A xcrun simctl API server built in Swift + Vapor. Currently under development.
- Requires XCode 13.x+
- Requires Homebrew
- Install Vapor -
brew install vapor
- Run application -
vapor run
- Can be run via terminal or Xcode build scripts
- Default base address is:
- Postman collection provided for testing endpoints Collection
- Get Postman Postman
- App informationPOST /boot/:device
(simctl boot :device
) - Boot simulatorPOST /clone/:devicename/:newdevicename
(simctl clone :devicename :newdevicename
) - Clone simulatorPOST /create/:name/:devicetype
(simctl create :name :devicetype
) - Create simulator with specified devicetypePOST /create/:name/:devicetype/?runtime=
(simctl create :name :devicetype runtime
) - Create simulator with specified devicetype and runtimePOST /delete?devices={name,name2}
(simctl delete name name2
) - Delete one or more simulators by name (comma separated)POST /delete/:device
(simctl delete :device
) - Erase single devicePOST /delete/all
(simctl delete all
) - Delete all simulatorsPOST /delete/unavailable
(simctl delete unavailable
) - Delete all unavailable simulatorsPOST /erase?devices={name,name2}
(simctl erase name name2
) - Erase one or more simulators by name (comma separated)POST /erase/:device
(simctl erase :device
) - Erase single devicePOST /erase/all
(simctl erase all
) - Erase all simulatorsGET /list
(simctl list
) - list all devices, device types, pairs, and runtimesGET /list/devices
(simctl list devices
) - list devicesGET /list/devicetypes
(simctl list devicetypes
) - list device typesGET /list/pairs
(simctl list pairs
) - list device pairsGET /list/runtimes
(simctl list runtimes
) - list runtimesPOST /openurl/:device
(simctl openurl :device :url
) - Open URL on deviceGET /ping
- Verify healthy serverPOST /rename/:devicename/:newdevicename
(simctl rename :devicename :newdevicename
) - Rename simulatorPOST /shutdown/:device
(simctl shutdown :device
) - Shutdown simulatorPOST /shutdown/all
(simctl shutdown all
) - Shutdown all simulators
Project currently under development
addmedia Add photos, live photos, videos, or contacts to the library of a device
addphoto Add photo
addvideo Add video
Complete - appinfo Show application information
Complete - boot Boot a device
bootstatus Device boot status
Complete - create Create a new device
Complete - clone Clone an existing device
darwinup Install a root for the specified simulator runtime
Complete - delete Delete spcified devices, unavailable devices, or all devices
Skip - diagnose Collect diagnostic information and logs
Skip - disk Perform disk/volume operations
Complete - erase Erase a device's contents and settings
get_app_container Print the path of the installed app's container
getenv Print an environment variable from a running device
help Prints the usage for a given subcommand
icloud_sync Trigger iCloud sync on a device
install Install an app on a device
io Set up a device IO operation
keyboard Specify keyboard locale
keychain Manipulate a device's keychain
launch Launch an application by identifier on a device
Complete - list List available devices, device types, runtimes, or device pairs
listapps List applications on device
logverbose enable or disable verbose logging for a device
monitor Print notifications as they are detected
notify_get_state Get the state value of a darwin notification on a device
notify_post Post a darwin notification on a device
notify_set_state Set the state value of a darwin notification on a device
Complete - openurl Open a URL in a device
pair Create a new watch and phone pair
pair_activate Set a given pair as active
pbcopy Copy standard input onto the device pasteboard
pbinfo pasteboard information
pbpaste Print the contents of the device's pasteboard to standard output
pbsync Sync the pasteboard content from one pasteboard to another
privacy Grant, revoke, or reset privacy and permissions
push Send a simulated push notification
register Register a service from one bootstrap into another
Complete - rename Rename a device
reset Reset launch subsystems
runtime Locate, copy, mount, and unmount simulator runtime disk images
Complete - shutdown Shutdown a device
spawn Spawn a process by executing a given executable on a device
status_bar Set or clear status bar overrides
terminate Terminate an application by identifier on a device
ui Get or Set UI options
uninstall Uninstall an app from a device
unpair Unpair a watch and phone pair
unregister Unregister a service from a device's bootstrap
upgrade Upgrade a device to a newer runtime
- add search term query- Implement GET endpoints
- Implement Post (string data) endpoints
- Implement "Upload" endpoints
- Add Log file handling
- Add Homebrew forumula
- Add Swift Package Manager support
- Add Open simulator automation (AppleScript)
- Add dummy iOS app to test functionality
- Add Simulator configuration manipulation