs from a path (fix)
fix missing package name with a proper location (fix)
fixing package name that differs from a path without domain (fix)
fix missing package name with a proper location without domain (fix)
no Make this check isolated from domain name creationRecursively update all imports in the project.Fix the directory where the code is stored.Add test mechanism to test checker
1 1.3 INCORRECT_PACKAGE_SEPARATOR Check: warns if underscore is incorrectly used to split package naming
Fix: fixing all nodes in AST and the package name to remove all underscores
no PackageNamingFixTest
incorrect usage of package separator (fix)
no Recursively update usages of this class in the project
1 1.4 CLASS_NAME_INCORRECT Check: warns if the Class/Enum/Interface name does not match Pascal case ("([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)+")
Fix: fixing the case: if the it is some fixed case (like snake/camel) - with word saving. If not - will restore PascalCase as is.
yes IdentifierNamingWarnTest
check class name (check)
check identifiers case format (check - negative)IdentifierNamingFixTest
incorrect class name (fix)
no Recursively update usages of this class in the projectCheck and decide the better way on converting identifier to PascalCaseNeed to add checks using natural language processing to check that class name contains only nouns
1 1.2 OBJECT_NAME_INCORRECT Check: warns if the object does not match Pascal case ("([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)+")
Fix: fixing the case in the same way as for classes
yes IdentifierNamingWarnTest
check case for object (check - negative)
incorrect object name (fix)
no Recursively update usages of this class in the project
1 1.2 VARIABLE_NAME_INCORRECT_FORMAT Check: warns if the name of variable is not in lowerCamelCase or contains non-ASCII letters
Fix: fixing the case format to lowerCamelCase
check identifiers case format (check - negative)
no -
1 1.2 BACKTICKS_PROHIBITED Check: warns if backticks (``) are used in the identifier name, except the case when it is test method (marked with @Test annotation) no IdentifierNamingWarnTest no -
1 1.7 VARIABLE_NAME_INCORRECT Check: warns if variable contains one single letter, only exceptions are fixed names that used in industry like {i, j}
Fix: no fix as we are not able to imagine good name by machine
no IdentifierNamingWarnTest
check identifiers case format (check - negative)
no Recursively update usages of this class in the projectMake exceptions configurable
1 1.6 CONSTANT_UPPERCASE Check: warns if CONSTANT (treated as const val from companion object or class level) is in non UPPER_SNAKE_CASE
Fix: name is changed to UPPER_SNAKE_CASE
yes IdentifierNamingWarnTest
check identifiers case format (check - negative)
no Recursively update usages of this identifier in the project
1 1.5 VARIABLE_HAS_PREFIX Check: warns if variable has prefix (like mVariable or M_VARIABLE), generally it is a bad code style (Android - is the only exception
Fix: no fix as we are not able to imagine good name by machine
no IdentifierNamingWarnTest
checking that there should be no prefixes in variable name
no may be we can fix it, but I do not see any sense for it
1 1.2 IDENTIFIER_LENGTH Check: identifier length should be in range [2,64] except names that used in industry like {i, j} and 'e' for catching exceptions.
