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Dart tool that feed data into the Database
❗ In order to start using Data Loader you must have the [Dart SDK][dart_install_link] installed on your machine.
Add data_loader
to your pubspec.yaml
Install it:
dart pub get
This tool is used to insert data in firebase,
It have a couple of commands, one to load the prompt terms in the firestore database of the project, another one quite similar, but that loads card descriptions, and one to load placeholder images in firestore cloud storage for those prompts.
Download the prompts CSV which must have the following format:
Download the description CSV which must have the following format:
'Character,Class,Power,Location,Description 1,Description X...'
'Dash,Alien,Banjos,City,Desc 1, Desc X...'
dart bin/data_loader.dart prompts projectId csv_file_location.csv
It uses the gcloud default admin app for auth, so you must have it properly configured in your machine before running it.
dart bin/data_loader.dart descriptions projectId csv_file_location.csv
It uses the gcloud default admin app for auth, so you must have it properly configured in your machine before running it.
The images placeholder command will create the expected file structure in a destination_folder
which should then be uploaded to firebase cloud storage.
In order to do so, run:
dart bin/data_loader.dart images destination_folder csv_file_location.csv placeholder_image_path <card_variation_number>
Then, inside the destination_folder
, run:
gcloud storage cp --gzip-local-all --recursive . gs://<bucket-id>
Similar to the prompts command, you need to have the gcloud cli properly configured and authenticated.
This commands takes a CSV with the prompts, a number of variations and check if a certain folder has an image for all of the prompt combinations. This commands assumes that which character has its own folder, so it should be executed once per character.
dart bin/data_loader.dart validate_images <images_folder> <csv_file_location.csv> <card_variation_number> <character>
This commands takes a CSV with the prompts, a number of variations and check if a certain folder has an image for all of the prompt combinations.
When it find prompts combinations that does not have all the variations, it will insert a lookup record in the db, so the game have a way of knowing which are the available images that it can use as a fall back.
This commands assumes that which character has its own folder, so it should be executed once per character.
dart bin/data_loader.dart generate_tables <projectId> <images_folder> <csv_file_location.csv> <card_variation_number> <character>