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iCE40 PLL documentation

Sylvain "tnt" Munaut edited this page Apr 1, 2024 · 5 revisions

Accurate diagram

This diagram is a much more faithful representation on what's going on that what's in the lattice docs.

PLL diagram

Dynamic reconfiguration

The iCE40 PLL has a dynamic reconfiguration port. It can be enabled by setting the TEST_MODE parameter on the PLL instance. Note that when doing so, the static configuration is ignored and you HAVE TO use the dynamic reconfig port to load a valid config for the PLL to do anything !

It's using 3 signals + the reset signal on the PLL :

output wire SDO,
input  wire SDI,
input  wire SCLK,
input  wire RESETB,

And this is basically a shift register that allows you to change the internal configuration of the PLL by shifting it a new one. This must be done while the PLL is in reset (and so you can't depends on its output to be running to shift in the new config !), and the new configuration will become active once reset is released.

Sequence would be :

  • Assert the reset of your logic clocked by any PLL output
  • Assert RESETB (set to 0)
  • Shift in new config word 1 bit at a time, MSB first. Data is shifted in on the falling edge of SCLK
  • Release RESETB
  • Wait for PLL_LOCK
  • Release the reset of your logic clocked by PLL output

The configuration word is 26 bits, or 27 bits for the UP5k :

[   26] ShiftReg[1]  (UP5k only)
[   25] FSEnet
[24:23] pllout1Sel
[   22] Source Clock (0=Pad, 1=Fabric)
[   21] ShiftReg[0]
[20:19] pllout2Sel
[18:17] delaymuxsel
[13:11] DIVQ
[10: 4] DIVF
[ 3: 0] DIVR
  • FSEnet is the mux right before DIVF in the diagram above. Set to 1 for SIMPLE
  • delaymuxsel is the feedback mux
    • 0: DELAY
    • 3: EXTERNAL
  • pllout1Sel and pllout2Sel are the output muxes
    • 0: SHIFTREG_0deg
    • 1: SHIFTREG_90deg
    • 2: GENCLK
    • 3: GENCLK_HALF