diff --git a/Balances/HashCryptos.ps1 b/Balances/HashCryptos.ps1
index 22b178b6..95a0b2ac 100644
--- a/Balances/HashCryptos.ps1
+++ b/Balances/HashCryptos.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Balances\HashCryptos.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ While (-not $APIResponse -and $RetryCount -gt 0 -and $Wallet) {
$APIResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $Request -TimeoutSec $Config.PoolAPITimeout -ErrorAction Ignore -Headers $Headers -UserAgent $UserAgent -SkipCertificateCheck
If ($Config.LogBalanceAPIResponse) {
- "$(([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
+ "$([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$Request | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$APIResponse | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
diff --git a/Balances/HiveON.ps1 b/Balances/HiveON.ps1
index 65f17d90..7ef54fee 100644
--- a/Balances/HiveON.ps1
+++ b/Balances/HiveON.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Balances\Hiveon.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ $PoolConfig.Wallets.psBase.Keys.Where({ $_ -in @("BTC", "ETC", "RVN") }).ForEach
$APIResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $Request -TimeoutSec $PoolConfig.PoolAPITimeout -ErrorAction Ignore
If ($Config.LogBalanceAPIResponse) {
- "$(([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
+ "$([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$Request | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$APIResponse | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
diff --git a/Balances/MiningDutch.ps1 b/Balances/MiningDutch.ps1
index 4f57da9a..46295d7a 100644
--- a/Balances/MiningDutch.ps1
+++ b/Balances/MiningDutch.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Balances\MiningDutch.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ While (-not $APIResponse -and $RetryCount -gt 0 -and $Config.MiningDutchAPIKey)
$RetryCount = $Config.PoolsConfig.$Name.PoolAPIAllowedFailureCount
If ($Config.LogBalanceAPIResponse) {
- "$(([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
+ "$([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$Request | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$APIResponse | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
diff --git a/Balances/MiningPoolHub.ps1 b/Balances/MiningPoolHub.ps1
index 6f3401f6..13301687 100644
--- a/Balances/MiningPoolHub.ps1
+++ b/Balances/MiningPoolHub.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Balances\MiningPoolHub.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ While (-not $UserAllBalances -and $RetryCount -gt 0 -and $Config.MiningPoolHubAP
$UserAllBalances = ((Invoke-RestMethod "http://miningpoolhub.com/index.php?page=api&action=getuserallbalances&api_key=$($Config.MiningPoolHubAPIKey)" -Headers $Headers -TimeoutSec $PoolAPITimeout -ErrorAction Ignore).getuserallbalances).data | Where-Object { $_.confirmed -gt 0 -or $_.unconfirmed -gt 0 }
If ($Config.LogBalanceAPIResponse) {
- "$(([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
+ "$([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$Request | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$UserAllBalances | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 >> ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json"
diff --git a/Balances/NiceHash External.ps1 b/Balances/NiceHash External.ps1
index ab3c3b80..792c2de3 100644
--- a/Balances/NiceHash External.ps1
+++ b/Balances/NiceHash External.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Balances\NiceHash Internal.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ While (-not $APIResponse -and $RetryCount -gt 0 -and $Wallet) {
$APIResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $Request -TimeoutSec $Config.PoolAPITimeout -ErrorAction Ignore
If ($Config.LogBalanceAPIResponse) {
- "$(([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
+ "$([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$Request | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$APIResponse | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
diff --git a/Balances/NiceHash Internal.ps1 b/Balances/NiceHash Internal.ps1
index 912eb1c5..d5c26ca0 100644
--- a/Balances/NiceHash Internal.ps1
+++ b/Balances/NiceHash Internal.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Balances\NiceHash Internal.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Function Get-NiceHashRequest {
$Uuid = [String]([guid]::NewGuid())
- $Timestamp = ([DateTimeOffset]([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()).ToUnixTimeMilliseconds()
+ $Timestamp = ([DateTimeOffset][DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()).ToUnixTimeMilliseconds()
$Str = "$Key`0$Timestamp`0$Uuid`0`0$Organizationid`0`0$($Method.ToUpper())`0$Endpoint`0extendedResponse=true"
$Sha = [System.Security.Cryptography.KeyedHashAlgorithm]::Create("HMACSHA256")
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ While (-not $APIResponse -and $RetryCount -gt 0 -and $Config.NiceHashAPIKey -and
$APIResponse = Get-NiceHashRequest -EndPoint $EndPoint -Method $Method -Key $Key -OrganizationID $OrganizationID -Secret $Secret
If ($Config.LogBalanceAPIResponse) {
- "$(([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
+ "$([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$Request | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$APIResponse | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
diff --git a/Balances/ProHashing.ps1 b/Balances/ProHashing.ps1
index 0e8199b6..c5dad250 100644
--- a/Balances/ProHashing.ps1
+++ b/Balances/ProHashing.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Balances\ProHashing.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ While (-not $APIResponse -and $RetryCount -gt 0 -and $Config.ProHashingAPIKey) {
$APIResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $Request -TimeoutSec $Config.PoolAPITimeout -ErrorAction Ignore
If ($Config.LogBalanceAPIResponse) {
- "$(([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
+ "$([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$Request | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$APIResponse | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
diff --git a/Balances/ZergPool.ps1 b/Balances/ZergPool.ps1
index d48f35f6..9fd05a2f 100644
--- a/Balances/ZergPool.ps1
+++ b/Balances/ZergPool.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Balances\ZergPool.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ $Config.PoolsConfig.$Name.Wallets.Keys.ForEach(
$APIResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $Request -TimeoutSec $Config.PoolAPITimeout -ErrorAction Ignore
If ($Config.LogBalanceAPIResponse) {
- "$(([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
+ "$([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$Request | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$APIResponse | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
diff --git a/Balances/Zpool.ps1 b/Balances/Zpool.ps1
index 08ee5809..44f9f076 100644
--- a/Balances/Zpool.ps1
+++ b/Balances/Zpool.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Balances\Zpool.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ $Config.PoolsConfig.$Name.Wallets.Keys.ForEach(
$APIResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $Request -TimeoutSec $Config.PoolAPITimeout -ErrorAction Ignore
If ($Config.LogBalanceAPIResponse) {
- "$(([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
+ "$([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime())" | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$Request | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$APIResponse | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\BalanceAPIResponse_$Name.json" -Append -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
diff --git a/Brains/HashCryptos.ps1 b/Brains/HashCryptos.ps1
index 5d8960c3..88f25e58 100644
--- a/Brains/HashCryptos.ps1
+++ b/Brains/HashCryptos.ps1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Brains\MiningDutch.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ While ($PoolConfig = $Config.PoolsConfig.$BrainName) {
Write-Message -Level Debug "Brain '$BrainName': End loop (Duration $Duration sec. / Avg. loop duration: $DurationsAvg sec.); Price history $($PoolObjects.Count) objects; found $($Variables.BrainData.$BrainName.PSObject.Properties.Name.Count) valid pools."
- While ($Timestamp -ge $Variables.PoolDataCollectedTimeStamp -or ($Variables.EndCycleTime -and ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds($DurationsAvg + 3) -le $Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() -lt $Variables.EndCycleTime)) {
+ While ($Timestamp -ge $Variables.PoolDataCollectedTimeStamp -or ($Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds($DurationsAvg + 3) -le $Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() -lt $Variables.EndCycleTime)) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
diff --git a/Brains/MiningDutch.ps1 b/Brains/MiningDutch.ps1
index b455eeea..11e8933e 100644
--- a/Brains/MiningDutch.ps1
+++ b/Brains/MiningDutch.ps1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Brains\MiningDutch.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ While ($PoolConfig = $Config.PoolsConfig.$BrainName) {
Write-Message -Level Debug "Brain '$BrainName': End loop (Duration $Duration sec. / Avg. loop duration: $DurationsAvg sec.); Price history $($PoolObjects.Count) objects; found $($Variables.BrainData.$BrainName.PSObject.Properties.Name.Count) valid pools."
- While ($Timestamp -ge $Variables.PoolDataCollectedTimeStamp -or ($Variables.EndCycleTime -and ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds($DurationsAvg + 3) -le $Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() -lt $Variables.EndCycleTime)) {
+ While ($Timestamp -ge $Variables.PoolDataCollectedTimeStamp -or ($Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds($DurationsAvg + 3) -le $Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() -lt $Variables.EndCycleTime)) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
diff --git a/Brains/ProHashing.ps1 b/Brains/ProHashing.ps1
index e1ba1e89..e8aca8e5 100644
--- a/Brains/ProHashing.ps1
+++ b/Brains/ProHashing.ps1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Brains\ProHashing.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ While ($PoolConfig = $Config.PoolsConfig.$BrainName) {
Write-Message -Level Debug "Brain '$BrainName': End loop (Duration $Duration sec. / Avg. loop duration: $DurationsAvg sec.); Price history $($PoolObjects.Count) objects; found $($Variables.BrainData.$BrainName.PSObject.Properties.Name.Count) valid pools."
- While ($Timestamp -ge $Variables.PoolDataCollectedTimeStamp -or ($Variables.EndCycleTime -and ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds($DurationsAvg + 3) -le $Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() -lt $Variables.EndCycleTime)) {
+ While ($Timestamp -ge $Variables.PoolDataCollectedTimeStamp -or ($Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds($DurationsAvg + 3) -le $Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() -lt $Variables.EndCycleTime)) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
diff --git a/Brains/ZPool.ps1 b/Brains/ZPool.ps1
index fb0507df..7a740a36 100644
--- a/Brains/ZPool.ps1
+++ b/Brains/ZPool.ps1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Brains\ZPool.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ While ($PoolConfig = $Config.PoolsConfig.$BrainName) {
Write-Message -Level Debug "Brain '$BrainName': End loop (Duration $Duration sec. / Avg. loop duration: $DurationsAvg sec.); Price history $($PoolObjects.Count) objects; found $($Variables.BrainData.$BrainName.PSObject.Properties.Name.Count) valid pools."
- While ($Timestamp -ge $Variables.PoolDataCollectedTimeStamp -or ($Variables.EndCycleTime -and ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds($DurationsAvg + 3) -le $Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() -lt $Variables.EndCycleTime)) {
+ While ($Timestamp -ge $Variables.PoolDataCollectedTimeStamp -or ($Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds($DurationsAvg + 3) -le $Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() -lt $Variables.EndCycleTime)) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
diff --git a/Brains/ZergPool.ps1 b/Brains/ZergPool.ps1
index 48284ace..63a37549 100644
--- a/Brains/ZergPool.ps1
+++ b/Brains/ZergPool.ps1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Brains\ZergPool.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ While ($PoolConfig = $Config.PoolsConfig.$BrainName) {
Write-Message -Level Debug "Brain '$BrainName': End loop (Duration $Duration sec. / Avg. loop duration: $DurationsAvg sec.); Price history $($PoolObjects.Count) objects; found $($Variables.BrainData.$BrainName.PSObject.Properties.Name.Count) valid pools."
- While ($Timestamp -ge $Variables.PoolDataCollectedTimeStamp -or ($Variables.EndCycleTime -and ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds($DurationsAvg + 3) -le $Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() -lt $Variables.EndCycleTime)) {
+ While ($Timestamp -ge $Variables.PoolDataCollectedTimeStamp -or ($Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds($DurationsAvg + 3) -le $Variables.EndCycleTime -and [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() -lt $Variables.EndCycleTime)) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
diff --git a/Changelog.txt b/Changelog.txt
index c1f2c0d8..828813f6 100644
--- a/Changelog.txt
+++ b/Changelog.txt
@@ -2,10 +2,32 @@ Known issues:
- Balance Tracker / Earnings Graph: Date change does not respect local time zone (accumulated data is calculated in UTC time)
+ChangeLog UG-Miner 6.2.2 2024/04/02
+- Support for Fishhash algorithm (Iron coin)
+- Core: Support algoritm variant in algorithm selection, e.g. '-Ethash(6Gib)'
+- Web GUI: Minor speed improvements
+- Core: Miners not getting stopped after benchmarking in some scenarios
+- Core: Use all collected samples when storing hashrate & power usage data
+- Core: Faster check if miner binaries exist on disk
+Miner changes:
+- lolMiner-v1.86
+- NanoMiner-v3.9.0
+- SRBMinerMulti-v2.5.0
ChangeLog UG-Miner 6.2.2 2024/03/28
+- APIServer: '/functions/stat/disable' removed stat file
- ZergPoolCoins: Calculated earnings 1000x too high
Miner Updates:
diff --git a/Data/Algorithms.json b/Data/Algorithms.json
index 2d81cc6e..14f3c860 100644
--- a/Data/Algorithms.json
+++ b/Data/Algorithms.json
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@
"hmq1725": "HMQ1725",
"hns": "Handshake",
"hypra": "EthashB3",
+ "iron": "FishHash",
"italocoin": "Cuckaroo2948",
"jeonghash": "JeongHash",
"kangaroo12": "K12",
diff --git a/Data/CoinNames.json b/Data/CoinNames.json
index 6d72978e..75b7f3b2 100644
--- a/Data/CoinNames.json
+++ b/Data/CoinNames.json
@@ -298,6 +298,7 @@
"VIRS": "Virsai",
"VISH": "Vishai",
"VIVO": "Vivo",
+ "VIX": "Vixel",
"VKAX": "Vkax",
"VLC": "Vultaic",
"VOA": "Vortexa",
diff --git a/Data/CurrencyAlgorithm.json b/Data/CurrencyAlgorithm.json
index 45577259..97d9abff 100644
--- a/Data/CurrencyAlgorithm.json
+++ b/Data/CurrencyAlgorithm.json
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
"IMGC": "X11",
"INN": "Tribus",
"IQ": "Neoscrypt",
- "IRON": "Ironfish",
+ "IRON": "FishHash",
"ISO": "YespowerIc",
"JGC": "Ghostrider",
"KAS": "HeavyHashKaspa",
@@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"VIRS": "X11",
"VISH": "Yespower",
"VIVO": "Neoscrypt",
+ "VIX": "X11",
"VKAX": "Mike",
"VLC": "KawPow",
"VOA": "Neoscrypt",
diff --git a/Data/DagData.json b/Data/DagData.json
index 7993147c..ebde69ae 100644
--- a/Data/DagData.json
+++ b/Data/DagData.json
@@ -1,251 +1,251 @@
"Algorithm": {
"Autolykos2": {
- "BlockHeight": 1230033,
+ "BlockHeight": 1234297,
"CoinName": "ERG",
"DAGsize": 3922828350,
- "Epoch": 796
+ "Epoch": 800
"EtcHash": {
- "BlockHeight": 19582903,
+ "BlockHeight": 19621237,
"CoinName": "ETC",
- "DAGsize": 3825204608,
- "Epoch": 328
+ "DAGsize": 3833592704,
+ "Epoch": 329
"Ethash": {
- "BlockHeight": 19156461,
+ "BlockHeight": 19195217,
"CoinName": "ETHW",
- "DAGsize": 6442444672,
- "Epoch": 640
+ "DAGsize": 6450837376,
+ "Epoch": 641
"EthashB3": {
- "BlockHeight": 2486123,
+ "BlockHeight": 2545647,
"CoinName": "HYP",
- "DAGsize": 1778382464,
- "Epoch": 84
+ "DAGsize": 1795157888,
+ "Epoch": 86
"EvrProgPow": {
- "BlockHeight": 734887,
+ "BlockHeight": 743393,
"CoinName": "EVR",
"DAGsize": 3749706368,
"Epoch": 63
"FiroPow": {
- "BlockHeight": 859380,
+ "BlockHeight": 862724,
"CoinName": "FIRO",
- "DAGsize": 6635385472,
- "Epoch": 663
+ "DAGsize": 6652164224,
+ "Epoch": 665
"FiroPowSCC": {
- "BlockHeight": 859380,
+ "BlockHeight": 862724,
"CoinName": "FIRO",
- "DAGsize": 6635385472,
- "Epoch": 663
+ "DAGsize": 6652164224,
+ "Epoch": 665
"KawPow": {
- "BlockHeight": 3253294,
+ "BlockHeight": 3261842,
"CoinName": "RVN",
- "DAGsize": 4722786176,
- "Epoch": 435
+ "DAGsize": 4731173248,
+ "Epoch": 436
"MeowPow": {
- "BlockHeight": 815680,
+ "BlockHeight": 824173,
"CoinName": "MEWC",
- "DAGsize": 1996487552,
- "Epoch": 110
+ "DAGsize": 4798283648,
+ "Epoch": 111
"Octopus": {
- "BlockHeight": 92542092,
+ "BlockHeight": 92954222,
"CoinName": "CFX",
- "DAGsize": 7281293056,
- "Epoch": 178
+ "DAGsize": 7298087168,
+ "Epoch": 179
"ProgPowSero": {
- "BlockHeight": 12297989,
+ "BlockHeight": 12337357,
"CoinName": "SERO",
- "DAGsize": 4521459584,
- "Epoch": 411
+ "DAGsize": 4538232704,
+ "Epoch": 413
"ProgPowZ": {
- "BlockHeight": 2563574,
+ "BlockHeight": 2572197,
"CoinName": "ZANO",
"DAGsize": 1803550592,
"Epoch": 87
"UbqHash": {
- "BlockHeight": 5083620,
+ "BlockHeight": 5107517,
"CoinName": "UBQ",
- "DAGsize": 2508191872,
- "Epoch": 171
+ "DAGsize": 2516582272,
+ "Epoch": 172
"Currency": {
"*": {
- "BlockHeight": 92542092,
+ "BlockHeight": 92954222,
"CoinName": "*",
- "DAGsize": 7281293056,
- "Epoch": 796
+ "DAGsize": 7298087168,
+ "Epoch": 800
"AIPG": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
- "BlockHeight": 156631,
+ "BlockHeight": 165117,
"CoinName": "Aipowergrid",
- "DAGsize": 1258290304,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.0084097Z",
- "Epoch": 22,
+ "DAGsize": 1275067264,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.2804497Z",
+ "Epoch": 24,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"AITT": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
- "BlockHeight": 125985,
+ "BlockHeight": 177217,
"CoinName": "AittCoin",
- "DAGsize": 1224732032,
- "Date": "2024-03-24T15:53:50.8310735Z",
- "Epoch": 18,
- "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
+ "DAGsize": 1283453312,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.2452221Z",
+ "Epoch": 25,
+ "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"AKA": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 11499388,
+ "BlockHeight": 11513861,
"CoinName": "AKA",
"DAGsize": 4303349632,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.5347545Z",
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.8591432Z",
"Epoch": 385,
"Url": "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator"
"ALT": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 3131866,
+ "BlockHeight": 3191039,
"CoinName": "Altcoinchain",
- "DAGsize": 1962932096,
- "Date": "2024-03-24T15:53:50.8352355Z",
- "Epoch": 106,
+ "DAGsize": 1979707264,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.7966386Z",
+ "Epoch": 108,
"Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"AVS": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 3176315,
+ "BlockHeight": 3236265,
"CoinName": "Aves",
- "DAGsize": 1971321728,
- "Date": "2024-03-24T15:53:50.8656029Z",
- "Epoch": 107,
+ "DAGsize": 1988093056,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.8522209Z",
+ "Epoch": 109,
"Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"BTN": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 1734115,
+ "BlockHeight": 1773882,
"CoinName": "Bitnetmoney",
- "DAGsize": 1568669056,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.1451019Z",
- "Epoch": 59,
- "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
+ "DAGsize": 1585446272,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:20.0368357Z",
+ "Epoch": 61,
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"CAU": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 3321628,
+ "BlockHeight": 3381817,
"CoinName": "Canxium",
- "DAGsize": 2013262208,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.1535909Z",
- "Epoch": 112,
- "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
+ "DAGsize": 2030039936,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:20.0768541Z",
+ "Epoch": 114,
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"CFX": {
"Algorithm": "Octopus",
- "BlockHeight": 92542092,
+ "BlockHeight": 92954222,
"CoinName": "Conflux",
- "DAGsize": 7281293056,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:08.0483239Z",
- "Epoch": 178,
- "Url": "https://prohashing.com/api/v1/currencies"
+ "DAGsize": 7298087168,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.2631382Z",
+ "Epoch": 179,
+ "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"CLO": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 14452239,
+ "BlockHeight": 14492393,
"CoinName": "Callisto",
- "DAGsize": 5125436032,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.1994797Z",
- "Epoch": 483,
- "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
+ "DAGsize": 5142215296,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:20.1192415Z",
+ "Epoch": 485,
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"CLORE": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
- "BlockHeight": 678258,
+ "BlockHeight": 686769,
"CoinName": "Clore",
- "DAGsize": 1845488768,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.6280211Z",
- "Epoch": 92,
- "Url": "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator"
+ "DAGsize": 1853879936,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:20.1251383Z",
+ "Epoch": 93,
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"DINT": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
- "BlockHeight": 169246,
+ "BlockHeight": 177405,
"CoinName": "Dinartether",
- "DAGsize": 1275067264,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.6604337Z",
- "Epoch": 24,
- "Url": "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator"
+ "DAGsize": 1283453312,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:20.213489Z",
+ "Epoch": 25,
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 510010,
+ "BlockHeight": 538653,
"CoinName": "Dogether",
"DAGsize": 1233124736,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.1563978Z",
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:20.2640016Z",
"Epoch": 19,
- "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"EGAZ": {
"Algorithm": "EtcHash",
- "BlockHeight": 4755719,
+ "BlockHeight": 4795607,
"CoinName": "Etica",
- "DAGsize": 2415918976,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.1053191Z",
- "Epoch": 160,
+ "DAGsize": 2424307328,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.3790018Z",
+ "Epoch": 161,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"EGEM": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 15235931,
+ "BlockHeight": 15276049,
"CoinName": "Ethergem",
- "DAGsize": 5343542144,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.0944598Z",
- "Epoch": 509,
+ "DAGsize": 5360319872,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.3818951Z",
+ "Epoch": 511,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"ELH": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 2156452,
+ "BlockHeight": 2216336,
"CoinName": "Elhereum",
- "DAGsize": 1686109312,
- "Date": "2024-03-24T15:53:50.9734267Z",
- "Epoch": 73,
+ "DAGsize": 1702886272,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:20.2855381Z",
+ "Epoch": 75,
"Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"ERG": {
"Algorithm": "Autolykos2",
- "BlockHeight": 1230033,
+ "BlockHeight": 1234297,
"CoinName": "Ergo",
"DAGsize": 3922828350,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:08.0380433Z",
- "Epoch": 796,
- "Url": "https://prohashing.com/api/v1/currencies"
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.8608173Z",
+ "Epoch": 800,
+ "Url": "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator"
"ESN": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
"BlockHeight": 6408009,
"CoinName": "Ethersocial",
"DAGsize": 2877286784,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.5512798Z",
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.874456Z",
"Epoch": 215,
