diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50a4c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+name: Bug Report
+about: Create a report to help us improve
+title: "fix: "
+labels: bug
+A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
+**Steps To Reproduce**
+1. Go to '...'
+2. Click on '....'
+3. Scroll down to '....'
+4. See error
+**Expected Behavior**
+A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
+If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
+**Additional Context**
+Add any other context about the problem here.
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/build.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/build.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cf8e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/build.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+name: Build System
+about: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
+title: "build: "
+labels: build
+Describe what changes need to be done to the build system and why.
+- [ ] The build system is passing
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/chore.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/chore.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..498ebfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/chore.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+name: Chore
+about: Other changes that don't modify src or test files
+title: "chore: "
+labels: chore
+Clearly describe what change is needed and why. If this changes code then please use another issue type.
+- [ ] No functional changes to the code
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ci.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ci.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa2dd9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ci.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+name: Continuous Integration
+about: Changes to the CI configuration files and scripts
+title: "ci: "
+labels: ci
+Describe what changes need to be done to the ci/cd system and why.
+- [ ] The ci system is passing
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec4bb38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+blank_issues_enabled: false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/documentation.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/documentation.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f494a4d
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+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/documentation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+name: Documentation
+about: Improve the documentation so all collaborators have a common understanding
+title: "docs: "
+labels: documentation
+Clearly describe what documentation you are looking to add or improve.
+- [ ] Requirements go here
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddd2fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+name: Feature Request
+about: A new feature to be added to the project
+title: "feat: "
+labels: feature
+Clearly describe what you are looking to add. The more context the better.
+- [ ] Checklist of requirements to be fulfilled
+**Additional Context**
+Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request go here.
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/performance.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/performance.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..699b8d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/performance.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+name: Performance Update
+about: A code change that improves performance
+title: "perf: "
+labels: performance
+Clearly describe what code needs to be changed and what the performance impact is going to be. Bonus point's if you can tie this directly to user experience.
+- [ ] There is no drop in test coverage.
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/refactor.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/refactor.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1626c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/refactor.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+name: Refactor
+about: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
+title: "refactor: "
+labels: refactor
+Clearly describe what needs to be refactored and why. Please provide links to related issues (bugs or upcoming features) in order to help prioritize.
+- [ ] There is no drop in test coverage.
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/revert.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/revert.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d121dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/revert.md
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+name: Revert Commit
+about: Reverts a previous commit
+title: "revert: "
+labels: revert
+Provide a link to a PR/Commit that you are looking to revert and why.
+- [ ] Change has been reverted
+- [ ] No change in test coverage has happened
+- [ ] A new ticket is created for any follow on work that needs to happen
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/style.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/style.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02244a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/style.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+name: Style Changes
+about: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
+title: "style: "
+labels: style
+Clearly describe what you are looking to change and why.
+- [ ] There is no drop in test coverage.
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/test.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/test.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..431a7ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/test.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+name: Test
+about: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
+title: "test: "
+labels: test
+List out the tests that need to be added or changed. Please also include any information as to why this was not covered in the past.
+- [ ] There is no drop in test coverage.
diff --git a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1169936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+## Status
+## Description
+## Type of Change
+- [ ] โจ New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
+- [ ] ๐ ๏ธ Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
+- [ ] โ Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
+- [ ] ๐งน Code refactor
+- [ ] โ
Build configuration change
+- [ ] ๐ Documentation
+- [ ] ๐๏ธ Chore
diff --git a/.github/cspell.json b/.github/cspell.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11525a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/cspell.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "version": "0.2",
+ "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/streetsidesoftware/cspell/main/cspell.schema.json",
+ "dictionaries": ["vgv_allowed", "vgv_forbidden"],
+ "dictionaryDefinitions": [
+ {
+ "name": "vgv_allowed",
+ "path": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verygoodopensource/very_good_dictionaries/main/allowed.txt",
+ "description": "Allowed VGV Spellings"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "vgv_forbidden",
+ "path": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verygoodopensource/very_good_dictionaries/main/forbidden.txt",
+ "description": "Forbidden VGV Spellings"
+ }
+ ],
+ "useGitignore": true,
+ "words": [
+ "instantly_sdk"
+ ]
diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yaml b/.github/dependabot.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63b035c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/dependabot.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+version: 2
+enable-beta-ecosystems: true
+ - package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
+ directory: "/"
+ schedule:
+ interval: "daily"
+ - package-ecosystem: "pub"
+ directory: "/"
+ schedule:
+ interval: "daily"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yaml b/.github/workflows/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7146c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+name: ci
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
+ cancel-in-progress: true
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - main
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - main
+ semantic_pull_request:
+ uses: VeryGoodOpenSource/very_good_workflows/.github/workflows/semantic_pull_request.yml@v1
+ spell-check:
+ uses: VeryGoodOpenSource/very_good_workflows/.github/workflows/spell_check.yml@v1
+ with:
+ includes: "**/*.md"
+ modified_files_only: false
+ build:
+ uses: VeryGoodOpenSource/very_good_workflows/.github/workflows/dart_package.yml@v1
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..526da15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# See https://www.dartlang.org/guides/libraries/private-files
+# Files and directories created by pub
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78bd725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Instantly Sdk
+[![style: very good analysis][very_good_analysis_badge]][very_good_analysis_link]
+[![Powered by Mason](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fmason-badge)](https://github.com/felangel/mason)
+[![License: MIT][license_badge]][license_link]
+A Very Good Project created by Very Good CLI.
+## Installation ๐ป
+**โ In order to start using Instantly Sdk you must have the [Dart SDK][dart_install_link] installed on your machine.**
+Install via `dart pub add`:
+dart pub add instantly_sdk
+## Continuous Integration ๐ค
+Instantly Sdk comes with a built-in [GitHub Actions workflow][github_actions_link] powered by [Very Good Workflows][very_good_workflows_link] but you can also add your preferred CI/CD solution.
+Out of the box, on each pull request and push, the CI `formats`, `lints`, and `tests` the code. This ensures the code remains consistent and behaves correctly as you add functionality or make changes. The project uses [Very Good Analysis][very_good_analysis_link] for a strict set of analysis options used by our team. Code coverage is enforced using the [Very Good Workflows][very_good_coverage_link].
+## Running Tests ๐งช
+To run all unit tests:
+dart pub global activate coverage 1.2.0
+dart test --coverage=coverage
+dart pub global run coverage:format_coverage --lcov --in=coverage --out=coverage/lcov.info
+To view the generated coverage report you can use [lcov](https://github.com/linux-test-project/lcov).
+# Generate Coverage Report
+genhtml coverage/lcov.info -o coverage/
+# Open Coverage Report
+open coverage/index.html
+[dart_install_link]: https://dart.dev/get-dart
+[github_actions_link]: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions
+[license_badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg
+[license_link]: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+[logo_black]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VGVentures/very_good_brand/main/styles/README/vgv_logo_black.png#gh-light-mode-only
+[logo_white]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VGVentures/very_good_brand/main/styles/README/vgv_logo_white.png#gh-dark-mode-only
+[mason_link]: https://github.com/felangel/mason
+[very_good_analysis_badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/style-very_good_analysis-B22C89.svg
+[very_good_analysis_link]: https://pub.dev/packages/very_good_analysis
+[very_good_coverage_link]: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/very-good-coverage
+[very_good_ventures_link]: https://verygood.ventures
+[very_good_ventures_link_light]: https://verygood.ventures#gh-light-mode-only
+[very_good_ventures_link_dark]: https://verygood.ventures#gh-dark-mode-only
+[very_good_workflows_link]: https://github.com/VeryGoodOpenSource/very_good_workflows
diff --git a/analysis_options.yaml b/analysis_options.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..799268d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis_options.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+include: package:very_good_analysis/analysis_options.5.1.0.yaml
diff --git a/coverage_badge.svg b/coverage_badge.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..499e98c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/coverage_badge.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ coverage
+ coverage
+ 100%
+ 100%
diff --git a/lib/instantly_sdk.dart b/lib/instantly_sdk.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd0f59c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/instantly_sdk.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+/// A Very Good Project created by Very Good CLI.
+library instantly_sdk_dart;
+export 'src/instantly_api_client.dart';
+export 'src/models/instantly_models.dart';
diff --git a/lib/src/instantly_api_client.dart b/lib/src/instantly_api_client.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba2fad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/instantly_api_client.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
+import 'package:instantly_sdk/instantly_sdk.dart';
+/// A client that calls endpoints in the Instantly API.
+class InstantlyApiClient {
+ /// Creates a new InstantlyApiClient to call the Instantly API.
+ ///
+ /// [apiKey] is the API key used to authenticate with the Instantly API.
+ /// You can find yours at https://app.instantly.ai/app/settings/integrations
+ InstantlyApiClient({
+ required String apiKey,
+ }) : _apiKey = apiKey,
+ _dio = Dio(
+ BaseOptions(
+ baseUrl: '$_baseUrl$_apiVersion',
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ },
+ queryParameters: {
+ 'api_key': apiKey,
+ },
+ ),
+ );
+ static const _baseUrl = 'https://api.instantly.ai/api/';
+ static const _apiVersion = 'v1';
+ final Dio _dio;
+ final String _apiKey;
+ /// Lists all campaigns in the Instantly API.
+ Future> listCampaigns({String? skip, String? limit}) async {
+ final response = await _dio.get>(
+ '/campaign/list',
+ queryParameters: {
+ 'skip': skip,
+ 'limit': limit,
+ },
+ );
+ if (response.data == null) {
+ // TODO(@a-wallen): throw a custom exception
+ return [];
+ }
+ return response.data!
+ .map((e) => Campaign.fromJson(e as Map))
+ .toList();
+ }
+ /// Creates a new campaign in the Instantly API.
+ Future getCampaignName({required String campaignId}) async {
+ final response = await _dio.get>(
+ '/campaign/get/name',
+ queryParameters: {
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ },
+ );
+ if (response.data == null) {
+ // TODO(@a-wallen): throw a custom exception
+ return null;
+ }
+ return Campaign.fromJson(response.data!);
+ }
+ /// Gets the status of a campaign in the Instantly API.
+ Future getCampaignStatus({required String campaignId}) async {
+ final response = await _dio.get>(
+ '/campaign/get/status',
+ queryParameters: {
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ },
+ );
+ if (response.data == null) {
+ // TODO(@a-wallen): throw a custom exception
+ return null;
+ }
+ return Campaign.fromJson(response.data!);
+ }
+ /// Sets the name of a campaign in the Instantly API.
+ Future setCampaignName({
+ required String campaignId,
+ required String newName,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post('/campaign/set/name', data: {
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ 'name': newName,
+ });
+ }
+ /// Gets the accounts that are sending emails for a campaign in the
+ /// Instantly API.
+ Future getCampaignAccounts({
+ required String campaignId,
+ }) async {
+ final response = await _dio.get>(
+ '/campaign/get/accounts',
+ queryParameters: {
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ },
+ );
+ return Campaign(
+ id: campaignId,
+ accounts: response.data?.map((e) => Account(email: e)).toList(),
+ );
+ }
+ /// Sets the accounts that are sending emails for a campaign in the
+ /// Instantly API.
+ Future setCampaignAccounts({
+ required String campaignId,
+ required List accounts,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post('/campaign/set/accounts', data: {
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ 'account_list': accounts,
+ });
+ }
+ /// Adds an account to the list of accounts sending emails for a campaign in
+ /// the Instantly API.
+ Future addSendingAccount({
+ required String campaignId,
+ required String email,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post(
+ '/campaign/add/account',
+ data: {
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ 'email': email,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ /// Removes an account from the list of accounts sending emails for a campaign
+ /// in the Instantly API.
+ Future removeSendingAccount({
+ required String campaignId,
+ required String email,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post(
+ '/campaign/remove/account',
+ data: {
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ 'email': email,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ /// Gets the schedules for a campaign in the Instantly API.
+ Future setCampaignSchedule({
+ required String campaignId,
+ required Schedule schedule,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post('/campaign/set/schedules', data: {
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ 'schedules': [schedule.toJson()], // Assuming Schedule is a model class
+ });
+ }
+ /// Launches a campaign in the Instantly API.
+ Future launchCampaign({
+ required String campaignId,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post('/campaign/launch', data: {
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ });
+ }
+ /// Pauses a campaign in the Instantly API.
+ Future pauseCampaign({
+ required String campaignId,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post('/campaign/pause', data: {
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ });
+ }
+ /// Gets the summary of a campaign in the Instantly API.
+ Future getCampaignSummary({
+ required String campaignId,
+ }) async {
+ final response = await _dio.get>(
+ '/analytics/campaign/summary',
+ queryParameters: {
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ },
+ );
+ if (response.data == null) {
+ // TODO(@a-wallen): throw a custom exception
+ return null;
+ }
+ return CampaignSummary.fromJson(response.data!);
+ }
+ /// Gets the counts for a campaign in the Instantly API.
+ Future> getCampaignCounts({
+ String? campaignId,
+ String? startDate,
+ String? endDate,
+ }) async {
+ final response = await _dio.get>(
+ '/analytics/campaign/count',
+ queryParameters: {
+ if (campaignId != null) 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ 'start_date': startDate,
+ 'end_date': endDate,
+ },
+ );
+ if (response.data == null) {
+ // TODO(@a-wallen): throw a custom exception
+ return [];
+ }
+ return (response.data!)
+ .map((e) => CampaignCount.fromJson(e as Map))
+ .toList();
+ }
+ /// Gets the leads for a campaign in the Instantly API.
+ Future addLeadsToCampaign({
+ required String campaignId,
+ List leads = const [],
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post(
+ '/lead/add',
+ data: {
+ 'api_key': _apiKey,
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ 'leads': leads.map((lead) => lead.toJson()).toList(),
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ /// Gets the leads for a campaign in the Instantly API.
+ Future getOrSearchLead({
+ required String email,
+ String? campaignId,
+ }) async {
+ final response = await _dio.get>(
+ '/lead/get',
+ queryParameters: {
+ 'api_key': _apiKey,
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ 'email': email,
+ },
+ );
+ if (response.data == null) {
+ // TODO(@a-wallen): throw a custom exception
+ return null;
+ }
+ return Lead.fromJson(response.data!);
+ }
+ /// Gets the leads for a campaign in the Instantly API.
+ Future deleteLeadsFromCampaign({
+ required String campaignId,
+ List emails = const [],
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post(
+ '/lead/delete',
+ data: {
+ 'api_key': _apiKey,
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ 'delete_list': emails,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ /// Gets the leads for a campaign in the Instantly API.
+ Future updateLeadStatus({
+ required String campaignId,
+ required String email,
+ required String newStatus,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post(
+ '/lead/update/status',
+ data: {
+ 'api_key': _apiKey,
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ 'email': email,
+ 'new_status': newStatus,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ /// Updates the variables for a lead in the Instantly API.
+ Future updateLeadVariables({
+ required String campaignId,
+ required String email,
+ required Map variables,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post(
+ '/lead/data/update',
+ data: {
+ 'api_key': _apiKey,
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ 'email': email,
+ 'variables': variables,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ /// Adds an email or domain to the blocklist for a campaign in the Instantly
+ Future addToBlocklist({
+ required String campaignId,
+ required String emailOrDomain,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post(
+ '/blocklist/add',
+ data: {
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ 'item': emailOrDomain, // Assuming the API expects a single item to add
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ /// Removes an email or domain from the blocklist for a campaign in the
+ /// Instantly API.
+ Future removeFromBlocklist({
+ required String campaignId,
+ required String emailOrDomain,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post(
+ '/blocklist/remove',
+ data: {
+ 'campaign_id': campaignId,
+ 'item':
+ emailOrDomain, // Assuming the API uses a similar payload structure for removal
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ /// Lists all accounts in the Instantly API.
+ Future> listAccounts({
+ int? limit,
+ int? skip,
+ }) async {
+ final response = await _dio.get>(
+ '/account/list',
+ queryParameters: {
+ 'limit': limit,
+ 'skip': skip,
+ },
+ );
+ if (response.data == null) {
+ /// TODO(@a-wallen): throw a custom exception
+ return [];
+ }
+ return response.data!
+ .map((e) => Account.fromJson(e as Map))
+ .toList();
+ }
+ /// Gets the vitals for an account in the Instantly API.
+ Future checkAccountVitals({
+ List accounts = const [],
+ }) async {
+ final response = await _dio.post>(
+ '/account/test/vitals',
+ data: {
+ 'accounts': accounts,
+ },
+ );
+ // TODO(a-wallen): Handle errors
+ return AccountVitals.fromJson(response.data!);
+ }
+ /// Gets the status of an account in the Instantly API.
+ Future getAccountStatus({
+ required String email,
+ }) async {
+ final response = await _dio.get>(
+ '/account/status',
+ queryParameters: {'email': email},
+ );
+ if (response.data == null) {
+ // TODO(@a-wallen): throw a custom exception
+ return null;
+ }
+ return AccountStatus.fromJson(response.data!);
+ }
+ /// Enables the warmup process for an account in the Instantly API.
+ Future enableWarmup({
+ required String email,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post(
+ '/account/warmup/enable',
+ data: {'email': email},
+ );
+ }
+ /// Disables the warmup status of an account in the Instantly API.
+ Future pauseWarmup({
+ required String email,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post(
+ '/account/warmup/pause',
+ data: {'email': email},
+ );
+ }
+ /// Marks an account as fixed in the Instantly API.
+ Future markAccountAsFixed({
+ String? email,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post(
+ '/account/mark_fixed',
+ data: {
+ if (email != null) 'email': email,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ /// Deletes an account from the Instantly API.
+ Future deleteAccount({
+ required String email,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post(
+ '/account/delete',
+ data: {'email': email},
+ );
+ }
+ /// Lists all emails in the Instantly API.
+ Future> listEmails() async {
+ final response = await _dio.get>(
+ '/unibox/emails/',
+ queryParameters: {
+ 'api_key': _apiKey,
+ },
+ );
+ if (response.data == null) {
+ // TODO(@a-wallen): throw a custom exception
+ return [];
+ }
+ return response.data!
+ .map((e) => Email.fromJson(e as Map))
+ .toList();
+ }
+ /// Counts the unread emails in the Instantly API.
+ Future countUnreadEmails() async {
+ final response = await _dio.get>(
+ '/unibox/emails/count/unread',
+ queryParameters: {
+ 'api_key': _apiKey,
+ },
+ );
+ if (response.data == null) {
+ // TODO(@a-wallen): throw a custom exception
+ return null;
+ }
+ return response.data?['count'] as int?;
+ }
+ /// Marks an email as read in the Instantly API.
+ Future markThreadAsRead({
+ required String threadId,
+ }) async {
+ await _dio.post(
+ '/unibox/threads/$threadId/mark-as-read',
+ data: {
+ 'api_key': _apiKey,
+ },
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/lib/src/models/account.dart b/lib/src/models/account.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0903276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/account.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
+part 'account.freezed.dart';
+part 'account.g.dart';
+/// An account that can be used to send emails.
+class Account with _$Account {
+ /// Default constructor for the account.
+ const factory Account({
+ required String email,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created') DateTime? timestampCreated,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_updated') DateTime? timestampUpdated,
+ String? status,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status') String? warmupStatus,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_host') String? imapHost,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_port') int? imapPort,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_host') String? smtpHost,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_port') String? smtpPort,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'daily_limit') int? dailyLimit,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'sending_gap') String? sendingGap,
+ // Add additional fields as necessary
+ }) = _Account;
+ /// Create an account from a JSON object.
+ factory Account.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$AccountFromJson(json);
diff --git a/lib/src/models/account.freezed.dart b/lib/src/models/account.freezed.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abd3d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/account.freezed.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+// coverage:ignore-file
+// ignore_for_file: type=lint
+// ignore_for_file: unused_element, deprecated_member_use, deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters, unnecessary_const, avoid_init_to_null, invalid_override_different_default_values_named, prefer_expression_function_bodies, annotate_overrides, invalid_annotation_target, unnecessary_question_mark
+part of 'account.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// FreezedGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+T _$identity(T value) => value;
+final _privateConstructorUsedError = UnsupportedError(
+ 'It seems like you constructed your class using `MyClass._()`. This constructor is only meant to be used by freezed and you are not supposed to need it nor use it.\nPlease check the documentation here for more information: https://github.com/rrousselGit/freezed#adding-getters-and-methods-to-our-models');
+Account _$AccountFromJson(Map json) {
+ return _Account.fromJson(json);
+/// @nodoc
+mixin _$Account {
+ String get email => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created')
+ DateTime? get timestampCreated => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_updated')
+ DateTime? get timestampUpdated => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ String? get status => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status')
+ String? get warmupStatus => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_host')
+ String? get imapHost => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_port')
+ int? get imapPort => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_host')
+ String? get smtpHost => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_port')
+ String? get smtpPort => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'daily_limit')
+ int? get dailyLimit => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'sending_gap')
+ String? get sendingGap => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ $AccountCopyWith get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class $AccountCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory $AccountCopyWith(Account value, $Res Function(Account) then) =
+ _$AccountCopyWithImpl<$Res, Account>;
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {String email,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created') DateTime? timestampCreated,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_updated') DateTime? timestampUpdated,
+ String? status,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status') String? warmupStatus,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_host') String? imapHost,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_port') int? imapPort,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_host') String? smtpHost,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_port') String? smtpPort,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'daily_limit') int? dailyLimit,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'sending_gap') String? sendingGap});
+/// @nodoc
+class _$AccountCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends Account>
+ implements $AccountCopyWith<$Res> {
+ _$AccountCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Val _value;
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Res Function($Val) _then;
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? email = null,
+ Object? timestampCreated = freezed,
+ Object? timestampUpdated = freezed,
+ Object? status = freezed,
+ Object? warmupStatus = freezed,
+ Object? imapHost = freezed,
+ Object? imapPort = freezed,
+ Object? smtpHost = freezed,
+ Object? smtpPort = freezed,
+ Object? dailyLimit = freezed,
+ Object? sendingGap = freezed,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_value.copyWith(
+ email: null == email
+ ? _value.email
+ : email // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ timestampCreated: freezed == timestampCreated
+ ? _value.timestampCreated
+ : timestampCreated // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as DateTime?,
+ timestampUpdated: freezed == timestampUpdated
+ ? _value.timestampUpdated
+ : timestampUpdated // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as DateTime?,
+ status: freezed == status
+ ? _value.status
+ : status // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ warmupStatus: freezed == warmupStatus
+ ? _value.warmupStatus
+ : warmupStatus // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ imapHost: freezed == imapHost
+ ? _value.imapHost
+ : imapHost // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ imapPort: freezed == imapPort
+ ? _value.imapPort
+ : imapPort // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ smtpHost: freezed == smtpHost
+ ? _value.smtpHost
+ : smtpHost // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ smtpPort: freezed == smtpPort
+ ? _value.smtpPort
+ : smtpPort // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ dailyLimit: freezed == dailyLimit
+ ? _value.dailyLimit
+ : dailyLimit // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ sendingGap: freezed == sendingGap
+ ? _value.sendingGap
+ : sendingGap // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ ) as $Val);
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class _$$AccountImplCopyWith<$Res> implements $AccountCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory _$$AccountImplCopyWith(
+ _$AccountImpl value, $Res Function(_$AccountImpl) then) =
+ __$$AccountImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>;
+ @override
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {String email,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created') DateTime? timestampCreated,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_updated') DateTime? timestampUpdated,
+ String? status,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status') String? warmupStatus,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_host') String? imapHost,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_port') int? imapPort,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_host') String? smtpHost,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_port') String? smtpPort,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'daily_limit') int? dailyLimit,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'sending_gap') String? sendingGap});
+/// @nodoc
+class __$$AccountImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>
+ extends _$AccountCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$AccountImpl>
+ implements _$$AccountImplCopyWith<$Res> {
+ __$$AccountImplCopyWithImpl(
+ _$AccountImpl _value, $Res Function(_$AccountImpl) _then)
+ : super(_value, _then);
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? email = null,
+ Object? timestampCreated = freezed,
+ Object? timestampUpdated = freezed,
+ Object? status = freezed,
+ Object? warmupStatus = freezed,
+ Object? imapHost = freezed,
+ Object? imapPort = freezed,
+ Object? smtpHost = freezed,
+ Object? smtpPort = freezed,
+ Object? dailyLimit = freezed,
+ Object? sendingGap = freezed,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_$AccountImpl(
+ email: null == email
+ ? _value.email
+ : email // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ timestampCreated: freezed == timestampCreated
+ ? _value.timestampCreated
+ : timestampCreated // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as DateTime?,
+ timestampUpdated: freezed == timestampUpdated
+ ? _value.timestampUpdated
+ : timestampUpdated // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as DateTime?,
+ status: freezed == status
+ ? _value.status
+ : status // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ warmupStatus: freezed == warmupStatus
+ ? _value.warmupStatus
+ : warmupStatus // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ imapHost: freezed == imapHost
+ ? _value.imapHost
+ : imapHost // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ imapPort: freezed == imapPort
+ ? _value.imapPort
+ : imapPort // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ smtpHost: freezed == smtpHost
