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CogVideoX Factory 🧪


Fine-tune Cog family of video models for custom video generation under 24GB of GPU memory ⚡️📼



Clone the repository and make sure the requirements are installed: pip install -r requirements.txt and install diffusers from source by pip install git+

Then download a dataset:

# install `huggingface_hub`
huggingface-cli download \
  --repo-type dataset Wild-Heart/Disney-VideoGeneration-Dataset \
  --local-dir video-dataset-disney

Then launch LoRA fine-tuning for text-to-video (modify the different hyperparameters, dataset root, and other configuration options as per your choice):

# For LoRA finetuning of the text-to-video CogVideoX models

# For full finetuning of the text-to-video CogVideoX models

# For LoRA finetuning of the image-to-video CogVideoX models

Assuming your LoRA is saved and pushed to the HF Hub, and named my-awesome-name/my-awesome-lora, we can now use the finetuned model for inference:

import torch
from diffusers import CogVideoXPipeline
from diffusers import export_to_video

pipe = CogVideoXPipeline.from_pretrained(
    "THUDM/CogVideoX-5b", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16
+ pipe.load_lora_weights("my-awesome-name/my-awesome-lora", adapter_name="cogvideox-lora")
+ pipe.set_adapters(["cogvideox-lora"], [1.0])

video = pipe("<my-awesome-prompt>").frames[0]
export_to_video(video, "output.mp4", fps=8)

Note: For Image-to-Video finetuning, you must install diffusers from this branch (which adds lora loading support in CogVideoX image-to-video) until it is merged.

Below we provide additional sections detailing on more options explored in this repository. They all attempt to make fine-tuning for video models as accessible as possible by reducing memory requirements as much as possible.

Prepare Dataset and Training

Before starting the training, please check whether the dataset has been prepared according to the dataset specifications. We provide training scripts suitable for text-to-video and image-to-video generation, compatible with the CogVideoX model family. Training can be started using the train*.sh scripts, depending on the task you want to train. Let's take LoRA fine-tuning for text-to-video as an example.

  • Configure environment variables as per your choice:

    export TORCH_LOGS="+dynamo,recompiles,graph_breaks"
    export WANDB_MODE="offline"
    export NCCL_P2P_DISABLE=1
  • Configure which GPUs to use for training: GPU_IDS="0,1"

  • Choose hyperparameters for training. Let's try to do a sweep on learning rate and optimizer type as an example:

    LEARNING_RATES=("1e-4" "1e-3")
    OPTIMIZERS=("adamw" "adam")
  • Select which Accelerate configuration you would like to train with: ACCELERATE_CONFIG_FILE="accelerate_configs/uncompiled_1.yaml". We provide some default configurations in the accelerate_configs/ directory - single GPU uncompiled/compiled, 2x GPU DDP, DeepSpeed, etc. You can create your own config files with custom settings using accelerate config --config_file my_config.yaml.

  • Specify the absolute paths and columns/files for captions and videos.

  • Launch experiments sweeping different hyperparameters:

    for learning_rate in "${LEARNING_RATES[@]}"; do
      for lr_schedule in "${LR_SCHEDULES[@]}"; do
        for optimizer in "${OPTIMIZERS[@]}"; do
          for steps in "${MAX_TRAIN_STEPS[@]}"; do
            cmd="accelerate launch --config_file $ACCELERATE_CONFIG_FILE --gpu_ids $GPU_IDS training/ \
              --pretrained_model_name_or_path THUDM/CogVideoX-5b \
              --data_root $DATA_ROOT \
              --caption_column $CAPTION_COLUMN \
              --video_column $VIDEO_COLUMN \
              --id_token BW_STYLE \
              --height_buckets 480 \
              --width_buckets 720 \
              --frame_buckets 49 \
              --dataloader_num_workers 8 \
              --pin_memory \
              --validation_prompt \"BW_STYLE A black and white animated scene unfolds with an anthropomorphic goat surrounded by musical notes and symbols, suggesting a playful environment. Mickey Mouse appears, leaning forward in curiosity as the goat remains still. The goat then engages with Mickey, who bends down to converse or react. The dynamics shift as Mickey grabs the goat, potentially in surprise or playfulness, amidst a minimalistic background. The scene captures the evolving relationship between the two characters in a whimsical, animated setting, emphasizing their interactions and emotions:::BW_STYLE A panda, dressed in a small, red jacket and a tiny hat, sits on a wooden stool in a serene bamboo forest. The panda's fluffy paws strum a miniature acoustic guitar, producing soft, melodic tunes. Nearby, a few other pandas gather, watching curiously and some clapping in rhythm. Sunlight filters through the tall bamboo, casting a gentle glow on the scene. The panda's face is expressive, showing concentration and joy as it plays. The background includes a small, flowing stream and vibrant green foliage, enhancing the peaceful and magical atmosphere of this unique musical performance\" \
              --validation_prompt_separator ::: \
              --num_validation_videos 1 \
              --validation_epochs 10 \
              --seed 42 \
              --rank 128 \
              --lora_alpha 128 \
              --mixed_precision bf16 \
              --output_dir $output_dir \
              --max_num_frames 49 \
              --train_batch_size 1 \
              --max_train_steps $steps \
              --checkpointing_steps 1000 \
              --gradient_accumulation_steps 1 \
              --gradient_checkpointing \
              --learning_rate $learning_rate \
              --lr_scheduler $lr_schedule \
              --lr_warmup_steps 400 \
              --lr_num_cycles 1 \
              --enable_slicing \
              --enable_tiling \
              --optimizer $optimizer \
              --beta1 0.9 \
              --beta2 0.95 \
              --weight_decay 0.001 \
              --max_grad_norm 1.0 \
              --allow_tf32 \
              --report_to wandb \
              --nccl_timeout 1800"
            echo "Running command: $cmd"
            eval $cmd
            echo -ne "-------------------- Finished executing script --------------------\n\n"

    To understand what the different parameters mean, you could either take a look at the args file or run the training script with --help.

Note: Training scripts are untested on MPS, so performance and memory requirements can differ widely compared to the CUDA reports below.

Memory requirements

CogVideoX LoRA Finetuning
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b THUDM/CogVideoX-5b
CogVideoX Full Finetuning
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b THUDM/CogVideoX-5b

Supported and verified memory optimizations for training include:

  • CPUOffloadOptimizer from torchao. You can read about its capabilities and limitations here. In short, it allows you to use the CPU for storing trainable parameters and gradients. This results in the optimizer step happening on the CPU, which requires a fast CPU optimizer, such as torch.optim.AdamW(fused=True) or applying torch.compile on the optimizer step. Additionally, it is recommended not to torch.compile your model for training. Gradient clipping and accumulation is not supported yet either.
  • Low-bit optimizers from bitsandbytes. TODO: to test and make torchao ones work
  • DeepSpeed Zero2: Since we rely on accelerate, follow this guide to configure your accelerate installation to enable training with DeepSpeed Zero2 optimizations.


The memory requirements are reported after running the training/, which converts the videos and captions to latents and embeddings. During training, we directly load the latents and embeddings, and do not require the VAE or the T5 text encoder. However, if you perform validation/testing, these must be loaded and increase the amount of required memory. Not performing validation/testing saves a significant amount of memory, which can be used to focus solely on training if you're on smaller VRAM GPUs.

If you choose to run validation/testing, you can save some memory on lower VRAM GPUs by specifying --enable_model_cpu_offload.

LoRA finetuning


The memory requirements for image-to-video lora finetuning are similar to that of text-to-video on THUDM/CogVideoX-5b, so it hasn't been reported explicitly.

Additionally, to prepare test images for I2V finetuning, you could either generate them on-the-fly by modifying the script, or extract some frames from your training data using: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -frames:v 1 frame.png, or provide a URL to a valid and accessible image.


Note: Trying to run CogVideoX-5b without gradient checkpointing OOMs even on an A100 (80 GB), so the memory measurements have not been specified.

With train_batch_size = 1:

model lora rank gradient_checkpointing memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 16 False 12.945 43.764 46.918 24.234
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 16 True 12.945 12.945 21.121 24.234
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 64 False 13.035 44.314 47.469 24.469
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 64 True 13.036 13.035 21.564 24.500
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 256 False 13.095 45.826 48.990 25.543
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 256 True 13.094 13.095 22.344 25.537
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 16 True 19.742 19.742 28.746 38.123
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 64 True 20.006 20.818 30.338 38.738
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 256 True 20.771 22.119 31.939 41.537

With train_batch_size = 4:

model lora rank gradient_checkpointing memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 16 True 12.945 21.803 21.814 24.322
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 64 True 13.035 22.254 22.254 24.572
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 256 True 13.094 22.020 22.033 25.574
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 16 True 19.742 46.492 46.492 38.197
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 64 True 20.006 47.805 47.805 39.365
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 256 True 20.771 47.268 47.332 41.008
AdamW (8-bit bitsandbytes)

Note: Trying to run CogVideoX-5b without gradient checkpointing OOMs even on an A100 (80 GB), so the memory measurements have not been specified.

With train_batch_size = 1:

model lora rank gradient_checkpointing memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 16 False 12.945 43.732 46.887 24.195
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 16 True 12.945 12.945 21.430 24.195
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 64 False 13.035 44.004 47.158 24.369
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 64 True 13.035 13.035 21.297 24.357
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 256 False 13.035 45.291 48.455 24.836
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 256 True 13.035 13.035 21.625 24.869
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 16 True 19.742 19.742 28.602 38.049
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 64 True 20.006 20.818 29.359 38.520
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 256 True 20.771 21.352 30.727 39.596

With train_batch_size = 4:

model lora rank gradient_checkpointing memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 16 True 12.945 21.734 21.775 24.281
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 64 True 13.036 21.941 21.941 24.445
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 256 True 13.094 22.020 22.266 24.943
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 16 True 19.742 46.320 46.326 38.104
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 64 True 20.006 46.820 46.820 38.588
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 256 True 20.771 47.920 47.980 40.002
AdamW + CPUOffloadOptimizer (with gradient offloading)

Note: Trying to run CogVideoX-5b without gradient checkpointing OOMs even on an A100 (80 GB), so the memory measurements have not been specified.