"Url": "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator"
"ETC": {
"Algorithm": "EtcHash",
- "BlockHeight": 19582903,
+ "BlockHeight": 19621237,
"CoinName": "EthereumClassic",
- "DAGsize": 3825204608,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.1081999Z",
- "Epoch": 328,
+ "DAGsize": 3833592704,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.4060325Z",
+ "Epoch": 329,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"ETHF": {
@@ -259,20 +259,20 @@
"ETHO": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 13751155,
+ "BlockHeight": 13791965,
"CoinName": "EthoProtocol",
- "DAGsize": 4932499328,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.1807906Z",
- "Epoch": 460,
+ "DAGsize": 4940889728,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.4677294Z",
+ "Epoch": 461,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"ETHW": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 19156461,
+ "BlockHeight": 19195217,
"CoinName": "EthereumPow",
- "DAGsize": 6442444672,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.0914858Z",
- "Epoch": 640,
+ "DAGsize": 6450837376,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.394205Z",
+ "Epoch": 641,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"ETNT": {
@@ -289,18 +289,18 @@
"BlockHeight": 8700191,
"CoinName": "Metaverse",
"DAGsize": 3523213952,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.5429791Z",
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.8712038Z",
"Epoch": 292,
"Url": "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator"
"EVR": {
"Algorithm": "EvrProgPow",
- "BlockHeight": 734887,
+ "BlockHeight": 743393,
"CoinName": "Evrmore",
"DAGsize": 3749706368,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:08.2843362Z",
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:20.3128595Z",
"Epoch": 63,
- "Url": "https://evr.cryptoscope.io/api/getblockcount"
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"EXP": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
@@ -313,11 +313,11 @@
"FIRO": {
"Algorithm": "FiroPow",
- "BlockHeight": 859380,
+ "BlockHeight": 862724,
"CoinName": "Firo",
- "DAGsize": 6635385472,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.0483245Z",
- "Epoch": 663,
+ "DAGsize": 6652164224,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.2943775Z",
+ "Epoch": 665,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"FLORA": {
@@ -325,27 +325,27 @@
"BlockHeight": 789635,
"CoinName": "",
"DAGsize": 1308619904,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.6584674Z",
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T10:40:22.5345672Z",
"Epoch": 28,
"Url": "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator"
"FREN": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
- "BlockHeight": 927611,
+ "BlockHeight": 944644,
"CoinName": "FrenCoin",
- "DAGsize": 2122315136,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.0347775Z",
- "Epoch": 125,
+ "DAGsize": 2139092608,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.2731284Z",
+ "Epoch": 127,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"GPN": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
- "BlockHeight": 476000,
+ "BlockHeight": 484499,
"CoinName": "Gamepass",
- "DAGsize": 1619000192,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:05.9883822Z",
- "Epoch": 65,
- "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
+ "DAGsize": 1627386752,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:20.6140354Z",
+ "Epoch": 66,
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"HVQ": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
@@ -358,74 +358,74 @@
"HYP": {
"Algorithm": "EthashB3",
- "BlockHeight": 2486123,
+ "BlockHeight": 2545647,
"CoinName": "Hypra",
- "DAGsize": 1778382464,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.0632473Z",
- "Epoch": 84,
- "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
+ "DAGsize": 1795157888,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:20.8700996Z",
+ "Epoch": 86,
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"KIIRO": {
"Algorithm": "FiroPow",
- "BlockHeight": 144871,
+ "BlockHeight": 148297,
"CoinName": "KiiroCoin",
- "DAGsize": 2021653888,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.0384944Z",
- "Epoch": 113,
- "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
+ "DAGsize": 2046819968,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:21.0374652Z",
+ "Epoch": 116,
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"LRS": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 503520,
+ "BlockHeight": 542814,
"CoinName": "Larissa",
- "DAGsize": 1224732032,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.1383259Z",
- "Epoch": 18,
+ "DAGsize": 1241513344,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.3906737Z",
+ "Epoch": 20,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"MEWC": {
"Algorithm": "MeowPow",
- "BlockHeight": 815680,
+ "BlockHeight": 824173,
"CoinName": "MeowCoin",
- "DAGsize": 1996487552,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:08.5572847Z",
- "Epoch": 110,
- "Url": "https://mewc.cryptoscope.io/api/getblockcount"
+ "DAGsize": 4798283648,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:21.2369257Z",
+ "Epoch": 111,
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"MOAC": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 13623761,
+ "BlockHeight": 13656316,
"CoinName": "",
- "DAGsize": 4898946944,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.528547Z",
- "Epoch": 456,
+ "DAGsize": 4907333248,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.8521097Z",
+ "Epoch": 457,
"Url": "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator"
"NEOX": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
- "BlockHeight": 971459,
+ "BlockHeight": 979985,
"CoinName": "Neoxa",
- "DAGsize": 2172642176,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.0056969Z",
- "Epoch": 131,
- "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
+ "DAGsize": 2181035392,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:21.2705092Z",
+ "Epoch": 132,
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"NILU": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 6243203,
+ "BlockHeight": 6243357,
"CoinName": "",
"DAGsize": 2835349376,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.5565047Z",
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.8845232Z",
"Epoch": 210,
"Url": "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator"
"NIR": {
"Algorithm": "ProgPowZ",
- "BlockHeight": 201473,
+ "BlockHeight": 218673,
"CoinName": "Nirmata",
- "DAGsize": 1140849536,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:05.9629921Z",
- "Epoch": 8,
+ "DAGsize": 1149232768,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.2484153Z",
+ "Epoch": 9,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"NUKO": {
@@ -433,27 +433,27 @@
"BlockHeight": 8848535,
"CoinName": "",
"DAGsize": 3556763264,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.5404306Z",
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.8690588Z",
"Epoch": 296,
"Url": "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator"
"OCTA": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 4317336,
+ "BlockHeight": 4357282,
"CoinName": "Octaspace",
- "DAGsize": 2290086272,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.1200516Z",
- "Epoch": 145,
- "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
+ "DAGsize": 2306867072,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:21.3546591Z",
+ "Epoch": 147,
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"PAPRY": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
- "BlockHeight": 575956,
+ "BlockHeight": 584484,
"CoinName": "Paprika",
- "DAGsize": 1728047744,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.0244195Z",
- "Epoch": 78,
- "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
+ "DAGsize": 1736434816,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:21.3847365Z",
+ "Epoch": 79,
+ "Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"PGC": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
@@ -466,30 +466,30 @@
"PRCO": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
- "BlockHeight": 936746,
+ "BlockHeight": 949500,
"CoinName": "ProcyonCoin",
- "DAGsize": 2130700672,
- "Date": "2024-03-24T15:53:51.2726552Z",
- "Epoch": 126,
+ "DAGsize": 2147483264,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:21.4630009Z",
+ "Epoch": 128,
"Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"QKC": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 15802671,
+ "BlockHeight": 15854966,
"CoinName": "Quarkchain",
- "DAGsize": 5502925952,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.1665634Z",
- "Epoch": 528,
+ "DAGsize": 5519703424,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.4579229Z",
+ "Epoch": 530,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"REDE": {},
"REDEV2": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 1825735,
+ "BlockHeight": 1886516,
"CoinName": "Redev2",
- "DAGsize": 1593831296,
- "Date": "2024-03-24T15:53:51.2841535Z",
- "Epoch": 62,
+ "DAGsize": 1610610304,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:21.5218165Z",
+ "Epoch": 64,
"Url": "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies"
"RTH": {
@@ -503,38 +503,38 @@
"RVN": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
- "BlockHeight": 3253294,
+ "BlockHeight": 3261842,
"CoinName": "RavenCoin",
- "DAGsize": 4722786176,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:08.0404613Z",
- "Epoch": 435,
- "Url": "https://prohashing.com/api/v1/currencies"
+ "DAGsize": 4731173248,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.2238335Z",
+ "Epoch": 436,
+ "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"SATOX": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
- "BlockHeight": 626859,
+ "BlockHeight": 635396,
"CoinName": "Sato",
- "DAGsize": 1786772864,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.6300771Z",
- "Epoch": 85,
- "Url": "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator"
+ "DAGsize": 1795157888,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.2832407Z",
+ "Epoch": 86,
+ "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"SCC": {
"Algorithm": "FiroPowSCC",
- "BlockHeight": 859380,
+ "BlockHeight": 862724,
"CoinName": "StakeCubeCoin",
- "DAGsize": 6635385472,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.0483245Z",
- "Epoch": 663,
+ "DAGsize": 6652164224,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.2943775Z",
+ "Epoch": 665,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"SERO": {
"Algorithm": "ProgPowSero",
- "BlockHeight": 12297989,
+ "BlockHeight": 12337357,
"CoinName": "Sero",
- "DAGsize": 4521459584,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.0440532Z",
- "Epoch": 411,
+ "DAGsize": 4538232704,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.3460253Z",
+ "Epoch": 413,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"SLX": {
@@ -548,56 +548,56 @@
"UBQ": {
"Algorithm": "UbqHash",
- "BlockHeight": 5083620,
+ "BlockHeight": 5107517,
"CoinName": "Ubiq",
- "DAGsize": 2508191872,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.5591074Z",
- "Epoch": 171,
+ "DAGsize": 2516582272,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.8864534Z",
+ "Epoch": 172,
"Url": "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator"
"VLC": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
- "BlockHeight": 63528,
+ "BlockHeight": 71086,
"CoinName": "Vultaic",
- "DAGsize": 1157627776,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.0176473Z",
- "Epoch": 10,
+ "DAGsize": 1166013824,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.2555413Z",
+ "Epoch": 11,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"XNA": {
"Algorithm": "KawPow",
- "BlockHeight": 492616,
+ "BlockHeight": 501135,
"CoinName": "Neurai",
- "DAGsize": 1635773824,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:05.9946934Z",
- "Epoch": 67,
- "Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
+ "DAGsize": 1644164224,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.9364524Z",
+ "Epoch": 68,
+ "Url": "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator"
"XPB": {
"Algorithm": "Ethash",
- "BlockHeight": 1334935,
+ "BlockHeight": 1374774,
"CoinName": "Powblocks",
- "DAGsize": 1459615616,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.1165564Z",
- "Epoch": 46,
+ "DAGsize": 1468006016,
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.4285501Z",
+ "Epoch": 47,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"ZANO": {
"Algorithm": "ProgPowZ",
- "BlockHeight": 2563574,
+ "BlockHeight": 2572197,
"CoinName": "Zano",
"DAGsize": 1803550592,
- "Date": "2024-03-27T15:45:05.9330258Z",
+ "Date": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.2327097Z",
"Epoch": 87,
"Url": "https://whattomine.com/coins.json"
"Updated": {
- "https://evr.cryptoscope.io/api/getblockcount": "2024-03-27T15:45:08.2848978Z",
- "https://mewc.cryptoscope.io/api/getblockcount": "2024-03-27T15:45:08.5576748Z",
- "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.7044046Z",
- "https://prohashing.com/api/v1/currencies": "2024-03-27T15:45:08.0490616Z",
- "https://whattomine.com/coins.json": "2024-03-27T15:45:06.1999043Z",
- "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies": "2024-03-24T15:53:51.3942532Z"
+ "https://evr.cryptoscope.io/api/getblockcount": "2024-04-02T08:50:27.6455356Z",
+ "https://mewc.cryptoscope.io/api/getblockcount": "2024-04-02T08:50:28.2725898Z",
+ "https://minerstat.com/dag-size-calculator": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.9795036Z",
+ "https://prohashing.com/api/v1/currencies": "2024-04-02T14:52:21.1704252Z",
+ "https://whattomine.com/coins.json": "2024-04-02T14:52:19.4681537Z",
+ "https://zergpool.com/api/currencies": "2024-04-02T14:52:21.5222116Z"
diff --git a/Data/PoolData.json b/Data/PoolData.json
index 0bbe5485..fb2fd23e 100644
--- a/Data/PoolData.json
+++ b/Data/PoolData.json
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
"PriceField": "estimate_last24h"
"ZergPoolCoinsPlus": {
- "DivisorMultiplier": 1000000,
+ "DivisorMultiplier": 1000000000,
"PriceField": "PlusPrice"
"ZergPoolPlus": {
diff --git a/Includes/APIServer.psm1 b/Includes/APIServer.psm1
index 6254eb5a..8e08d2e8 100644
--- a/Includes/APIServer.psm1
+++ b/Includes/APIServer.psm1
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\APIServer.psm1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
Function Start-APIServer {
- $APIVersion = ""
+ $APIVersion = ""
If ($Variables.APIRunspace.AsyncObject.IsCompleted -or $Config.APIport -ne $Variables.APIRunspace.APIport) {
@@ -408,16 +408,13 @@ Function Start-APIServer {
$Miners | ForEach-Object {
$Data += $_.Name
ForEach ($Worker in $_.Workers) {
- Remove-Stat -Name "$($_.Name)_$($Worker.Pool.Algorithm)_Hashrate"
+ Disable-Stat -Name "$($_.Name)_$($Worker.Pool.Algorithm)_Hashrate"
$Worker.Hashrate = [Double]::NaN
Remove-Variable Worker
- $_.Disabled = $true
- $_.Reasons = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]@("Disabled by user")
- $_.Available = $false
$Data = $Data | Sort-Object -Unique
- $Message = "$($Data.Count) $(If ($Data.Count -eq 1) { "Miner" } Else { "Miners" }) disbled"
+ $Message = "$($Data.Count) $(If ($Data.Count -eq 1) { "miner" } Else { "miners" }) disabled"
Write-Message -Level Verbose "Web GUI: $Message"
$Data = "$($Data -join "`n")`n`n$Message"
@@ -443,7 +440,7 @@ Function Start-APIServer {
If (-not $_.Reasons) { $_.Available = $true }
$Data = $Data | Sort-Object -Unique
- $Message = "$($Data.Count) $(If ($Data.Count -eq 1) { "Miner" } Else { "Miners" }) enabled"
+ $Message = "$($Data.Count) $(If ($Data.Count -eq 1) { "miner" } Else { "miners" }) enabled"
Write-Message -Level Verbose "Web GUI: $Message"
$Data = "$($Data -join "`n")`n`n$Message"
@@ -585,13 +582,13 @@ Function Start-APIServer {
$Stat_Name = "$($_.Name)_$($Algorithm)_$($Parameters.Type)"
If ($Parameters.Value -eq 0) { # Miner failed
Remove-Stat -Name $Stat_Name
+ Set-Stat -Name $Stat_Name -Value $Parameters.Value -FaultDetection $false | Out-Null
$_.Profit = $_.Profit_Bias = $_.Earning = $_.Earning_Bias = $_.Earning_Accuracy = [Double]::NaN
$_.Available = $false
$_.Disabled = $false
If ($_.Reasons -notcontains "0 H/s Stat file" ) { $_.Reasons.Add("0 H/s Stat file") }
$_.Reasons = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]@($_.Reasons | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "Disabled by user" } | Sort-Object -Unique)
$_.Status = [MinerStatus]::Failed
- Set-Stat -Name $Stat_Name -Value $Parameters.Value -FaultDetection $false | Out-Null
Remove-Variable Algorithm
@@ -817,11 +814,11 @@ Function Start-APIServer {
"/miners/bestcombo" {
- $Data = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 @($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo | Sort-Object DeviceNames | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty Arguments, Data, DataReaderJob, DataSampleTimestamp, Devices, EnvVars, PoolNames, Process, ProcessJob, StatEnd, StatStart, SideIndicator, ValidDataSampleTimestamp)
+ $Data = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 @($Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo | Sort-Object DeviceNames | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty Arguments, Data, DataReaderJob, DataSampleTimestamp, Devices, EnvVars, PoolNames, Process, ProcessJob, StatEnd, StatStart, SideIndicator, ValidDataSampleTimestamp)
"/miners/bestcombos" {
- $Data = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 @($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combos | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty Arguments, Data, DataReaderJob, DataSampleTimestamp, Devices, EnvVars, PoolNames, Process, ProcessJob, SideIndicator, StatEnd, StatStart, SideIndicator, ValidDataSampleTimestamp)
+ $Data = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 @($Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombos | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty Arguments, Data, DataReaderJob, DataSampleTimestamp, Devices, EnvVars, PoolNames, Process, ProcessJob, SideIndicator, StatEnd, StatStart, SideIndicator, ValidDataSampleTimestamp)
"/miners/disabled" {
@@ -833,7 +830,7 @@ Function Start-APIServer {
"/miners/launched" {
- $Data = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 @($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty Arguments, Data, DataReaderJob, DataSampleTimestamp, Devices, EnvVars, PoolNames, Process, ProcessJob, SideIndicator, StatEnd, StatStart, ValidDataSampleTimestamp | ForEach-Object { $_.Workers = $_.WorkersRunning; $_ } | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty WorkersRunning)
+ $Data = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 @($Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty Arguments, Data, DataReaderJob, DataSampleTimestamp, Devices, EnvVars, PoolNames, Process, ProcessJob, SideIndicator, StatEnd, StatStart, ValidDataSampleTimestamp | ForEach-Object { $_.Workers = $_.WorkersRunning; $_ } | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty WorkersRunning)
"/miners/optimal" {
@@ -983,7 +980,7 @@ Function Start-APIServer {
"/workers" {
- If ($Config.ShowWorkerStatus -and $Config.MonitoringUser -and $Config.MonitoringServer -and $Variables.WorkersLastUpdated -lt ([DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(-30)) {
+ If ($Config.ShowWorkerStatus -and $Config.MonitoringUser -and $Config.MonitoringServer -and $Variables.WorkersLastUpdated -lt [DateTime]::Now.AddSeconds(-30)) {
$Workers = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@(
diff --git a/Includes/BalancesTracker.ps1 b/Includes/BalancesTracker.ps1
index 4a154053..5f3fb583 100644
--- a/Includes/BalancesTracker.ps1
+++ b/Includes/BalancesTracker.ps1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\BalancesTracker.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ Do {
$Variables.EarningsChartData | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Data\EarningsChartData.json" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
# Keep earnings for max. 1 year
- $OldestEarningsDate = ([DateTime]::Now).AddYears(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
+ $OldestEarningsDate = [DateTime]::Now.AddYears(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
$Earnings = $Earnings.Where({ $_.Date -ge $OldestEarningsDate })
Remove-Variable OldestEarningsDate
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ Do {
# Sleep until next update (at least 1 minute, maximum 60 minutes)
- While (([DateTime]::Now) -le $Now.AddMinutes((60, (1, [Int]$Config.BalancesTrackerPollInterval | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum) | Measure-Object -Minimum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Minimum))) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 }
+ While ([DateTime]::Now -le $Now.AddMinutes((60, (1, [Int]$Config.BalancesTrackerPollInterval | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum) | Measure-Object -Minimum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Minimum))) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 }
If ($Now) { Write-Message -Level Info "Balances Tracker stopped." }
diff --git a/Includes/Core.ps1 b/Includes/Core.ps1
index 9fe00fd9..9ad1a267 100644
--- a/Includes/Core.ps1
+++ b/Includes/Core.ps1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: Core.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Do {
$Variables.RunningMiners = [Miner[]]@()
$Variables.BenchmarkingOrMeasuringMiners = [Miner[]]@()
$Variables.FailedMiners = [Miner[]]@()
- $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combos = [Miner[]]@()
+ $Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombos = [Miner[]]@()
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
@@ -119,49 +119,53 @@ Do {
Else { $Variables.WatchdogTimers = [PSCustomObject[]]@() }
# Check for new version
- If ($Config.AutoUpdateCheckInterval -and $Variables.CheckedForUpdate -lt ([DateTime]::Now).AddDays(-$Config.AutoUpdateCheckInterval)) { Get-NMVersion }
+ If ($Config.AutoUpdateCheckInterval -and $Variables.CheckedForUpdate -lt [DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-$Config.AutoUpdateCheckInterval)) { Get-NMVersion }
If ($Config.Donation -gt 0) {
If (-not $Variables.DonationStart) {
- # Re-Randomize donation start once per day, do not donate if remaing time for today is less than donation duration
+ # Re-Randomize donation start and data once per day, do not donate if remaing time for today is less than donation duration
If (($Variables.DonationLog.Start | Sort-Object -Bottom 1).Date -ne [DateTime]::Today) {
- If ($Config.Donation -lt (1440 - [Math]::Floor(([DateTime]::Now).TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes))) {
- $Variables.DonationStart = ([DateTime]::Now).AddMinutes((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum (1440 - [Math]::Floor(([DateTime]::Now).TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes) - $Config.Donation)))
+ If ($Config.Donation -lt (1440 - [Math]::Floor([DateTime]::Now.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes))) {
+ $Variables.DonationStart = [DateTime]::Now.AddMinutes((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum (1440 - [Math]::Floor([DateTime]::Now.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes) - $Config.Donation)))
- If ($Variables.DonationStart -and ([DateTime]::Now) -ge $Variables.DonationStart) {
+ If ($Variables.DonationStart -and [DateTime]::Now -ge $Variables.DonationStart) {
If (-not $Variables.DonationEnd) {
$Variables.DonationStart = Get-Date
+ # Add pool config to config (in-memory only)
+ $Variables.DonationRandomPoolsConfig = Get-RandomDonationPoolsConfig
# Ensure full donation period
$Variables.DonationEnd = $Variables.DonationStart.AddMinutes($Config.Donation)
$Variables.EndCycleTime = ($Variables.DonationEnd).ToUniversalTime()
- # Add pool config to config (in-memory only)
- $Variables.DonationRandomPoolsConfig = Get-RandomDonationPoolsConfig
- # Activate donation
- $Variables.PoolName = $Variables.DonationRandomPoolsConfig.psBase.Keys
- $Variables.PoolsConfig = $Variables.DonationRandomPoolsConfig
- $Variables.NiceHashWalletIsInternal = $false
- Write-Message -Level Info "Donation run: Mining for '$($Variables.DonationRandom.Name)' for the next $(If (($Config.Donation - (([DateTime]::Now) - $Variables.DonationStart).Minutes) -gt 1) { "$($Config.Donation - (([DateTime]::Now) - $Variables.DonationStart).Minutes) minutes" } Else { "minute" }). While donating $($Variables.Branding.ProductLabel) will use pools '$($Variables.PoolName -join ', ')'."
