- store and manage access to shared secrets
apt install age
opam install . --deps-only --with-dev-setup
Building the project
make build
Running tests
make test
# or
make promote
Running linting
make fmt
Multi-line secrets with comments:
<empty line>
possibly several lines of comments
without empty lines
<empty line>
secret until end of file
Multi-line secrets without comments:
<empty line>
<empty line>
secret until end of file
Single-line secrets with comments:
single-line secret
<empty line>
comments until end of file
Single-line secrets without comments:
single-line secret
The rationale for why we have 2 distinct secret formats for multi-line and single-line secrets (and not just multi-line secrets) is mainly for backward compatibility reasons since most of the existing secrets are of the "single-line secret" format.
passage get [-c, --clip] [-l, --line=LINE] [-q, --qrcode] [-s, --singleline] SECRET_NAME
- Outputs the content of the text of the secret in
, excluding comments
passage secret [-c, --clip] [-l, --line=LINE] [-q, --qrcode] [-s, --singleline] SECRET_NAME
- An alias of
passage get
passage cat [-c, --clip] [-l, --line=LINE] [-q, --qrcode] SECRET_NAME
- Outputs the whole content of the secret in
, including comments
passage show SECRET_NAME
- Outputs the whole content of the secret in
, including comments. Behaves differently when used with PATHs, please check below.
passage template TEMPLATE_FILE [TARGET_FILE]
by substituting all secrets inTEMPLATE_FILE
Secrets in
are denoted with the following format{{{subdir/secret_name}}}
. In particular, note the following:- Three opening and closing braces
- No leading and trailing whitespaces before and after
must start with an alphanumeric character (either lowercase or uppercase), followed by 0 or more alphanumeric characters, underscores, hyphens, slashes, or dots (reference:
Example when substituting a single-line secret:
$ cat template_file { "non_secret_config1": "hello", "sendgrid_api_key": "{{{sendgrid_api_key}}}", "non_secret_config2": "bye", } $ passage get sendgrid_api_key thesupersecretkey the above is the sendgrid api key! $ passage template template_file { "non_secret_config1": "hello", "sendgrid_api_key": "thesupersecretkey", "non_secret_config2": "bye", }
Example when substituting a multi-line secret:
$ cat template_file foo{{{multiline_secret}}}bar $ passage get multiline_secret comment_line 1 comment_line 2 secret_line 1 secret_line 2 $ passage template template_file target_file $ cat target_file foosecret_line 1 secret_line 2bar
passage subst [TEMPLATE_ARG]
- similar to passage template, but you pass in a string template and the result is output to stdout
$ passage secret test/secret unbelievable stuff $ passage subst "This secret is {{{test/secret}}}" This secret is unbelievable stuff
passage template-secrets [TEMPLATE_FILE]
- returns a list of sorted secrets identified in that template file per the parse format
- secrets are not checked for existence
Secrets' recipients are specified in the .keys
file in the immediately containing folder. The first time a folder is used, passage will create this file. If no recipients are specified, it falls back to the caller as the sole recipient based on the file referenced by $PASSAGE_IDENTITY
Recipients are not inherited from containing (parent) folders. Recipients in a folder can only be increased when added by the existing recipients.
All secrets in a given folder must share the same set of recipients.
passage edit-who SECRET_NAME
- edit the recipients for the specified secret (and path).
passage new SECRET_NAME
- Interactive secret creation using
and prompts. - Can only be used in interactive shell
passage create SECRET_NAME
- Creates a secret using contents from standard input. Use Ctrl+d twice to signal end of input.
- Can pipe from another command into
passage create
. E.g.:
$ echo "secret" | passage create secret_folder/secret
passage edit SECRET_NAME
- Interactive editing of
- Can only be used in interactive shell
passage replace SECRET_NAME
- Replaces
's secret with the user input and keeps the comments. Use Ctrl+d twice to signal end of input. - If you use
on a secret that doesn't exist, it creates a new secret without comments (only in folders where the user is already a recipient)
passage rm [--force] [--verbose] SECRET_NAME / passage delete [--force] [--verbose] SECRET_NAME
- Deletes
path - If
is the only secret in that folder, passage deletes the whole folder
passage list [PATH]
/ passage ls [PATH]
- Recursively list all secrets in
passage search PATTERN [PATH]
- List all secrets in
containing contents matchingPATTERN
passage show [PATH]
- Recursively list all secrets in
in a tree-like format - Will work the same way as
when used with secret names instead of a PATH. Doesn't take any arguments or flags
passage refresh [PATH]
- Re-encrypts all secrets in
per the recipients in the corresponding .keys file
passage who [PATH]
- List all recipients of secrets in
passage what RECIPIENT_NAME
- List all secrets that
has access to
- Overrides the default
- Overrides the default
keys directory.
- Overrides the default
secrets directory.
- Overrides the default identity
file that will be used bypassage
- Overrides the default X selection to use when clipping to clipboard.
Allowed values are
, orclipboard
- Overrides the default clip time. Specified in seconds.
passage healthcheck
- checks for issues with secrets, and for directories without
passage realpath [--verbose] [PATH]
- show the full filesystem path to secrets/folders