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What's the difference between passive and active objects in the python API? #2360

Answered by psifertex
psifertex asked this question in Q&A
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First, a quick refresher: Binary Ninja has a C++ core with a C API for binary compatibility (and multi-language bindings) and its most popular (but not only!) API for plugins is Python. That means when you use the Python API to request an objet from the core, some of those objects will represent a currently live, active object in the core. Changes you make in the core will be immediately reflected in the Python API and vice-versa.

For example:

>>> a = current_function
>>> #Use the UI and rename the function
>>> = "different"
>>> # Look in the UI and the function has changed

Function objects are active.

(One rule of thumb is that if the python c…

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Apr 7, 2021
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