Simple Multi Layers Perceptron
var (trainX, trainY) = ImportDataset.XorDataset<float>();
var net = new Network<float>(new SGD<float>(0.1f), new MeanSquaredLoss<float>(), new RoundAccuracy<float>());
net.AddLayer(new DenseLayer<float>(8, inputShape: 2));
net.AddLayer(new TanhLayer<float>());
net.AddLayer(new DenseLayer<float>(1));
net.AddLayer(new SigmoidLayer<float>());
net.Fit(trainX, trainY, epochs: 500, displayEpochs: 100);
Hello World, MLP on Xor Dataset.
Network: SGD / MeanSquaredLoss / RoundAccuracy
| Layer | Parameters | Output |
| InputLayer | 0 | (2) |
| DenseLayer | 24 | (8) |
| TanhActivation | 0 | (8) |
| DenseLayer | 9 | (1) |
| SigmoidActivation | 0 | (1) |
Total Parameters:33
Epoch: 0/500. loss:0.158388 acc:0.5000 Time: 44 ms
Epoch: 100/500. loss:0.032223 acc:1.0000 Time: 49 ms
Epoch: 200/500. loss:0.015373 acc:1.0000 Time: 52 ms
Epoch: 300/500. loss:0.009219 acc:1.0000 Time: 55 ms
Epoch: 400/500. loss:0.006284 acc:1.0000 Time: 58 ms
Epoch: 500/500. loss:0.004645 acc:1.0000 Time: 61 ms
Time:61 ms
[0 0] = [0] -> 0.059674
[0 1] = [1] -> 0.900352
[1 0] = [1] -> 0.900713
[1 1] = [0] -> 0.117075
This is perhaps the best known database to be found in the pattern recognition literature. Fisher's paper is a classic in the field and is referenced frequently to this day. (See Duda & Hart, for example.) The data set contains 3 classes of 50 instances each, where each class refers to a type of iris plant. One class is linearly separable from the other 2; the latter are NOT linearly separable from each other.
Source :
Example of MLP network.
(var trainX, var trainY, var testX, var testY) = ImportDataset.IrisDataset<float>(ratio: 0.8);
var net = new Network<float>(new SGD<float>(0.025f, 0.2f), new MeanSquaredLoss<float>(), new ArgmaxAccuracy<float>());
net.AddLayer(new DenseLayer<float>(5, inputShape: 4));
net.AddLayer(new TanhLayer<float>());
net.AddLayer(new DenseLayer<float>(3));
net.AddLayer(new SigmoidLayer<float>());
net.Fit(trainX, trainY, epochs: 50, batchSize: 10, displayEpochs: 10);
net.Test(testX, testY);
Hello World, MLP on Iris Dataset.
Train on 120 / Test on 30
Network: SGD / MeanSquaredLoss / ArgmaxAccuracy
| Layer | Parameters | Output |
| InputLayer | 0 | (4) |
| DenseLayer | 25 | (5) |
| TanhActivation | 0 | (5) |
| DenseLayer | 18 | (3) |
| SigmoidActivation | 0 | (3) |
Total Parameters:43
Epoch: 0/50. loss:0.118216 acc:0.3833 Time: 48 ms
Epoch: 10/50. loss:0.060735 acc:0.7583 Time: 54 ms
Epoch: 20/50. loss:0.052951 acc:0.8333 Time: 59 ms
Epoch: 30/50. loss:0.048401 acc:0.9583 Time: 64 ms
Epoch: 40/50. loss:0.044606 acc:0.9417 Time: 68 ms
Epoch: 50/50. loss:0.040406 acc:0.9500 Time: 73 ms
Time:73 ms
Test. loss:0.036146 acc:1.0000
This dataset is made up of 1797 8x8 images. Each image is of a hand-written digit.
Source :
Example of MLP network.
(var trainX, var trainY, var testX, var testY) = ImportDataset.DigitsDataset<float>(ratio: 0.9);
var net = new Network<float>(new SGD<float>(0.025f, 0.2f), new CrossEntropyLoss<float>(), new ArgmaxAccuracy<float>());
net.AddLayer(new DenseLayer<float>(32, inputShape: 64));
net.AddLayer(new SigmoidLayer<float>());
net.AddLayer(new DenseLayer<float>(10));
net.AddLayer(new SoftmaxLayer<float>());
net.Fit(trainX, trainY, testX, testY, epochs: 50, batchSize: 100, displayEpochs: 10);
Hello World, MLP on Digits Dataset.
Train on 1617 / Test on 180
Network: SGD / CrossEntropyLoss / ArgmaxAccuracy
| Layer | Parameters | Output |
| InputLayer | 0 | (64) |
| DenseLayer | 2080 | (32) |
| SigmoidActivation | 0 | (32) |
| DenseLayer | 330 | (10) |
| SoftmaxActivation | 0 | (10) |
Total Parameters:2410
Epoch: 0/50. loss:0.269325 acc:0.4194; Validation. loss:0.194694 acc:0.5944 Time: 55 ms
Epoch: 10/50. loss:0.020807 acc:0.9756; Validation. loss:0.048198 acc:0.9056 Time: 186 ms
Epoch: 20/50. loss:0.012417 acc:0.9856; Validation. loss:0.036307 acc:0.9389 Time: 310 ms
Epoch: 30/50. loss:0.008853 acc:0.9919; Validation. loss:0.036102 acc:0.9278 Time: 481 ms
Epoch: 40/50. loss:0.006138 acc:0.9963; Validation. loss:0.032928 acc:0.9444 Time: 674 ms
Epoch: 50/50. loss:0.004598 acc:0.9981; Validation. loss:0.032193 acc:0.9444 Time: 864 ms
Time:864 ms