The tool to make CLI ( commands user interface ). It is able to aggregate external binary applications, as well as functions, which are written in your language.
#[ cfg( not( feature = "no_std" ) ) ]
use wca::{ VerifiedCommand, Context, Type };
fn main()
let ca = wca::CommandsAggregator::former()
.command( "echo" )
.hint( "prints all subjects and properties" )
.subject().hint( "Subject" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end()
.property( "property" ).hint( "simple property" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end()
.routine( | o : VerifiedCommand | { println!( "= Args\n{:?}\n\n= Properties\n{:?}\n", o.args, o.props ) } )
.command( "error" )
.hint( "prints all subjects and properties" )
.subject().hint( "Error message" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end()
.routine( | o : VerifiedCommand | { println!( "Returns an error" ); Err( format!( "{}", o.args.get_owned::< String >( 0 ).unwrap_or_default() ) ) } )
.command( "exit" )
.hint( "just exit" )
.routine( || { println!( "exit" ); std::process::exit( 0 ) } )
let args = std::env::args().skip( 1 ).collect::< Vec< String > >();
ca.perform( args ).unwrap();
cargo add wca
git clone
cd wTools
cd examples/wca_trivial
cargo run