All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.3.1 (2024-02-01)
- add donation link to README file (1f806c4)
1.3.0 (2024-02-01)
- add fading to intro and outro (5467bbb)
- add loader for favorites (f682a91)
- add media session (5e0a842)
- add audio element (889962b)
- add media session (81f33d9)
- add media session (216b913)
- add unmute for iOS (e422b52)
- connect audio context to audio element (463667c)
- increase decimal (a33ae45)
- remove fading (d96461d)
- resume audio (8e4d053)
- undo changes (32da26c)
- add binaural beats (f1d212a)
- add more sounds (38f6f7d)
- add more sounds (937bf29)
- add more sounds (e2172fd)
- add more sounds (1f12afa)
- add more sounds (cd05704)
- add more sounds (01b4bdb)
1.2.0 (2024-01-04)
- stringify dependency (1a23e00)
- add animation to menu box (17027e2)
- add disabled state (ff26597)
- add menu button (184bb09)
- add share modal (35e3215)
- add share placeholder (fe2357c)
- basic structure for share link (ef81f19)
- docker: add dockerfile (a234bc1)
- implement override feature (0f62f07)
- implement sharing URL (93ff72a)
- add animation to modal (7823dc7)
- add icon to menu items (131ab29)
- change border color (85b627e)
- change copy (c51acd6)
- change to primary color (c8e5122)
- widen the menu (37a0736)
- change docker workflow (cb4bfea)
- change docker-compose file (660ee07)
- update GitHub action (ee60613)
1.1.0 (2023-12-29)
- change ordering config (a43c679)
- change icon path (28c3c40)
- add more sounds (e3864be)
- add more sounds (55e7f05)
- add more sounds (318e87c)
- add places category (5970012)
- add transport category (c1c3945)
- change heartbeat audio (f43a378)
- relocate underwater audio (37bad81)
- remove heartbeat audio (121a8f2)
- add hover states (2c74dd0)
- change button style (8efb1ce)
- change sound counter (00fc5f3)
- change theme (bd517f8)
1.0.0 (2023-12-09)
- add about section (4e84419)
- add aria-disabled to play button (f390f38)
- add auto pause to play button (7c901b2)
- add auto play on select (17d1b23)
- add basic animations with Framer Motion (fa7b90e)
- add basic audio player (5a7a58e)
- add basic categories (8d7e4d2)
- add basic sound components (4adb8bf)
- add basic sounds for prototyping (5791346)
- add color noise (7363e8d)
- add deep merge to Zustand Persist (01f4031)
- add footer component (262bb1a)
- add gradient line decoration (5559152)
- add help text (c3521a7)
- add hero section (dc33c2c)
- add hidden selection indicator (e2cd75a)
- add Howler for sounds (735d9eb)
- add icon for sounds (1994004)
- add link to reasons (e2b6eaf)
- add loading state for sounds (aaccbee)
- add local storage support (856b3e6)
- add more and less button for sounds (13cd72a)
- add more sounds (0888aaa)
- add more sounds (63ed396)
- add new sounds (759e6b0)
- add play button (31c087e)
- add ready section (e372d2f)
- add scroll to top component (3c1c27b)
- add simple tooltip (f2efe3c)
- add singing bowl sound (0b49f66)
- add sound count to hero (42ccc7a)
- add tooltip to scroll button (d4401fa)
- add why section (3ed610b)
- change sound count from round to exact (8c49453)
- complete meta tags (1cfbf0d)
- create reusable tooltip (c637e2d)
- implement basic snackbar (8090599)
- implement basic Zustand store (22bb65d)
- implement favorite sounds functionality (cb34b59)
- implement shuffle functionality (26ba017)
- implement shuffling functionality (3ac211e)
- implement unselect all functionality (8966d59)
- reorder sounds in favorites (dc9da85)
- add animation to more/less button (b849b3a)
- add base and global styles (05d68e4)
- add gradient background (77fed03)
- add gradient line (ea722ea)
- add line to titles (ec1def0)
- add more icons (41c5ae5)
- add new font weight for links (287d7b3)
- add smooth transition (3b33e09)
- add smooth transition (e7fc951)
- add text animation (7810d21)
- add theme color (6de1394)
- add wrap balancer to desc (276639b)
- better line alignment (1f24812)
- change border to shadow (a53800c)
- change button animation (6983559)
- change button animation (c44a863)
- change copy (6242308)
- change favicon (a82dc3f)
- change icon backgrounds (ef825ca)
- change icon color on selection (e6abca6)
- change label cursor (15953ef)
- change like color (d8c9806)
- change logo (9f702db)
- change primary color (ed9a027)
- change reason copy (69c4ec1)
- change spacing (cc26f68)
- change tagline (f3603e8)
- decrease gradient shine (8f58794)
- decrease margin (d700195)
- decrease scale animation (7e668e5)
- fix margins (99775b7)
- fix snackbar pointer (14c9e88)
- fix tooltip z-index (fb061c3)
- fix z-index (fa71709)
- increase padding (eedbf53)
- increase sounds per row (cd8ec5e)
- relocate the play button (403a755)
- remove extra colors (38f05a3)
- remove gradient line (de03cac)
- remove gradient line (6720e86)
- remove layout animation (ef952d0)
- remove layout animation (efd6f99)
- remove opacity effect on disabled (4266557)
- reverse gradient line (87f3a2b)
- widen the container (e7c786f)
- add aria label to shuffle button (6d02cfb)
- add aria labels (85768d8)
- add keys to filler elements (b7c7d40)
- change icon path (8cceb6e)
- change icon path (dc6a9e1)
- change icon path (c184246)
- change link address (1b4d216)
- change page title (3bebb3e)
- fix icon imports (a3eb479)
- fix some animation issues (eccba87)
- fix some types (04061e2)
- make sound count dynamic (79458bb)
- rehydrate store only on mount (2c443d3)
- remove extra play calls (e0164c3)
- remove history on favorite toggle (190f06a)
- remove history on select (5bd1dd3)
- remove tooltip (b634d6f)
- rotate the spinner when unselected (cf7600e)
- set aria label to ID (7e0a9af)
- typo (5cfb9a8)
- add more sounds (eed5a13)
- add more sounds (5a7936f)
- add more sounds (8c75f87)
- add robots.txt file (6bdf28a)
- change README banner (c450028)
- change README file (85e42f3)
- upgrade Astro (72fa516)
- better tooltip (5fecd38)
- change data file structure (c9e8bd4)
- relocate sections (d672bf6)
- remove seperate favorite store (d7fd17e)
- remove seperate playing context (daee746)
- rename component (f5cdb8c)
- separate sounds (a1ea9a1)
- seperate buttons (b117a4b)
- seperate common types (bad2d31)
- seperate favorite button (4124beb)
- seperate irrelevant logic (f1688cb)
- seperate motion variants (7fce9e1)
- seperate range input (89149dc)
- sort interface keys (c5240ff)
- turn footer into Astro component (a67083c)
- turn hero into Astro component (77f9fcc)
- turn sections into Astro components (9398ae0)
- use scrollIntoView instead of link (4d2645f)
- add Commitizen 9d7cdde
- add Commitlint 50341d1
- add Editor Config a7d3495
- add ESLint be2a66e
- add Husky 3bed00a
- add Lint Staged 6cad460
- add npm config 297f7a7
- add path alias 123839d
- add PostCSS 332bd49
- add Prettier 110359b
- add Standard Version afc330e
- add Stylelint 0e5948f