+ Write-Message -Level Info "Donation run: Mining for '$($Variables.DonationRandom.Name)' for the next $(If (($Config.Donation - ([DateTime]::Now - $Variables.DonationStart).Minutes) -gt 1) { "$($Config.Donation - ([DateTime]::Now - $Variables.DonationStart).Minutes) minutes" } Else { "minute" })."
$Variables.DonationRunning = $true
- If ($Variables.DonationRunning -and ([DateTime]::Now) -gt $Variables.DonationEnd) {
- $Variables.DonationLog = $Variables.DonationLog | Select-Object -Last 365 # Keep data for one year
- [Array]$Variables.DonationLog += [PSCustomObject]@{
- Start = $Variables.DonationStart
- End = $Variables.DonationEnd
- Name = $Variables.DonationRandom.Name
+ If ($Variables.DonationRunning) {
+ If ($Config.Donation -gt 0 -and [DateTime]::Now -lt $Variables.DonationEnd) {
+ # Use donation pool config
+ $Variables.PoolsConfig = $Variables.DonationRandomPoolsConfig
+ $Variables.NiceHashWalletIsInternal = $false
+ }
+ Else {
+ # Donation end
+ $Variables.DonationLog = $Variables.DonationLog | Select-Object -Last 365 # Keep data for one year
+ [Array]$Variables.DonationLog += [PSCustomObject]@{
+ Start = $Variables.DonationStart
+ End = $Variables.DonationEnd
+ Name = $Variables.DonationRandom.Name
+ }
+ $Variables.DonationLog | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\DonateLog.json" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
+ $Variables.DonationRandomPoolsConfig = $null
+ $Variables.DonationStart = $null
+ $Variables.DonationEnd = $null
+ $Variables.PoolsConfig = $Config.PoolsConfig.Clone()
+ Write-Message -Level Info "Donation run complete - thank you! Mining for you again. :-)"
+ $Variables.DonationRunning = $false
- $Variables.DonationLog | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -LiteralPath ".\Logs\DonateLog.json" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
- $Variables.DonationRandomPoolsConfig = $null
- $Variables.DonationStart = $null
- $Variables.DonationEnd = $null
- $Variables.PoolsConfig = $Config.PoolsConfig.Clone()
- Write-Message -Level Info "Donation run complete - thank you! Mining for you again. :-)"
- $Variables.DonationRunning = $false
# Stop / Start brain background jobs
@@ -228,7 +232,7 @@ Do {
$DeviceName = $_
If ($ConfiguredPowerConsumption = $Config.PowerConsumption.$_ -as [Double]) {
- If ($_ -in $Variables.EnabledDevices.Name -and -not $PowerConsumptionData.$_) { Write-Message -Level Warn "HWiNFO64 cannot read power consumption data for device ($_). Using configured value of $ConfiguredPowerConsumption) W." }
+ If ($_ -in $Variables.EnabledDevices.Name -and -not $PowerConsumptionData.$_) { Write-Message -Level Warn "HWiNFO64 cannot read power consumption data for device ($_). Using configured value of $ConfiguredPowerConsumption)W." }
$PowerConsumptionData[$_] = "$ConfiguredPowerConsumption W"
$Variables.EnabledDevices.Where({ $_.Name -eq $DeviceName }).ForEach({ $_.ConfiguredPowerConsumption = $ConfiguredPowerConsumption })
@@ -285,7 +289,7 @@ Do {
$PoolTimestamp = If ($Variables.PoolDataCollectedTimeStamp) { $Variables.PoolDataCollectedTimeStamp } Else { $Variables.ScriptStartTime }
# Wait for all brains
- While (([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() -lt $Variables.Timer.AddSeconds($Variables.PoolTimeout) -and ($Variables.Brains.psBase.Keys.Where({ $Variables.Brains[$_] -and $Variables.Brains[$_].Updated -lt $PoolTimestamp }))) {
+ While ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() -lt $Variables.Timer.AddSeconds($Variables.PoolTimeout) -and ($Variables.Brains.psBase.Keys.Where({ $Variables.Brains[$_] -and $Variables.Brains[$_].Updated -lt $PoolTimestamp }))) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
@@ -442,6 +446,8 @@ Do {
# Filter disabled algorithms
$Pools.Where({ $Config.Algorithm -contains "-$($_.Algorithm)" }).ForEach({ $_.Reasons.Add("Algorithm disabled (``-$($_.Algorithm)`` in generic config)") })
$Pools.Where({ $Variables.PoolsConfig[$_.Name].Algorithm -contains "-$($_.Algorithm)" }).ForEach({ $_.Reasons.Add("Algorithm disabled (``-$($_.Algorithm)`` in $($_.Name) pool config)") })
+ $Pools.Where({ $Config.Algorithm -contains "-$($_.AlgorithmVariant)" }).ForEach({ $_.Reasons.Add("Algorithm disabled (``-$($_.AlgorithmVariant)`` in generic config)") })
+ $Pools.Where({ $Variables.PoolsConfig[$_.Name].Algorithm -contains "-$($_.AlgorithmVariant)" }).ForEach({ $_.Reasons.Add("Algorithm disabled (``-$($_.AlgorithmVariant)`` in $($_.Name) pool config)") })
If ($Config.Currency -like "+*") {
# Filter non-enabled currencies
@@ -514,7 +520,7 @@ Do {
If ($Config.BalancesKeepAlive -and $BalancesTrackerRunspace -and $Variables.PoolsLastEarnings.Count -gt 0 -and $Variables.PoolsLastUsed) {
$Variables.PoolNamesToKeepBalancesAlive = @()
ForEach ($Pool in @($Pools.Where({ $_.Name -notin $Config.BalancesTrackerExcludePool }) | Sort-Object -Property Name -Unique)) {
- If ($Variables.PoolsLastEarnings[$Pool.Name] -and $Variables.PoolsConfig[$Pool.Name].BalancesKeepAlive -gt 0 -and (([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() - $Variables.PoolsLastEarnings[$Pool.Name]).Days -ge ($Variables.PoolsConfig[$Pool.Name].BalancesKeepAlive - 10)) {
+ If ($Variables.PoolsLastEarnings[$Pool.Name] -and $Variables.PoolsConfig[$Pool.Name].BalancesKeepAlive -gt 0 -and ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() - $Variables.PoolsLastEarnings[$Pool.Name]).Days -ge ($Variables.PoolsConfig[$Pool.Name].BalancesKeepAlive - 10)) {
$Variables.PoolNamesToKeepBalancesAlive += $PoolName
Write-Message -Level Warn "Pool '$($Pool.Name)' prioritized to avoid forfeiting balance (pool would clear balance in 10 days)."
@@ -531,6 +537,8 @@ Do {
# Mark best pools, allow all DAG pools (optimal pool might not fit in GPU memory)
($Pools.Where({ $_.Available }) | Group-Object Algorithm).ForEach({ ($_.Group | Sort-Object -Property Prioritize, Price_Bias -Bottom $(If ($Config.MinerUseBestPoolsOnly -or $_.Group.Algorithm -notmatch $Variables.RegexAlgoHasDAG) { 1 } Else { $_.Group.Count })).ForEach({ $_.Best = $true }) })
+ $Pools.ForEach({ $_.PSObject.Properties.Remove("SideIndicator") })
# Update data in API
@@ -554,10 +562,10 @@ Do {
# Ensure we get the hashrate for running miners prior looking for best miner
- ForEach ($Miner in $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo | Sort-Object -Property { $_.DeviceNames }) {
+ ForEach ($Miner in $Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo | Sort-Object -Property { $_.DeviceNames }) {
If ($Miner.DataReaderJob.HasMoreData -and $Miner.Status -ne [MinerStatus]::DryRun) {
- $Miner.Data = @($Miner.Data | Select-Object -Last ($Miner.MinDataSample * 5)) # Reduce data to MinDataSample * 5
If ($Samples = @($Miner.DataReaderJob | Receive-Job | Select-Object)) {
+ $Miner.Data += $Samples
$Sample = $Samples[-1]
$Miner.Hashrates_Live = $Sample.Hashrate.PSObject.Properties.Value
# Hashrate from primary algorithm is relevant
@@ -567,6 +575,7 @@ Do {
Remove-Variable Sample, Samples -ErrorAction Ignore
+ $Miner.Data = @($Miner.Data | Select-Object -Last ($Miner.MinDataSample * 5)) # Reduce data to MinDataSample * 5
If ($Miner.Status -in @([MinerStatus]::Running, [MinerStatus]::DryRun)) {
If ($Miner.Status -eq [MinerStatus]::DryRun -or $Miner.GetStatus() -eq [MinerStatus]::Running) {
@@ -806,12 +815,15 @@ Do {
Remove-Variable Info, Miner, MinersNewGroup, MinersNewGroups, MinersNew, Name -ErrorAction Ignore
+ Else {
+ $Miners = $Variables.Miners
+ }
# Core suspended with P in MainLoop
While ($Variables.SuspendCycle) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }
# Filter miners
- $Miners.Where({ $_.Disabled }).ForEach({ $_.Reasons.Add("Disabled by user"); $_.Status = [MinerStatus]::Disabled })
+ $Miners.Where({ $_.Disabled }).ForEach({ $_.Reasons.Add("Disabled by user") })
If ($Config.ExcludeMinerName.Count) { $Miners.Where({ (Compare-Object @($Config.ExcludeMinerName | Select-Object) @($_.BaseName, "$($_.BaseName)-$($_.Version)", $_.Name | Select-Object -Unique) -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 }).ForEach({ $_.Reasons.Add("ExcludeMinerName ($($Config.ExcludeMinerName -join ', '))") }) }
$Miners.Where({ $_.Earning -eq 0 }).ForEach({ $_.Reasons.Add("Earning -eq 0") })
$Miners.Where({ -not $_.Benchmark -and $_.Workers.Hashrate -contains 0 }).ForEach({ $_.Reasons.Add("0 H/s Stat file") })
@@ -846,7 +858,7 @@ Do {
$Variables.MinersMissingBinary = [Miner[]]@()
- $Miners.Where({ -not $_.Reasons -and -not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $_.Path -Type Leaf) }).ForEach(
+ ($Miners.Where({ -not $_.Reasons }) | Group-Object Path).Where({ -not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $_.Name -Type Leaf) }).Group.ForEach(
$_.Reasons.Add("Binary missing")
$Variables.MinersMissingBinary += $_
@@ -869,7 +881,7 @@ Do {
$WatchdogMinerCount = ($Variables.WatchdogCount, [Math]::Floor($Variables.WatchdogCount * $_.Group.Count / 2) | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum)
If ($MinersToSuspend = @($_.Group.Where({ @($Variables.WatchdogTimers | Where-Object MinerName -EQ $_.Name | Where-Object MinerVersion -EQ $_.Version | Where-Object Kicked -LT $Variables.Timer).Count -gt $WatchdogMinerCount }))) {
$MinersToSuspend.ForEach({ $_.Reasons.Add("Miner suspended by watchdog (all algorithms)") })
- Write-Message -Level Warn "Miner '$($_.Group[0].BaseName)-$($_.Group[0].Version) [all algorithms]' is suspended by watchdog until $((($Variables.WatchdogTimers | Where-Object MinerBaseName -EQ $_.Group[0].BaseName | Where-Object MinerVersion -EQ $_.Group[0].Version | Where-Object Kicked -LT $Variables.Timer).Kicked | Sort-Object -Bottom 1).AddSeconds($Variables.WatchdogReset).ToLocalTime().ToString("T"))."
+ Write-Message -Level Warn "Miner '$($_.Name) [all algorithms]' is suspended by watchdog until $((($Variables.WatchdogTimers | Where-Object MinerBaseName -EQ $_.Group[0].BaseName | Where-Object MinerVersion -EQ $_.Group[0].Version | Where-Object Kicked -LT $Variables.Timer).Kicked | Sort-Object -Bottom 1).AddSeconds($Variables.WatchdogReset).ToLocalTime().ToString("T"))."
Remove-Variable MinersToSuspend, WatchdogMinerCount
@@ -912,20 +924,19 @@ Do {
If ((Get-Command "Get-MpComputerStatus") -and (Get-MpComputerStatus)) {
If (Get-Command "Get-NetFirewallRule") {
If ($MissingMinerFirewallRules = (Compare-Object @(Get-NetFirewallApplicationFilter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Program -Unique) @($Miners | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path -Unique) -PassThru).Where({ $_.SideIndicator -eq "=>" })) {
- Start-Process "pwsh" ("-Command Import-Module NetSecurity; ('$($MissingMinerFirewallRules | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)' | ConvertFrom-Json) | ForEach-Object { New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName (Split-Path `$_ | Split-Path -leaf) -Program `$_ -Description 'Inbound rule added by $($Variables.Branding.ProductLabel) $($Variables.Branding.Version) on $(([DateTime]::Now).ToString())' -Group '$($Variables.Branding.ProductLabel)' }" -replace '"', '\"') -Verb runAs
+ Start-Process "pwsh" ("-Command Import-Module NetSecurity; ('$($MissingMinerFirewallRules | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)' | ConvertFrom-Json) | ForEach-Object { New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName (Split-Path `$_ | Split-Path -leaf) -Program `$_ -Description 'Inbound rule added by $($Variables.Branding.ProductLabel) $($Variables.Branding.Version) on $([DateTime]::Now.ToString())' -Group '$($Variables.Branding.ProductLabel)' }" -replace '"', '\"') -Verb runAs
Remove-Variable MissingMinerFirewallRules
- $Variables.MinersOptimal = $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice = $Variables.Miners_Device_Combos = $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combos = $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo = [Miner[]]@()
If ($Miners.Where({ $_.Available })) {
Write-Message -Level Info "Selecting best miner$(If (@($Variables.EnabledDevices.Model | Select-Object -Unique).Count -gt 1) { "s" }) based on$(If ($Variables.CalculatePowerCost) { " profit (power cost $($Config.MainCurrency) $($Variables.PowerPricekWh)/kWâ‹…h)" } Else { " earning" })..."
If ($Miners.Where({ $_.Available }).Count -eq 1) {
- $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo = $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice = $Variables.MinersOptimal = $Miners.Where({ $_.Available })
+ $MinersBestPerDeviceCombo = $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice = $Variables.MinersOptimal = $Miners.Where({ $_.Available })
Else {
# Add running miner bonus
@@ -933,45 +944,46 @@ Do {
$Miners.Where({ $_.Status -eq [MinerStatus]::Running }).ForEach({ $_.$Bias *= $RunningMinerBonusFactor })
# Get the optimal miners per algorithm and device
- $Variables.MinersOptimal = @(($Miners.Where({ $_.Available }) | Group-Object { [String]$_.DeviceNames }, { [String]$_.Algorithms }).ForEach({ ($_.Group | Sort-Object -Descending -Property Benchmark, MeasurePowerConsumption, KeepRunning, Prioritize, $Bias, Activated, @{ Expression = { $_.WarmupTimes[1] + $_.MinDataSample }; Descending = $true }, @{ Expression = { [String]$_.Algorithms }; Descending = $false } -Top 1).ForEach({ $_.Optimal = $true; $_ }) }))
+ $Variables.MinersOptimal = @(($Miners.Where({ $_.Available -and $_.SideIndicator -ne "<=" -and -not $_.Benchmark -and -not $_.MeasurePowerConsumption }) | Group-Object { [String]$_.DeviceNames }, { [String]$_.Algorithms }).ForEach({ ($_.Group | Sort-Object -Descending -Property KeepRunning, Prioritize, $Bias, Activated, @{ Expression = { $_.WarmupTimes[1] + $_.MinDataSample }; Descending = $true }, @{ Expression = { [String]$_.Algorithms }; Descending = $false } -Top 1).ForEach({ $_.Optimal = $true; $_ }) }))
# Get the best miners per device
- $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice = @(($Miners.Where({ $_.Available }) | Group-Object { [String]$_.DeviceNames }).ForEach({ $_.Group | Sort-Object -Descending -Property Benchmark, MeasurePowerConsumption, KeepRunning, Prioritize, $Bias, Activated, @{ Expression = { $_.WarmupTimes[1] + $_.MinDataSample }; Descending = $true } -Top 1 }))
- $Variables.Miners_Device_Combos = @((Get-Combination @($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice | Select-Object DeviceNames -Unique)).Where({ (Compare-Object ($_.Combination | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DeviceNames -Unique) ($_.Combination | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DeviceNames) | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0 }))
+ $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice = @(($Miners.Where({ $_.Available -and $_.SideIndicator -ne "<=" }) | Group-Object { [String]$_.DeviceNames }).ForEach({ $_.Group | Sort-Object -Descending -Property Benchmark, MeasurePowerConsumption, KeepRunning, Prioritize, $Bias, Activated, @{ Expression = { $_.WarmupTimes[1] + $_.MinDataSample }; Descending = $true } -Top 1 }))
+ $Variables.MinersDeviceCombos = @((Get-Combination @($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice | Select-Object DeviceNames -Unique)).Where({ (Compare-Object ($_.Combination | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DeviceNames -Unique) ($_.Combination | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DeviceNames) | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0 }))
# Get most best miner combination i.e. AMD+NVIDIA+CPU
- $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combos = @(
- $Variables.Miners_Device_Combos.ForEach(
+ $MinersBestPerDeviceCombos = @(
+ $Variables.MinersDeviceCombos.ForEach(
- $Miner_Device_Combo = $_.Combination
+ $MinerDeviceCombo = $_.Combination
- Combination = $Miner_Device_Combo.ForEach(
+ Combination = $MinerDeviceCombo.ForEach(
- $Miner_Device_Count = $_.DeviceNames.Count
- [Regex]$Miner_Device_Regex = "^(" + (($_.DeviceNames.ForEach({ [Regex]::Escape($_) })) -join '|') + ")$"
- $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice.Where({ ([Array]$_.DeviceNames -notmatch $Miner_Device_Regex).Count -eq 0 -and ([Array]$_.DeviceNames -match $Miner_Device_Regex).Count -eq $Miner_Device_Count })
+ $MinerDeviceCount = $_.DeviceNames.Count
+ [Regex]$MinerDeviceRegex = "^(" + (($_.DeviceNames.ForEach({ [Regex]::Escape($_) })) -join '|') + ")$"
+ $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice.Where({ ([Array]$_.DeviceNames -notmatch $MinerDeviceRegex).Count -eq 0 -and ([Array]$_.DeviceNames -match $MinerDeviceRegex).Count -eq $MinerDeviceCount })
- $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo = @(($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combos | Sort-Object -Descending { @($_.Combination.Where({ [Double]::IsNaN($_.$Bias) })).Count }, { ($_.Combination | Measure-Object $Bias -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum) }, { ($_.Combination.Where({ $_.$Bias -ne 0 }) | Measure-Object).Count } -Top 1).Combination)
+ $MinersBestPerDeviceCombo = @(($MinersBestPerDeviceCombos | Sort-Object -Descending { @($_.Combination.Where({ [Double]::IsNaN($_.$Bias) })).Count }, { $_.Combination | Measure-Object $Bias -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum }, { ($_.Combination.Where({ $_.$Bias -ne 0 }) | Measure-Object).Count } -Top 1).Combination)
# Revert running miner bonus
$Miners.Where({ $_.Status -eq [MinerStatus]::Running }).ForEach({ $_.$Bias /= $RunningMinerBonusFactor })
- Remove-Variable Bias, Miner_Device_Combo, Miner_Device_Count, Miner_Device_Regex, RunningMinerBonusFactor -ErrorAction Ignore
+ Remove-Variable Bias, MinerDeviceCombo, MinerDeviceCount, MinerDeviceRegex, RunningMinerBonusFactor -ErrorAction Ignore
- $Variables.PowerConsumptionIdleSystemW = (($Config.PowerConsumptionIdleSystemW - ($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo.Where({ $_.Type -eq "CPU" }) | Measure-Object PowerConsumption -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum)), 0 | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum)
+ $Variables.PowerConsumptionIdleSystemW = (($Config.PowerConsumptionIdleSystemW - ($MinersBestPerDeviceCombo.Where({ $_.Type -eq "CPU" }) | Measure-Object PowerConsumption -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum)), 0 | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum)
$Variables.BasePowerCost = [Double]($Variables.PowerConsumptionIdleSystemW / 1000 * 24 * $Variables.PowerPricekWh / $Variables.Rates.($Config.PayoutCurrency).($Config.MainCurrency))
- $Variables.MiningEarning = [Double]($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo | Measure-Object Earning_Bias -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum)
- $Variables.MiningPowerCost = [Double]($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo | Measure-Object PowerCost -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum)
- $Variables.MiningPowerConsumption = [Double]($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo | Measure-Object PowerConsumption -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum)
- $Variables.MiningProfit = [Double](($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo | Measure-Object Profit_Bias -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum) - $Variables.BasePowerCost)
+ $Variables.MiningEarning = [Double]($MinersBestPerDeviceCombo | Measure-Object Earning_Bias -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum)
+ $Variables.MiningPowerCost = [Double]($MinersBestPerDeviceCombo | Measure-Object PowerCost -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum)
+ $Variables.MiningPowerConsumption = [Double]($MinersBestPerDeviceCombo | Measure-Object PowerConsumption -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum)
+ $Variables.MiningProfit = [Double](($MinersBestPerDeviceCombo | Measure-Object Profit_Bias -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum) - $Variables.BasePowerCost)
Else {
+ $Variables.MinersOptimal = $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice = $Variables.MinersDeviceCombos = $MinersBestPerDeviceCombos = $MinersBestPerDeviceCombo = [Miner[]]@()
$Variables.MiningEarning = $Variables.MiningProfit = $Variables.MiningPowerCost = $Variables.MiningPowerConsumption = [Double]0
