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Mariusz Kumor edited this page Nov 17, 2016 · 4 revisions


  • I'm getting "[ERROR] bower angular-svg-round-progressbar#0.3.8 ENOGIT git is not installed or not in the PATH when try start abixen-platform-modules". Why?

    You are getting this error, because you don't have installed git or your configuration of path (on Windows) is default. On Windows you should have in the path two variables "\Git\cmd" (is default) and "\Git\bin" (it isn't default). Add the not default variable and it should work. Please remember if you are changing the path when your IDE is running then you need to restart IDE.

  • Abixen Platform Gateway can't save data in Redis.

    Please run the Redis server with the administrator privileges.

  • I did some many good works on the front-end side in the abixen-platform-web-client and I lost it.

    Probably, you are working in "resource/static" folder. This folder is the target of the grunt build task. Every change should be done in the "web" folder. Files from this folder will be auto built to the "static" folder

  • I'm getting InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: ERR Unsupported CONFIG parameter: notify-keyspace-events; nested exception is redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException:

    You are getting this error, because you have installed the redis server in version lower then 2.8. Please upgrade your redis server and try again.