Fix: no fix as we are not able to imagine good name by machine
no IdentifierNamingWarnTest
check variable length (check - negative)
regression - function argument type
exception case for identifier naming in catch statements
exception case for identifier naming in catch statements with catch body
exception case for identifier naming - catching exception with type e
no May be make this rule configurable (length)
1 1.4 ENUM_VALUE Check: warns if enum value is in non UPPER_SNAKE_CASE
Fix: automatically converting case to UPPER_SNAKE_CASE
yes IdentifierNamingWarnTest
check case for enum values (check - negative)IdentifierNamingFixTest
incorrect enum values case (fix)
no Recursively update usages of this identifier in the project
1 1.2 GENERIC_NAME Check: warns if generic name contains more than 1 letter (capital). It can be followed by numbers, example: T12, T
yes IdentifierNamingWarnTest
generic class - single capital letter, can be followed by a number (check - negative1)
generic class - single capital letter, can be followed by a number (check - negative2)
no Recursively update usages of this identifier in the project
1 1.5 FUNCTION_NAME_INCORRECT_CASE Check: function/method name should be in lowerCamelCase:
yes MethodNamingWarnTest
method name incorrect, part 1
method name incorrect, part 2
method name incorrect, part 3
method name incorrect, part 4
method name incorrect, part 5
no Recursively update usages of this function in the project
1 1.5 FUNCTION_BOOLEAN_PREFIX Check: functions/methods that return boolean should have special prefix like "is/should/e.t.c"
yes MethodNamingWarnTest
boolean method name incorrect
FUNCTION_BOOLEAN_PREFIX - positive example
FUNCTION_BOOLEAN_PREFIX - negative example
no Recursively update usages of this function in the projectAggressive fix - what if new name will not be valid
1 1.2 FILE_NAME_INCORRECT Check: warns if file name does not have extension .kt/.kts
Fix: no
no ? no Extensions should be configurableIt can be aggressively autofixed
1 1.2 FILE_NAME_MATCH_CLASS Check: warns
Fix: no
no ? no Probably it can be autofixed, but it will be aggressive fix
1 1.2 EXCEPTION_SUFFIX Check: warns if class that extends any Exception class does not have Exception suffix
Fix: Adding suffix "Exception" to a class name
yes IdentifierNamingWarnTest
check exception case and suffix (with type call entry) - negative
check exception case and suffix (only parent name inheritance) - negative
no Need to add tests for this
2 2.1 MISSING_KDOC_TOP_LEVEL Check: warns on file level internal or public class or function has missing KDoc
Fix: no
no KdocWarnTest
all public classes should be documented with KDoc
all internal classes should be documented with KDoc
all internal and public functions on top-level should be documented with Kdoc
all internal and public functions on top-level should be documented with Kdoc (positive case)
positive Kdoc case with private class
no Support extension for setters/gettersSupport extension for method "override"
2 2.1 MISSING_KDOC_CLASS_ELEMENTS Check: warns if accessible internal elements (protected, public, internal) in a class are not documented
Fix: no
no KdocWarnTest
Kdoc should present for each class element Kdoc should present for each class element (positive)
no May be need to add exception cases for setters and getters. There is no sense in adding KDoc to them.
2 2.1 MISSING_KDOC_ON_FUNCTION Check: warns if accessible function doesn't have KDoc
Fix: adds KDoc template if it is not empty
yes - -
2 2.2 KDOC_WITHOUT_PARAM_TAG Check: warns if accessible method has parameters and they are not documented in KDoc
Fix: If accessible method has no KDoc, KDoc template is added
yes KdocSignatureTest
Accessible methods with parameters, return type and throws should have proper KDoc (positive example)
Warning should not be triggered for private functions
Empty parameter list should not trigger warning about @param
All methods with parameters should have @param KDoc for each parameter
Rule should suggest KDoc template for missing KDocs
no Should also make separate fix, even if there is already some Kdoc in place
2 2.2 KDOC_WITHOUT_RETURN_TAG Check: warns if accessible method has explicit return type they it is not documented in KDoc
Fix: If accessible method has no KDoc, KDoc template is added
yes KdocSignatureTest
All methods with explicit return type excluding Unit should have @return KDoc
Should also make separate fix, even if there is already some Kdoc in place
2 2.2 KDOC_WITHOUT_THROWS_TAG Check: warns if accessible method has throw keyword and it is not documented in KDoc
Fix: If accessible method has no KDoc, KDoc template is added
yes KdocSignatureTest
All methods with throw in method body should have @throws KDoc, throw in comments is ignored
Should also make separate fix, even if there is already some Kdoc in place
2 2.3 BLANK_LINE_AFTER_KDOC Check: warns if Kdoc is incorrectly separated with newlines
Fix: removing incorrect newlines between Kdoc and it's declaration
yes KdocFormattingTest
There should be no blank line between kdoc and it's declaration codeKdocFormattingFixTest
There should be no blank line between kdoc and it's declaration code
2 2.3 KDOC_EMPTY_KDOC Check: warns if KDoc is empty
Fix: no
no KdocFormattingTest
empty KDocs are not allowed - example with empty KDOC_SECTION
