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Deploy Instructions for Azure


  1. Deploy the main Antiope Framework
  2. Clone this repo as antiope-azure inside the antiope directory
  3. Create the Azure Service Principals as described in AzureCredentials

Create the Lambda Layer

cd antiope-azure
make layer env=FNORD


Antiope uses a config.ENV file to specify a few environment variables for the Makefile, and a cft-deploy Manifest file as the parameters to CloudFormation.

  1. Create the Manifest (replace FNORD with your environment name. ie dev, qa, prod, etc)
make manifest env=FNORD manifest=antiope-azure-FNORD-Manifest.yaml
echo "AZURE_MANIFEST=manifest=antiope-azure-FNORD-Manifest.yaml" >> ../config-files/config.FNORD

Edit the Manifest file:

  1. Set pAzureLambdaLayerPackage: to match the output from the make layer command above
  2. Remove the line with LocalTemplate: towards the top
  3. Remove the pBucketName:, pTemplateURL: Parameters. They will be supplied by the Makefile
  4. Provide a name for the SecretsManager credential as pAzureServiceSecretName
  5. Provide the main Antiope Stack Name as pAntiopeMainStackName
  6. Add the following as part if the StackPolicy block to prevent Cloudformation from touching your subscription table:
  - Resource:
    - LogicalResourceId/SubscriptionDBTable
    Effect: Deny
    Principal: "*"
      - "Update:Delete"
      - "Update:Replace"

Validate everything

make cfn-validate-manifest env=prod

Make sure all the values look right


make deploy env=prod

Add the Azure service principal secrets to the Secrets Manager secret that was created by make deploy

Promotion from lower environment

As Antiope uses Serverless Transforms as part of the CloudFormation process, you can re-use the transformed templates to promote code from a lower environment to an upper or production environment.

  1. Generate a new Manifest for the upper environment using the make manifest command
  2. Make sure to copy the LambdaLayer package from the lower environment's bucket to the upper environment.
  3. Get the value of TemplateURL from the stack outputs of the lower environment. This file points to the exact set of lambda and cloudformation used to deploy the lower environment.
  4. Run the make promote command:
make promote env=UPPER template=TEMPLATE_URL_FROM_STEP_3

Note, if the lower environment is in a different account, the antiope bucket will need a cross-account bucket policy granting access to the upper environment's account_id. The prefix the upper account requires is deploy-packages/*