@@ -981,7 +993,7 @@ Do {
# ProfitabilityThreshold check - OK to run miners?
If ($Variables.DonationRunning -or (-not $Config.CalculatePowerCost -and $Variables.MiningEarning -ge ($Config.ProfitabilityThreshold / $Variables.Rates.BTC.($Config.MainCurrency))) -or ($Config.CalculatePowerCost -and $Variables.MiningProfit -ge ($Config.ProfitabilityThreshold / $Variables.Rates.BTC.($Config.MainCurrency))) -or $Variables.MinersNeedingBenchmark -or $Variables.MinersNeedingPowerConsumptionMeasurement) {
- $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo.ForEach({ $_.Best = $true })
+ $MinersBestPerDeviceCombo.ForEach({ $_.Best = $true })
If ($Variables.Rates.($Config.PayoutCurrency)) {
If ($Variables.MinersNeedingBenchmark.Count) {
$Variables.Summary = "Earning / day: n/a (Benchmarking: $($Variables.MinersNeedingBenchmark.Count) $(If ($Variables.MinersNeedingBenchmark.Count -eq 1) { "miner" } Else { "miners" }) left$(If ($Variables.EnabledDevices.Count -gt 1) { " [$((($Variables.MinersNeedingBenchmark | Group-Object -Property { $_.DeviceNames } | Sort-Object -Property Name).ForEach({ "$($_.Name): $($_.Count)" })) -join ', ')]" }))"
@@ -1013,10 +1025,10 @@ Do {
If ($Variables.Summary -ne "") { $Variables.Summary += " " }
If ([Double]::IsNaN($Variables.MiningEarning) -or [Double]::IsNaN($Variables.MiningPowerCost)) {
- $Variables.Summary += "Power Cost / day: n/a [Miner$(If ($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo.Count -ne 1) { "s" }): n/a; Base: {1:n} {0} ({2:n2} W)]" -f $Config.MainCurrency, ($Variables.BasePowerCost * $Variables.Rates.($Config.PayoutCurrency).($Config.MainCurrency)), $Variables.PowerConsumptionIdleSystemW
+ $Variables.Summary += "Power Cost / day: n/a [Miner$(If ($MinersBestPerDeviceCombo.Count -ne 1) { "s" }): n/a; Base: {1:n} {0} ({2:n2} W)]" -f $Config.MainCurrency, ($Variables.BasePowerCost * $Variables.Rates.($Config.PayoutCurrency).($Config.MainCurrency)), $Variables.PowerConsumptionIdleSystemW
ElseIf ($Variables.MiningPowerConsumption -gt 0) {
- $Variables.Summary += "Power Cost / day: {1:n} {0} [Miner$(If ($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo.Count -ne 1) { "s" }): {2:n} {0} ({3:n2} W); Base: {4:n} {0} ({5:n2} W)]" -f $Config.MainCurrency, (($Variables.MiningPowerCost + $Variables.BasePowerCost) * $Variables.Rates.($Config.PayoutCurrency).($Config.MainCurrency)), ($Variables.MiningPowerCost * $Variables.Rates.($Config.PayoutCurrency).($Config.MainCurrency)), $Variables.MiningPowerConsumption, ($Variables.BasePowerCost * $Variables.Rates.($Config.PayoutCurrency).($Config.MainCurrency)), $Variables.PowerConsumptionIdleSystemW
+ $Variables.Summary += "Power Cost / day: {1:n} {0} [Miner$(If ($MinersBestPerDeviceCombo.Count -ne 1) { "s" }): {2:n} {0} ({3:n2} W); Base: {4:n} {0} ({5:n2} W)]" -f $Config.MainCurrency, (($Variables.MiningPowerCost + $Variables.BasePowerCost) * $Variables.Rates.($Config.PayoutCurrency).($Config.MainCurrency)), ($Variables.MiningPowerCost * $Variables.Rates.($Config.PayoutCurrency).($Config.MainCurrency)), $Variables.MiningPowerConsumption, ($Variables.BasePowerCost * $Variables.Rates.($Config.PayoutCurrency).($Config.MainCurrency)), $Variables.PowerConsumptionIdleSystemW
Else {
$Variables.Summary += "Power Cost / day: n/a [Miner: n/a; Base: {1:n} {0} ({2:n2} W)]" -f $Config.MainCurrency, ($Variables.BasePowerCost * $Variables.Rates.BTC.($Config.MainCurrency)), $Variables.PowerConsumptionIdleSystemW
@@ -1038,7 +1050,7 @@ Do {
Else {
# Mining earning/profit is below threshold
- $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo = [Miner[]]@()
+ $MinersBestPerDeviceCombo = [Miner[]]@()
If ($Config.CalculatePowerCost) {
$Variables.Summary = "Mining profit {0} {1:n$($Config.DecimalsMax)} / day is below the configured threshold of {0} {2:n$($Config.DecimalsMax)} / day. Mining is suspended until threshold is reached." -f $Config.MainCurrency, (($Variables.MiningEarning - $Variables.MiningPowerCost - $Variables.BasePowerCost) * $Variables.Rates.($Config.PayoutCurrency).($Config.MainCurrency)), $Config.ProfitabilityThreshold
@@ -1057,21 +1069,21 @@ Do {
- If (-not $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo -and $Miners) { $Miners.ForEach({ $_.Best = $false }) }
+ If (-not $MinersBestPerDeviceCombo -and $Miners) { $Miners.ForEach({ $_.Best = $false }) }
# Stop running miners
- ForEach ($Miner in @($Miners.Where({ $_.Status -notin @([MinerStatus]::Idle, [MinerStatus]::Unavailable) }) | Sort-Object -Property { $_.DeviceNames })) {
+ ForEach ($Miner in @($Miners.Where({ $_.Status -in @([MinerStatus]::DryRun, [MinerStatus]::Running) }) | Sort-Object -Property { $_.DeviceNames })) {
If ($Miner.Status -eq [MinerStatus]::Running -and $Miner.GetStatus() -ne [MinerStatus]::Running) {
$Miner.StatusInfo = "Error: '$($Miner.Info)' exited unexpectedly"
Else {
If ($Miner.Benchmark -or $Miner.MeasurePowerConsumption) {
- If ($Miner.Activated -le 0) { $Miner.Restart = $true }
+ If ($Miner.Activated -lt 1) { $Miner.Restart = $true } # Re-benchmark sets Activated to 0
- ElseIf ($Config.DryRun -and $Miner.GetStatus() -eq [MinerStatus]::Running) { $Miner.Restart = $true }
+ ElseIf ($Config.DryRun -and $Miner.Status -ne [MinerStatus]::DryRun) { $Miner.Restart = $true }
ElseIf (-not $Config.DryRun -and $Miner.Status -eq [MinerStatus]::DryRun) { $Miner.Restart = $true }
- If (-not $Miner.Best -or $Miner.Restart -or $Miner.SideIndicator -eq "<=" -or $Variables.NewMiningStatus -ne "Running") {
+ If ($Miner.Restart -or $Miner.SideIndicator -eq "<=" -or $Variables.NewMiningStatus -ne "Running" -or -not $Miner.Best) {
ForEach ($Worker in $Miner.WorkersRunning) {
If ($WatchdogTimers = @($Variables.WatchdogTimers.Where({ $_.MinerName -eq $Miner.Name -and $_.PoolName -eq $Worker.Pool.Name -and $_.PoolRegion -eq $Worker.Pool.Region -and $_.Algorithm -eq $Worker.Pool.Algorithm -and $_.DeviceNames -eq $Miner.DeviceNames }))) {
# Remove Watchdog timers
@@ -1089,7 +1101,7 @@ Do {
# Kill stuck miners on subsequent cycles when not in dry run mode
If (-not $Config.DryRun -or $Variables.CycleStarts.Count -eq 1 -or $Variables.MinersNeedingBenchmark -or $Variables.MinersNeedingPowerConsumptionMeasurement) {
$Loops = 0
- # Some miners, e.g. BzMiner spawn a second executable. These instances do not have a command line beginning with a drive letter
+ # Some miners, e.g. BzMiner spawn a second executable
While ($StuckMinerProcessIDs = @((Get-CimInstance CIM_Process).Where({ $_.ExecutablePath -and ($Miners.Path | Sort-Object -Unique) -contains $_.ExecutablePath -and (Get-CimInstance win32_process -Filter "ParentProcessId = $($_.ProcessId)") -and $Miners.ProcessID -notcontains $_.ProcessID }) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProcessID)) {
@@ -1101,15 +1113,14 @@ Do {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
$Loops ++
If ($Loops -gt 50) {
- $Message = "Cannot stop all miners graciously."
If ($Config.AutoReboot) {
- Write-Message -Level Error "$Message Restarting computer in 30 seconds..."
+ Write-Message -Level Error "$(If ($StuckMinerProcessIDs.Count -eq 1) { "A miner " } Else { "Some miners are" }) stuck and cannot get stopped graciously. Restarting computer in 30 seconds..."
shutdown.exe /r /t 30 /c "$($Variables.Branding.ProductLabel) detected stuck miner$(If ($StuckMinerProcessIDs.Count -ne 1) { "s" }) and will reboot the computer in 30 seconds."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
Else {
- Write-Message -Level Error $Message
- Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
+ Write-Message -Level Error "$(If ($StuckMinerProcessIDs.Count -eq 1) { "A miner " } Else { "Some miners are" }) stuck and cannot get stopped graciously. It is recommended to restart the computer."
+ Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
@@ -1118,28 +1129,28 @@ Do {
- If ($_.Reasons -and $_.Status -ne [MinerStatus]::Disabled) {
- $_.Status = "Unavailable"
+ If ($_.Disabled) {
+ $_.Status = [MinerStatus]::Disabled
+ $_.SubStatus = "Disabled"
+ }
+ ElseIf (-not $_.Available) {
+ $_.Status = [MinerStatus]::Unavailable
$_.SubStatus = "Unavailable"
ElseIf ($_.Status -eq [MinerStatus]::Idle) {
$_.SubStatus = "Idle"
- ElseIf ($_.Status -eq [MinerStatus]::Unavailable) {
- $_.Status = "Idle"
- $_.SubStatus = "Idle"
- }
# Update data in API
$Variables.Miners = [Miner[]]@($Miners.Where({ $_.SideIndicator -ne "<=" }))
+ $Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo = $MinersBestPerDeviceCombo
+ Remove-Variable Miners, MinersBestPerDeviceCombo -ErrorAction Ignore
$Variables.Miners.ForEach({ $_.PSObject.Properties.Remove("SideIndicator") })
- Remove-Variable Miners
- If (-not ($Variables.EnabledDevices -and $Variables.Miners.Where({ $_.Available }))) {
- $Variables.Miners.ForEach({ $_.Status = [MinerStatus]::Idle; $_.StatusInfo = "Idle" })
- $Variables.Devices.Where({ $_.State -eq [DeviceState]::Enabled }).ForEach({ $_.Status = [MinerStatus]::Idle; $_.StatusInfo = "Idle" })
+ If (-not ($Variables.EnabledDevices -and $Variables.Miners.Where({ $_.Available }))) {
$Variables.Miners = [Miner[]]@()
$Variables.RefreshNeeded = $true
If (-not $Variables.EnabledDevices) {
@@ -1165,7 +1176,7 @@ Do {
- If (-not $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo) {
+ If (-not $Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo) {
$Variables.Miners.ForEach({ $_.Status = [MinerStatus]::Idle; $_.StatusInfo = "Idle" })
$Variables.Devices.Where({ $_.State -eq [DeviceState]::Enabled }).ForEach({ $_.Status = [MinerStatus]::Idle; $_.StatusInfo = "Idle" })
$Variables.RefreshNeeded = $true
@@ -1181,8 +1192,7 @@ Do {
# Optional delay to avoid blue screens
Start-Sleep -Seconds $Config.Delay
- ForEach ($Miner in $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo | Sort-Object -Property { $_.DeviceNames }) {
+ ForEach ($Miner in $Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo | Sort-Object -Property { $_.DeviceNames }) {
If ($Miner.Status -ne [MinerStatus]::DryRun -and $Miner.GetStatus() -ne [MinerStatus]::Running) {
If ($Miner.Status -ne [MinerStatus]::DryRun) {
# Launch prerun if exists
@@ -1220,7 +1230,7 @@ Do {
# Add extra time when CPU mining and miner requires DAG creation
- If ($Miner.Workers.Pool.DAGSizeGiB -and $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo.Type -contains "CPU" -and -not $Config.DryRun) { $Miner.WarmupTimes[0] += 15 <# seconds #>}
+ If ($Miner.Workers.Pool.DAGSizeGiB -and $Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo.Type -contains "CPU" -and -not $Config.DryRun) { $Miner.WarmupTimes[0] += 15 <# seconds #>}
# Add extra time when notebook runs on battery
If ($Miner.Workers.Pool.DAGSizeGiB -and (Get-CimInstance Win32_Battery).BatteryStatus -eq 1) { $Miner.WarmupTimes[0] += 90 <# seconds #>}
@@ -1262,7 +1272,7 @@ Do {
- ForEach ($Miner in $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo | Sort-Object -Property { $_.DeviceNames }) {
+ ForEach ($Miner in $Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo | Sort-Object -Property { $_.DeviceNames }) {
If ($Message = "$(If ($Miner.Benchmark) { "Benchmark" })$(If ($Miner.Benchmark -and $Miner.MeasurePowerConsumption) { " and " })$(If($Miner.MeasurePowerConsumption) { "Power consumption measurement" })") {
$Message = $Message.Substring(0, 1).toUpper() + $Message.Substring(1).toLower()
Write-Message -Level Verbose "$Message for miner '$($Miner.Info)' in progress [Attempt $($Miner.Activated) of $($Variables.WatchdogCount + 1); min. $($Miner.MinDataSample) samples]..."
@@ -1295,7 +1305,7 @@ Do {
$Variables.EndCycleTime = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds($Config.Interval)
- $Variables.RunningMiners = @($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo | Sort-Object -Descending -Property Benchmark, MeasurePowerConsumption)
+ $Variables.RunningMiners = @($Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo | Sort-Object -Descending -Property Benchmark, MeasurePowerConsumption)
$Variables.BenchmarkingOrMeasuringMiners = [Miner[]]@()
$Variables.FailedMiners = [Miner[]]@()
@@ -1347,7 +1357,7 @@ Do {
Else {
- Write-Message -Level Verbose "$($Miner.Name) data sample discarded [$(($Sample.Hashrate.PSObject.Properties.Name.ForEach({ "$($_): $(($Sample.Hashrate.$_ | ConvertTo-Hash) -replace ' ')$(If ($Config.ShowShares) { " / Shares Total: $($Sample.Shares.$_[3]), Rejected: $($Sample.Shares.$_[1]), Ignored: $($Sample.Shares.$_[2])" })" })) -join ' & ')$(If ($Sample.PowerConsumption) { " / Power consumption: $($Sample.PowerConsumption.ToString("N2"))W" })] (Miner is warming up [$((([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() - $Miner.ValidDataSampleTimestamp).TotalSeconds.ToString("0")) sec])"
+ Write-Message -Level Verbose "$($Miner.Name) data sample discarded [$(($Sample.Hashrate.PSObject.Properties.Name.ForEach({ "$($_): $(($Sample.Hashrate.$_ | ConvertTo-Hash) -replace ' ')$(If ($Config.ShowShares) { " / Shares Total: $($Sample.Shares.$_[3]), Rejected: $($Sample.Shares.$_[1]), Ignored: $($Sample.Shares.$_[2])" })" })) -join ' & ')$(If ($Sample.PowerConsumption) { " / Power consumption: $($Sample.PowerConsumption.ToString("N2"))W" })] (Miner is warming up [$(([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() - $Miner.ValidDataSampleTimestamp).TotalSeconds.ToString("0")) sec])"
$Miner.SubStatus = "WarmingUp"
$Miner.StatusInfo = "Warming up '$($Miner.Info)'"
@@ -1403,10 +1413,10 @@ Do {
# Exit loop when
# - a miner crashed and no other miners are benchmarking or measuring power consumption
- # - all benchmarking miners have collected enough samples
+ # - a benchmarking miner haa collected enough samples
# - WarmupTimes[0] is reached and no readout from miner
# - Interval time is over
- } While ($variables.NewMiningStatus -eq "Running" -and -not $Variables.EndCycleMessage -and (([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() -le $Variables.EndCycleTime -or $Variables.BenchmarkingOrMeasuringMiners))
+ } While ($variables.NewMiningStatus -eq "Running" -and -not $Variables.EndCycleMessage -and ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() -le $Variables.EndCycleTime -or $Variables.BenchmarkingOrMeasuringMiners))
Get-Job -State "Completed" | Receive-Job | Out-Null
Get-Job -State "Completed" | Remove-Job -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
diff --git a/Includes/Dev/DevAPI.ps1 b/Includes/Dev/DevAPI.ps1
index 12a301c7..01439ba3 100644
--- a/Includes/Dev/DevAPI.ps1
+++ b/Includes/Dev/DevAPI.ps1
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ Switch ($Path) {
"/displayworkers" {
- If ($Config.ShowWorkerStatus -and $Config.MonitoringUser -and $Config.MonitoringServer -and $Variables.WorkersLastUpdated -lt ([DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(-30)) {
+ If ($Config.ShowWorkerStatus -and $Config.MonitoringUser -and $Config.MonitoringServer -and $Variables.WorkersLastUpdated -lt [DateTime]::Now.AddSeconds(-30)) {
$Workers = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@(
@@ -706,8 +706,8 @@ Switch ($Path) {
$Data = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 @($Variables.Miners | Where-Object Available -NE $true | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Data, DataReaderJob, Devices, Process, SideIndicator | Sort-Object DeviceName, Name, Algorithm)
- "/miners_device_combos" {
- $Data = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 @($Variables.Miners_Device_Combos | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Data, DataReaderJob, Devices, Process, SideIndicator)
+ "/MinersDeviceCombos" {
+ $Data = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 @($Variables.MinersDeviceCombos | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Data, DataReaderJob, Devices, Process, SideIndicator)
"/miningpowercost" {
diff --git a/Includes/Dev/GetMinerData2.ps1 b/Includes/Dev/GetMinerData2.ps1
index 33d488d7..0e5e2fac 100644
--- a/Includes/Dev/GetMinerData2.ps1
+++ b/Includes/Dev/GetMinerData2.ps1
@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ Try {
While ($true) {
"$($Miner.name) '$($Miner.DataCollectInterval)'" >> "$($Miner.Name)_Debug.txt"
- $NextLoop = ([DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds($Miner.DataCollectInterval)
+ $NextLoop = [DateTime]::Now.AddSeconds($Miner.DataCollectInterval)
If ($Data = $Miner.GetMinerData()) {
$Miner.LastSample = $Data
$Data | ConvertTo-Json >> "$($Miner.name)_Data.txt"
- While (([DateTime]::Now) -lt $NextLoop) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200 }
+ While ([DateTime]::Now -lt $NextLoop) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200 }
Catch {
diff --git a/Includes/Dev/GetMinerDataRunspace.ps1 b/Includes/Dev/GetMinerDataRunspace.ps1
index 5030d779..6ec550d6 100644
--- a/Includes/Dev/GetMinerDataRunspace.ps1
+++ b/Includes/Dev/GetMinerDataRunspace.ps1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ $PowerShell.AddScript(
$Data = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
While ($true) {
- $NextLoop = ([DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds($Miner.DataCollectInterval)
+ $NextLoop = [DateTime]::Now.AddSeconds($Miner.DataCollectInterval)
Try {
"$($Miner.name) '$($Miner.DataCollectInterval)' 1" >> "$($Miner.Name)_Debug.txt"
If ($Data = $Miner.GetMinerData()) {
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ $PowerShell.AddScript(
"$($Miner.name) '$($Miner.DataCollectInterval)' 3" >> "$($Miner.Name)_Debug.txt"
$Error[0] >> "$($Miner.Name)_Debug.txt"
- While (([DateTime]::Now) -lt $NextLoop) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200 }
+ While (([DateTime]::Now -lt $NextLoop) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200 }
diff --git a/Includes/Downloader.ps1 b/Includes/Downloader.ps1
index ef76f89e..da568f03 100644
--- a/Includes/Downloader.ps1
+++ b/Includes/Downloader.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\Downloader.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Includes/Include.psm1 b/Includes/Include.psm1
index 3a6095b9..ee232749 100644
--- a/Includes/Include.psm1
+++ b/Includes/Include.psm1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\include.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -222,13 +222,13 @@ Class Miner {
[Double]$Profit = [Double]::NaN
[Double]$Profit_Bias = [Double]::NaN
[Boolean]$ReadPowerConsumption = $false
- [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]$Reasons = @() # Why is a miner unavailable?
