Fork this, then clone it. Create a new jupyter notebook. Figure out how to use Pandas to answer the questions below. When you are finished with the analysis, commit it, and push it back to your fork.
There is a CSV in here, museums.csv
Within in the new jupyter notebook answer the following questions.
- Which city or state has the most museums per capita?
- Which city or state has the least museums per capita?
- How many zoos or aquariums exist in the United States?
- How many zoos?
- How many aquariums?
- What museum or related organization had the highest revenue last year?
- How does the composition of museum types differ across the country?
- For each type of museum, statistical measure on revenue and income?
Create a visualization of some aspect of the data set. Perhaps a chart showing museums/zoos/aquariums per state...
Show a chart/plot/visualization which shows the distribution of money across the data set.