Scientist C
Address : Room No. 110, Ist floor, Main building, CSIR- National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad-500007, India.
Email : ajmalkoti[@]gmail[.]com, ajaymalkoti[@]ngri[.]
Landline: +91-40-2701 2794
Ph.D. in Physical Sciences (Geophysics) from AcSIR at National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India
M.Sc. in Geophysics from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, WB, India
B.Sc. in Applied Physical Sciences (Electronics) from University of Delhi, India
Currently I am teaching following courses at AcSIR-NGRI.
Jan-Aug 2021, Geophysical Inverse Theory, PHY-NGRI-3-4003
Jan-Aug 2021, Advance Seismic Methods, PHY-NGRI-3-4004
I am an exploration seismologist and I am interested in understanding seismic wave propagation in the earth. I work towards observing, modeling, and explaining the wave phenomenons that might be of interest to researchers. I carry out the full seismic wavefiled numerical simulations to mimic the real seismic wave propagation in the earth. These methods are also applied to the full waveform based imaging methods, e.g., RTM, FWI, etc. I develop my codes for numerical simulation and I am equally interested in numerical methods as it serves the immediate demand in large simulation.
I have research experience in the following fields and I explore the related fields.
- Wavefield simulation and inversion using wavefield data (RTM, FWI)
- Numerical and computational methods
- Upscaling wave equation
- Ambient noise simulation
Malkoti, A., Datta, A., & Hanasoge, S. M. (2021). Rayleigh wave H/V ratio measurement from ambient noise cross-correlations, and its sensitivity to Vp: a numerical study. Geophysical Journal International.
Lei Li, Jingqiang Tan, Dazhou Zhang, Ajay Malkoti, Ivan Abakumov & Yujiang Xie (2021). FDwave3D: a MATLAB solver for the 3D anisotropic wave equation using the finite-difference method. Computational Geosciences,
Vedanti, N., Malkoti, A., Pandey, O. P., & Shrivastava, J. P. (2018). Ultrasonic P-and S-wave attenuation and petrophysical properties of Deccan Flood Basalts, India, as revealed by Borehole Studies. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 175(8), 2905-2930.
Malkoti, A., Vedanti, N., & Tiwari, R. K. (2018). An algorithm for fast elastic wave simulation using a vectorized finite difference operator. Computers & Geosciences, 116, 23-31.
Malkoti, A., Vedanti, N., & Tiwari, R. K. (2019). A highly efficient implicit finite difference scheme for acoustic wave propagation. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 161, 204-215.
Malkoti, A., Vedanti, N., 2019, Efficient Seismic Simulation for a Highly Attenuating Media, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 27 th General assembly, Montreal, Canada.
Vedanti, N., Malkoti, A., 2019, Petrophysical Characterization of two formations of Deccan Flood basalt for improved sub-basalt imaging, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 27 th General assembly, Montreal, Canada.
Malkoti, A., Vedanti, N., Tiwari, R.K., 2017, High fidelity Numerical simulation for scaler wave. Abstract presented at AEG 39th Annual Convention at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
Malik, R., Malkoti, A., Vedanti, N., Dimri, V. P., 2017. 1-D Full Waveform Inversion using Micro Genetic Algorithm. Abstract presented at AEG 39th Annual Convention at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
Malkoti, A., Vedanti, N., Kunagu, P., and Tiwari, R. K., 2015, Modeling viscoelastic seismic wave propagation in Deccan flood basalt, western India, SEG Expanded Abstracts presented at New Orleans, USA.
Vedanti, N., Lakshmi, K. J. P., Dutta, S., Malkoti, A., Pandey, O.P., Sen, M. K., 2015, Investigation of Petrophysical Properties and Ultrasonic P-and S- Wave attenuation in Deccan Flood Basalts, India, SEG Expanded Abstracts presented at New Orleans, USA.
Vedanti, N., Malkoti, A., Dutta, S., Pandey, O.P., 2015. Elastic Properties of Ambenali and Poladpur Formations of DVP: New Findings. National conference on Paleogene of the Indian Subcontinent, 23- 24 April, Birbal Sahni Institute for Palaeobotany, Lucknow.
Malkoti, A., 2014, Inversion of well log data for better determination of petrophysical parameters, Abstract presented at IGU 51st Annual convention at Kurukshetra University, Haryana, India. pp.198.
Further Information
PDF for all published/ArXived articles,
BIB file containing list of published articles,
BIB file containing list of abstract presented in conferences
I have developed a few codes, in differet projects while collaborating with different peoples. I have listed-out the major codes below.
S.No. | Code Name | Language | Description |
1. | FDWave | MATLAB | Seismic wave simulation in 2D-Acoustic/Elastic/Viscoleastic and 3D-HTI/VTI/fully-anisotropic media. |
2. | ANCC_HVR | Python 3 | Numerical estimation of H/V ratio of the cross-correlation obtained from ambient noise. |
3. | URG_WE | MATLAB | Upscaling Acoustic/Elastic wave equation using Renormalization group theory. |
4. | FARMCA | MATLAB | Rock permeability estimation using monte carlo method. |
5. | GALog | MATLAB | Inverting the well log data using GA algorithm for petrophysical parameters. |
6. | GASeis | Fortran 95 | Inverting the 1D seismic data uisng GA algorithm. |
Page updated on 02 July 2021