+ [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]$Reasons = @() # Why is a miner not available?
[Boolean]$Restart = $false
hidden [DateTime]$StatStart
hidden [DateTime]$StatEnd
[MinerStatus]$Status = [MinerStatus]::Idle
- [String]$StatusInfo
- [String]$SubStatus
+ [String]$StatusInfo = ""
+ [String]$SubStatus = [MinerStatus]::Idle
[TimeSpan]$TotalMiningDuration # derived from pool and stats
[DateTime]$Updated # derived from stats
@@ -275,9 +275,9 @@ Class Miner {
While ($true) {
# Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
- $NextLoop = ([DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds($Miner.DataCollectInterval)
+ $NextLoop = [DateTime]::Now.AddSeconds($Miner.DataCollectInterval)
- While (([DateTime]::Now) -lt $NextLoop) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 }
+ While ([DateTime]::Now -lt $NextLoop) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 }
Catch {
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ Class Miner {
hidden [Void]StopMining() {
- If ($this.Status -in @([MinerStatus]::Running, [MinerStatus]::DryRun)) {
+ If ($this.Status -in @([MinerStatus]::Running, [MinerStatus]::Disabled, [MinerStatus]::DryRun)) {
$this.StatusInfo = "Stopping miner '$($this.Info)'..."
Write-Message -Level Info $this.StatusInfo
@@ -605,7 +605,6 @@ Class Miner {
$this.TotalMiningDuration = $this.Workers.TotalMiningDuration | Measure-Object -Minimum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Minimum
If ($this.Workers.Where({ $_.Disabled })) {
- $this.Status = [MinerStatus]::Disabled
$this.Disabled = $true
@@ -766,10 +765,10 @@ Function Start-Core {
$Global:CoreRunspace = @{}
- $Variables.LastDonated = ([DateTime]::Now).AddDays(-1).AddHours(1)
+ $Variables.LastDonated = [DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-1).AddHours(1)
# $Variables.Pools = [Pool[]]@()
$Variables.Miners = [Miner[]]@()
- $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo = [Miner[]]@()
+ $Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo = [Miner[]]@()
$Variables.CycleStarts = @()
@@ -805,13 +804,13 @@ Function Stop-Core {
If ($Variables.NewMiningStatus -eq "Idle") {
$Variables.Pools = $Variables.PoolsBest = $Variables.PoolsNew = [Pool[]]@()
$Variables.PoolsCount = 0
- $Variables.Miners = $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice = $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combos = $Variables.MinersOptimal = $Variables.RunningMiners = [Miner[]]@()
+ $Variables.Miners = $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice = $Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombos = $Variables.MinersOptimal = $Variables.RunningMiners = [Miner[]]@()
$Variables.MiningEarning = $Variables.MiningProfit = $Variables.MiningPowerCost = [Double]::NaN
$Variables.CycleStarts = @()
$Variables.Timer = $null
- $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo = [Miner[]]@()
+ $Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo = [Miner[]]@()
$Variables.BenchmarkingOrMeasuringMiners = [Miner[]]@()
$Variables.FailedMiners = [Miner[]]@()
$Variables.RunningMiners = [Miner[]]@()
@@ -1200,7 +1199,7 @@ Function Write-MonitoringData {
Function Read-MonitoringData {
- If ($Config.ShowWorkerStatus -and $Config.MonitoringUser -and $Config.MonitoringServer -and $Variables.WorkersLastUpdated -lt ([DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(-30)) {
+ If ($Config.ShowWorkerStatus -and $Config.MonitoringUser -and $Config.MonitoringServer -and $Variables.WorkersLastUpdated -lt [DateTime]::Now.AddSeconds(-30)) {
Try {
$Workers = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($Config.MonitoringServer)/api/workers.php" -Method Post -Body @{ user = $Config.MonitoringUser } -TimeoutSec 10 -ErrorAction Stop
# Calculate some additional properties and format others
@@ -3041,7 +3040,7 @@ Function Update-DAGdata {
If ($DAGdataResponse.coins.$_.last_block -ge $Variables.DAGdata.Currency.$Currency.BlockHeight) {
$DAGdata = Get-DAGdata -BlockHeight $DAGdataResponse.coins.$_.last_block -Currency $Currency -EpochReserve 2
If ($DAGdata.Epoch -and $DAGdata.Algorithm -match $Variables.RegexAlgoHasDAG) {
- $DAGdata | Add-Member Date ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() -Force
+ $DAGdata | Add-Member Date ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -Force
$DAGdata | Add-Member Url $Url -Force
$Variables.DAGdata.Currency | Add-Member $Currency $DAGdata -Force
@@ -3052,7 +3051,7 @@ Function Update-DAGdata {
- $Variables.DAGdata.Updated | Add-Member $Url ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() -Force
+ $Variables.DAGdata.Updated | Add-Member $Url ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -Force
Write-Message -Level Info "Loaded DAG data from '$Url'."
Else {
@@ -3081,7 +3080,7 @@ Function Update-DAGdata {
If ((Get-AlgorithmFromCurrency -Currency $Currency) -and $BlockHeight -ge $Variables.DAGdata.Currency.$Currency.BlockHeight) {
$DAGdata = Get-DAGdata -BlockHeight $BlockHeight -Currency $Currency -EpochReserve 2
If ($DAGdata.Epoch -and $DAGdata.Algorithm -match $Variables.RegexAlgoHasDAG) {
- $DAGdata | Add-Member Date ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() -Force
+ $DAGdata | Add-Member Date ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -Force
$DAGdata | Add-Member Url $Url -Force
$Variables.DAGdata.Currency | Add-Member $Currency $DAGdata -Force
@@ -3092,7 +3091,7 @@ Function Update-DAGdata {
- $Variables.DAGdata.Updated | Add-Member $Url ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() -Force
+ $Variables.DAGdata.Updated | Add-Member $Url ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -Force
Write-Message -Level Info "Loaded DAG data from '$Url'."
Else {
@@ -3120,7 +3119,7 @@ Function Update-DAGdata {
If ($DAGdataResponse.data.$_.height -gt $Variables.DAGdata.Currency.$_.BlockHeight) {
$DAGdata = Get-DAGdata -BlockHeight $DAGdataResponse.data.$_.height -Currency $_ -EpochReserve 2
If ($DAGdata.Epoch -and $DAGdata.Algorithm -match $Variables.RegexAlgoHasDAG) {
- $DAGdata | Add-Member Date ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() -Force
+ $DAGdata | Add-Member Date ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -Force
$DAGdata | Add-Member Url $Url -Force
$Variables.DAGdata.Currency | Add-Member $_ $DAGdata -Force
@@ -3131,7 +3130,7 @@ Function Update-DAGdata {
- $Variables.DAGdata.Updated | Add-Member $Url ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() -Force
+ $Variables.DAGdata.Updated | Add-Member $Url ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -Force
Write-Message -Level Info "Loaded DAG data from '$Url'."
Else {
@@ -3146,8 +3145,8 @@ Function Update-DAGdata {
# Faster shutdown
If ($Variables.NewMiningStatus -ne "Running" -or $Variables.IdleDetectionRunspace.MiningStatus -eq "Idle") { Continue }
- If (-not ($Variables.PoolName -match "_ZergPoolCoins.*")) {
- # ZergPool also supplies EVR DAG data
+ If (-not ($Variables.PoolName -match "ZergPoolCoins.*")) {
+ # ZergPool (Coins) also supplies EVR DAG data
$Currency = "EVR"
$Url = "https://evr.cryptoscope.io/api/getblockcount"
If (-not $Variables.DAGdata.Currency.EVR.BlockHeight -or $Variables.DAGdata.Updated.$Url -lt $Variables.ScriptStartTime -or $Variables.DAGdata.Updated.$Url -lt [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-1)) {
@@ -3157,10 +3156,10 @@ Function Update-DAGdata {
If ((Get-AlgorithmFromCurrency -Currency $Currency) -and $DAGdataResponse.blockcount -gt $Variables.DAGdata.Currency.$Currency.BlockHeight) {
$DAGdata = Get-DAGdata -BlockHeight $DAGdataResponse.blockcount -Currency $Currency -EpochReserve 2
If ($DAGdata.Epoch) {
- $DAGdata | Add-Member Date ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() -Force
+ $DAGdata | Add-Member Date ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -Force
$DAGdata | Add-Member Url $Url -Force
$Variables.DAGdata.Currency | Add-Member $Currency $DAGdata -Force
- $Variables.DAGdata.Updated | Add-Member $Url ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() -Force
+ $Variables.DAGdata.Updated | Add-Member $Url ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -Force
Write-Message -Level Info "Loaded DAG data from '$Url'."
Else {
@@ -3172,33 +3171,33 @@ Function Update-DAGdata {
Write-Message -Level Warn "Failed to load DAG data from '$Url'."
- }
- $Currency = "MEWC"
- $Url = "https://mewc.cryptoscope.io/api/getblockcount"
- If (-not $Variables.DAGdata.Currency.$Currency.BlockHeight -or $Variables.DAGdata.Updated.$Url -lt $Variables.ScriptStartTime -or $Variables.DAGdata.Updated.$Url -lt [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-1)) {
- # Get block data from MeowCoin block explorer
- Try {
- $DAGdataResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Url -TimeoutSec 15
- If ((Get-AlgorithmFromCurrency -Currency $Currency) -and $DAGdataResponse.blockcount -gt $Variables.DAGdata.Currency.$Currency.BlockHeight) {
- $DAGdata = Get-DAGdata -BlockHeight $DAGdataResponse.blockcount -Currency $Currency -EpochReserve 2
- If ($DAGdata.Epoch) {
- $DAGdata | Add-Member Date ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() -Force
- $DAGdata | Add-Member Url $Url -Force
- $Variables.DAGdata.Currency | Add-Member $Currency $DAGdata -Force
- $Variables.DAGdata.Updated | Add-Member $Url ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() -Force
- Write-Message -Level Info "Loaded DAG data from '$Url'."
- }
- Else {
- Write-Message -Level Warn "Failed to load DAG data for '$Currency' from '$Url'."
+ # ZergPool (Coins) also supplies MEWC DAG data
+ $Currency = "MEWC"
+ $Url = "https://mewc.cryptoscope.io/api/getblockcount"
+ If (-not $Variables.DAGdata.Currency.$Currency.BlockHeight -or $Variables.DAGdata.Updated.$Url -lt $Variables.ScriptStartTime -or $Variables.DAGdata.Updated.$Url -lt [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-1)) {
+ # Get block data from MeowCoin block explorer
+ Try {
+ $DAGdataResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Url -TimeoutSec 15
+ If ((Get-AlgorithmFromCurrency -Currency $Currency) -and $DAGdataResponse.blockcount -gt $Variables.DAGdata.Currency.$Currency.BlockHeight) {
+ $DAGdata = Get-DAGdata -BlockHeight $DAGdataResponse.blockcount -Currency $Currency -EpochReserve 2
+ If ($DAGdata.Epoch) {
+ $DAGdata | Add-Member Date ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -Force
+ $DAGdata | Add-Member Url $Url -Force
+ $Variables.DAGdata.Currency | Add-Member $Currency $DAGdata -Force
+ $Variables.DAGdata.Updated | Add-Member $Url ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -Force
+ Write-Message -Level Info "Loaded DAG data from '$Url'."
+ }
+ Else {
+ Write-Message -Level Warn "Failed to load DAG data for '$Currency' from '$Url'."
+ }
+ Catch {
+ Write-Message -Level Warn "Failed to load DAG data from '$Url'."
+ }
- Catch {
- Write-Message -Level Warn "Failed to load DAG data from '$Url'."
- }
+ Remove-Variable Currency
- Remove-Variable Currency
If ($Variables.DAGdata.Updated.PSObject.Properties.Name.Where({ $Variables.DAGdata.Updated.$_ -gt $Variables.Timer })) {
#At least one DAG was updated, get maximum DAG size per algorithm
@@ -3287,6 +3286,16 @@ Function Get-DAGsize {
+ "MEWC" {
+ If ($Epoch -ge 110) { $Epoch *= 4 } # https://github.com/Meowcoin-Foundation/meowpowminer/blob/6e1f38c1550ab23567960699ba1c05aad3513bcd/libcrypto/ethash.hpp#L48 & https://github.com/Meowcoin-Foundation/meowpowminer/blob/6e1f38c1550ab23567960699ba1c05aad3513bcd/libcrypto/ethash.cpp#L249C1-L254C6
+ $Dataset_Bytes_Init = [Math]::Pow(2, 30) # 1GB
+ $Dataset_Bytes_Growth = [Math]::Pow(2, 23) # 8MB
+ $Mix_Bytes = 128
+ $Size = ($Dataset_Bytes_Init + $Dataset_Bytes_Growth * $Epoch) - $Mix_Bytes
+ While (-not (Test-Prime ($Size / $Mix_Bytes))) {
+ $Size -= 2 * $Mix_Bytes
+ }
+ }
Default {
$Dataset_Bytes_Init = [Math]::Pow(2, 30) # 1GB
$Dataset_Bytes_Growth = [Math]::Pow(2, 23) # 8MB
@@ -3334,7 +3343,7 @@ Function Get-EpochLength {
"EvrProgPow" { Return 12000 }
"FiroPow" { Return 1300 }
"KawPow" { Return 7500 }
- "MeowPow" { Return 7500 }
+ "MeowPow" { Return 7500 } # https://github.com/Meowcoin-Foundation/meowpowminer/blob/6e1f38c1550ab23567960699ba1c05aad3513bcd/libcrypto/ethash.hpp#L32
"Octopus" { Return 524288 }
Default { Return 30000 }
diff --git a/Includes/LegacyGUI.ps1 b/Includes/LegacyGUI.ps1
index f83b4de3..2b628214 100644
--- a/Includes/LegacyGUI.ps1
+++ b/Includes/LegacyGUI.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\LegacyGUI.psm1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ Function Update-TabControl {
$ContextMenuStripItem4.Visible = $true
$ContextMenuStripItem5.Visible = $false
- $ActiveMinersLabel.Text = If ($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo) { "Active miners updated $(([DateTime]::Now).ToString())" } Else { "No miners running." }
+ $ActiveMinersLabel.Text = If ($Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo) { "Active miners updated $([DateTime]::Now.ToString())" } Else { "No miners running." }
If (-not ($ContextMenuStrip.Visible -and $ContextMenuStrip.Enabled)) {
- $ActiveMinersDGV.DataSource = $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo | Select-Object @(
+ $ActiveMinersDGV.DataSource = $Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo | Select-Object @(
@{ Name = "Info"; Expression = { $_.Info } }
@{ Name = "Device(s)"; Expression = { $_.DeviceNames -join '; ' } }
@{ Name = "Miner"; Expression = { $_.Name } }
@@ -165,23 +165,23 @@ Function Update-TabControl {
@{ Name = "Algorithm [Currency]"; Expression = { $_.WorkersRunning.ForEach({ "$($_.Pool.Algorithm)$(If ($_.Pool.Currency) { "[$($_.Pool.Currency)]" })" }) -join ' & '} },
@{ Name = "Pool"; Expression = { $_.WorkersRunning.Pool.Name -join ' & ' } }
@{ Name = "Hashrate"; Expression = { If (-not $_.Benchmark) { $_.WorkersRunning.ForEach({ $_.Hashrate | ConvertTo-Hash }) -join ' & ' } Else { If ($_.Status -eq "Running") { "Benchmarking..." } Else { "Benchmark pending" } } } }
- @{ Name = "Running time`r(hhh:mm:ss)"; Expression = { "{0}:{1:mm}:{1:ss}" -f [Math]::floor((([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() - $_.BeginTime).TotalDays * 24), (([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() - $_.BeginTime) } }
+ @{ Name = "Running time`r(hhh:mm:ss)"; Expression = { "{0}:{1:mm}:{1:ss}" -f [Math]::floor(([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() - $_.BeginTime).TotalDays * 24), ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() - $_.BeginTime) } }
@{ Name = "Total active`r(hhh:mm:ss)"; Expression = { "{0}:{1:mm}:{1:ss}" -f [Math]::floor($_.TotalMiningDuration.TotalDays * 24), $_.TotalMiningDuration } }
If ($RadioButtonPoolsUnavailable.checked) { @{ Name = "Reason"; Expression = { $_.Reasons -join ', ' } } }
) | Sort-Object -Property "Device(s)" | Out-DataTable
If ($ActiveMinersDGV.Columns) {
$ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[0].Visible = $false
- $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[1].FillWeight = 30 + ($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo.ForEach({ $_.DeviceNames.Count }) | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum) * 20
+ $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[1].FillWeight = 30 + ($Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo.ForEach({ $_.DeviceNames.Count }) | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum) * 20
$ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[2].FillWeight = 160
$ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[3].FillWeight = 60
$ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[4].FillWeight = 55; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[4].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = "MiddleRight"; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[4].HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = "MiddleRight"
$ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[5].FillWeight = 55; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[5].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = "MiddleRight"; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[5].HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = "MiddleRight"; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[5].Visible = $Variables.CalculatePowerCost
$ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[6].FillWeight = 55; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[6].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = "MiddleRight"; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[6].HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = "MiddleRight"; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[6].Visible = $Variables.CalculatePowerCost
$ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[7].FillWeight = 55; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[7].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = "MiddleRight"; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[7].HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = "MiddleRight"; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[7].Visible = $Variables.CalculatePowerCost
- $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[8].FillWeight = 70 + ($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo.({ $_.Workers.Count })| Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum) * 35
- $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[9].FillWeight = 50 + ($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo.({ $_.Workers.Count }) | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum) * 25
- $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[10].FillWeight = 50 + ($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo.({ $_.Workers.Count }) | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum) * 25; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[10].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = "MiddleRight"; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[10].HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = "MiddleRight"
+ $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[8].FillWeight = 70 + ($Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo.({ $_.Workers.Count })| Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum) * 35
+ $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[9].FillWeight = 50 + ($Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo.({ $_.Workers.Count }) | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum) * 25
+ $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[10].FillWeight = 50 + ($Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo.({ $_.Workers.Count }) | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum) * 25; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[10].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = "MiddleRight"; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[10].HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = "MiddleRight"
$ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[11].FillWeight = 65; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[11].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = "MiddleRight"; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[11].HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = "MiddleRight"
$ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[12].FillWeight = 65; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[12].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = "MiddleRight"; $ActiveMinersDGV.Columns[12].HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = "MiddleRight"
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ Function Update-TabControl {
- If ($MinersDGV.Columns) { $MinersLabel.Text = "Miner data updated $(([DateTime]::Now).ToString())" }
+ If ($MinersDGV.Columns) { $MinersLabel.Text = "Miner data updated $([DateTime]::Now.ToString())" }
ElseIf ($Variables.MiningStatus -eq "Idle") { $MinersLabel.Text = "No data - mining is stopped"}
ElseIf ($Variables.MiningStatus -eq "Paused") { $MinersLabel.Text = "No data - mining is paused"}
Else { $MinersLabel.Text = "Waiting for data..." }
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ Function Update-TabControl {
- If ($PoolsDGV.Columns) { $PoolsLabel.Text = "Pool data updated $(([DateTime]::Now).ToString())" }
+ If ($PoolsDGV.Columns) { $PoolsLabel.Text = "Pool data updated $([DateTime]::Now.ToString())" }
ElseIf ($Variables.MiningStatus -eq "Idle") { $PoolsLabel.Text = "No data - mining is stopped"}
ElseIf ($Variables.MiningStatus -eq "Paused") { $PoolsLabel.Text = "No data - mining is paused"}
Else { $PoolsLabel.Text = "Waiting for data..." }
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ Function Update-TabControl {
If ($Config.Watchdog) {
If ($Variables.WatchdogTimers) {
- $WatchdogTimersLabel.Text = "Watchdog timers updated $(([DateTime]::Now).ToString())"
+ $WatchdogTimersLabel.Text = "Watchdog timers updated $([DateTime]::Now.ToString())"
@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ $CopyrightLabel.Font = [System.Drawing.Font]::new("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10)
$CopyrightLabel.Location = [System.Drawing.Point]::new(10, ($LegacyGUIForm.Bottom - 26))
$CopyrightLabel.LinkColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Blue
$CopyrightLabel.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(380, 26)
-$CopyrightLabel.Text = "Copyright (c) 2018-$(([DateTime]::Now).Year) UselessGuru"
+$CopyrightLabel.Text = "Copyright (c) 2018-$([DateTime]::Now.Year) UselessGuru"
$CopyrightLabel.TextAlign = "MiddleRight"
$CopyrightLabel.Add_Click({ Start-Process "https://github.com/UselessGuru/UG-Miner/blob/master/LICENSE" })
$LegacyGUIControls += $CopyrightLabel
@@ -1638,7 +1638,7 @@ $LegacyGUIForm.Add_Load(
(($Variables.Summary -replace 'Power Cost', ' Power Cost' -replace ' / ', '/' -replace ' ', ' ' -replace ' ', ' ') -split ' ').ForEach({ $MiningSummaryLabel.Text += "`r`n$_" })
$MiningSummaryLabel.Text += "`r`n "
- If (-not $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo) { $MiningSummaryLabel.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Black }
+ If (-not $Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo) { $MiningSummaryLabel.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Black }
ElseIf ($Variables.MiningProfit -ge 0) { $MiningSummaryLabel.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Green }
ElseIf ($Variables.MiningProfit -lt 0) { $MiningSummaryLabel.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Red }
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/BzMiner.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/BzMiner.ps1
index b28fddb9..768dd782 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/BzMiner.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/BzMiner.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\BzMiner.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Class BzMiner : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/Ccminer.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/Ccminer.ps1
index 9bdfb080..4bf54eb2 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/Ccminer.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/Ccminer.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\CCminer.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Class CcMiner : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/EthMiner.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/EthMiner.ps1
index 99af77e9..8c38b5f2 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/EthMiner.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/EthMiner.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\EthMiner.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Class EthMiner : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/FireIce.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/FireIce.ps1
index b303f149..a874b1e7 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/FireIce.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/FireIce.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\FireIce.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Class Fireice : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/Gminer.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/Gminer.ps1
index 5bb0e778..2a212830 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/Gminer.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/Gminer.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\GMiner.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Class GMiner : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/HellMiner.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/HellMiner.ps1
index 81e384ea..97af6a99 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/HellMiner.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/HellMiner.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\lolMiner.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Class HellMiner : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/MiniZ.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/MiniZ.ps1
index 24af4d59..3b63570c 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/MiniZ.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/MiniZ.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\MiniZ.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Class MiniZ : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/NBMiner.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/NBMiner.ps1
index 2198cb0f..81b0d7d2 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/NBMiner.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/NBMiner.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\NBMiner.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Class NBMiner : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/NanoMiner.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/NanoMiner.ps1
index f2bba2d4..d32a66b9 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/NanoMiner.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/NanoMiner.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\NanoMiner.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Class NanoMiner : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/OneZero.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/OneZero.ps1
index 69536136..e6d86f50 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/OneZero.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/OneZero.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\Trex.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Class OneZero : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/Rigel.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/Rigel.ps1
index 984557e3..ed9c4678 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/Rigel.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/Rigel.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\Rigel.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Class Rigel : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/SRBMiner.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/SRBMiner.ps1
index 19c4d549..b0754701 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/SRBMiner.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/SRBMiner.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\SRBminer.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Class SRBMiner : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/TeamBlackMiner.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/TeamBlackMiner.ps1
index e69c4430..b667a258 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/TeamBlackMiner.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/TeamBlackMiner.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\lolMiner.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Class TeamBlackMiner : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/Trex.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/Trex.ps1
index 7486caef..14561d08 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/Trex.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/Trex.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\Trex.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Class Trex : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/Xgminer.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/Xgminer.ps1
index 0230282b..4c83aedb 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/Xgminer.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/Xgminer.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\Xgminer.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Class XgMiner : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/XmRig.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/XmRig.ps1
index 0ecaa285..af5263d0 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/XmRig.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/XmRig.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\XmRig.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Class XmRig : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Includes/MinerAPIs/lolMiner.ps1 b/Includes/MinerAPIs/lolMiner.ps1
index e0f2207f..330d0231 100644
--- a/Includes/MinerAPIs/lolMiner.ps1
+++ b/Includes/MinerAPIs/lolMiner.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: \Includes\MinerAPIs\lolMiner.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Class lolMiner : Miner {
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
- Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime()
+ Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
HashRate = $HashRate
PowerConsumption = $PowerConsumption
Shares = $Shares
diff --git a/Miners/BzMiner-v20.0.0.ps1 b/Miners/BzMiner-v20.0.0.ps1
index 43df814b..cd9cff9a 100644
--- a/Miners/BzMiner-v20.0.0.ps1
+++ b/Miners/BzMiner-v20.0.0.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.005); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" -a alph") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("DynexSolve"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludeGPUModel = ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" -a dynex") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.005); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" -a etchash") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" -a etchash", " --a2 alph") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @("NiceHash")); Arguments = @(" -a etchash", " --a2 alph") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = "^MX[1|2]\d+"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @("ProHashing")); Arguments = @(" -a etchash", " --a2 kaspa") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "IronFish"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @("Nicehash")); Arguments = @(" -a etchash", " --a2 ironfish") } # https://github.com/bzminer/bzminer/issues/260
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = "^MX[1|2]\d+"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" -a etchash", " --a2 radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.005); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" -a ethash") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" -a ethash", " --a2 alph") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = "^MX[1|2]\d+"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" -a ethash", " --a2 kaspa") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @("NiceHash")); Arguments = @(" -a ethash", " --a2 alph") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = "^MX[1|2]\d+"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @("NiceHash")); Arguments = @(" -a ethash", " --a2 kaspa") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "IronFish"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @("Nicehash")); Arguments = @(" -a ethash", " --a2 ironfish") } # https://github.com/bzminer/bzminer/issues/260
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = "^MX[1|2]\d+"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" -a ethash", " --a2 radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash3B"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " --oc_mem_tweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(60, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludeGPUModel = ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" -a rethereum") }
diff --git a/Miners/CcminerAlexis78-v1.5.2.ps1 b/Miners/CcminerAlexis78-v1.5.2.ps1
index 8ecad76f..9261965c 100644
--- a/Miners/CcminerAlexis78-v1.5.2.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CcminerAlexis78-v1.5.2.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/CcminerDyn-v1.0.2.ps1 b/Miners/CcminerDyn-v1.0.2.ps1
index a6f08be2..14583c4f 100644
--- a/Miners/CcminerDyn-v1.0.2.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CcminerDyn-v1.0.2.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/CcminerKlausT-v8.25.ps1 b/Miners/CcminerKlausT-v8.25.ps1
index a6ba1c46..caffe544 100644
--- a/Miners/CcminerKlausT-v8.25.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CcminerKlausT-v8.25.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/CcminerKlausT-v8.26x2.ps1 b/Miners/CcminerKlausT-v8.26x2.ps1
index 8d8a53c5..7e39caa6 100644
--- a/Miners/CcminerKlausT-v8.26x2.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CcminerKlausT-v8.26x2.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/CcminerLyra2z330-v8.21r9.ps1 b/Miners/CcminerLyra2z330-v8.21r9.ps1
index 610be0ea..bf4b5fc1 100644
--- a/Miners/CcminerLyra2z330-v8.21r9.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CcminerLyra2z330-v8.21r9.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/CcminerLyraYesscrypt-v8.21r18v5.ps1 b/Miners/CcminerLyraYesscrypt-v8.21r18v5.ps1
index 54f644b1..63c8bfb2 100644
--- a/Miners/CcminerLyraYesscrypt-v8.21r18v5.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CcminerLyraYesscrypt-v8.21r18v5.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/CcminerMemeHash-v2.5.5.9.ps1 b/Miners/CcminerMemeHash-v2.5.5.9.ps1
index d466a1bc..a62c61ad 100644
--- a/Miners/CcminerMemeHash-v2.5.5.9.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CcminerMemeHash-v2.5.5.9.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/CcminerNeoscryptXaya-v0.2.ps1 b/Miners/CcminerNeoscryptXaya-v0.2.ps1
index 79a088dd..a17901ce 100644
--- a/Miners/CcminerNeoscryptXaya-v0.2.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CcminerNeoscryptXaya-v0.2.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/CcminerVerusCpu-v3.8.3.ps1 b/Miners/CcminerVerusCpu-v3.8.3.ps1
index 5a3e843a..0b6a7b75 100644
--- a/Miners/CcminerVerusCpu-v3.8.3.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CcminerVerusCpu-v3.8.3.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ $Path = "$PWD\Bin\$Name\ccminer.exe"
$DeviceEnumerator = "Type_Vendor_Index"
$Algorithms = @(
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "VerusHash"; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(90, 300); ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo verus" } # SRBMinerMulti-v2.4.9 is fastest, but has 0.85% miner fee
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "VerusHash"; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(90, 300); ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo verus" } # SRBMinerMulti-v2.5.0 is fastest, but has 0.85% miner fee
$Algorithms = $Algorithms.Where({ $_.MinerSet -le $Config.MinerSet })
diff --git a/Miners/CcminerVerusGpu-v3.8.3.ps1 b/Miners/CcminerVerusGpu-v3.8.3.ps1
index 78e76d5c..e9e1833f 100644
--- a/Miners/CcminerVerusGpu-v3.8.3.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CcminerVerusGpu-v3.8.3.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/ClaymoreDualME-v2.7.ps1 b/Miners/ClaymoreDualME-v2.7.ps1
index 7ee7fc2a..95d60946 100644
--- a/Miners/ClaymoreDualME-v2.7.ps1
+++ b/Miners/ClaymoreDualME-v2.7.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/ClaymoreNeoscrypt-v1.2.ps1 b/Miners/ClaymoreNeoscrypt-v1.2.ps1
index 72fde39e..847e8aa3 100644
--- a/Miners/ClaymoreNeoscrypt-v1.2.ps1
+++ b/Miners/ClaymoreNeoscrypt-v1.2.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/CpuMiner-v1.4.ps1 b/Miners/CpuMiner-v1.4.ps1
index 3ea6ad9d..2e6b7b0a 100644
--- a/Miners/CpuMiner-v1.4.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CpuMiner-v1.4.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/CpuMinerAurum-v3.23.1.ps1 b/Miners/CpuMinerAurum-v3.23.1.ps1
index c8453d87..545b3073 100644
--- a/Miners/CpuMinerAurum-v3.23.1.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CpuMinerAurum-v3.23.1.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/CryptoDredge-v0.16.0.ps1 b/Miners/CryptoDredge-v0.16.0.ps1
index 354142b3..74d52619 100644
--- a/Miners/CryptoDredge-v0.16.0.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CryptoDredge-v0.16.0.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/CryptoDredge-v0.27.0.ps1 b/Miners/CryptoDredge-v0.27.0.ps1
index 45c97d31..2fec41dc 100644
--- a/Miners/CryptoDredge-v0.27.0.ps1
+++ b/Miners/CryptoDredge-v0.27.0.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/EthMiner-v0.19.0.18.ps1 b/Miners/EthMiner-v0.19.0.18.ps1
index 0d8e858b..aea2e3a3 100644
--- a/Miners/EthMiner-v0.19.0.18.ps1
+++ b/Miners/EthMiner-v0.19.0.18.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/EvrProgPow-v1p3p0.ps1 b/Miners/EvrProgPow-v1p3p0.ps1
index 0f4aceb4..6a29933f 100644
--- a/Miners/EvrProgPow-v1p3p0.ps1
+++ b/Miners/EvrProgPow-v1p3p0.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/FrkHashMiner-v1.3.14.ps1 b/Miners/FrkHashMiner-v1.3.14.ps1
index 1270d5aa..9b40009f 100644
--- a/Miners/FrkHashMiner-v1.3.14.ps1
+++ b/Miners/FrkHashMiner-v1.3.14.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/GMiner-v2.75.ps1 b/Miners/GMiner-v2.75.ps1
index aae9cf62..64ec7250 100644
--- a/Miners/GMiner-v2.75.ps1
+++ b/Miners/GMiner-v2.75.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/GMiner-v3.44.ps1 b/Miners/GMiner-v3.44.ps1
index 824d2a08..fd9ee923 100644
--- a/Miners/GMiner-v3.44.ps1
+++ b/Miners/GMiner-v3.44.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ $DeviceEnumerator = "Type_Vendor_Slot"
$Algorithms = @(
# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; Tuning = ""; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); AutoCoinPers = ""; Arguments = " --nvml 1 --algo autolykos2 --cuda 0 --opencl 1" } # Algorithm not yet supported
# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckatoo32"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.05); MinMemGiB = 8.0; Tuning = ""; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(30, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); AutoCoinPers = ""; Arguments = " --nvml 1 --algo cuckatoo32 --cuda 0 --opencl 1" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1254"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 1.8; Tuning = ""; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); AutoCoinPers = ""; Arguments = " --nvml 1 --algo equihash125_4 --cuda 0 --opencl 1" } # lolMiner-v1.85beta is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1254"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 1.8; Tuning = ""; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); AutoCoinPers = ""; Arguments = " --nvml 1 --algo equihash125_4 --cuda 0 --opencl 1" } # lolMiner-v1.86 is fastest
# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1445"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 1.8; Tuning = ""; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@("ProHashing"), @()); AutoCoinPers = " --pers auto"; Arguments = " --nvml 1 --algo equihash144_5 --cuda 0 --opencl 1" } # FPGA # https://github.com/develsoftware/GMinerRelease/issues/906
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash2109"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2.8; Tuning = ""; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); AutoCoinPers = ""; Arguments = " --nvml 1 --algo equihash210_9 --cuda 0 --opencl 1" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; Tuning = ""; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); AutoCoinPers = ""; Arguments = " --nvml 1 --algo ethash --cuda 0 --opencl 1" } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c may be faster, but I see lower speed at the pool
diff --git a/Miners/HellMiner-v0.59.1.ps1 b/Miners/HellMiner-v0.59.1.ps1
index a041bdd5..3c799a4e 100644
--- a/Miners/HellMiner-v0.59.1.ps1
+++ b/Miners/HellMiner-v0.59.1.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/JayddeeCpu-v23.15.ps1 b/Miners/JayddeeCpu-v23.15.ps1
index c52d50cc..1bf4e3db 100644
--- a/Miners/JayddeeCpu-v23.15.ps1
+++ b/Miners/JayddeeCpu-v23.15.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -38,14 +38,30 @@ ElseIf ((Compare-Object $AvailableMiner_Devices.CpuFeatures @("sse2")
Else { Return }
$Algorithms = @(
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Allium"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 40); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo allium" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Anime"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo anime" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Argon2d250"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo argon2d250" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Argon2d500"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo argon2d500" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Argon2d5096"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo argon2d5096" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2b"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2b" } # FPGA
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Bastiom"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bastion" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "BMW"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bmw" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "HMQ1725"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo hmq1725" } # GPU
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2z330"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 45); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2z330" } # Algorithm is dead
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Jha"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 45); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo jha" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2z330"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 45); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2z330" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2RE3"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 45); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2rev3" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "m7m"; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 80); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo m7m" } # NosuchCpu-v3.8.8.1 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Minotaur"; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo minotaur" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Minotaurx"; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo minotaurx" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "power2b"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = ' --algo power2b --param-n 2048 --param-r 32 --param-key "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"' } # FPGA
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA3d"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo SHA3d" } # FPGA
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ScryptN11"; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 40); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo scrypt(N,1,1)" } # GPU
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ScryptN2"; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(90, 60); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo scrypt --param-n 1048576" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "VertHash"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 50); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo verthash --data-file ..\.$($Variables.VerthashDatPath)" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Yescrypt"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 40); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo yescrypt" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YescryptR16"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 40); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo yescryptr16" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YescryptR32"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 40); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo yescryptr32" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YescryptR8"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 40); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo yescryptr8" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YespowerARWN"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 40); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = ' --algo yespower --param-n 2048 --param-r 32 --param-key "ARWN"' } # Arrowana
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YespowerIc"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = ' --algo yespower --param-n 2048 --param-r 32 --param-key "IsotopeC"' }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YespowerIots"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 45); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = ' --algo yespower --param-n 2048 --param-key "Iots is committed to the development of IOT"' }
@@ -55,6 +71,7 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YespowerSugar"; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 45); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = ' --algo yespower --param-n 2048 --param-r 32 --param-key "Satoshi Nakamoto 31/Oct/2008 Proof-of-work is essentially one-CPU-one-vote"' } # SRBMminerMulti is fastest, but has 0.85% miner fee
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YespowerTIDE"; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 55); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = ' --algo yespower --param-n 2048 --param-r 8' } # TDC tidecoin
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YespowerUrx"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = ' --algo yespower --param-n 2048 --param-r 32 --param-key "UraniumX"' } # SRBMminerMulti is fastest, but has 0.85% miner fee
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ZR5"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = ' --algo zr5' }
$Algorithms = $Algorithms.Where({ $_.MinerSet -le $Config.MinerSet })
diff --git a/Miners/KawpowMiner-v1.2.4cl.ps1 b/Miners/KawpowMiner-v1.2.4cl.ps1
index b42c3d81..35f558b7 100644
--- a/Miners/KawpowMiner-v1.2.4cl.ps1
+++ b/Miners/KawpowMiner-v1.2.4cl.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/KawpowMiner-v1.2.4cuda.ps1 b/Miners/KawpowMiner-v1.2.4cuda.ps1
index f82684e4..20c3bc0f 100644
--- a/Miners/KawpowMiner-v1.2.4cuda.ps1
+++ b/Miners/KawpowMiner-v1.2.4cuda.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/Kudaraidee-v1.2.0a.ps1 b/Miners/Kudaraidee-v1.2.0a.ps1
index 84fa49c1..f9bdfae0 100644
--- a/Miners/Kudaraidee-v1.2.0a.ps1
+++ b/Miners/Kudaraidee-v1.2.0a.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ If ($Algorithms) {
API = "CcMiner"
- Arguments = "$($_.Arguments) --url stratum+tcp://$($Pool.Host):$($Pool.PoolPorts[0]) --user $($Pool.User) --pass $($Pool.Pass) --gpu-batchsize $BatchSize --threads $Threads --retry-pause 1 --api-bind$($MinerAPIPort) --gpu-id $(($AvailableMiner_Devices.($DeviceEnumerator.($AvailableMiner_Devices.Type | Select-Object -Unique)) | Sort-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object { '{0:x}' -f ($_ + 1)}) -join ',')"
+ Arguments = "$($_.Arguments) --url stratum+tcp://$($Pool.Host):$($Pool.PoolPorts[0]) --user $($Pool.User) --pass $($Pool.Pass) --gpu-batchsize $BatchSize --threads $Threads --retry-pause 1 --api-bind$($MinerAPIPort) --gpu-id $(($AvailableMiner_Devices.($DeviceEnumerator.($_.Type)) | Sort-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object { '{0:x}' -f ($_ + 1)}) -join ',')"
DeviceNames = $AvailableMiner_Devices.Name
Fee = @(0) # Dev fee
MinerSet = $_.MinerSet
diff --git a/Miners/MiniZ-v2.3c.ps1 b/Miners/MiniZ-v2.3c.ps1
index 88484064..0aa495b3 100644
--- a/Miners/MiniZ-v2.3c.ps1
+++ b/Miners/MiniZ-v2.3c.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/NBMiner-v42.3.ps1 b/Miners/NBMiner-v42.3.ps1
index aa8c5c6d..ee1a6125 100644
--- a/Miners/NBMiner-v42.3.ps1
+++ b/Miners/NBMiner-v42.3.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/NSFMiner-v1.3.14.ps1 b/Miners/NSFMiner-v1.3.14.ps1
index ee7e9590..f7103abc 100644
--- a/Miners/NSFMiner-v1.3.14.ps1
+++ b/Miners/NSFMiner-v1.3.14.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/NanoMiner-v3.8.12.ps1 b/Miners/NanoMiner-v3.9.0.ps1
similarity index 88%
rename from Miners/NanoMiner-v3.8.12.ps1
rename to Miners/NanoMiner-v3.9.0.ps1
index b526d64c..3e83972a 100644
--- a/Miners/NanoMiner-v3.8.12.ps1
+++ b/Miners/NanoMiner-v3.9.0.ps1
@@ -17,33 +17,34 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
If (-not ($Devices = $Variables.EnabledDevices.Where({ $_.Type -ne "NVIDIA" -or ($_.OpenCL.ComputeCapability -ge "5.0" -and $_.OpenCL.DriverVersion -ge [Version]"455.23") }))) { Return }
-$URI = "https://github.com/nanopool/nanominer/releases/download/v3.8.12/nanominer-windows-3.8.12.zip"
+$URI = "https://github.com/nanopool/nanominer/releases/download/v3.9.0/nanominer-windows-3.9.0.zip"
$Name = [String](Get-Item $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).BaseName
$Path = "$PWD\Bin\$Name\nanominer.exe"
$DeviceEnumerator = "Slot"
$Algorithms = @(
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.025); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Autolykos") } # NBMiner-v42.3 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.025, 0.025); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Autolykos", " -algo Kaspa") } # NBMiner-v42.3 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Etchash") } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); Arguments = @(" -algo Etchash"," -algo Kaspa") } # https://github.com/nanopool/nanominer/issues/406
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Ethash") } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); Arguments = @(" -algo Ethash"," -algo Kaspa") } # https://github.com/nanopool/nanominer/issues/406
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo EthashB3") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); Arguments = @(" -algo EthashB3", " -algo Kaspa") } # https://github.com/nanopool/nanominer/issues/406
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EvrProgPow"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Evrprogpow") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FiroPow"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo FiroPow") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Karlsen") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Kaspa") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("KawPow"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@("ProHashing"), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo KawPow") } # TeamRedMiner-v0.10.18 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Ubqhash") } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("VertHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Verthash") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.025); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Autolykos") } # NBMiner-v42.3 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.025, 0.025); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Autolykos", " -algo Kaspa") } # NBMiner-v42.3 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("RDNA1"); Arguments = @(" -algo Etchash") } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); Arguments = @(" -algo Etchash"," -algo Kaspa") } # https://github.com/nanopool/nanominer/issues/406
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("RDNA1"); Arguments = @(" -algo Ethash") } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); Arguments = @(" -algo Ethash"," -algo Kaspa") } # https://github.com/nanopool/nanominer/issues/406
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo EthashB3") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); Arguments = @(" -algo EthashB3", " -algo Kaspa") } # https://github.com/nanopool/nanominer/issues/406
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EvrProgPow"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Evrprogpow") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FiroPow"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo FiroPow") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("RDNA1"); Arguments = @(" -algo Fishhash") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Karlsen") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Kaspa") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("KawPow"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@("ProHashing"), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo KawPow") } # TeamRedMiner-v0.10.18 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Ubqhash") } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("VertHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100 -memTweak 2"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Verthash") }
# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Randomx"); Type = "CPU"; Fee = @(0.02); MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" -algo Randomx") } # ASIC
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("RandomNevo"); Type = "CPU"; Fee = @(0.02); MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" -algo RandomNEVO") }
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo EthashB3") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo EthashB3", " -algo Kaspa") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EvrProgPow"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Evrprogpow") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Fishhash") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Karlsen") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Kaspa") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("KawPow"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@("ProHashing"), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo KawPow") } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
@@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); Arguments = @(" -algo EthashB3", " -algo Kaspa") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EvrProgPow"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Evrprogpow") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FiroPow"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 0; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo FiroPow") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 1; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Fishhash") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Karlsen") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKaspa"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo Kaspa") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("KawPow"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 1.08; MinerSet = 0; Tuning = " -coreClocks +20 -memClocks +100"; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(@("ProHashing"), @()); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); Arguments = @(" -algo KawPow") } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
@@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ If ($Algorithms) {
$Arguments += "$($_.Arguments[$Pools.IndexOf($Pool)])"
$Arguments += If ($Pool.PoolPorts[1] -and $Pool.SSLSelfSignedCertificate -ne $true) { " -pool1 $($Pool.Host):$($Pool.PoolPorts[1])" } Else { " -pool1 $($Pool.Host):$($Pool.PoolPorts[0]) -useSSL false" }
$Arguments += " -wallet $($Pool.User -replace '\..+')"
- $Arguments += " -rigName $Pool.User$(If ($Pool.WorkerName -and $Pool.User -notmatch "\.$($Pool.WorkerName)$") { $Pool.WorkerName })"
+ $Arguments += " -rigName $($Pool.User)$(If ($Pool.WorkerName -and $Pool.User -notmatch "\.$($Pool.WorkerName)$") { $Pool.WorkerName })"
$Arguments += " -rigPassword $($Pool.Pass)"
$Arguments += " -devices $(($AvailableMiner_Devices | Sort-Object Name -Unique | ForEach-Object { '{0:x}' -f $_.$DeviceEnumerator }) -join ',')"
diff --git a/Miners/Ninjarig-1.0.3.ps1 b/Miners/Ninjarig-1.0.3.ps1
index c9cdad92..3c93970c 100644
--- a/Miners/Ninjarig-1.0.3.ps1
+++ b/Miners/Ninjarig-1.0.3.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/NosuchCpu-v3.8.8.1.ps1 b/Miners/NosuchCpu-v3.8.8.1.ps1
index ce60e9eb..42ddbd11 100644
--- a/Miners/NosuchCpu-v3.8.8.1.ps1
+++ b/Miners/NosuchCpu-v3.8.8.1.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/OneZeroMiner-v1.3.0.ps1 b/Miners/OneZeroMiner-v1.3.0.ps1
index 237ce58d..e247179a 100644
--- a/Miners/OneZeroMiner-v1.3.0.ps1
+++ b/Miners/OneZeroMiner-v1.3.0.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/PhoenixMiner-v6.2c.ps1 b/Miners/PhoenixMiner-v6.2c.ps1
index e1c516aa..759e1be7 100644
--- a/Miners/PhoenixMiner-v6.2c.ps1
+++ b/Miners/PhoenixMiner-v6.2c.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/Radiator-v1.0.0.ps1 b/Miners/Radiator-v1.0.0.ps1
index e5aed4c4..c33efc7c 100644
--- a/Miners/Radiator-v1.0.0.ps1
+++ b/Miners/Radiator-v1.0.0.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/Raptor3umCpu-v2.0.ps1 b/Miners/Raptor3umCpu-v2.0.ps1
index b43e7104..2016c0c1 100644
--- a/Miners/Raptor3umCpu-v2.0.ps1
+++ b/Miners/Raptor3umCpu-v2.0.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/Rigel-v1.15.1.ps1 b/Miners/Rigel-v1.15.1.ps1
index 7484346a..4832defc 100644
--- a/Miners/Rigel-v1.15.1.ps1
+++ b/Miners/Rigel-v1.15.1.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -34,42 +34,40 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "Blake3"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm autolykos2+alephium" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm autolykos2+karlsenhash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm autolykos2+pyrinhash" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "IronFish"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.007); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm autolykos2+ironfish" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "FishHash"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm autolykos2+fishhash" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "FishHash"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm autolykos2+fishhash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "SHA512256d"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("ZPool")); Arguments = " --algorithm autolykos2+sha512256d" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Blake3"); Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 2.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm alephium" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash"); Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm etchash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "Blake3"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm etchash+alephium" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm etchash+karlsenhash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm etchash+pyrinhash" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "IronFish"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.007); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm etchash+ironfish" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "FishHash"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm etchash+fishhash" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "FishHash"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm etchash+fishhash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "SHA512256d"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("ZPool")); Arguments = " --algorithm etchash+sha512256d" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash"); Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Blake3"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethash+alephium" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethash+karlsenhash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethash+pyrinhash" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "IronFish"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.007); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethash+ironfish" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "FishHash"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethash+fishhash" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "FishHash"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethash+fishhash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "SHA512256d"); Fee = @(0.007, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("ZPool")); Arguments = " --algorithm ethash+sha512256d" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3"); Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethashb3" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "Blake3"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethashb3+alephium" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethashb3+karlsenhash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethashb3+pyrinhash" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "IronFish"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.007); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethashb3+ironfish" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "FishHash"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethashb3+fishhash" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "FishHash"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ethashb3+fishhash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "SHA512256d"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("ZPool")); Arguments = " --algorithm ethashb3+sha512256d" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashSHA256"); Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm abelian" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashSHA256", "Blake3"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm abelian+alephium" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashSHA256", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm abelian+karlsenhash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashSHA256", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm abelian+pyrinhash" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashSHA256", "IronFish"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.007); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm abelian+ironfish" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashSHA256", "FishHash"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm abelian+fishhash" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashSHA256", "FishHash"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm abelian+fishhash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashSHA256", "SHA512256d"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("ZPool")); Arguments = " --algorithm abelian+sha512256d" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash"); Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm fishhash" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "Blake3"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm fishhash+alephium" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm fishhash+karlsenhash" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 25); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm fishhash+pyrinhash" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "SHA512256d"); Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("ZPool")); Arguments = " --algorithm fishhash+sha512256d" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKarlsen"); Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 2.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm karlsenhash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashPyrin"); Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm pyrinhash" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("IronFish"); Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 2.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ironfish" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash"); Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm fishhash" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("KawPow"); Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(90, 10); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm ravencoin" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("NexaPow"); Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 3.0; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm nexapow" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Octopus"); Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 0.94; Tuning = " --mt 2"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algorithm octopus" }
diff --git a/Miners/RplantCpu-v5.0.34.ps1 b/Miners/RplantCpu-v5.0.34.ps1
index dc9c65a5..fd875a01 100644
--- a/Miners/RplantCpu-v5.0.34.ps1
+++ b/Miners/RplantCpu-v5.0.34.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YespowerRes"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo yespowerRes" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YespowerSugar"; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo yespowerSugar" } # SRBMminerMulti is fastest, but has 0.85% miner fee
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YespowerTIDE"; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo yespowerTIDE" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YespowerUrx"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo yespowerURX" } # JayddeeCpu-v23.15 is faster, SRBMminerMulti is fastest, but has 0.85% miner fee
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "YespowerUrx"; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 5); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo yespowerURX" } # JayddeeCpu-v23.15 is faster, SRBMminerMulti is fastest, but has 0.85% miner fee
$Algorithms = $Algorithms.Where({ $_.MinerSet -le $Config.MinerSet })
diff --git a/Miners/RrkzCpu-v4.2.ps1 b/Miners/RrkzCpu-v4.2.ps1
index 32dff4e5..86cf956b 100644
--- a/Miners/RrkzCpu-v4.2.ps1
+++ b/Miners/RrkzCpu-v4.2.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/SRBMinerMulti-v0.9.4.ps1 b/Miners/SRBMinerMulti-v0.9.4.ps1
index 433f531d..30912ef8 100644
--- a/Miners/SRBMinerMulti-v0.9.4.ps1
+++ b/Miners/SRBMinerMulti-v0.9.4.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/SRBMinerMulti-v2.4.9.ps1 b/Miners/SRBMinerMulti-v2.5.0.ps1
similarity index 93%
rename from Miners/SRBMinerMulti-v2.4.9.ps1
rename to Miners/SRBMinerMulti-v2.5.0.ps1
index e30a0f6e..e31cd60e 100644
--- a/Miners/SRBMinerMulti-v2.4.9.ps1
+++ b/Miners/SRBMinerMulti-v2.5.0.ps1
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
-If (-not ($Devices = $Variables.EnabledDevices.Where({ $_.Type -eq "CPU" -or $_.Type -eq "INTEL" -or ($_.Type -eq "AMD" -and $_.OpenCL.ClVersion -ge "OpenCL C 2.0") -or ($_.OpenCL.ComputeCapability -ge "5.0" -and $_.OpenCL.DriverVersion -ge "510.00") }))) { Return }
+If (-not ($Devices = $Variables.EnabledDevices.Where({ $_.Type -eq "CPU" -or $_.Type -eq "INTEL" -or ($_.Type -eq "AMD" -and $_.Model -notmatch "^RX5[5|6]0$" -and $_.OpenCL.ClVersion -ge "OpenCL C 2.0") -or ($_.OpenCL.ComputeCapability -ge "5.0" -and $_.OpenCL.DriverVersion -ge "510.00") }))) { Return }
-$URI = "https://github.com/doktor83/SRBMiner-Multi/releases/download/2.4.9/SRBMiner-Multi-2-4-9-win64.zip"
+$URI = "https://github.com/doktor83/SRBMiner-Multi/releases/download/2.5.0/SRBMiner-Multi-2-5-0-win64.zip"
$Name = [String](Get-Item $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).BaseName
$Path = "$PWD\Bin\$Name\SRBMiner-MULTI.exe"
$DeviceEnumerator = "Type_Vendor_Slot"
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "HeavyHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm heavyhash") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm karlsenhash") } # No optimized DUAL binary found for GPU0
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm pyrinhash") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "IronFish"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("NiceHash")); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm blake3_ironfish") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "SHA256dt"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm sha256dt") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm blake3_alephium") }
@@ -55,14 +54,12 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm etchash") } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c may be faster, but I see lower speed at the pool
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm blake3_alephium") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "Decred"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm blake3_decred") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "IronFish"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("NiceHash")); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm blake3_ironfish") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "HeavyHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm heavyhash") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "SHA256dt"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm sha256dt") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash") } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c may be faster, but I see lower speed at the pool
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm blake3_alephium") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Decred"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm blake3_decred") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "IronFish"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("NiceHash")); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm blake3_ironfish") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Heavyhash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm heavyhash") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "SHA256dt"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm sha256dt") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
@@ -74,10 +71,14 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0085, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethashb3", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EvrProgPow"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm evrprogpow") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FiroPow"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm firopow") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm fishhash") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm fishhash", " --algorithm blake3_alephium") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "Decred"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm fishhash", " --algorithm blake3_decred") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm fishhash", " --algorithm pyrinhash") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm fishhash", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm heavyhash") } # FPGA
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm KarlsenHash") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm pyrinhash") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("IronFish"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@("NiceHash"), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm blake3_ironfish") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("KawPow"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@("ProHashing"), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm kawpow") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Lyra2v2Webchain"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm lyra2v2_webchain") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("MemeHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-intel --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm memehash") }
@@ -126,7 +127,6 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("RandomxKeva"); Type = "CPU"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-gpu --algorithm randomkeva --Randomx-use-1gb-pages") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("RandomYada"); Type = "CPU"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-gpu --algorithm randomyada") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("VerusHash"); Type = "CPU"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-gpu --algorithm verushash") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Xdag"); Type = "CPU"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 0); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-gpu --algorithm xdag") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("YescryptR16"); Type = "CPU"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 25); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-gpu --algorithm yescryptr16") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("YescryptR32"); Type = "CPU"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 45); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-gpu --algorithm yescryptr32") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("YescryptR8"); Type = "CPU"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 25); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-gpu --algorithm yescryptr8") }
@@ -147,7 +147,6 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "HeavyHash"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm heavyhash") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm karnlsenhash") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm pyrinhash") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "IronFish"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("NiceHash")); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm blake3_ironfish") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "SHA256dt"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm sha256dt") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "SHA512256d"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Aurum"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm aurum") }
@@ -157,14 +156,12 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "Blake3"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm blake3_alephium") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "Decred"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm blake3_decred") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "HeavyHash"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm heavyhash") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "IronFish"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("NiceHash")); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm blake3_ironfish") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "SHA256dt"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm sha256dt") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0065); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Blake3"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm blake3_alephium") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Decred"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm blake3_decred") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Heavyhash"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm heavyhash") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "IronFish"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("NiceHash")); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm blake3_ironfish") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "SHA256dt"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm sha256dt") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm ethashb3") }
@@ -176,7 +173,11 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHash"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm heavyhash") } # FPGA
