This is a compilations of ASM/editions for vSRO (1.188) that you'll need to change in order to use the DLL correctly.
0x6E = 110
008A99A2 | 80FB 6E | cmp bl,6E | Level Up limit
0069C7C8 | 3C 6E | cmp al,6E | Mastery Limit
0073940E | 6A 6E | push 6E | Party Match
00739453 | 6A 6E | push 6E | Party Match
0073AFAE | 6A 6E | push 6E | Party Match
0073B013 | 6A 6E | push 6E | Party Match
0073B030 | 6A 6E | push 6E | Party Match
0073FA4C | 6A 6E | push 6E | Party Match
0073FAAF | 6A 6E | push 6E | Party Match
0073FACC | 6A 6E | push 6E | Party Match
0x02540BE3FF = 9999999999 (9.99b)
005DF9DE | 6A 02 | push 2 |
005DF9E0 | 68 FFE30B54 | push 540BE3FF |
005EA683 | 6A 02 | push 2 |
005EA685 | 68 FFE30B54 | push 540BE3FF |
006B2003 | 6A 02 | push 2 |
006B2005 | 68 FFE30B54 | push 540BE3FF |
006BA765 | 6A 02 | push 2 |
006BA767 | 68 FFE30B54 | push 540BE3FF |
0xA = 10
00645688 | 3C 0A | cmp al,A | Show message
00797E21 | 3C 0A | cmp al,A | Unlock action
Fill with NOPs the following instruction to show the beginner mark always.
009DED3D | 0F84 9E000000 | je sro_client.9DEDE1 |
0x14A = 330, 0xDC = 220
006A51BC | BF 4A010000 | mov edi,14A | Chinese
006AA4C3 | BE 4A010000 | mov esi,14A | Chinese
006A5197 | 3D F0000000 | cmp eax,DC | European
006A51A2 | BF F0000000 | mov edi,DC | European
006AA498 | 3D F0000000 | cmp eax,DC | European
006AA4A3 | BE F0000000 | mov esi,DC | European
00D8C438 0F 00 00 00 | Level 1 = 0x0000000F = 15
00D8C43C 14 00 00 00 | Level 2 = 0x00000014 = 20
00D8C440 19 00 00 00 | Level 3 = 0x00000019 = 25
00D8C444 23 00 00 00 | Level 4 = 0x00000023 = 35
00D8C448 32 00 00 00 | Level 5 = 0x00000032 = 50
Similar values used with old guild UI probably
00D92388 0F 00 00 00 | Level 1 = 0x0000000F = 15
00D9238C 14 00 00 00 | Level 2 = 0x00000014 = 20
00D92390 19 00 00 00 | Level 3 = 0x00000019 = 25
00D92394 23 00 00 00 | Level 4 = 0x00000023 = 35
00D92398 32 00 00 00 | Level 5 = 0x00000032 = 50
0x0C = 12
005AC538 | 3C 0C | cmp al,0C |
0x04 = 4
0085DE67 | 80BE 2C010000 04 | cmp byte ptr ds:[esi+12C],4 |
It requires also to edit the value from procedure _AddNewChar
IF (@temp >= 4) -- 4 chars per account