- Waveshare AD (Analog)
- MPR121
- MPR121QR2
- SparkFun
- Grove QTouch (AT42QT1070)
- Seeed Studio
- 12 Button Keypad (requires I2C backpack) [Note: may not be true for Netduino]
- Adafruit
- SparkFun
- MPU6050 (I2C IMU)
- ADXL345 (I2C)
- BMP180
- BMP280
- BME280
- MPL3115A2
- MS5611
Note: should we just combine altimeters with barometers? It includes all the ones above, and adds these two:
- HMC5883L
- BNO055
- MAG3110
- BME280 (See barometer, above)
- HTU21D
- HIH6130
- TH02
- SI7020
- SI7021
- SHT31D
- DHT11 (Via I2C Backpack)
- DHT21 (Via I2C Backpack)
- DHT22 (Via I2C Backpack)
- MPU6050 [also in accelerometer; maybe move to boards]
- BNO055
- Photoreistors
- TSL2561
- Lego EV3 Color & Light Sensor
- Lego NXT Color Sensor
- Passive Infra-Red by Parallax
- Generic Passive Infra-Red, HC-SR501
- OSEPP IR Proximity Sensor (Note: despite its name, this is not a proximity sensor that outputs a measured distance to an obstruction.)
- Sharp IR Motion Detection
- LM35
- TMP36
- TMP102
- DS18B20 (requires Firmata)
- MPU6050 [also in accelerometer; maybe move to boards]
- Grove Thermometer
- BMP180 [also in altimeters, consider unifying]
- BMP280 [also in altimeters, consider unifying]
- BME280 [also in altimeters, consider unifying]
- MPL3115A2 [also in altimeters, consider unifying]
- MS5611 [also in altimeters, consider unifying]
- HTU21D
- HIH6130
- MCP9808
- SI7020
- SI7021
- MS5611
- TH02
- DHT11 (Via I2C Backpack)
- DHT21 (Via I2C Backpack)
- DHT22 (Via I2C Backpack)
- SHT31D
- INA169
- INA219 (I2C)
- LTC4150
- ACS712
(breakout boards, shields, etc.)