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm karnlsenhash") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm pyrinhash") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("IronFish"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@("NiceHash"), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm blake3_ironfish") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm fishhash") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "Blake3"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm fishhash", " --algorithm blake3_alephium") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "Decred"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm fishhash", " --algorithm blake3_decred") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm fishhash", " --algorithm sha256dt") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm fishhash", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("KawPow"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@("ProHashing"), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm kawpow") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("MemeHash"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm memehash") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("MeowPow"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@("ProHashing"), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-nvidia --algorithm meowpow") }
@@ -194,7 +195,6 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm blake3_alephium") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "Decred"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm blake3_decred") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "HeavyHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm heavyhash") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "IronFish"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("NiceHash")); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm blake3_ironfish") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "SHA256dt"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm sha256dt") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm autolykos2", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Aurum"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm aurum") }
@@ -207,14 +207,12 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm blake3_alephium") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "Decred"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm blake3_decred") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "HeavyHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm heavyhash") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "IronFish"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("NiceHash")); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm blake3_ironfish") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "SHA256dt"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm sha256dt") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm etchash", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0065); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm ethash") } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c may be faster, but I see lower speed at the pool
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm blake3_alephium") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Decred"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm blake3_decred") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Heavyhash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm heavyhash") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "IronFish"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @("NiceHash")); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm blake3_ironfish") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "SHA256dt"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm sha256dt") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0065, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm ethash", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm ethashb3") }
@@ -223,9 +221,14 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0085, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm ethashb3", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EvrProgPow"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm evrprogpow") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FiroPow"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(60, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm firopow") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm fishhash") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm fishhash") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm fishhash", " --algorithm blake3_alephium") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "Decred"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm fishhash", " --algorithm blake3_decred") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm fishhash", " --algorithm sha256dt") }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.0085); MinMemGiB = 6; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm fishhash", " --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm heavyhash") } # FPGA
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm KarlsenHash") }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("IronFish"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@("NiceHash"), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm blake3_ironfish") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("KawPow"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@("ProHashing"), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm kawpow") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Lyra2v2Webchain"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm lyra2v2_webchain") }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("MemeHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0085); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = @(" --disable-cpu --disable-gpu-amd --disable-gpu-intel --algorithm memehash") }
@@ -310,7 +313,7 @@ If ($Algorithms) {
Remove-Variable Pool
- If (($AvailableMiner_Devices.Type | Select-Object -Unique) -eq "CPU") {
+ If ($_.Type -eq "CPU") {
$Arguments += " --cpu-threads $($AvailableMiner_Devices.CIM.NumberOfLogicalProcessors -1)"
Else {
diff --git a/Miners/SgMinerFancyIX-v0.9.4.ps1 b/Miners/SgMinerFancyIX-v0.9.4.ps1
index 39a037e0..42e9bb70 100644
--- a/Miners/SgMinerFancyIX-v0.9.4.ps1
+++ b/Miners/SgMinerFancyIX-v0.9.4.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/Suprminer-v2.31v2.ps1 b/Miners/Suprminer-v2.31v2.ps1
index 660ba227..facd1382 100644
--- a/Miners/Suprminer-v2.31v2.ps1
+++ b/Miners/Suprminer-v2.31v2.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/TTMiner-v2024.1.8.ps1 b/Miners/TTMiner-v2024.1.8.ps1
index 67b5909c..6d3bae27 100644
--- a/Miners/TTMiner-v2024.1.8.ps1
+++ b/Miners/TTMiner-v2024.1.8.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/TTMiner-v5.0.3.ps1 b/Miners/TTMiner-v5.0.3.ps1
index 03cdd231..2255f5d7 100644
--- a/Miners/TTMiner-v5.0.3.ps1
+++ b/Miners/TTMiner-v5.0.3.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/TeamBlackMiner-v2.21.ps1 b/Miners/TeamBlackMiner-v2.21.ps1
index 1faf7667..0a12d830 100644
--- a/Miners/TeamBlackMiner-v2.21.ps1
+++ b/Miners/TeamBlackMiner-v2.21.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/TeamRedMiner-v0.10.18.ps1 b/Miners/TeamRedMiner-v0.10.18.ps1
index 1d462f2e..cf0d56fa 100644
--- a/Miners/TeamRedMiner-v0.10.18.ps1
+++ b/Miners/TeamRedMiner-v0.10.18.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/Trex-v0.26.8.ps1 b/Miners/Trex-v0.26.8.ps1
index e8a9fccc..89422845 100644
--- a/Miners/Trex-v0.26.8.ps1
+++ b/Miners/Trex-v0.26.8.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/Wildrig-v0.40.5.ps1 b/Miners/Wildrig-v0.40.5.ps1
index d4f3d4e4..72e6f8ce 100644
--- a/Miners/Wildrig-v0.40.5.ps1
+++ b/Miners/Wildrig-v0.40.5.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -29,231 +29,231 @@ $Path = "$PWD\Bin\$Name\wildrig.exe"
$DeviceEnumerator = "Type_Slot"
$Algorithms = @(
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Aergo"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo aergo" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Anime"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo anime" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "AstralHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-astralhash" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "BCD"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bcd" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2bBtcc"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2b-btcc" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2bGlt"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2b-glt" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2s"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2s" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake3"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo blake3" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Bmw512"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bmw512" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "C11"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo c11" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "CurveHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo curvehash" } # https://github.com/andru-kun/wildrig-multi/issues/255
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Dedal"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo dedal" } # CryptoDredge-v0.27.0 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "EvrProgPow"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo evrprogpow" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "FiroPow"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(55, 45); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo firopow" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Ghostrider"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(180, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo ghostrider" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "GlobalHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-globalhash" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "HeavyHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo heavyhash" } # FPGA
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Hex"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo hex" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "HMQ1725"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo hmq1725" } # CryptoDredge-v0.27.0 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "JeongHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-jeonghash" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "KawPow"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo kawpow" } # TeamRedMiner-v0.10.18 is fastest on Navi
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2RE2"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2v2" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2RE3"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2v3" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2TDC"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2tdc" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2vc0ban"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2vc0ban" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "MemeHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo memehash" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "MegaBtx"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo megabtx" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Mike"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo mike" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "NexaPow"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("GCN4"); ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo nexapow" } # https://github.com/andru-kun/wildrig-multi/issues/255 & https://github.com/andru-kun/wildrig-multi/issues/277
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Nist5"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo nist5" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "PadiHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-padihash" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "PawelHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-pawelhash" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Phi"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo phi" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Phi5"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo phi5" } # Algorithm is dead
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowEthercore"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-ethercore" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowSero"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-sero" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowVeil"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-veil" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowVeriblock"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo vprogpow" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowZ"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpowz" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Pufferfish2BMB"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 8; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo pufferfish2" } # waiting for coin to resurrect
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "RWAHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo rwahash" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Quark"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo quark" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Quibit"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo qui" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other") ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256d"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other") ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256d" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHAndwich256"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skydoge" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256csm"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256csm" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256t"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256t" } # Takes too long until it starts mining
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256q"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256q" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA512256d"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha512256d" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Skein2"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skein2" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SkunkHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skunkhash" } # Algorithm is dead
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Timetravel"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo timetravel" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Timetravel10"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo timetravel10" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Tribus"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo tribus" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11ghost"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11ghost" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11k"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11k" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X12"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x12" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X13"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x13" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X14"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x14" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X15"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x15" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16r"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(30, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16r" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16rt"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16rt" } # FPGA
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16rv2"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16rv2" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16s"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16s" } # FPGA
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X17"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x17" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X18"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x18" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X21s"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(120, 45); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x21s" } # TeamRedMiner-v0.10.18 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X22"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x22" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X22i"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x22i" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X25x"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x25x" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X33"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x33" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Xevan"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo xevan --gpu-threads 1" } # No hashrate on time for old GPUs
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Aergo"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo aergo" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Anime"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo anime" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "AstralHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-astralhash" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "BCD"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bcd" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2bBtcc"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2b-btcc" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2bGlt"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2b-glt" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2s"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2s" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake3"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo blake3" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Bmw512"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bmw512" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "C11"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo c11" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "CurveHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN\d$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo curvehash" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Dedal"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo dedal" } # CryptoDredge-v0.27.0 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "EvrProgPow"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo evrprogpow" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "FiroPow"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(55, 45); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo firopow" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Ghostrider"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(180, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo ghostrider" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "GlobalHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-globalhash" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "HeavyHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo heavyhash" } # FPGA
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Hex"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo hex" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "HMQ1725"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo hmq1725" } # CryptoDredge-v0.27.0 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "JeongHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-jeonghash" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "KawPow"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo kawpow" } # TeamRedMiner-v0.10.18 is fastest on Navi
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2RE2"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2v2" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2RE3"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2v3" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2TDC"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2tdc" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2vc0ban"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2vc0ban" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "MemeHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo memehash" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "MegaBtx"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo megabtx" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Mike"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo mike" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "NexaPow"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN\d$"; ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo nexapow" } # https://github.com/andru-kun/wildrig-multi/issues/255 & https://github.com/andru-kun/wildrig-multi/issues/277
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Nist5"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo nist5" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "PadiHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-padihash" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "PawelHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-pawelhash" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Phi"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo phi" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Phi5"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo phi5" } # Algorithm is dead
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowEthercore"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-ethercore" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowSero"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-sero" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowVeil"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-veil" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowVeriblock"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo vprogpow" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowZ"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpowz" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Pufferfish2BMB"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 8; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo pufferfish2" } # waiting for coin to resurrect
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "RWAHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo rwahash" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Quark"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo quark" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Quibit"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo qui" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256d"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256d" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHAndwich256"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skydoge" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256csm"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256csm" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256t"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256t" } # Takes too long until it starts mining
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256q"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256q" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA512256d"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha512256d" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Skein2"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skein2" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SkunkHash"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skunkhash" } # Algorithm is dead
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Timetravel"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo timetravel" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Timetravel10"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo timetravel10" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Tribus"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo tribus" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11ghost"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11ghost" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11k"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11k" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X12"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x12" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X13"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x13" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X14"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x14" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X15"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x15" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16r"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(30, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16r" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16rt"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16rt" } # FPGA
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16rv2"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16rv2" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16s"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16s" } # FPGA
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X17"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x17" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X18"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x18" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X21s"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(120, 45); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x21s" } # TeamRedMiner-v0.10.18 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X22"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x22" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X22i"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x22i" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X25x"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x25x" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X33"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x33" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Xevan"; Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN1$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo xevan --gpu-threads 1" } # No hashrate on time for old GPUs
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Aergo"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo aergo --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Anime"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo anime --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "AstralHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-astralhash --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "BCD"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bcd --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2bBtcc"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2b-btcc --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2bGlt"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2b-glt --watchdog" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2s"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2s" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake3"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo blake3" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Bmw512"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bmw512 --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "C11"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo c11 --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "CurveHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo curvehash --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Dedal"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo dedal --watchdog" } # CryptoDredge-v0.27.0 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "EvrProgPow"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo evrprogpow --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "FiroPow"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(55, 45); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo firopow --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Ghostrider"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(180, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo ghostrider --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "GlobalHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-globalhash --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Hex"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo hex --watchdog" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "HeavyHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo heavyhash" } # FPGA, Not yet supported on Nvidia
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "HMQ1725"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo hmq1725 --watchdog" } # CryptoDredge-v0.27.0 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "JeongHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-jeonghash --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "KawPow"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.90; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo kawpow --watchdog" } # NBMiner-v42.3 is fastest
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2RE2"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2v2 --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2RE3"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2v3 --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2TDC"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2tdc --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2vc0ban"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2vc0ban --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "MemeHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo memehash --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "MegaBtx"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo megabtx --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Mike"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo mike --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "NexaPow"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo nexapow --watchdog" } # https://github.com/andru-kun/wildrig-multi/issues/277
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Nist5"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo nist5 --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "PadiHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-padihash --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "PawelHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-pawelhash --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Phi"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo phi --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Phi5"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo phi5 --watchdog" } # Algorithm is dead
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowEthercore"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-ethercore --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowSero"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-sero --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowVeil"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-veil --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowVeriblock"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo vprogpow --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowZ"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpowz --watchdog" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Pufferfish2BMB"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 8; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo pufferfish2 --watchdog" } # waiting for coin to resurrect
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "RWAHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo rwahash --watchdog" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Quark"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo quark" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Quibit"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo qui" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256d"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256d" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHAndwich256"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skydoge --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256csm"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256csm --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256t"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256t --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256q"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256q --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA512256d"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha512256d --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Skein2"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skein2 --watchdog" } # CcminerAlexis78-v1.5.2 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SkunkHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skunkhash --watchdog" } # Algorithm is dead
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Timetravel"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo timetravel --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Timetravel10"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo timetravel10 --watchdog" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Tribus"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo tribus --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11 --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11ghost"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11ghost --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11k"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11k --watchdog" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X12"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x12 --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X13"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x13 --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X14"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x14 --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X15"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x15 --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16r"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16r --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16rt"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16rt --watchdog" } # FPGA
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16rv2"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16rv2 --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16s"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16s --watchdog" } # FPGA
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X17"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x17 --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X18"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x18 --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X21s"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(120, 45); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x21s --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X22"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x22 --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X22i"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x22i --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X25x"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x25x --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X33"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x33 --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Xevan"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo xevan --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Aergo"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo aergo --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Anime"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo anime --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "AstralHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-astralhash --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "BCD"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bcd --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2bBtcc"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2b-btcc --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2bGlt"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2b-glt --watchdog" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2s"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2s" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake3"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo blake3" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Bmw512"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bmw512 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "C11"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo c11 --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "CurveHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo curvehash --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Dedal"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo dedal --watchdog" } # CryptoDredge-v0.27.0 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "EvrProgPow"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo evrprogpow --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "FiroPow"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(55, 45); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo firopow --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Ghostrider"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(180, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo ghostrider --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "GlobalHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-globalhash --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Hex"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo hex --watchdog" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "HeavyHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo heavyhash" } # FPGA, Not yet supported on Nvidia