With train_batch_size = 1:

model lora rank gradient_checkpointing memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 16 False 12.945 43.705 46.859 24.180
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 16 True 12.945 12.945 21.395 24.180
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 64 False 13.035 43.916 47.070 24.234
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 64 True 13.035 13.035 20.887 24.266
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 256 False 13.095 44.947 48.111 24.607
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 256 True 13.095 13.095 21.391 24.635
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 16 True 19.742 19.742 28.533 38.002
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 64 True 20.006 20.006 29.107 38.785
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 256 True 20.771 20.771 30.078 39.559

With train_batch_size = 4:

model lora rank gradient_checkpointing memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 16 True 12.945 21.709 21.762 24.254
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 64 True 13.035 21.844 21.855 24.338
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 256 True 13.094 22.020 22.031 24.709
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 16 True 19.742 46.262 46.297 38.400
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 64 True 20.006 46.561 46.574 38.840
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 256 True 20.771 47.268 47.332 39.623
DeepSpeed (AdamW + CPU/Parameter offloading)

Note: Results are reported with gradient_checkpointing enabled, running on a 2x A100.

With train_batch_size = 1:

model memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 13.141 13.141 21.070 24.602
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 20.170 20.170 28.662 38.957

With train_batch_size = 4:

model memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 13.141 19.854 20.836 24.709
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 20.170 40.635 40.699 39.027

Full finetuning


The memory requirements for image-to-video full finetuning are similar to that of text-to-video on THUDM/CogVideoX-5b, so it hasn't been reported explicitly.

Additionally, to prepare test images for I2V finetuning, you could either generate them on-the-fly by modifying the script, or extract some frames from your training data using: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -frames:v 1 frame.png, or provide a URL to a valid and accessible image.


Trying to run full finetuning without gradient checkpointing OOMs even on an A100 (80 GB), so the memory measurements have not been specified.


With train_batch_size = 1:

model gradient_checkpointing memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b True 16.396 33.934 43.848 37.520
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b True 30.061 OOM OOM OOM

With train_batch_size = 4:

model gradient_checkpointing memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b True 16.396 38.281 48.341 37.544
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b True 30.061 OOM OOM OOM
AdamW (8-bit bitsandbytes)

With train_batch_size = 1:

model gradient_checkpointing memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b True 16.396 16.447 27.555 27.156
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b True 30.061 52.826 58.570 49.541

With train_batch_size = 4:

model gradient_checkpointing memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b True 16.396 27.930 27.990 27.326
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b True 16.396 66.648 66.705 48.828
AdamW + CPUOffloadOptimizer (with gradient offloading)

With train_batch_size = 1:

model gradient_checkpointing memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b True 16.396 16.396 26.100 23.832
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b True 30.061 39.359 48.307 37.947

With train_batch_size = 4:

model gradient_checkpointing memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b True 16.396 27.916 27.975 23.936
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b True 30.061 66.607 66.668 38.061
DeepSpeed (AdamW + CPU/Parameter offloading)

Note: Results are reported with gradient_checkpointing enabled, running on a 2x A100.

With train_batch_size = 1:

model memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 13.111 13.111 20.328 23.867
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 19.762 19.998 27.697 38.018

With train_batch_size = 4:

model memory_before_training memory_before_validation memory_after_validation memory_after_testing
THUDM/CogVideoX-2b 13.111 21.188 21.254 23.869
THUDM/CogVideoX-5b 19.762 43.465 43.531 38.082


  • memory_after_validation is indicative of the peak memory required for training. This is because apart from the activations, parameters and gradients stored for training, you also need to load the vae and text encoder in memory and spend some memory to perform inference. In order to reduce total memory required to perform training, one can choose not to perform validation/testing as part of the training script.

  • memory_before_validation is the true indicator of the peak memory required for training if you choose to not perform validation/testing.

Slaying OOMs with PyTorch


  • Make scripts compatible with DDP
  • Make scripts compatible with FSDP
  • Make scripts compatible with DeepSpeed
  • vLLM-powered captioning script
  • Multi-resolution/frame support in
  • Analyzing traces for potential speedups and removing as many syncs as possible
  • Support for QLoRA (priority), and other types of high usage LoRAs methods
  • Test scripts with memory-efficient optimizer from bitsandbytes
  • Test scripts with CPUOffloadOptimizer, etc.
  • Test scripts with torchao quantization, and low bit memory optimizers (Currently errors with AdamW (8/4-bit torchao))
  • Test scripts with AdamW (8-bit bitsandbytes) + CPUOffloadOptimizer (with gradient offloading) (Currently errors out)
  • Sage Attention (work with the authors to support backward pass, and optimize for A100)


Since our goal is to make the scripts as memory-friendly as possible we don't guarantee multi-GPU training.