Arduino controller code
To be able to use the mega2560_256 board, you need to create a new board in your boards.txt (in the Arduino library base) which is a copy of mega2560 except the name (now mega2560_256, duh) and
. Then you need to copy ..../hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/
to ..../hardware/arduino/cores/arduino_bigserial/
and in the new directory edit HardwareSerial.cpp
to change #define SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE 64
to #define SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE 256
Run ./ <board>
where board is any implemented board (such as "mega2560").
The emulator requires shammam to be installed. To launch the emulator go to the emulation
directory and run ./ <board>
where board is any implemented board (such as "mega2560").
PLEASE FIX ME: The script currently requires the shammam repository to be cloned in the same directory as this repository.
All communication happens by sending messages in the following format: [code (1 byte)][message length N (1 byte)][message (N bytes)]
. Message codes are the following:
- pin_type: 0 for digital pin, 1 for analog pin, 2 for virtual pin
- pin_index: Index of the pin
- reading: Current value at the pin
- pin_type: 0 for digital pin, 1 for analog pin, 2 for virtual pin
- pin_index: Index of the pin
- mode: If this pin is NOT virtual: 0 (input), 1 (output), 2 (PWM output), 3 (input with pullup resistor) or 4 (PWM output with smoothing)
- length: Length of the following bytes (pin-specific)
- pin_index: Index of the pin
- virtual_pin_type:
- 0: Digital temperature sensor. pin-specific info:
- temp_index: Index of the temperature sensor on the OneWire bus
- 1: ISR Light controller (only makes a pulse during the AC wave). pin-specific info:
- frequency: frequency of the ISR light (50 or 60). All virtual pins of this type MUST have the same value for their frequency.
- sync: the pin on which SYNC happens (zero-crossing is measured). All virtual pins of this type MUST have the same value for their sync.
- pin: pin to output the waves for this light.
- 2: Same as ISR light (1) but this doesn't make a pulse at the right time, but rather keeps the port HIGH until next zero cross
- 3:
- 4: NTC temperature sensor. pin-specific info:
[analog_pin_index, k_resistance]
- analog_pin_index: Index of the analog pin (i.e. 0, 1, 2, ...15 on the mega) to read the sensor
- k_resistance: resistance value used (in thousands). pass 100 for 100kohm, 20 for 20kohm, etc...
- 5: EmonLin current sensor:
- analog_pin_index: Index of the analog pin (i.e. 0 for A0, 1 for A1, 2, ...15 for A15 on the mega) to read the sensor
- 0: Digital temperature sensor. pin-specific info:
- pin_type: 0 for digital pin, 1 for analog pin, 2 for virtual pin
- pin_index: Index of the pin
- output: output value (0/1 for digital, or 0-255 for PWM)
The reading will be returned via a message (code 0) sent by the arduino
- pin_type: 0 for digital pin, 1 for analog pin, 2 for virtual pin
- pin_index: Index of the pin
Code 5: Register pin listener [5][6][pin_type][pin_index][interval (4 bytes UNSIGNED LITTLE ENDIAN)]
Makes the Arduino report the pin's reading every interval
- pin_type: 0 for digital pin, 1 for analog pin, 2 for virtual pin
- pin_index: Index of the pin
- interval: interval (in ms) at which the Arduino reads the pin (-1 means don't read, 0 means no interval but report on-change)
Resets all pin states