An easy to use library for dealing with the DOM and general javascript APIs. Minimal dependencies, and aiming to be as close to the javascript API as possible.
- Data.DOM.Simple.Ajax
- Data.DOM.Simple.Document
- Data.DOM.Simple.Element
- Data.DOM.Simple.Encode
- Data.DOM.Simple.Events
- Data.DOM.Simple.Navigator
- Data.DOM.Simple.NodeList
- Data.DOM.Simple.Sugar
- Data.DOM.Simple.Types
- Data.DOM.Simple.Window
- Data.DOM.Simple.Unsafe.Ajax
- Data.DOM.Simple.Unsafe.Document
- Data.DOM.Simple.Unsafe.Element
- Data.DOM.Simple.Unsafe.Events
- Data.DOM.Simple.Unsafe.Navigator
- Data.DOM.Simple.Unsafe.NodeList
- Data.DOM.Simple.Unsafe.Sugar
- Data.DOM.Simple.Unsafe.Window
setContents contents = do
-- doc = window.document
doc <- document globalWindow
-- iframe = doc.querySelector("#siteFrame")
iframe <- querySelector "#siteFrame" doc
-- iframeDoc = iframe.contentWindow.document
iframeDoc <- (contentWindow iframe) >>= document
-- iframeDoc.querySelector("html").innerHTML = contents
querySelector "html" iframeDoc >>= setInnerHTML contents
-- or a little shorter
setContents' contents = do
document globalWindow >>= querySelector "#siteFrame" >>=
contentWindow >>= document >>= querySelector "html" >>=
setInnerHTML contents
modifyLinkTarget link = do
attr <- getAttribute "href" link -- attr = link.getAttribute("href")
setAttribute "href" "#" link -- link.setAttribute("href", "#")
setAttribute "data-target" attr link -- link.setAttribute("data-target", attr)
return link
modifyLinks page = do
links <- querySelectorAll "a" page -- links = [HTMLElement]
sequence $ modifyLinkTarget links --
-- Convert the evt content into text for the callback
handleRequest callback evt = do
target <- eventTarget event
text <- responseText target
callback text
-- Construct and perform AJAX request for the specified url
makeGetRequest url callback = do
req <- makeXMLHttpRequest
addEventListener "load" (handleRequest callback) req
open GET url req
setRequestHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" req
send NoData req
-- retrieve the content and place it inside the div
requestContent = do
let url = ""
doc <- document globalWindow
makeGetRequest url $ \resp -> do
querySelector "#myDiv" doc >>= setInnerHtml resp