+ ? _value.smtpHost
+ : smtpHost // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ smtpPort: freezed == smtpPort
+ ? _value.smtpPort
+ : smtpPort // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ dailyLimit: freezed == dailyLimit
+ ? _value.dailyLimit
+ : dailyLimit // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ sendingGap: freezed == sendingGap
+ ? _value.sendingGap
+ : sendingGap // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ ));
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+class _$AccountImpl implements _Account {
+ const _$AccountImpl(
+ {required this.email,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created') this.timestampCreated,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_updated') this.timestampUpdated,
+ this.status,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status') this.warmupStatus,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_host') this.imapHost,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_port') this.imapPort,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_host') this.smtpHost,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_port') this.smtpPort,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'daily_limit') this.dailyLimit,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'sending_gap') this.sendingGap});
+ factory _$AccountImpl.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$$AccountImplFromJson(json);
+ @override
+ final String email;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created')
+ final DateTime? timestampCreated;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_updated')
+ final DateTime? timestampUpdated;
+ @override
+ final String? status;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status')
+ final String? warmupStatus;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_host')
+ final String? imapHost;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_port')
+ final int? imapPort;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_host')
+ final String? smtpHost;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_port')
+ final String? smtpPort;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'daily_limit')
+ final int? dailyLimit;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'sending_gap')
+ final String? sendingGap;
+ @override
+ String toString() {
+ return 'Account(email: $email, timestampCreated: $timestampCreated, timestampUpdated: $timestampUpdated, status: $status, warmupStatus: $warmupStatus, imapHost: $imapHost, imapPort: $imapPort, smtpHost: $smtpHost, smtpPort: $smtpPort, dailyLimit: $dailyLimit, sendingGap: $sendingGap)';
+ }
+ @override
+ bool operator ==(Object other) {
+ return identical(this, other) ||
+ (other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
+ other is _$AccountImpl &&
+ (identical(other.email, email) || other.email == email) &&
+ (identical(other.timestampCreated, timestampCreated) ||
+ other.timestampCreated == timestampCreated) &&
+ (identical(other.timestampUpdated, timestampUpdated) ||
+ other.timestampUpdated == timestampUpdated) &&
+ (identical(other.status, status) || other.status == status) &&
+ (identical(other.warmupStatus, warmupStatus) ||
+ other.warmupStatus == warmupStatus) &&
+ (identical(other.imapHost, imapHost) ||
+ other.imapHost == imapHost) &&
+ (identical(other.imapPort, imapPort) ||
+ other.imapPort == imapPort) &&
+ (identical(other.smtpHost, smtpHost) ||
+ other.smtpHost == smtpHost) &&
+ (identical(other.smtpPort, smtpPort) ||
+ other.smtpPort == smtpPort) &&
+ (identical(other.dailyLimit, dailyLimit) ||
+ other.dailyLimit == dailyLimit) &&
+ (identical(other.sendingGap, sendingGap) ||
+ other.sendingGap == sendingGap));
+ }
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ int get hashCode => Object.hash(
+ runtimeType,
+ email,
+ timestampCreated,
+ timestampUpdated,
+ status,
+ warmupStatus,
+ imapHost,
+ imapPort,
+ smtpHost,
+ smtpPort,
+ dailyLimit,
+ sendingGap);
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ _$$AccountImplCopyWith<_$AccountImpl> get copyWith =>
+ __$$AccountImplCopyWithImpl<_$AccountImpl>(this, _$identity);
+ @override
+ Map toJson() {
+ return _$$AccountImplToJson(
+ this,
+ );
+ }
+abstract class _Account implements Account {
+ const factory _Account(
+ {required final String email,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created') final DateTime? timestampCreated,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_updated') final DateTime? timestampUpdated,
+ final String? status,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status') final String? warmupStatus,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_host') final String? imapHost,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_port') final int? imapPort,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_host') final String? smtpHost,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_port') final String? smtpPort,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'daily_limit') final int? dailyLimit,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'sending_gap') final String? sendingGap}) = _$AccountImpl;
+ factory _Account.fromJson(Map json) = _$AccountImpl.fromJson;
+ @override
+ String get email;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created')
+ DateTime? get timestampCreated;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_updated')
+ DateTime? get timestampUpdated;
+ @override
+ String? get status;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status')
+ String? get warmupStatus;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_host')
+ String? get imapHost;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'imap_port')
+ int? get imapPort;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_host')
+ String? get smtpHost;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'smtp_port')
+ String? get smtpPort;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'daily_limit')
+ int? get dailyLimit;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'sending_gap')
+ String? get sendingGap;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ _$$AccountImplCopyWith<_$AccountImpl> get copyWith =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
diff --git a/lib/src/models/account.g.dart b/lib/src/models/account.g.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52e2de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/account.g.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+part of 'account.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// JsonSerializableGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+_$AccountImpl _$$AccountImplFromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$AccountImpl(
+ email: json['email'] as String,
+ timestampCreated: json['timestamp_created'] == null
+ ? null
+ : DateTime.parse(json['timestamp_created'] as String),
+ timestampUpdated: json['timestamp_updated'] == null
+ ? null
+ : DateTime.parse(json['timestamp_updated'] as String),
+ status: json['status'] as String?,
+ warmupStatus: json['warmup_status'] as String?,
+ imapHost: json['imap_host'] as String?,
+ imapPort: json['imap_port'] as int?,
+ smtpHost: json['smtp_host'] as String?,
+ smtpPort: json['smtp_port'] as String?,
+ dailyLimit: json['daily_limit'] as int?,
+ sendingGap: json['sending_gap'] as String?,
+ );
+Map _$$AccountImplToJson(_$AccountImpl instance) =>
+ {
+ 'email': instance.email,
+ 'timestamp_created': instance.timestampCreated?.toIso8601String(),
+ 'timestamp_updated': instance.timestampUpdated?.toIso8601String(),
+ 'status': instance.status,
+ 'warmup_status': instance.warmupStatus,
+ 'imap_host': instance.imapHost,
+ 'imap_port': instance.imapPort,
+ 'smtp_host': instance.smtpHost,
+ 'smtp_port': instance.smtpPort,
+ 'daily_limit': instance.dailyLimit,
+ 'sending_gap': instance.sendingGap,
+ };
diff --git a/lib/src/models/account_status.dart b/lib/src/models/account_status.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11c4735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/account_status.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
+part 'account_status.freezed.dart';
+part 'account_status.g.dart';
+class AccountStatus with _$AccountStatus {
+ const factory AccountStatus({
+ required String account,
+ required String status,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status') required String warmupStatus,
+ }) = _AccountStatus;
+ factory AccountStatus.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$AccountStatusFromJson(json);
diff --git a/lib/src/models/account_status.freezed.dart b/lib/src/models/account_status.freezed.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f7e6bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/account_status.freezed.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// coverage:ignore-file
+// ignore_for_file: type=lint
+// ignore_for_file: unused_element, deprecated_member_use, deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters, unnecessary_const, avoid_init_to_null, invalid_override_different_default_values_named, prefer_expression_function_bodies, annotate_overrides, invalid_annotation_target, unnecessary_question_mark
+part of 'account_status.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// FreezedGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+T _$identity(T value) => value;
+final _privateConstructorUsedError = UnsupportedError(
+ 'It seems like you constructed your class using `MyClass._()`. This constructor is only meant to be used by freezed and you are not supposed to need it nor use it.\nPlease check the documentation here for more information: https://github.com/rrousselGit/freezed#adding-getters-and-methods-to-our-models');
+AccountStatus _$AccountStatusFromJson(Map json) {
+ return _AccountStatus.fromJson(json);
+/// @nodoc
+mixin _$AccountStatus {
+ String get account => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ String get status => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status')
+ String get warmupStatus => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ $AccountStatusCopyWith get copyWith =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class $AccountStatusCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory $AccountStatusCopyWith(
+ AccountStatus value, $Res Function(AccountStatus) then) =
+ _$AccountStatusCopyWithImpl<$Res, AccountStatus>;
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {String account,
+ String status,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status') String warmupStatus});
+/// @nodoc
+class _$AccountStatusCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends AccountStatus>
+ implements $AccountStatusCopyWith<$Res> {
+ _$AccountStatusCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Val _value;
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Res Function($Val) _then;
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? account = null,
+ Object? status = null,
+ Object? warmupStatus = null,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_value.copyWith(
+ account: null == account
+ ? _value.account
+ : account // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ status: null == status
+ ? _value.status
+ : status // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ warmupStatus: null == warmupStatus
+ ? _value.warmupStatus
+ : warmupStatus // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ ) as $Val);
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class _$$AccountStatusImplCopyWith<$Res>
+ implements $AccountStatusCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory _$$AccountStatusImplCopyWith(
+ _$AccountStatusImpl value, $Res Function(_$AccountStatusImpl) then) =
+ __$$AccountStatusImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>;
+ @override
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {String account,
+ String status,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status') String warmupStatus});
+/// @nodoc
+class __$$AccountStatusImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>
+ extends _$AccountStatusCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$AccountStatusImpl>
+ implements _$$AccountStatusImplCopyWith<$Res> {
+ __$$AccountStatusImplCopyWithImpl(
+ _$AccountStatusImpl _value, $Res Function(_$AccountStatusImpl) _then)
+ : super(_value, _then);
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? account = null,
+ Object? status = null,
+ Object? warmupStatus = null,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_$AccountStatusImpl(
+ account: null == account
+ ? _value.account
+ : account // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ status: null == status
+ ? _value.status
+ : status // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ warmupStatus: null == warmupStatus
+ ? _value.warmupStatus
+ : warmupStatus // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ ));
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+class _$AccountStatusImpl implements _AccountStatus {
+ const _$AccountStatusImpl(
+ {required this.account,
+ required this.status,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status') required this.warmupStatus});
+ factory _$AccountStatusImpl.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$$AccountStatusImplFromJson(json);
+ @override
+ final String account;
+ @override
+ final String status;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status')
+ final String warmupStatus;
+ @override
+ String toString() {
+ return 'AccountStatus(account: $account, status: $status, warmupStatus: $warmupStatus)';
+ }
+ @override
+ bool operator ==(Object other) {
+ return identical(this, other) ||
+ (other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
+ other is _$AccountStatusImpl &&
+ (identical(other.account, account) || other.account == account) &&
+ (identical(other.status, status) || other.status == status) &&
+ (identical(other.warmupStatus, warmupStatus) ||
+ other.warmupStatus == warmupStatus));
+ }
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, account, status, warmupStatus);
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ _$$AccountStatusImplCopyWith<_$AccountStatusImpl> get copyWith =>
+ __$$AccountStatusImplCopyWithImpl<_$AccountStatusImpl>(this, _$identity);
+ @override
+ Map toJson() {
+ return _$$AccountStatusImplToJson(
+ this,
+ );
+ }
+abstract class _AccountStatus implements AccountStatus {
+ const factory _AccountStatus(
+ {required final String account,
+ required final String status,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status') required final String warmupStatus}) =
+ _$AccountStatusImpl;
+ factory _AccountStatus.fromJson(Map json) =
+ _$AccountStatusImpl.fromJson;
+ @override
+ String get account;
+ @override
+ String get status;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'warmup_status')
+ String get warmupStatus;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ _$$AccountStatusImplCopyWith<_$AccountStatusImpl> get copyWith =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
diff --git a/lib/src/models/account_status.g.dart b/lib/src/models/account_status.g.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dba6bb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/account_status.g.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+part of 'account_status.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// JsonSerializableGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+_$AccountStatusImpl _$$AccountStatusImplFromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$AccountStatusImpl(
+ account: json['account'] as String,
+ status: json['status'] as String,
+ warmupStatus: json['warmup_status'] as String,
+ );
+Map _$$AccountStatusImplToJson(_$AccountStatusImpl instance) =>
+ {
+ 'account': instance.account,
+ 'status': instance.status,
+ 'warmup_status': instance.warmupStatus,
+ };
diff --git a/lib/src/models/account_vitals.dart b/lib/src/models/account_vitals.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e78b26a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/account_vitals.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
+part 'account_vitals.freezed.dart';
+part 'account_vitals.g.dart';
+/// The vitals of an account.
+class AccountVitals with _$AccountVitals {
+ /// Default constructor for the account vitals.
+ const factory AccountVitals({
+ required String status,
+ required List successList,
+ required List failureList,
+ }) = _AccountVitals;
+ /// Create account vitals from a JSON object.
+ factory AccountVitals.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$AccountVitalsFromJson(json);
+/// The vitals of an account.
+class VitalStatus with _$VitalStatus {
+ /// Default constructor for the vital status.
