A universal AI wrapper for JavaScript & TypeScript.
Use LLMs from anywhere—servers, browsers and web-apps. AIWrapper works in anything that runs JavaScript.
⚠️ It's in early WIP stage and the API may change.
- Generate plain text or JSON objects with a simple API
- Use different LLM providers: OpenAI, Anthropic, Groq, DeepSeek, Ollama and any OpenAI-compatible services
- Output objects based on needed schemas
- Swap models quickly or chain different models together
- Use it with JavaScript or TypeScript from anywhere
Install with npm or import in Deno by URL.
npm install aiwrapper
import * as aiwrapper from "https://deno.land/x/aiwrapper/mod.ts";
import { Lang } from "aiwrapper";
const lang = Lang.openai({ apiKey: "YOUR KEY" });
const result = await lang.ask("Say hi!");
import { Lang } from "aiwrapper";
const lang = Lang.openai({ apiKey: "YOUR KEY" }); // or Lang.anthropic
import { Lang } from "aiwrapper";
// Connect to a custom OpenAI-compatible API
const lang = Lang.openaiLike({
apiKey: "YOUR KEY", // Optional - not needed for APIs without authentication
model: "model-name",
baseURL: "https://your-custom-api.example.com/v1",
systemPrompt: "Optional system prompt",
// Optional headers for authentication or other purposes
headers: {
"X-Custom-Header": "custom-value",
"Authorization": "Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=" // Alternative auth method example
// Additional properties to include in the request body
bodyProperties: {
temperature: 0.7,
presence_penalty: 0.6,
frequency_penalty: 0.1
// Use it just like any other LLM provider
const result = await lang.ask("Hello!");
await lang.ask('Hello, AI!', streamingResult => {
// In most cases - a prompt template should be just a function that returns a string
function getPrompt(product) {
return `You are a naming consultant for new companies. What is a good name for a company that makes ${product}?
Write just the name. Nothing else aside from the name - no extra comments or characters that are not part of the name.`;
const prompt = getPrompt("colorful socks");
await lang.ask(prompt, streamingResult => {
async function askForCompanyNames() {
// We can ask for an object with a particular schema. In that case - an array with company names as strings.
const product = "colorful socks";
const numberOfNames = 3;
const result = await lang.askForObject({
instructions: [
`You are a naming consultant for new companies. What is a good name for a company that makes ${product}?`,
`Return ${numberOfNames} names.`
objectExamples: [
["Name A", "Name B", "Name C"]
}, streamingResult => {
return result.answerObj;
const names = await askForCompanyNames();
async function askForStoriesBehindTheNames() {
// We can use an answer in other prompts. Here we ask to come up with stories for all of the names we've got.
const names = await askForCompanyNames();
const stories = [];
for (const name of names) {
const story = await lang.askForObject({
instructions: [
`You are a professional writer and a storyteller.`,
`Look at the name "${name}" carefully and reason step-by-step about the meaning of the name and what is the potential story behind it.`,
`Write a short story. Don't include any comments or characters that are not part of the story.`,
objectExamples: [
"name": "Name A",
"reasoning": "Reasoning about Name A",
"story": "Story about Name A"
}, streamingResult => {
return stories;
const namesWithStories = await askForStoriesBehindTheNames();
// When you work with complex objects it's better to define them as classes or types.
class Task {
constructor(name, description, tasks) {
this.name = name;
this.description = description;
this.tasks = tasks;
async function getTask() {
// In this case we represent the schema. You may also treat it
// as a few shot example.
const exampleTask = new Task("Root Task", "This is the task that has subtasks", [
new Task("Task A1", "This is task A1", []),
new Task("Task A2", "This is task A2", []),
const taskPrompt = {
instructions: [
"Reflect on the objective and tasks (from the Objective section) step by step. Ensure that you understand them; identify any ambiguities or gaps in information. The Context section offers relevant information. Feel free to add critique or insights about the objective.",
"Create a tree of tasks. If the task is complex, break it down into subtasks, following the KISS principle. Each task should have a clear, actionable title, and a reasoning. If there are ambiguities or gaps in information, start by posing follow-up questions.",
outputExamples: [
content: {
"Make me $1 000 000 in 3 years. I have $10000 to spare and can live without income for 18 months. I only want to do it by starting a business. Be my CEO.",
"Context": "I'm a software developer and a digital nomad",
const result = await lang.askForObject(taskPrompt, res => {
return result.answerObject
const task = await getTask();
For detailed information about AIWrapper development and contribution, see: