supports to automatically check out and import required git repositories into your IDE during setup.
To configure this you put a .properties
file for each desired project into the repository
sub-folder in your settings.
Each .properties
file describes one "project" which you would like to check out and (potentially) import:
build_cmd=mvn -DskipTests=true -Darchetype.test.skip=true clean install
.Variables of repository import
|=== |Variable|Value|Meaning
|e.g. myproject
, will clone into ${WORKSPACE_PATH}/myproject
|(required) Path into which the projects is cloned.
This path is relative to the workspace.
|working sets
|e.g. ws1,ws2
|(optional) This will create working sets (in eclipse).
Each module (eclipse project) of this project will be part of all these working sets.
Working sets will be automatically created if necessary.
|Workspace to use for checkout and import.
Default is main
|(required) Git URL to use for cloning the project.
|e.g. develop
|(optional) Git branch to checkout.
Git default branch is default.
|e.g. .
(default)|(optional) The directory inside path
where to trigger an initial build after clone or pull (if build_cmd
is set).
For a regular project use .
to build top-level project.
|e.g. mvn -D skip Tests=true -Darchetype.test.skip=true clean install
|(optional) The IDEasy command to build the project after clone or pull.
If omitted no build is triggered.
|e.g. eclipse
|(optional) Comma separated list of IDEs to import the repository into.
|(optional) If set to false
the repository is skipped during the setup.