+ const factory VitalStatus({
+ required String domain,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'allPass') required bool allPass,
+ required bool mx,
+ required bool spf,
+ required dynamic
+ dkim, // Use dynamic to accommodate both boolean and string values
+ required bool dmarc,
+ }) = _VitalStatus;
+ /// Create vital status from a JSON object.
+ factory VitalStatus.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$VitalStatusFromJson(json);
diff --git a/lib/src/models/account_vitals.freezed.dart b/lib/src/models/account_vitals.freezed.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fff2a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/account_vitals.freezed.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+// coverage:ignore-file
+// ignore_for_file: type=lint
+// ignore_for_file: unused_element, deprecated_member_use, deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters, unnecessary_const, avoid_init_to_null, invalid_override_different_default_values_named, prefer_expression_function_bodies, annotate_overrides, invalid_annotation_target, unnecessary_question_mark
+part of 'account_vitals.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// FreezedGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+T _$identity(T value) => value;
+final _privateConstructorUsedError = UnsupportedError(
+ 'It seems like you constructed your class using `MyClass._()`. This constructor is only meant to be used by freezed and you are not supposed to need it nor use it.\nPlease check the documentation here for more information: https://github.com/rrousselGit/freezed#adding-getters-and-methods-to-our-models');
+AccountVitals _$AccountVitalsFromJson(Map json) {
+ return _AccountVitals.fromJson(json);
+/// @nodoc
+mixin _$AccountVitals {
+ String get status => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ List get successList => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ List get failureList => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ $AccountVitalsCopyWith get copyWith =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class $AccountVitalsCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory $AccountVitalsCopyWith(
+ AccountVitals value, $Res Function(AccountVitals) then) =
+ _$AccountVitalsCopyWithImpl<$Res, AccountVitals>;
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {String status,
+ List successList,
+ List failureList});
+/// @nodoc
+class _$AccountVitalsCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends AccountVitals>
+ implements $AccountVitalsCopyWith<$Res> {
+ _$AccountVitalsCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Val _value;
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Res Function($Val) _then;
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? status = null,
+ Object? successList = null,
+ Object? failureList = null,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_value.copyWith(
+ status: null == status
+ ? _value.status
+ : status // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ successList: null == successList
+ ? _value.successList
+ : successList // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List,
+ failureList: null == failureList
+ ? _value.failureList
+ : failureList // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List,
+ ) as $Val);
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class _$$AccountVitalsImplCopyWith<$Res>
+ implements $AccountVitalsCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory _$$AccountVitalsImplCopyWith(
+ _$AccountVitalsImpl value, $Res Function(_$AccountVitalsImpl) then) =
+ __$$AccountVitalsImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>;
+ @override
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {String status,
+ List successList,
+ List failureList});
+/// @nodoc
+class __$$AccountVitalsImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>
+ extends _$AccountVitalsCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$AccountVitalsImpl>
+ implements _$$AccountVitalsImplCopyWith<$Res> {
+ __$$AccountVitalsImplCopyWithImpl(
+ _$AccountVitalsImpl _value, $Res Function(_$AccountVitalsImpl) _then)
+ : super(_value, _then);
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? status = null,
+ Object? successList = null,
+ Object? failureList = null,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_$AccountVitalsImpl(
+ status: null == status
+ ? _value.status
+ : status // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ successList: null == successList
+ ? _value._successList
+ : successList // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List,
+ failureList: null == failureList
+ ? _value._failureList
+ : failureList // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List,
+ ));
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+class _$AccountVitalsImpl implements _AccountVitals {
+ const _$AccountVitalsImpl(
+ {required this.status,
+ required final List successList,
+ required final List failureList})
+ : _successList = successList,
+ _failureList = failureList;
+ factory _$AccountVitalsImpl.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$$AccountVitalsImplFromJson(json);
+ @override
+ final String status;
+ final List _successList;
+ @override
+ List get successList {
+ if (_successList is EqualUnmodifiableListView) return _successList;
+ // ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
+ return EqualUnmodifiableListView(_successList);
+ }
+ final List _failureList;
+ @override
+ List get failureList {
+ if (_failureList is EqualUnmodifiableListView) return _failureList;
+ // ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
+ return EqualUnmodifiableListView(_failureList);
+ }
+ @override
+ String toString() {
+ return 'AccountVitals(status: $status, successList: $successList, failureList: $failureList)';
+ }
+ @override
+ bool operator ==(Object other) {
+ return identical(this, other) ||
+ (other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
+ other is _$AccountVitalsImpl &&
+ (identical(other.status, status) || other.status == status) &&
+ const DeepCollectionEquality()
+ .equals(other._successList, _successList) &&
+ const DeepCollectionEquality()
+ .equals(other._failureList, _failureList));
+ }
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ int get hashCode => Object.hash(
+ runtimeType,
+ status,
+ const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_successList),
+ const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_failureList));
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ _$$AccountVitalsImplCopyWith<_$AccountVitalsImpl> get copyWith =>
+ __$$AccountVitalsImplCopyWithImpl<_$AccountVitalsImpl>(this, _$identity);
+ @override
+ Map toJson() {
+ return _$$AccountVitalsImplToJson(
+ this,
+ );
+ }
+abstract class _AccountVitals implements AccountVitals {
+ const factory _AccountVitals(
+ {required final String status,
+ required final List successList,
+ required final List failureList}) = _$AccountVitalsImpl;
+ factory _AccountVitals.fromJson(Map json) =
+ _$AccountVitalsImpl.fromJson;
+ @override
+ String get status;
+ @override
+ List get successList;
+ @override
+ List get failureList;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ _$$AccountVitalsImplCopyWith<_$AccountVitalsImpl> get copyWith =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+VitalStatus _$VitalStatusFromJson(Map json) {
+ return _VitalStatus.fromJson(json);
+/// @nodoc
+mixin _$VitalStatus {
+ String get domain => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'allPass')
+ bool get allPass => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ bool get mx => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ bool get spf => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ dynamic get dkim =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError; // Use dynamic to accommodate both boolean and string values
+ bool get dmarc => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ $VitalStatusCopyWith get copyWith =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class $VitalStatusCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory $VitalStatusCopyWith(
+ VitalStatus value, $Res Function(VitalStatus) then) =
+ _$VitalStatusCopyWithImpl<$Res, VitalStatus>;
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {String domain,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'allPass') bool allPass,
+ bool mx,
+ bool spf,
+ dynamic dkim,
+ bool dmarc});
+/// @nodoc
+class _$VitalStatusCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends VitalStatus>
+ implements $VitalStatusCopyWith<$Res> {
+ _$VitalStatusCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Val _value;
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Res Function($Val) _then;
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? domain = null,
+ Object? allPass = null,
+ Object? mx = null,
+ Object? spf = null,
+ Object? dkim = freezed,
+ Object? dmarc = null,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_value.copyWith(
+ domain: null == domain
+ ? _value.domain
+ : domain // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ allPass: null == allPass
+ ? _value.allPass
+ : allPass // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as bool,
+ mx: null == mx
+ ? _value.mx
+ : mx // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as bool,
+ spf: null == spf
+ ? _value.spf
+ : spf // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as bool,
+ dkim: freezed == dkim
+ ? _value.dkim
+ : dkim // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as dynamic,
+ dmarc: null == dmarc
+ ? _value.dmarc
+ : dmarc // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as bool,
+ ) as $Val);
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class _$$VitalStatusImplCopyWith<$Res>
+ implements $VitalStatusCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory _$$VitalStatusImplCopyWith(
+ _$VitalStatusImpl value, $Res Function(_$VitalStatusImpl) then) =
+ __$$VitalStatusImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>;
+ @override
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {String domain,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'allPass') bool allPass,
+ bool mx,
+ bool spf,
+ dynamic dkim,
+ bool dmarc});
+/// @nodoc
+class __$$VitalStatusImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>
+ extends _$VitalStatusCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$VitalStatusImpl>
+ implements _$$VitalStatusImplCopyWith<$Res> {
+ __$$VitalStatusImplCopyWithImpl(
+ _$VitalStatusImpl _value, $Res Function(_$VitalStatusImpl) _then)
+ : super(_value, _then);
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? domain = null,
+ Object? allPass = null,
+ Object? mx = null,
+ Object? spf = null,
+ Object? dkim = freezed,
+ Object? dmarc = null,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_$VitalStatusImpl(
+ domain: null == domain
+ ? _value.domain
+ : domain // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ allPass: null == allPass
+ ? _value.allPass
+ : allPass // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as bool,
+ mx: null == mx
+ ? _value.mx
+ : mx // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as bool,
+ spf: null == spf
+ ? _value.spf
+ : spf // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as bool,
+ dkim: freezed == dkim
+ ? _value.dkim
+ : dkim // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as dynamic,
+ dmarc: null == dmarc
+ ? _value.dmarc
+ : dmarc // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as bool,
+ ));
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+class _$VitalStatusImpl implements _VitalStatus {
+ const _$VitalStatusImpl(
+ {required this.domain,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'allPass') required this.allPass,
+ required this.mx,
+ required this.spf,
+ required this.dkim,
+ required this.dmarc});
+ factory _$VitalStatusImpl.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$$VitalStatusImplFromJson(json);
+ @override
+ final String domain;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'allPass')
+ final bool allPass;
+ @override
+ final bool mx;
+ @override
+ final bool spf;
+ @override
+ final dynamic dkim;
+// Use dynamic to accommodate both boolean and string values
+ @override
+ final bool dmarc;
+ @override
+ String toString() {
+ return 'VitalStatus(domain: $domain, allPass: $allPass, mx: $mx, spf: $spf, dkim: $dkim, dmarc: $dmarc)';
+ }
+ @override
+ bool operator ==(Object other) {
+ return identical(this, other) ||
+ (other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
+ other is _$VitalStatusImpl &&
+ (identical(other.domain, domain) || other.domain == domain) &&
+ (identical(other.allPass, allPass) || other.allPass == allPass) &&
+ (identical(other.mx, mx) || other.mx == mx) &&
+ (identical(other.spf, spf) || other.spf == spf) &&
+ const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.dkim, dkim) &&
+ (identical(other.dmarc, dmarc) || other.dmarc == dmarc));
+ }
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, domain, allPass, mx, spf,
+ const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(dkim), dmarc);
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ _$$VitalStatusImplCopyWith<_$VitalStatusImpl> get copyWith =>
+ __$$VitalStatusImplCopyWithImpl<_$VitalStatusImpl>(this, _$identity);
+ @override
+ Map toJson() {
+ return _$$VitalStatusImplToJson(
+ this,
+ );
+ }
+abstract class _VitalStatus implements VitalStatus {
+ const factory _VitalStatus(
+ {required final String domain,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'allPass') required final bool allPass,
+ required final bool mx,
+ required final bool spf,
+ required final dynamic dkim,
+ required final bool dmarc}) = _$VitalStatusImpl;
+ factory _VitalStatus.fromJson(Map json) =
+ _$VitalStatusImpl.fromJson;
+ @override
+ String get domain;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'allPass')
+ bool get allPass;
+ @override
+ bool get mx;
+ @override
+ bool get spf;
+ @override
+ dynamic get dkim;
+ @override // Use dynamic to accommodate both boolean and string values
+ bool get dmarc;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ _$$VitalStatusImplCopyWith<_$VitalStatusImpl> get copyWith =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
diff --git a/lib/src/models/account_vitals.g.dart b/lib/src/models/account_vitals.g.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f186652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/account_vitals.g.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+part of 'account_vitals.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// JsonSerializableGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+_$AccountVitalsImpl _$$AccountVitalsImplFromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$AccountVitalsImpl(
+ status: json['status'] as String,
+ successList: (json['successList'] as List)
+ .map((e) => VitalStatus.fromJson(e as Map))
+ .toList(),
+ failureList: (json['failureList'] as List)
+ .map((e) => VitalStatus.fromJson(e as Map))
+ .toList(),
+ );
+Map _$$AccountVitalsImplToJson(_$AccountVitalsImpl instance) =>
+ {
+ 'status': instance.status,
+ 'successList': instance.successList,
+ 'failureList': instance.failureList,
+ };
+_$VitalStatusImpl _$$VitalStatusImplFromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$VitalStatusImpl(
+ domain: json['domain'] as String,
+ allPass: json['allPass'] as bool,
+ mx: json['mx'] as bool,
+ spf: json['spf'] as bool,
+ dkim: json['dkim'],
+ dmarc: json['dmarc'] as bool,
+ );
+Map _$$VitalStatusImplToJson(_$VitalStatusImpl instance) =>
+ {
+ 'domain': instance.domain,
+ 'allPass': instance.allPass,
+ 'mx': instance.mx,
+ 'spf': instance.spf,
+ 'dkim': instance.dkim,
+ 'dmarc': instance.dmarc,
+ };
diff --git a/lib/src/models/campaign.dart b/lib/src/models/campaign.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e42b376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/campaign.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// campaign.dart
+import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
+import 'package:instantly_sdk/instantly_sdk.dart';
+part 'campaign.freezed.dart';
+part 'campaign.g.dart';
+/// A campaign in the Instantly API.