empty KDocs are not allowed - example with no KDOC_SECTION
empty KDocs are not allowed - without bound identifier
empty KDocs are not allowed - with anonymous entity
2 2.3 KDOC_WRONG_SPACES_AFTER_TAG Check: warns if there is more than one space after KDoc tag
Fix: removes redundant spaces
yes KdocFormattingTest
KDocs should contain only one white space between tag and its content (positive example) KDocs should contain only one white space between tag and its contentKdocFormattingFixTest
There should be exactly one white space after tag name
2 2.3 KDOC_WRONG_TAGS_ORDER Check: warns if basic KDoc tags are not oredered properly
Fix: reorders them @param, @return, @throws
yes KdocFormattingTest
tags should be ordered in KDocs (positive example) tags should be ordered in KDocsKdocFormattingFixTest
Tags should be ordered in KDocs
Ensure basic tags are at the end of KDoc
2 2.3 KDOC_NEWLINES_BEFORE_BASIC_TAGS Check: warns if block of tags @param, @return, @throws is not separated from previous part of KDoc by exactly one empty line
Fix: adds empty line or removes redundant
yes KdocFormattingTest
basic tags block shouldn't have empty line before if there is no other KDoc content
basic tags block should have empty line before if there is other KDoc content
2 2.3 KDOC_NO_NEWLINES_BETWEEN_BASIC_TAGS Check: if there is newline of empty KDoc line (with leading asterisk) between @param, @return, @throws tags
Fix: removes line
yes KdocFormattingTest
newlines are not allowed between basic tagsKdocFormattingFixTest
basic tags should not have empty lines between
2 2.3 KDOC_NO_NEWLINE_AFTER_SPECIAL_TAG Check: warns if special tags @apiNote, @implNote, @implSpec don't have exactly one empty line after
Fix: removes redundant lines or adds one
yes KdocFormattingTest
Special tags should have exactly one newline after them (positive example) Special tags should have exactly one newline after them (no line) Special tags should have exactly one newline after them (many lines)KdocFormattingFixTest
Special tags should have newline after them
Handle empty lines without leading asterisk
2 2.3 KDOC_NO_EMPTY_TAG Check: warns if KDoc tags have empty content no KdocFormattingTestKdoc tags should not have empty content
2 2.3 KDOC_NO_DEPRECATED_TAG Check: warns if @deprecated is used in KDoc
Fix: adds @Deprecated annotation with message, removes tag
yes KdocFormattingTest
@deprecated tag is not allowedKdocFormattingFixTest
@deprecated tag should be substituted with annotation
Annotation's replaceWith field can be filled too
2 2.4 HEADER_WRONG_FORMAT Checks: warns if there is no newline after header KDoc
Fix: adds newline
yes HeaderCommentRuleTest
file header comment (positive example) header KDoc should have newline after itHeaderCommentRuleFixTest
new line should be inserted after header KDoc
Check if header is on the very top of file. It's hard to determine when it's not.
2 2.4 HEADER_MISSING_OR_WRONG_COPYRIGHT Checks: copyright exists on top of file and is properly formatted (as a block comment)
Fix: adds copyright if it is missing and required
yes HeaderCommentRuleTest
copyright should not be placed inside KDoc copyright should not be placed inside single line commentHeaderCommentRuleFixTest
if no copyright is present and mandatoryCopyright=true, it is added
mandatoryCopyright Allow setting copyright patterns via configuration
2 2.4 HEADER_CONTAINS_DATE_OR_AUTHOR Check: warns if header KDoc contains @author tag no HeaderCommentRuleTest
@author tag is not allowed in header comment
Detect author by other patterns (e.g. 'created by' etc.)Detect creation date (no standard tag even in javadoc)
2 2.4 HEADER_MISSING_IN_NON_SINGLE_CLASS_FILE Check: warns if file with zero or >1 classes doesn't have header KDoc no HeaderCommentRuleTest
file with zero classes should have header KDoc file with multiple classes should have header KDoc
2 2.7 COMMENTED_OUT_CODE Check: warns if commented code is detected (when un-commented, can be parsed) no CommentedCodeTest
Should warn if commented out import or package directive is detected (single line comments) Should warn if commented out imports are detected (block comments) Should warn if commented out code is detected (block comments) Should warn if commented out code is detected (single line comments) Should warn if commented out function is detected (single line comments) Should warn if commented out function is detected (single line comments with surrounding text) Should warn if commented out function is detected (block comment) Should warn if detects commented out code (example with indents) Should warn if detects commented out code (example with IDEA style indents)
Offset is lost when joined EOL comments are split again
2 2.4 HEADER_NOT_BEFORE_PACKAGE Check: warns if header KDoc if file is located not before package directive
Fix: moves this KDoc
yes HeaderCommentRuleTestheader KDoc should be placed before package and imports
3 3.1 FILE_IS_TOO_LONG Check: warns if file has too many lines
Fix: no
no FileSizeWarnTest maxSize
3 3.2 FILE_CONTAINS_ONLY_COMMENTS Check: warns if file contains only comments, imports and package directive. no FileStructureRuleTest
should warn if file contains only comments
- -
3 3.2 FILE_INCORRECT_BLOCKS_ORDER Check: warns if general order of code parts is wrong.
