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3rd Party Ports
Some awesome people have made ports of SponsorBlock to different platforms.
These are not made or reviewed by me. Please send issues/feature requests to the developer of the port. Use at your own risk.
NewPipe x SponsorBlock (Fork of NewPipe) by @polymorphicshade
NewPipe is a third-party Android App for YouTube. This fork supports skipping all categories, channel whitelisting and colour on the seekbar. This only supports auto skip, not manual skip.
Piped Android client.
SkyTube is a third-party Android App for YouTube. This fork supports skipping all categories and colour on the seekbar. This only supports auto skip, not manual skip.
Invidous Android client.
Third party TV interface for YouTube. Supports auto skip, manual skip and seek bar highlighting.
Userscript and bookmarklet. Skipping is less precise than the extension.
MPV is a command line video player. This is a fully-featured port of SponsorBlock (skipping, submitting, voting and all).
MPV_SponsorBlock_Minimal by @jouni
MPV is a command line video player. This is a more simple SponsorBlock plugin. There are no other functions in this other than the skipping segments.
SponsorBlock_MPV_Minimal_Local by @asakura42
Fork of MPV_SponsorBlock_Minimal that uses csv.
Script.Service.SponsorBlock by @siku2
Kodi is open source home theater software. This plugin uses the YouTube plugin.
Castblock Crystal by @erdnaxeli
Similar to the other utilities listed, but written in Crystal. Inspired by CastBlock but written from scratch to avoid some of its pitfalls.
A CLI utility that will automatically detect all Chromecasts on the LAN, keep track of what's playing, and automatically skip sponsors using the SponsorBlock API inspired by CastBlock but written from scratch to avoid some of its pitfalls.
Castblock PHP by @willemstuursma
Similar to the other utilities listed, but written in PHP. Inspired by CastBlock but written from scratch to avoid some of its pitfalls.
CastBlock (The original) by @stephen304
The original one. Has some reported issues with CPU usage. A CLI utility that will automatically detect all Chromecasts on the LAN, keep track of what's playing, and automatically skip sponsors using the SponsorBlock API.
A CLI utility written in JS that will automatically detect all Chromecasts on the LAN, keep track of what's playing, and automatically skip sponsors using the SponsorBlock API inspired by CastBlock but built from the ground up for high performance and low cpu and memory usage.
Skips sponsors on Apple TVs that are on your local network.
An unofficial, privacy driven, YouTube client for Roku
Official port available here
Invidious client
iSponsorBlock by @Galactic-Dev.
A jailbreak tweak that implements SponsorBlock in the official YouTube app on iOS.
Closed source tweak. Less features than iSponsorBlock
3rd-part desktop YouTube client focused on privacy.
Desktop player for YouTube music.
Music player
Music Player
macOS only. Invidious client.
yt-dlp by @pukkandan and others
Most active fork of yt-dl. Can remove sponsors and/or other categories from your downloaded videos automatically without reencoding or mark them as chapters.
Tartube GUI for yt-dl and yt-dlp. Can download videos with segments cut out.
SponSkrub allows you to automatically either cut out sponsors and other segments by category or to mark them as chapters automatically, it includes a wrapper application for youtube-dl. Prebuilt releases are available for x86_64 Linux.
resync Watch videos with your friends
For uses of the direct dataset, such as in neural networks, see https://github.com/ajayyy/SponsorBlock/wiki/Dataset-Uses
Sponsor-Stats Stats about which channels have the most segments.
yt-time-left Browser extension that adds an indicator of time left to end video on YouTube
Spidey Discord music bot that skips non music sections.
Radium Discord music bot that skips non music sections.
Auto-Editor Command line application for automatically editing video and audio by analyzing where sections are silent and cutting them up
NoVoicePlease Discord bot
YADMB Yet Another Discord Music Bot
Music Box Discord bot
tgAudioBot A telegram bot that downloads the audio from sent media. It cuts out sponsors from the audio by default.
insomnia-bot Discord music bot
YMusic (Closed Source, music only)
CreatorSpace Content archiving system