+class Campaign with _$Campaign {
+ /// Default constructor for the campaign.
+ const factory Campaign({
+ required String id,
+ String? name,
+ String? status,
+ List? accounts,
+ }) = _Campaign;
+ /// Create a campaign from a JSON object.
+ factory Campaign.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$CampaignFromJson(json);
+/// An extension for the campaign model.
+extension CampaignExtension on Campaign {
+ /// Since Instantly has a weird design, use this function if
+ /// you got the campaign's status or accounts first and then
+ /// want to get the name.
+ Future getName(InstantlyApiClient client) async {
+ // If the name is already set, return a copy of the campaign.
+ if (name != null) return copyWith();
+ // If the name is not set, get the campaign from the API.
+ final campaign = await client.getCampaignName(campaignId: id);
+ return copyWith(name: campaign?.name);
+ }
+ /// Since Instantly has a weird design, use this function if
+ /// you got the campaign's name or accounts first and then
+ /// want to get the status.
+ Future getStatus(InstantlyApiClient client) async {
+ // If the status is already set, return a copy of the campaign.
+ if (status != null) return copyWith();
+ // If the status is not set, get the campaign from the API.
+ final campaign = await client.getCampaignStatus(campaignId: id);
+ return copyWith(status: campaign?.status);
+ }
+ /// Since Instantly has a weird design, use this function if
+ /// you got the campaign's name or status first and then
+ /// want to get the accounts.
+ Future getAccounts(InstantlyApiClient client) async {
+ // If the accounts are already set, return a copy of the campaign.
+ if (accounts != null) return copyWith();
+ // If the accounts are not set, get the campaign from the API.
+ final campaign = await client.getCampaignAccounts(campaignId: id);
+ return copyWith(accounts: campaign.accounts);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/src/models/campaign.freezed.dart b/lib/src/models/campaign.freezed.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97c5abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/campaign.freezed.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+// coverage:ignore-file
+// ignore_for_file: type=lint
+// ignore_for_file: unused_element, deprecated_member_use, deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters, unnecessary_const, avoid_init_to_null, invalid_override_different_default_values_named, prefer_expression_function_bodies, annotate_overrides, invalid_annotation_target, unnecessary_question_mark
+part of 'campaign.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// FreezedGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+T _$identity(T value) => value;
+final _privateConstructorUsedError = UnsupportedError(
+ 'It seems like you constructed your class using `MyClass._()`. This constructor is only meant to be used by freezed and you are not supposed to need it nor use it.\nPlease check the documentation here for more information: https://github.com/rrousselGit/freezed#adding-getters-and-methods-to-our-models');
+Campaign _$CampaignFromJson(Map json) {
+ return _Campaign.fromJson(json);
+/// @nodoc
+mixin _$Campaign {
+ String get id => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ String? get name => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ String? get status => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ List? get accounts => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ $CampaignCopyWith get copyWith =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class $CampaignCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory $CampaignCopyWith(Campaign value, $Res Function(Campaign) then) =
+ _$CampaignCopyWithImpl<$Res, Campaign>;
+ @useResult
+ $Res call({String id, String? name, String? status, List? accounts});
+/// @nodoc
+class _$CampaignCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends Campaign>
+ implements $CampaignCopyWith<$Res> {
+ _$CampaignCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Val _value;
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Res Function($Val) _then;
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? id = null,
+ Object? name = freezed,
+ Object? status = freezed,
+ Object? accounts = freezed,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_value.copyWith(
+ id: null == id
+ ? _value.id
+ : id // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ name: freezed == name
+ ? _value.name
+ : name // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ status: freezed == status
+ ? _value.status
+ : status // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ accounts: freezed == accounts
+ ? _value.accounts
+ : accounts // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List?,
+ ) as $Val);
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class _$$CampaignImplCopyWith<$Res>
+ implements $CampaignCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory _$$CampaignImplCopyWith(
+ _$CampaignImpl value, $Res Function(_$CampaignImpl) then) =
+ __$$CampaignImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>;
+ @override
+ @useResult
+ $Res call({String id, String? name, String? status, List? accounts});
+/// @nodoc
+class __$$CampaignImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>
+ extends _$CampaignCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$CampaignImpl>
+ implements _$$CampaignImplCopyWith<$Res> {
+ __$$CampaignImplCopyWithImpl(
+ _$CampaignImpl _value, $Res Function(_$CampaignImpl) _then)
+ : super(_value, _then);
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? id = null,
+ Object? name = freezed,
+ Object? status = freezed,
+ Object? accounts = freezed,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_$CampaignImpl(
+ id: null == id
+ ? _value.id
+ : id // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ name: freezed == name
+ ? _value.name
+ : name // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ status: freezed == status
+ ? _value.status
+ : status // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ accounts: freezed == accounts
+ ? _value._accounts
+ : accounts // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List?,
+ ));
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+class _$CampaignImpl implements _Campaign {
+ const _$CampaignImpl(
+ {required this.id, this.name, this.status, final List? accounts})
+ : _accounts = accounts;
+ factory _$CampaignImpl.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$$CampaignImplFromJson(json);
+ @override
+ final String id;
+ @override
+ final String? name;
+ @override
+ final String? status;
+ final List? _accounts;
+ @override
+ List? get accounts {
+ final value = _accounts;
+ if (value == null) return null;
+ if (_accounts is EqualUnmodifiableListView) return _accounts;
+ // ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
+ return EqualUnmodifiableListView(value);
+ }
+ @override
+ String toString() {
+ return 'Campaign(id: $id, name: $name, status: $status, accounts: $accounts)';
+ }
+ @override
+ bool operator ==(Object other) {
+ return identical(this, other) ||
+ (other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
+ other is _$CampaignImpl &&
+ (identical(other.id, id) || other.id == id) &&
+ (identical(other.name, name) || other.name == name) &&
+ (identical(other.status, status) || other.status == status) &&
+ const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other._accounts, _accounts));
+ }
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, id, name, status,
+ const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_accounts));
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ _$$CampaignImplCopyWith<_$CampaignImpl> get copyWith =>
+ __$$CampaignImplCopyWithImpl<_$CampaignImpl>(this, _$identity);
+ @override
+ Map toJson() {
+ return _$$CampaignImplToJson(
+ this,
+ );
+ }
+abstract class _Campaign implements Campaign {
+ const factory _Campaign(
+ {required final String id,
+ final String? name,
+ final String? status,
+ final List? accounts}) = _$CampaignImpl;
+ factory _Campaign.fromJson(Map json) =
+ _$CampaignImpl.fromJson;
+ @override
+ String get id;
+ @override
+ String? get name;
+ @override
+ String? get status;
+ @override
+ List? get accounts;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ _$$CampaignImplCopyWith<_$CampaignImpl> get copyWith =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
diff --git a/lib/src/models/campaign.g.dart b/lib/src/models/campaign.g.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b623bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/campaign.g.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+part of 'campaign.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// JsonSerializableGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+_$CampaignImpl _$$CampaignImplFromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$CampaignImpl(
+ id: json['id'] as String,
+ name: json['name'] as String?,
+ status: json['status'] as String?,
+ accounts: (json['accounts'] as List?)
+ ?.map((e) => Account.fromJson(e as Map))
+ .toList(),
+ );
+Map _$$CampaignImplToJson(_$CampaignImpl instance) =>
+ {
+ 'id': instance.id,
+ 'name': instance.name,
+ 'status': instance.status,
+ 'accounts': instance.accounts,
+ };
diff --git a/lib/src/models/campaign_count.dart b/lib/src/models/campaign_count.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e4dde6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/campaign_count.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
+part 'campaign_count.freezed.dart';
+part 'campaign_count.g.dart';
+class CampaignCount with _$CampaignCount {
+ const factory CampaignCount({
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') required String campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name') String? campaignName,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_emails_sent') int? totalEmailsSent,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'emails_read') int? emailsRead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'new_leads_contacted') int? newLeadsContacted,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_replied') int? leadsReplied,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_read') int? leadsRead,
+ }) = _CampaignCount;
+ factory CampaignCount.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$CampaignCountFromJson(json);
diff --git a/lib/src/models/campaign_count.freezed.dart b/lib/src/models/campaign_count.freezed.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1c279b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/campaign_count.freezed.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+// coverage:ignore-file
+// ignore_for_file: type=lint
+// ignore_for_file: unused_element, deprecated_member_use, deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters, unnecessary_const, avoid_init_to_null, invalid_override_different_default_values_named, prefer_expression_function_bodies, annotate_overrides, invalid_annotation_target, unnecessary_question_mark
+part of 'campaign_count.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// FreezedGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+T _$identity(T value) => value;
+final _privateConstructorUsedError = UnsupportedError(
+ 'It seems like you constructed your class using `MyClass._()`. This constructor is only meant to be used by freezed and you are not supposed to need it nor use it.\nPlease check the documentation here for more information: https://github.com/rrousselGit/freezed#adding-getters-and-methods-to-our-models');
+CampaignCount _$CampaignCountFromJson(Map json) {
+ return _CampaignCount.fromJson(json);
+/// @nodoc
+mixin _$CampaignCount {
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id')
+ String get campaignId => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name')
+ String? get campaignName => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_emails_sent')
+ int? get totalEmailsSent => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'emails_read')
+ int? get emailsRead => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'new_leads_contacted')
+ int? get newLeadsContacted => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_replied')
+ int? get leadsReplied => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_read')
+ int? get leadsRead => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ $CampaignCountCopyWith get copyWith =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class $CampaignCountCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory $CampaignCountCopyWith(
+ CampaignCount value, $Res Function(CampaignCount) then) =
+ _$CampaignCountCopyWithImpl<$Res, CampaignCount>;
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {@JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') String campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name') String? campaignName,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_emails_sent') int? totalEmailsSent,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'emails_read') int? emailsRead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'new_leads_contacted') int? newLeadsContacted,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_replied') int? leadsReplied,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_read') int? leadsRead});
+/// @nodoc
+class _$CampaignCountCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends CampaignCount>
+ implements $CampaignCountCopyWith<$Res> {
+ _$CampaignCountCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Val _value;
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Res Function($Val) _then;
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? campaignId = null,
+ Object? campaignName = freezed,
+ Object? totalEmailsSent = freezed,
+ Object? emailsRead = freezed,
+ Object? newLeadsContacted = freezed,
+ Object? leadsReplied = freezed,
+ Object? leadsRead = freezed,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_value.copyWith(
+ campaignId: null == campaignId
+ ? _value.campaignId
+ : campaignId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ campaignName: freezed == campaignName
+ ? _value.campaignName
+ : campaignName // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ totalEmailsSent: freezed == totalEmailsSent
+ ? _value.totalEmailsSent
+ : totalEmailsSent // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ emailsRead: freezed == emailsRead
+ ? _value.emailsRead
+ : emailsRead // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ newLeadsContacted: freezed == newLeadsContacted
+ ? _value.newLeadsContacted
+ : newLeadsContacted // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ leadsReplied: freezed == leadsReplied
+ ? _value.leadsReplied
+ : leadsReplied // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ leadsRead: freezed == leadsRead
+ ? _value.leadsRead
+ : leadsRead // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ ) as $Val);
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class _$$CampaignCountImplCopyWith<$Res>
+ implements $CampaignCountCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory _$$CampaignCountImplCopyWith(
+ _$CampaignCountImpl value, $Res Function(_$CampaignCountImpl) then) =
+ __$$CampaignCountImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>;
+ @override
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {@JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') String campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name') String? campaignName,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_emails_sent') int? totalEmailsSent,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'emails_read') int? emailsRead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'new_leads_contacted') int? newLeadsContacted,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_replied') int? leadsReplied,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_read') int? leadsRead});
+/// @nodoc
+class __$$CampaignCountImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>
+ extends _$CampaignCountCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$CampaignCountImpl>
+ implements _$$CampaignCountImplCopyWith<$Res> {
+ __$$CampaignCountImplCopyWithImpl(
+ _$CampaignCountImpl _value, $Res Function(_$CampaignCountImpl) _then)
+ : super(_value, _then);
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? campaignId = null,
+ Object? campaignName = freezed,
+ Object? totalEmailsSent = freezed,
+ Object? emailsRead = freezed,
+ Object? newLeadsContacted = freezed,
+ Object? leadsReplied = freezed,
+ Object? leadsRead = freezed,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_$CampaignCountImpl(
+ campaignId: null == campaignId
+ ? _value.campaignId
+ : campaignId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ campaignName: freezed == campaignName
+ ? _value.campaignName