Fix: rearranges them.
yes FileStructureRuleTest
should warn if file annotations are not immediately before package directive
- handle other elements that could be present before package directive (other comments)
3 3.2 FILE_NO_BLANK_LINE_BETWEEN_BLOCKS Check: warns if there is not exactly one blank line between code parts.
Fix: leaves single empty line
yes FileStructureRuleTest
should warn if blank lines are wrong between code blocks
- -
3 3.2 FILE_UNORDERED_IMPORTS Check: warns if imports are not sorted alphabetically or contain empty lines among them
Fix: reorders imports.
yes FileStructureRuleTest
should warn if imports are not sorted alphabetically
- -
3 3.2 FILE_WILDCARD_IMPORTS Check: warns if wildcard imports are used. no FileStructureRuleTest
should warn if wildcard imports are used
- -
3 3.3 NO_BRACES_IN_CONDITIONALS_AND_LOOPS Check: warns if braces are not used in if, else, when, for, do, and while statements. Exception: single line if statement.
Fix: adds missing braces.
yes ? - -
3 3.2 WRONG_ORDER_IN_CLASS_LIKE_STRUCTURES Check: warns if the declaration part of a class-like code structures (class/interface/etc.) is not in the proper order.
Fix: restores order according to code style guide.
yes ClassLikeStructuresOrderRuleWarnTest
should check order of declarations in classes - positive example
should warn if loggers are not on top
- -
3 3.2 BLANK_LINE_BETWEEN_PROPERTIES Check: warns if properties with comments are not separated by a blank line, properties without comments are
Fix: fixes number of blank lines
yes ClassLikeStructuresOrderRuleWarnTest
comments and KDocs on properties should be prepended by newline - positive example
should warn if comments and KDocs on properties are not prepended by newline
- -
3 3.4 BRACES_BLOCK_STRUCTURE_ERROR Check: warns if non-empty code blocks with braces don't follow the K&R style (1TBS or OTBS style) yes BlockStructureBracesWarnTest check all expressions that contain block openBraceNewline closeBraceNewline -
3 3.4 EMPTY_BLOCK_STRUCTURE_ERROR Check: warns if empty block exist or if it's style is incorrect yes EmptyBlockWarnTest check all expressions with empty block allowEmptyBlocks styleEmptyBlockWithNewline -
3 3.4 MORE_THAN_ONE_STATEMENT_PER_LINE Check: warns if there is more than one statement per line yes SingleLineStatementsRuleWarnTest warn if there is more than one statements per one line _ -
3 3.5 WRONG_INDENTATION Check: warns if indentation is incorrect
Fix: corrects indentation.

Basic cases are covered currently.
yes ? extendedIndentOfParameters
3 3.5 LONG_LINE Check: warns if length doesn't exceed the specified length no LineLengthWarnTest check all lines in any expressions except URL in KDoc lineLength handle json method in KDoc
3 3.6 REDUNDANT_SEMICOLON Check: warns if semicolons are used at the end of line.
Fix: removes semicolon.
yes NewlinesRuleWarnTest
* should forbid EOL semicolons
- -
3 3.6 WRONG_NEWLINES Check: warns if line breaks do not follow code style guid.
Fix: fixes incorrect line breaks.
yes NewlinesRuleWarnTest
- -
3 3.8 STRING_CONCATENATION Check: warns if in a single line concatenation of strings is used yes StringConcatenationWarnTest - -
3 3.6 TOO_MANY_BLANK_LINES Check: warns if blank lines are used placed incorrectly.
Fix: removes redundant blank lines.
yes BlankLinesWarnTest
3 3.7 WRONG_WHITESPACE Check: warns if usage of horizontal spaces violates code style guide.
Fix: fixes incorrect whitespaces.
yes WhiteSpaceRuleWarnTest
- -