+ : campaignName // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ totalEmailsSent: freezed == totalEmailsSent
+ ? _value.totalEmailsSent
+ : totalEmailsSent // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ emailsRead: freezed == emailsRead
+ ? _value.emailsRead
+ : emailsRead // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ newLeadsContacted: freezed == newLeadsContacted
+ ? _value.newLeadsContacted
+ : newLeadsContacted // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ leadsReplied: freezed == leadsReplied
+ ? _value.leadsReplied
+ : leadsReplied // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ leadsRead: freezed == leadsRead
+ ? _value.leadsRead
+ : leadsRead // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ ));
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+class _$CampaignCountImpl implements _CampaignCount {
+ const _$CampaignCountImpl(
+ {@JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') required this.campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name') this.campaignName,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_emails_sent') this.totalEmailsSent,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'emails_read') this.emailsRead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'new_leads_contacted') this.newLeadsContacted,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_replied') this.leadsReplied,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_read') this.leadsRead});
+ factory _$CampaignCountImpl.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$$CampaignCountImplFromJson(json);
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id')
+ final String campaignId;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name')
+ final String? campaignName;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_emails_sent')
+ final int? totalEmailsSent;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'emails_read')
+ final int? emailsRead;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'new_leads_contacted')
+ final int? newLeadsContacted;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_replied')
+ final int? leadsReplied;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_read')
+ final int? leadsRead;
+ @override
+ String toString() {
+ return 'CampaignCount(campaignId: $campaignId, campaignName: $campaignName, totalEmailsSent: $totalEmailsSent, emailsRead: $emailsRead, newLeadsContacted: $newLeadsContacted, leadsReplied: $leadsReplied, leadsRead: $leadsRead)';
+ }
+ @override
+ bool operator ==(Object other) {
+ return identical(this, other) ||
+ (other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
+ other is _$CampaignCountImpl &&
+ (identical(other.campaignId, campaignId) ||
+ other.campaignId == campaignId) &&
+ (identical(other.campaignName, campaignName) ||
+ other.campaignName == campaignName) &&
+ (identical(other.totalEmailsSent, totalEmailsSent) ||
+ other.totalEmailsSent == totalEmailsSent) &&
+ (identical(other.emailsRead, emailsRead) ||
+ other.emailsRead == emailsRead) &&
+ (identical(other.newLeadsContacted, newLeadsContacted) ||
+ other.newLeadsContacted == newLeadsContacted) &&
+ (identical(other.leadsReplied, leadsReplied) ||
+ other.leadsReplied == leadsReplied) &&
+ (identical(other.leadsRead, leadsRead) ||
+ other.leadsRead == leadsRead));
+ }
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, campaignId, campaignName,
+ totalEmailsSent, emailsRead, newLeadsContacted, leadsReplied, leadsRead);
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ _$$CampaignCountImplCopyWith<_$CampaignCountImpl> get copyWith =>
+ __$$CampaignCountImplCopyWithImpl<_$CampaignCountImpl>(this, _$identity);
+ @override
+ Map toJson() {
+ return _$$CampaignCountImplToJson(
+ this,
+ );
+ }
+abstract class _CampaignCount implements CampaignCount {
+ const factory _CampaignCount(
+ {@JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') required final String campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name') final String? campaignName,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_emails_sent') final int? totalEmailsSent,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'emails_read') final int? emailsRead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'new_leads_contacted') final int? newLeadsContacted,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_replied') final int? leadsReplied,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_read') final int? leadsRead}) = _$CampaignCountImpl;
+ factory _CampaignCount.fromJson(Map json) =
+ _$CampaignCountImpl.fromJson;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id')
+ String get campaignId;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name')
+ String? get campaignName;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_emails_sent')
+ int? get totalEmailsSent;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'emails_read')
+ int? get emailsRead;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'new_leads_contacted')
+ int? get newLeadsContacted;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_replied')
+ int? get leadsReplied;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_read')
+ int? get leadsRead;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ _$$CampaignCountImplCopyWith<_$CampaignCountImpl> get copyWith =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
diff --git a/lib/src/models/campaign_count.g.dart b/lib/src/models/campaign_count.g.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99ce346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/campaign_count.g.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+part of 'campaign_count.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// JsonSerializableGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+_$CampaignCountImpl _$$CampaignCountImplFromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$CampaignCountImpl(
+ campaignId: json['campaign_id'] as String,
+ campaignName: json['campaign_name'] as String?,
+ totalEmailsSent: json['total_emails_sent'] as int?,
+ emailsRead: json['emails_read'] as int?,
+ newLeadsContacted: json['new_leads_contacted'] as int?,
+ leadsReplied: json['leads_replied'] as int?,
+ leadsRead: json['leads_read'] as int?,
+ );
+Map _$$CampaignCountImplToJson(_$CampaignCountImpl instance) =>
+ {
+ 'campaign_id': instance.campaignId,
+ 'campaign_name': instance.campaignName,
+ 'total_emails_sent': instance.totalEmailsSent,
+ 'emails_read': instance.emailsRead,
+ 'new_leads_contacted': instance.newLeadsContacted,
+ 'leads_replied': instance.leadsReplied,
+ 'leads_read': instance.leadsRead,
+ };
diff --git a/lib/src/models/campaign_summary.dart b/lib/src/models/campaign_summary.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8177547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/campaign_summary.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
+part 'campaign_summary.freezed.dart';
+part 'campaign_summary.g.dart';
+class CampaignSummary with _$CampaignSummary {
+ const factory CampaignSummary({
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') required String campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name') required String campaignName,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_leads') required int totalLeads,
+ required int contacted,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_read') required int leadsWhoRead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_replied') required int leadsWhoReplied,
+ required int bounced,
+ required int unsubscribed,
+ required int completed,
+ }) = _CampaignSummary;
+ factory CampaignSummary.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$CampaignSummaryFromJson(json);
diff --git a/lib/src/models/campaign_summary.freezed.dart b/lib/src/models/campaign_summary.freezed.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c594c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/campaign_summary.freezed.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+// coverage:ignore-file
+// ignore_for_file: type=lint
+// ignore_for_file: unused_element, deprecated_member_use, deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters, unnecessary_const, avoid_init_to_null, invalid_override_different_default_values_named, prefer_expression_function_bodies, annotate_overrides, invalid_annotation_target, unnecessary_question_mark
+part of 'campaign_summary.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// FreezedGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+T _$identity(T value) => value;
+final _privateConstructorUsedError = UnsupportedError(
+ 'It seems like you constructed your class using `MyClass._()`. This constructor is only meant to be used by freezed and you are not supposed to need it nor use it.\nPlease check the documentation here for more information: https://github.com/rrousselGit/freezed#adding-getters-and-methods-to-our-models');
+CampaignSummary _$CampaignSummaryFromJson(Map json) {
+ return _CampaignSummary.fromJson(json);
+/// @nodoc
+mixin _$CampaignSummary {
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id')
+ String get campaignId => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name')
+ String get campaignName => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_leads')
+ int get totalLeads => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ int get contacted => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_read')
+ int get leadsWhoRead => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_replied')
+ int get leadsWhoReplied => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ int get bounced => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ int get unsubscribed => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ int get completed => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ $CampaignSummaryCopyWith get copyWith =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class $CampaignSummaryCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory $CampaignSummaryCopyWith(
+ CampaignSummary value, $Res Function(CampaignSummary) then) =
+ _$CampaignSummaryCopyWithImpl<$Res, CampaignSummary>;
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {@JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') String campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name') String campaignName,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_leads') int totalLeads,
+ int contacted,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_read') int leadsWhoRead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_replied') int leadsWhoReplied,
+ int bounced,
+ int unsubscribed,
+ int completed});
+/// @nodoc
+class _$CampaignSummaryCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends CampaignSummary>
+ implements $CampaignSummaryCopyWith<$Res> {
+ _$CampaignSummaryCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Val _value;
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Res Function($Val) _then;
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? campaignId = null,
+ Object? campaignName = null,
+ Object? totalLeads = null,
+ Object? contacted = null,
+ Object? leadsWhoRead = null,
+ Object? leadsWhoReplied = null,
+ Object? bounced = null,
+ Object? unsubscribed = null,
+ Object? completed = null,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_value.copyWith(
+ campaignId: null == campaignId
+ ? _value.campaignId
+ : campaignId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ campaignName: null == campaignName
+ ? _value.campaignName
+ : campaignName // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ totalLeads: null == totalLeads
+ ? _value.totalLeads
+ : totalLeads // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ contacted: null == contacted
+ ? _value.contacted
+ : contacted // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ leadsWhoRead: null == leadsWhoRead
+ ? _value.leadsWhoRead
+ : leadsWhoRead // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ leadsWhoReplied: null == leadsWhoReplied
+ ? _value.leadsWhoReplied
+ : leadsWhoReplied // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ bounced: null == bounced
+ ? _value.bounced
+ : bounced // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ unsubscribed: null == unsubscribed
+ ? _value.unsubscribed
+ : unsubscribed // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ completed: null == completed
+ ? _value.completed
+ : completed // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ ) as $Val);
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class _$$CampaignSummaryImplCopyWith<$Res>
+ implements $CampaignSummaryCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory _$$CampaignSummaryImplCopyWith(_$CampaignSummaryImpl value,
+ $Res Function(_$CampaignSummaryImpl) then) =
+ __$$CampaignSummaryImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>;
+ @override
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {@JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') String campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name') String campaignName,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_leads') int totalLeads,
+ int contacted,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_read') int leadsWhoRead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_replied') int leadsWhoReplied,
+ int bounced,
+ int unsubscribed,
+ int completed});
+/// @nodoc
+class __$$CampaignSummaryImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>
+ extends _$CampaignSummaryCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$CampaignSummaryImpl>
+ implements _$$CampaignSummaryImplCopyWith<$Res> {
+ __$$CampaignSummaryImplCopyWithImpl(
+ _$CampaignSummaryImpl _value, $Res Function(_$CampaignSummaryImpl) _then)
+ : super(_value, _then);
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? campaignId = null,
+ Object? campaignName = null,
+ Object? totalLeads = null,
+ Object? contacted = null,
+ Object? leadsWhoRead = null,
+ Object? leadsWhoReplied = null,
+ Object? bounced = null,
+ Object? unsubscribed = null,
+ Object? completed = null,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_$CampaignSummaryImpl(
+ campaignId: null == campaignId
+ ? _value.campaignId
+ : campaignId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ campaignName: null == campaignName
+ ? _value.campaignName
+ : campaignName // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ totalLeads: null == totalLeads
+ ? _value.totalLeads
+ : totalLeads // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ contacted: null == contacted
+ ? _value.contacted
+ : contacted // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ leadsWhoRead: null == leadsWhoRead
+ ? _value.leadsWhoRead
+ : leadsWhoRead // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ leadsWhoReplied: null == leadsWhoReplied
+ ? _value.leadsWhoReplied
+ : leadsWhoReplied // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ bounced: null == bounced
+ ? _value.bounced
+ : bounced // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ unsubscribed: null == unsubscribed
+ ? _value.unsubscribed
+ : unsubscribed // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ completed: null == completed
+ ? _value.completed
+ : completed // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int,
+ ));
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+class _$CampaignSummaryImpl implements _CampaignSummary {
+ const _$CampaignSummaryImpl(
+ {@JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') required this.campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name') required this.campaignName,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_leads') required this.totalLeads,
+ required this.contacted,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_read') required this.leadsWhoRead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_replied') required this.leadsWhoReplied,
+ required this.bounced,
+ required this.unsubscribed,
+ required this.completed});
+ factory _$CampaignSummaryImpl.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$$CampaignSummaryImplFromJson(json);
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id')
+ final String campaignId;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name')
+ final String campaignName;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_leads')
+ final int totalLeads;
+ @override
+ final int contacted;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_read')
+ final int leadsWhoRead;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_replied')
+ final int leadsWhoReplied;
+ @override
+ final int bounced;
+ @override
+ final int unsubscribed;
+ @override
+ final int completed;
+ @override
+ String toString() {
+ return 'CampaignSummary(campaignId: $campaignId, campaignName: $campaignName, totalLeads: $totalLeads, contacted: $contacted, leadsWhoRead: $leadsWhoRead, leadsWhoReplied: $leadsWhoReplied, bounced: $bounced, unsubscribed: $unsubscribed, completed: $completed)';
+ }
+ @override
+ bool operator ==(Object other) {
+ return identical(this, other) ||
+ (other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
+ other is _$CampaignSummaryImpl &&
+ (identical(other.campaignId, campaignId) ||
+ other.campaignId == campaignId) &&
+ (identical(other.campaignName, campaignName) ||
+ other.campaignName == campaignName) &&
+ (identical(other.totalLeads, totalLeads) ||
+ other.totalLeads == totalLeads) &&
+ (identical(other.contacted, contacted) ||
+ other.contacted == contacted) &&
+ (identical(other.leadsWhoRead, leadsWhoRead) ||
+ other.leadsWhoRead == leadsWhoRead) &&
+ (identical(other.leadsWhoReplied, leadsWhoReplied) ||
+ other.leadsWhoReplied == leadsWhoReplied) &&
+ (identical(other.bounced, bounced) || other.bounced == bounced) &&
+ (identical(other.unsubscribed, unsubscribed) ||
+ other.unsubscribed == unsubscribed) &&
+ (identical(other.completed, completed) ||
+ other.completed == completed));
+ }
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ int get hashCode => Object.hash(
+ runtimeType,
+ campaignId,
+ campaignName,
+ totalLeads,
+ contacted,
+ leadsWhoRead,
+ leadsWhoReplied,
+ bounced,
+ unsubscribed,
+ completed);
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ _$$CampaignSummaryImplCopyWith<_$CampaignSummaryImpl> get copyWith =>
+ __$$CampaignSummaryImplCopyWithImpl<_$CampaignSummaryImpl>(
+ this, _$identity);
+ @override
+ Map toJson() {
+ return _$$CampaignSummaryImplToJson(
+ this,
+ );
+ }
+abstract class _CampaignSummary implements CampaignSummary {
+ const factory _CampaignSummary(
+ {@JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') required final String campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name') required final String campaignName,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_leads') required final int totalLeads,
+ required final int contacted,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_read') required final int leadsWhoRead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_replied') required final int leadsWhoReplied,
+ required final int bounced,
+ required final int unsubscribed,
+ required final int completed}) = _$CampaignSummaryImpl;
+ factory _CampaignSummary.fromJson(Map json) =
+ _$CampaignSummaryImpl.fromJson;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id')
+ String get campaignId;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_name')
+ String get campaignName;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'total_leads')
+ int get totalLeads;
+ @override
+ int get contacted;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_read')
+ int get leadsWhoRead;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'leads_who_replied')
+ int get leadsWhoReplied;
+ @override
+ int get bounced;
+ @override
+ int get unsubscribed;
+ @override
+ int get completed;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ _$$CampaignSummaryImplCopyWith<_$CampaignSummaryImpl> get copyWith =>
+ throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
diff --git a/lib/src/models/campaign_summary.g.dart b/lib/src/models/campaign_summary.g.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67b2636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/campaign_summary.g.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+part of 'campaign_summary.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// JsonSerializableGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+_$CampaignSummaryImpl _$$CampaignSummaryImplFromJson(
+ Map json) =>
+ _$CampaignSummaryImpl(
+ campaignId: json['campaign_id'] as String,
+ campaignName: json['campaign_name'] as String,
+ totalLeads: json['total_leads'] as int,
+ contacted: json['contacted'] as int,
+ leadsWhoRead: json['leads_who_read'] as int,
+ leadsWhoReplied: json['leads_who_replied'] as int,
+ bounced: json['bounced'] as int,
+ unsubscribed: json['unsubscribed'] as int,
+ completed: json['completed'] as int,
+ );
+Map _$$CampaignSummaryImplToJson(
+ _$CampaignSummaryImpl instance) =>
+ {
+ 'campaign_id': instance.campaignId,
+ 'campaign_name': instance.campaignName,
+ 'total_leads': instance.totalLeads,
+ 'contacted': instance.contacted,
+ 'leads_who_read': instance.leadsWhoRead,
+ 'leads_who_replied': instance.leadsWhoReplied,
+ 'bounced': instance.bounced,
+ 'unsubscribed': instance.unsubscribed,
+ 'completed': instance.completed,
+ };
diff --git a/lib/src/models/email.dart b/lib/src/models/email.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..714db8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/email.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
+part 'email.freezed.dart';
+part 'email.g.dart';
+/// An email in the Instantly API.
+class Email with _$Email {
+ /// Default constructor for the email.
+ const factory Email({
+ required String id,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'message_id') required String messageId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'is_unread') required bool isUnread,
+ String? lead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') String? campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_email') required String fromAddressEmail,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_json')
+ required List fromAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ai_interest_value') double? aiInterestValue,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'reminder_ts') DateTime? reminderTs,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'i_status') int? iStatus,
+ required String subject,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created') required DateTime timestampCreated,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'content_preview') String? contentPreview,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'thread_id') String? threadId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'eaccount') String? eaccount,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_email_list') List? toAddressEmailList,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_json') List? toAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ue_type') int? ueType,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'scheduled_at') DateTime? scheduledAt,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_email_list') List? ccAddressEmailList,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_json') List? ccAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'bcc_address_email_list') List? bccAddressEmailList,
+ }) = _Email;
+ /// Create an email from a JSON object.
+ factory Email.fromJson(Map json) => _$EmailFromJson(json);
+/// An email address in the Instantly API.
+class EmailAddress with _$EmailAddress {
+ /// Default constructor for the email address.
+ const factory EmailAddress({
+ required String address,
+ String? name,
+ }) = _EmailAddress;
+ /// Create an email address from a JSON object.
+ factory EmailAddress.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$EmailAddressFromJson(json);
diff --git a/lib/src/models/email.freezed.dart b/lib/src/models/email.freezed.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cea0800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/models/email.freezed.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+// coverage:ignore-file
+// ignore_for_file: type=lint
+// ignore_for_file: unused_element, deprecated_member_use, deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters, unnecessary_const, avoid_init_to_null, invalid_override_different_default_values_named, prefer_expression_function_bodies, annotate_overrides, invalid_annotation_target, unnecessary_question_mark
+part of 'email.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// FreezedGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+T _$identity(T value) => value;
+final _privateConstructorUsedError = UnsupportedError(
+ 'It seems like you constructed your class using `MyClass._()`. This constructor is only meant to be used by freezed and you are not supposed to need it nor use it.\nPlease check the documentation here for more information: https://github.com/rrousselGit/freezed#adding-getters-and-methods-to-our-models');
+Email _$EmailFromJson(Map json) {
+ return _Email.fromJson(json);
+/// @nodoc
+mixin _$Email {
+ String get id => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'message_id')
+ String get messageId => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'is_unread')
+ bool get isUnread => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ String? get lead => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id')
+ String? get campaignId => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_email')
+ String get fromAddressEmail => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_json')
+ List get fromAddressJson => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ai_interest_value')
+ double? get aiInterestValue => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'reminder_ts')
+ DateTime? get reminderTs => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'i_status')
+ int? get iStatus => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ String get subject => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created')
+ DateTime get timestampCreated => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'content_preview')
+ String? get contentPreview => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'thread_id')
+ String? get threadId => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'eaccount')
+ String? get eaccount => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_email_list')
+ List? get toAddressEmailList => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_json')
+ List? get toAddressJson => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ue_type')
+ int? get ueType => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'scheduled_at')
+ DateTime? get scheduledAt => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_email_list')
+ List? get ccAddressEmailList => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_json')
+ List? get ccAddressJson => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(name: 'bcc_address_email_list')
+ List? get bccAddressEmailList => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ $EmailCopyWith get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class $EmailCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory $EmailCopyWith(Email value, $Res Function(Email) then) =
+ _$EmailCopyWithImpl<$Res, Email>;
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {String id,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'message_id') String messageId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'is_unread') bool isUnread,
+ String? lead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') String? campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_email') String fromAddressEmail,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_json') List fromAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ai_interest_value') double? aiInterestValue,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'reminder_ts') DateTime? reminderTs,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'i_status') int? iStatus,
+ String subject,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created') DateTime timestampCreated,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'content_preview') String? contentPreview,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'thread_id') String? threadId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'eaccount') String? eaccount,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_email_list') List? toAddressEmailList,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_json') List? toAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ue_type') int? ueType,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'scheduled_at') DateTime? scheduledAt,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_email_list') List? ccAddressEmailList,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_json') List? ccAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'bcc_address_email_list')
+ List? bccAddressEmailList});
+/// @nodoc
+class _$EmailCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends Email>
+ implements $EmailCopyWith<$Res> {
+ _$EmailCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Val _value;
+ // ignore: unused_field
+ final $Res Function($Val) _then;
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? id = null,
+ Object? messageId = null,
+ Object? isUnread = null,
+ Object? lead = freezed,
+ Object? campaignId = freezed,
+ Object? fromAddressEmail = null,
+ Object? fromAddressJson = null,
+ Object? aiInterestValue = freezed,
+ Object? reminderTs = freezed,
+ Object? iStatus = freezed,
+ Object? subject = null,
+ Object? timestampCreated = null,
+ Object? contentPreview = freezed,
+ Object? threadId = freezed,
+ Object? eaccount = freezed,
+ Object? toAddressEmailList = freezed,
+ Object? toAddressJson = freezed,
+ Object? ueType = freezed,
+ Object? scheduledAt = freezed,
+ Object? ccAddressEmailList = freezed,
+ Object? ccAddressJson = freezed,
+ Object? bccAddressEmailList = freezed,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_value.copyWith(
+ id: null == id
+ ? _value.id
+ : id // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ messageId: null == messageId
+ ? _value.messageId
+ : messageId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ isUnread: null == isUnread
+ ? _value.isUnread
+ : isUnread // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as bool,
+ lead: freezed == lead
+ ? _value.lead
+ : lead // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ campaignId: freezed == campaignId
+ ? _value.campaignId
+ : campaignId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ fromAddressEmail: null == fromAddressEmail
+ ? _value.fromAddressEmail
+ : fromAddressEmail // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ fromAddressJson: null == fromAddressJson
+ ? _value.fromAddressJson
+ : fromAddressJson // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List,
+ aiInterestValue: freezed == aiInterestValue
+ ? _value.aiInterestValue
+ : aiInterestValue // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as double?,
+ reminderTs: freezed == reminderTs
+ ? _value.reminderTs
+ : reminderTs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as DateTime?,
+ iStatus: freezed == iStatus
+ ? _value.iStatus
+ : iStatus // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ subject: null == subject
+ ? _value.subject
+ : subject // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ timestampCreated: null == timestampCreated
+ ? _value.timestampCreated
+ : timestampCreated // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as DateTime,
+ contentPreview: freezed == contentPreview
+ ? _value.contentPreview
+ : contentPreview // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ threadId: freezed == threadId
+ ? _value.threadId
+ : threadId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ eaccount: freezed == eaccount
+ ? _value.eaccount
+ : eaccount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ toAddressEmailList: freezed == toAddressEmailList
+ ? _value.toAddressEmailList
+ : toAddressEmailList // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List?,
+ toAddressJson: freezed == toAddressJson
+ ? _value.toAddressJson
+ : toAddressJson // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List?,
+ ueType: freezed == ueType
+ ? _value.ueType
+ : ueType // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ scheduledAt: freezed == scheduledAt
+ ? _value.scheduledAt
+ : scheduledAt // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as DateTime?,
+ ccAddressEmailList: freezed == ccAddressEmailList
+ ? _value.ccAddressEmailList
+ : ccAddressEmailList // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List?,
+ ccAddressJson: freezed == ccAddressJson
+ ? _value.ccAddressJson
+ : ccAddressJson // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List?,
+ bccAddressEmailList: freezed == bccAddressEmailList
+ ? _value.bccAddressEmailList
+ : bccAddressEmailList // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List?,
+ ) as $Val);
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+abstract class _$$EmailImplCopyWith<$Res> implements $EmailCopyWith<$Res> {
+ factory _$$EmailImplCopyWith(
+ _$EmailImpl value, $Res Function(_$EmailImpl) then) =
+ __$$EmailImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>;
+ @override
+ @useResult
+ $Res call(
+ {String id,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'message_id') String messageId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'is_unread') bool isUnread,
+ String? lead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') String? campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_email') String fromAddressEmail,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_json') List fromAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ai_interest_value') double? aiInterestValue,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'reminder_ts') DateTime? reminderTs,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'i_status') int? iStatus,
+ String subject,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created') DateTime timestampCreated,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'content_preview') String? contentPreview,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'thread_id') String? threadId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'eaccount') String? eaccount,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_email_list') List? toAddressEmailList,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_json') List? toAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ue_type') int? ueType,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'scheduled_at') DateTime? scheduledAt,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_email_list') List? ccAddressEmailList,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_json') List? ccAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'bcc_address_email_list')
+ List? bccAddressEmailList});
+/// @nodoc
+class __$$EmailImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>
+ extends _$EmailCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$EmailImpl>
+ implements _$$EmailImplCopyWith<$Res> {
+ __$$EmailImplCopyWithImpl(
+ _$EmailImpl _value, $Res Function(_$EmailImpl) _then)
+ : super(_value, _then);
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ @override
+ $Res call({
+ Object? id = null,
+ Object? messageId = null,
+ Object? isUnread = null,
+ Object? lead = freezed,
+ Object? campaignId = freezed,
+ Object? fromAddressEmail = null,
+ Object? fromAddressJson = null,
+ Object? aiInterestValue = freezed,
+ Object? reminderTs = freezed,
+ Object? iStatus = freezed,
+ Object? subject = null,
+ Object? timestampCreated = null,
+ Object? contentPreview = freezed,
+ Object? threadId = freezed,
+ Object? eaccount = freezed,
+ Object? toAddressEmailList = freezed,
+ Object? toAddressJson = freezed,
+ Object? ueType = freezed,
+ Object? scheduledAt = freezed,
+ Object? ccAddressEmailList = freezed,
+ Object? ccAddressJson = freezed,
+ Object? bccAddressEmailList = freezed,
+ }) {
+ return _then(_$EmailImpl(
+ id: null == id
+ ? _value.id
+ : id // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ messageId: null == messageId
+ ? _value.messageId
+ : messageId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ isUnread: null == isUnread
+ ? _value.isUnread
+ : isUnread // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as bool,
+ lead: freezed == lead
+ ? _value.lead
+ : lead // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ campaignId: freezed == campaignId
+ ? _value.campaignId
+ : campaignId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ fromAddressEmail: null == fromAddressEmail
+ ? _value.fromAddressEmail
+ : fromAddressEmail // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ fromAddressJson: null == fromAddressJson
+ ? _value._fromAddressJson
+ : fromAddressJson // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List,
+ aiInterestValue: freezed == aiInterestValue
+ ? _value.aiInterestValue
+ : aiInterestValue // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as double?,
+ reminderTs: freezed == reminderTs
+ ? _value.reminderTs
+ : reminderTs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as DateTime?,
+ iStatus: freezed == iStatus
+ ? _value.iStatus
+ : iStatus // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ subject: null == subject
+ ? _value.subject
+ : subject // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String,
+ timestampCreated: null == timestampCreated
+ ? _value.timestampCreated
+ : timestampCreated // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as DateTime,
+ contentPreview: freezed == contentPreview
+ ? _value.contentPreview
+ : contentPreview // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ threadId: freezed == threadId
+ ? _value.threadId
+ : threadId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ eaccount: freezed == eaccount
+ ? _value.eaccount
+ : eaccount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as String?,
+ toAddressEmailList: freezed == toAddressEmailList
+ ? _value._toAddressEmailList
+ : toAddressEmailList // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List?,
+ toAddressJson: freezed == toAddressJson
+ ? _value._toAddressJson
+ : toAddressJson // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List?,
+ ueType: freezed == ueType
+ ? _value.ueType
+ : ueType // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as int?,
+ scheduledAt: freezed == scheduledAt
+ ? _value.scheduledAt
+ : scheduledAt // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as DateTime?,
+ ccAddressEmailList: freezed == ccAddressEmailList
+ ? _value._ccAddressEmailList
+ : ccAddressEmailList // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List?,
+ ccAddressJson: freezed == ccAddressJson
+ ? _value._ccAddressJson
+ : ccAddressJson // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List?,
+ bccAddressEmailList: freezed == bccAddressEmailList
+ ? _value._bccAddressEmailList
+ : bccAddressEmailList // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
+ as List?,
+ ));
+ }
+/// @nodoc
+class _$EmailImpl implements _Email {
+ const _$EmailImpl(
+ {required this.id,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'message_id') required this.messageId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'is_unread') required this.isUnread,
+ this.lead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') this.campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_email') required this.fromAddressEmail,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_json')
+ required final List fromAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ai_interest_value') this.aiInterestValue,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'reminder_ts') this.reminderTs,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'i_status') this.iStatus,
+ required this.subject,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created') required this.timestampCreated,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'content_preview') this.contentPreview,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'thread_id') this.threadId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'eaccount') this.eaccount,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_email_list')
+ final List? toAddressEmailList,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_json') final List? toAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ue_type') this.ueType,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'scheduled_at') this.scheduledAt,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_email_list')
+ final List? ccAddressEmailList,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_json') final List? ccAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'bcc_address_email_list')
+ final List? bccAddressEmailList})
+ : _fromAddressJson = fromAddressJson,
+ _toAddressEmailList = toAddressEmailList,
+ _toAddressJson = toAddressJson,
+ _ccAddressEmailList = ccAddressEmailList,
+ _ccAddressJson = ccAddressJson,
+ _bccAddressEmailList = bccAddressEmailList;
+ factory _$EmailImpl.fromJson(Map json) =>
+ _$$EmailImplFromJson(json);
+ @override
+ final String id;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'message_id')
+ final String messageId;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'is_unread')
+ final bool isUnread;
+ @override
+ final String? lead;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id')
+ final String? campaignId;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_email')
+ final String fromAddressEmail;
+ final List _fromAddressJson;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_json')
+ List get fromAddressJson {
+ if (_fromAddressJson is EqualUnmodifiableListView) return _fromAddressJson;
+ // ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
+ return EqualUnmodifiableListView(_fromAddressJson);
+ }
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ai_interest_value')
+ final double? aiInterestValue;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'reminder_ts')
+ final DateTime? reminderTs;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'i_status')
+ final int? iStatus;
+ @override
+ final String subject;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created')
+ final DateTime timestampCreated;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'content_preview')
+ final String? contentPreview;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'thread_id')
+ final String? threadId;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'eaccount')
+ final String? eaccount;
+ final List? _toAddressEmailList;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_email_list')
+ List? get toAddressEmailList {
+ final value = _toAddressEmailList;
+ if (value == null) return null;
+ if (_toAddressEmailList is EqualUnmodifiableListView)
+ return _toAddressEmailList;
+ // ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
+ return EqualUnmodifiableListView(value);
+ }
+ final List? _toAddressJson;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_json')
+ List? get toAddressJson {
+ final value = _toAddressJson;
+ if (value == null) return null;
+ if (_toAddressJson is EqualUnmodifiableListView) return _toAddressJson;
+ // ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
+ return EqualUnmodifiableListView(value);
+ }
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ue_type')
+ final int? ueType;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'scheduled_at')
+ final DateTime? scheduledAt;
+ final List? _ccAddressEmailList;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_email_list')
+ List? get ccAddressEmailList {
+ final value = _ccAddressEmailList;
+ if (value == null) return null;
+ if (_ccAddressEmailList is EqualUnmodifiableListView)
+ return _ccAddressEmailList;
+ // ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
+ return EqualUnmodifiableListView(value);
+ }
+ final List? _ccAddressJson;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_json')
+ List? get ccAddressJson {
+ final value = _ccAddressJson;
+ if (value == null) return null;
+ if (_ccAddressJson is EqualUnmodifiableListView) return _ccAddressJson;
+ // ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
+ return EqualUnmodifiableListView(value);
+ }
+ final List? _bccAddressEmailList;
+ @override
+ @JsonKey(name: 'bcc_address_email_list')
+ List? get bccAddressEmailList {
+ final value = _bccAddressEmailList;
+ if (value == null) return null;
+ if (_bccAddressEmailList is EqualUnmodifiableListView)
+ return _bccAddressEmailList;
+ // ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
+ return EqualUnmodifiableListView(value);
+ }
+ @override
+ String toString() {
+ return 'Email(id: $id, messageId: $messageId, isUnread: $isUnread, lead: $lead, campaignId: $campaignId, fromAddressEmail: $fromAddressEmail, fromAddressJson: $fromAddressJson, aiInterestValue: $aiInterestValue, reminderTs: $reminderTs, iStatus: $iStatus, subject: $subject, timestampCreated: $timestampCreated, contentPreview: $contentPreview, threadId: $threadId, eaccount: $eaccount, toAddressEmailList: $toAddressEmailList, toAddressJson: $toAddressJson, ueType: $ueType, scheduledAt: $scheduledAt, ccAddressEmailList: $ccAddressEmailList, ccAddressJson: $ccAddressJson, bccAddressEmailList: $bccAddressEmailList)';
+ }
+ @override
+ bool operator ==(Object other) {
+ return identical(this, other) ||
+ (other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
+ other is _$EmailImpl &&
+ (identical(other.id, id) || other.id == id) &&
+ (identical(other.messageId, messageId) ||
+ other.messageId == messageId) &&
+ (identical(other.isUnread, isUnread) ||
+ other.isUnread == isUnread) &&
+ (identical(other.lead, lead) || other.lead == lead) &&
+ (identical(other.campaignId, campaignId) ||
+ other.campaignId == campaignId) &&
+ (identical(other.fromAddressEmail, fromAddressEmail) ||
+ other.fromAddressEmail == fromAddressEmail) &&
+ const DeepCollectionEquality()
+ .equals(other._fromAddressJson, _fromAddressJson) &&
+ (identical(other.aiInterestValue, aiInterestValue) ||
+ other.aiInterestValue == aiInterestValue) &&
+ (identical(other.reminderTs, reminderTs) ||
+ other.reminderTs == reminderTs) &&
+ (identical(other.iStatus, iStatus) || other.iStatus == iStatus) &&
+ (identical(other.subject, subject) || other.subject == subject) &&
+ (identical(other.timestampCreated, timestampCreated) ||
+ other.timestampCreated == timestampCreated) &&
+ (identical(other.contentPreview, contentPreview) ||
+ other.contentPreview == contentPreview) &&
+ (identical(other.threadId, threadId) ||
+ other.threadId == threadId) &&
+ (identical(other.eaccount, eaccount) ||
+ other.eaccount == eaccount) &&
+ const DeepCollectionEquality()
+ .equals(other._toAddressEmailList, _toAddressEmailList) &&
+ const DeepCollectionEquality()
+ .equals(other._toAddressJson, _toAddressJson) &&
+ (identical(other.ueType, ueType) || other.ueType == ueType) &&
+ (identical(other.scheduledAt, scheduledAt) ||
+ other.scheduledAt == scheduledAt) &&
+ const DeepCollectionEquality()
+ .equals(other._ccAddressEmailList, _ccAddressEmailList) &&
+ const DeepCollectionEquality()
+ .equals(other._ccAddressJson, _ccAddressJson) &&
+ const DeepCollectionEquality()
+ .equals(other._bccAddressEmailList, _bccAddressEmailList));
+ }
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ int get hashCode => Object.hashAll([
+ runtimeType,
+ id,
+ messageId,
+ isUnread,
+ lead,
+ campaignId,
+ fromAddressEmail,
+ const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_fromAddressJson),
+ aiInterestValue,
+ reminderTs,
+ iStatus,
+ subject,
+ timestampCreated,
+ contentPreview,
+ threadId,
+ eaccount,
+ const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_toAddressEmailList),
+ const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_toAddressJson),
+ ueType,
+ scheduledAt,
+ const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_ccAddressEmailList),
+ const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_ccAddressJson),
+ const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_bccAddressEmailList)
+ ]);
+ @JsonKey(ignore: true)
+ @override
+ @pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
+ _$$EmailImplCopyWith<_$EmailImpl> get copyWith =>
+ __$$EmailImplCopyWithImpl<_$EmailImpl>(this, _$identity);
+ @override
+ Map toJson() {
+ return _$$EmailImplToJson(
+ this,
+ );
+ }
+abstract class _Email implements Email {
+ const factory _Email(
+ {required final String id,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'message_id') required final String messageId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'is_unread') required final bool isUnread,
+ final String? lead,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'campaign_id') final String? campaignId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_email')
+ required final String fromAddressEmail,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'from_address_json')
+ required final List fromAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ai_interest_value') final double? aiInterestValue,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'reminder_ts') final DateTime? reminderTs,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'i_status') final int? iStatus,
+ required final String subject,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'timestamp_created')
+ required final DateTime timestampCreated,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'content_preview') final String? contentPreview,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'thread_id') final String? threadId,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'eaccount') final String? eaccount,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_email_list')
+ final List? toAddressEmailList,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'to_address_json') final List? toAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'ue_type') final int? ueType,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'scheduled_at') final DateTime? scheduledAt,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_email_list')
+ final List? ccAddressEmailList,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'cc_address_json') final List? ccAddressJson,
+ @JsonKey(name: 'bcc_address_email_list')
+ final List