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "HMQ1725"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo hmq1725 --watchdog" } # CryptoDredge-v0.27.0 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "JeongHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-jeonghash --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "KawPow"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.90; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo kawpow --watchdog" } # NBMiner-v42.3 is fastest
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2RE2"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2v2 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2RE3"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2v3 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2TDC"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2tdc --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2vc0ban"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2vc0ban --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "MemeHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo memehash --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "MegaBtx"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo megabtx --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Mike"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo mike --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "NexaPow"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo nexapow --watchdog" } # https://github.com/andru-kun/wildrig-multi/issues/277
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Nist5"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo nist5 --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "PadiHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-padihash --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "PawelHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-pawelhash --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Phi"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo phi --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Phi5"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo phi5 --watchdog" } # Algorithm is dead
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowEthercore"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-ethercore --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowSero"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-sero --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowVeil"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-veil --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowVeriblock"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo vprogpow --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowZ"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpowz --watchdog" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Pufferfish2BMB"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 8; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo pufferfish2 --watchdog" } # waiting for coin to resurrect
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "RWAHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo rwahash --watchdog" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Quark"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo quark" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Quibit"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo qui" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256d"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256d" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHAndwich256"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skydoge --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256csm"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256csm --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256t"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256t --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256q"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256q --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA512256d"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha512256d --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Skein2"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skein2 --watchdog" } # CcminerAlexis78-v1.5.2 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SkunkHash"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skunkhash --watchdog" } # Algorithm is dead
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Timetravel"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo timetravel --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Timetravel10"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo timetravel10 --watchdog" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Tribus"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo tribus --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11ghost"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11ghost --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11k"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11k --watchdog" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X12"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x12 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X13"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x13 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X14"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x14 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X15"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x15 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16r"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16r --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16rt"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16rt --watchdog" } # FPGA
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16rv2"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16rv2 --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16s"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16s --watchdog" } # FPGA
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X17"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x17 --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X18"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x18 --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X21s"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(120, 45); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x21s --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X22"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x22 --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X22i"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x22i --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X25x"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x25x --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X33"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x33 --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Xevan"; Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo xevan --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Aergo"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo aergo --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Anime"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo anime --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "AstralHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-astralhash --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "BCD"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bcd --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2bBtcc"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2b-btcc --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2bGlt"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2b-glt --watchdog" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2s"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2s --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake3"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo blake3 --watchdog" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Bmw512"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bmw512 --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "C11"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo c11 --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "CurveHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo curvehash --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Dedal"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo dedal --watchdog" } # CryptoDredge-v0.27.0 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "EvrProgPow"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo evrprogpow --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "FiroPow"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(55, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo firopow --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Ghostrider"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(180, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo ghostrider --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "GlobalHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-globalhash --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "HeavyHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo heavyhash --watchdog" } # FPGA
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Hex"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo hex --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "HMQ1725"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo hmq1725 --watchdog" } # CryptoDredge-v0.27.0 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "JeongHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-jeonghash --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "KawPow"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo kawpow --watchdog" } # NBMiner-v42.3 is fastest
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2RE2"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2v2 --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2RE3"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2v3 --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2TDC"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2tdc --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2vc0ban"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2vc0ban --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "MemeHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo memehash --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "MegaBtx"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo megabtx --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Mike"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo mike --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "NexaPow"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo nexapow --watchdog" } # https://github.com/andru-kun/wildrig-multi/issues/277
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Nist5"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo nist5 --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "PadiHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-padihash --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "PawelHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-pawelhash --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Phi"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo phi --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Phi5"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo phi5 --watchdog" } # Algorithm is dead
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowEthercore"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-ethercore --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowSero"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-sero --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowVeil"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-veil --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowVeriblock"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo vprogpow --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowZ"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpowz --watchdog" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Pufferfish2BMB"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 8; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo pufferfish2 --watchdog" } # waiting for coin to resurrect
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "RWAHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo rwahash --watchdog" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Quark"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo quark --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Quibit"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo qui --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256 --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256d"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256d --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHAndwich256"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skydoge --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256csm"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256csm --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256t"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256t --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256q"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256q --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA512256d"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @("Other"); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha512256d --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Skein2"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skein2 --watchdog" } # CcminerAlexis78-v1.5.2 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SkunkHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skunkhash --watchdog" } # Algorithm is dead
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Timetravel"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo timetravel --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Timetravel10"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo timetravel10 --watchdog" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Tribus"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo tribus --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11 --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11ghost"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11ghost --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11k"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11k --watchdog" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X12"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x12 --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X13"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x13 --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X14"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x14 --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X15"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x15 --watchdog" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16r"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16r --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16rt"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16rt --watchdog" } # FPGA
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16rv2"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16rv2 --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16s"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16s --watchdog" } # FPGA
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X17"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x17 --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X18"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x18 --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X20r"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x20r --watchdog" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X21s"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(120, 45); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x21s --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X22"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x22 --watchdog" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X22i"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x22i --watchdog" } # Not yet supported on Nvidia
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X25x"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x25x --watchdog" } # Not yet supported on Nvidia
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X33"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x33 --watchdog" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Xevan"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = @(); ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo xevan --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Aergo"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo aergo --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Anime"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo anime --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "AstralHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-astralhash --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "BCD"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bcd --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2bBtcc"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2b-btcc --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2bGlt"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2b-glt --watchdog" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake2s"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo blake2s --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Blake3"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo blake3 --watchdog" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Bmw512"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo bmw512 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "C11"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo c11 --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "CurveHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo curvehash --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Dedal"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo dedal --watchdog" } # CryptoDredge-v0.27.0 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "EvrProgPow"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo evrprogpow --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "FiroPow"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(55, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo firopow --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Ghostrider"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(180, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo ghostrider --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "GlobalHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-globalhash --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "HeavyHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo heavyhash --watchdog" } # FPGA
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Hex"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo hex --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "HMQ1725"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo hmq1725 --watchdog" } # CryptoDredge-v0.27.0 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "JeongHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-jeonghash --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "KawPow"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo kawpow --watchdog" } # NBMiner-v42.3 is fastest
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2RE2"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2v2 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2RE3"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2v3 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2TDC"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2tdc --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Lyra2vc0ban"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo lyra2vc0ban --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "MemeHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo memehash --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "MegaBtx"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo megabtx --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Mike"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo mike --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "NexaPow"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @("NiceHash"); Arguments = " --algo nexapow --watchdog" } # https://github.com/andru-kun/wildrig-multi/issues/277
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Nist5"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo nist5 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "PadiHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-padihash --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "PawelHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo glt-pawelhash --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Phi"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo phi --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Phi5"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo phi5 --watchdog" } # Algorithm is dead
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowEthercore"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-ethercore --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowSero"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-sero --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowVeil"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpow-veil --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowVeriblock"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo vprogpow --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "ProgPowZ"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 0.62; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo progpowz --watchdog" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Pufferfish2BMB"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 8; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo pufferfish2 --watchdog" } # waiting for coin to resurrect
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "RWAHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo rwahash --watchdog" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Quark"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo quark --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Quibit"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo qui --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256d"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256d --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHAndwich256"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skydoge --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256csm"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256csm --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256t"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256t --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA256q"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha256q --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SHA512256d"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$"; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo sha512256d --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Skein2"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skein2 --watchdog" } # CcminerAlexis78-v1.5.2 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "SkunkHash"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(90, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo skunkhash --watchdog" } # Algorithm is dead
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Timetravel"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo timetravel --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Timetravel10"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo timetravel10 --watchdog" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Tribus"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo tribus --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11ghost"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11ghost --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X11k"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x11k --watchdog" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X12"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x12 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X13"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x13 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X14"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x14 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X15"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x15 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16r"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16r --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16rt"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16rt --watchdog" } # FPGA
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16rv2"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 3; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16rv2 --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X16s"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x16s --watchdog" } # FPGA
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X17"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x17 --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X18"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x18 --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X20r"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x20r --watchdog" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X21s"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(120, 45); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x21s --watchdog" } # Trex-v0.26.8 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X22"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x22 --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X22i"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x22i --watchdog" } # Not yet supported on Nvidia
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X25x"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x25x --watchdog" } # Not yet supported on Nvidia
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "X33"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo x33 --watchdog" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithm = "Xevan"; Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 15); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(); Arguments = " --algo xevan --watchdog" }
$Algorithms = $Algorithms.Where({ $_.MinerSet -le $Config.MinerSet })
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ If ($Algorithms) {
($Algorithms | Where-Object Type -EQ $_.Type).ForEach(
$ExcludeGPUArchitecture = $_.ExcludeGPUArchitecture
- If ($AvailableMiner_Devices = $Miner_Devices.Where({ $_.Architecture -notin $ExcludeGPUArchitecture })) {
+ If ($AvailableMiner_Devices = $Miner_Devices.Where({ $_.Architecture -notmatch $ExcludeGPUArchitecture })) {
$ExcludePools = $_.ExcludePools
ForEach ($Pool in $MinerPools[0][$_.Algorithm].Where({ $_.Name -notin $ExcludePools })) {
diff --git a/Miners/XmRig-v6.20.0.ps1 b/Miners/XmRig-v6.20.0.ps1
index b2619d9d..135b19a8 100644
--- a/Miners/XmRig-v6.20.0.ps1
+++ b/Miners/XmRig-v6.20.0.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/XmrStak-v2.10.8.ps1 b/Miners/XmrStak-v2.10.8.ps1
index 8985a7ce..1e63f26b 100644
--- a/Miners/XmrStak-v2.10.8.ps1
+++ b/Miners/XmrStak-v2.10.8.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/ZealotEnemy-v2.6.2.ps1 b/Miners/ZealotEnemy-v2.6.2.ps1
index 273f16b0..7aa6de47 100644
--- a/Miners/ZealotEnemy-v2.6.2.ps1
+++ b/Miners/ZealotEnemy-v2.6.2.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/ZealotEnemy-v2.6.3.ps1 b/Miners/ZealotEnemy-v2.6.3.ps1
index d164deee..a5667759 100644
--- a/Miners/ZealotEnemy-v2.6.3.ps1
+++ b/Miners/ZealotEnemy-v2.6.3.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Miners/lolMiner-v1.85beta.ps1 b/Miners/lolMiner-v1.86.ps1
similarity index 62%
rename from Miners/lolMiner-v1.85beta.ps1
rename to Miners/lolMiner-v1.86.ps1
index f264f948..8aac08ab 100644
--- a/Miners/lolMiner-v1.85beta.ps1
+++ b/Miners/lolMiner-v1.86.ps1
@@ -17,57 +17,57 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
If (-not ($Devices = $Variables.EnabledDevices.Where({ $_.Type -eq "INTEL" -or ($_.Type -eq "AMD" -and $_.Architecture -match "GCN4|RDNA[1|2|3]") -or $_.OpenCL.ComputeCapability -ge "6.0"} ))) { Return }
-$URI = "https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/releases/download/1.85_beta/lolMiner_v1.85_beta_Win64.zip"
+$URI = "https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/releases/download/1.86/lolMiner_v1.86_Win64.zip"
$Name = [String](Get-Item $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).BaseName
$Path = "$PWD\Bin\$Name\lolminer.exe"
$DeviceEnumerator = "Bus"
$Algorithms = @(
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.015); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo AUTOLYKOS2" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("BeamV3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 50); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo BEAM-III" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ALEPH" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckoo29"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 8.0; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C29AE" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckaroo29B"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo CR29-40" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckaroo29S"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo CR29-32" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckaroo30CTX"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.025); MinMemGiB = 7.8; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C30CTX" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckatoo31"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 4.0; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(60, 80); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C31" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckatoo32"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 4.0; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(60, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C32" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1254"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.015); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --coin ZEL" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1445"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --coin $(If ($MinerPools[0].Equihash1445.Currency -in @("BTCZ", "BTG", "EXCC", "XSG")) { $MinerPools[0].Equihash1445.Currency } Else { "AUTO144_5" })" } # FPGA
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1927"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --coin $(If ($MinerPools[0].Equihash1927.Currency -in @("YEC", "ZCL", "ZER")) { $MinerPools[0].Equihash1927.Currency } Else { "AUTO192_7" })" } # FPGA
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH" } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is faster
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH" } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is faster
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1992
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode ALEPHDUAL" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode KARLSENDUAL" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode PYRINDUAL" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 100); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode RXDDUAL" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Flux"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.00; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FLUX" }
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH" }
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo IROFISHHASHFISH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL" }
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL" }
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode PYRINDUAL" }
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH--dualmode RXDDUAL" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(90, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo PYRIN" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("IronFish"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@("NiceHash"), @()); Arguments = " --algo IRONFISH" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("NexaPow"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo NEXA" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1.0; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo RADIANT" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash", "Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.015); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo AUTOLYKOS2" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("BeamV3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 50); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo BEAM-III" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ALEPH" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckoo29"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 8.0; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C29AE" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckaroo29B"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo CR29-40" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckaroo29S"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo CR29-32" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckaroo30CTX"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.025); MinMemGiB = 7.8; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C30CTX" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckatoo31"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 4.0; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(60, 80); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C31" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckatoo32"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 4.0; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(60, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C32" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1254"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.015); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --coin ZEL" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1445"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --coin $(If ($MinerPools[0].Equihash1445.Currency -in @("BTCZ", "BTG", "EXCC", "XSG")) { $MinerPools[0].Equihash1445.Currency } Else { "AUTO144_5" })" } # FPGA
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1927"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --coin $(If ($MinerPools[0].Equihash1927.Currency -in @("YEC", "ZCL", "ZER")) { $MinerPools[0].Equihash1927.Currency } Else { "AUTO192_7" })" } # FPGA
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH" } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is faster
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH" } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is faster
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL" } #
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1992
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode ALEPHDUAL" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode KARLSENDUAL" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode PYRINDUAL" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 100); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode RXDDUAL" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Flux"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.00; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FLUX" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = ""; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$|^GCN5\d$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$|^GCN5\d$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$|^GCN5\d$|^RDNA1$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode PYRINDUAL" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$|^GCN5\d$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(90, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo PYRIN" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("IronFish"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@("NiceHash"), @()); Arguments = " --algo IRONFISH" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("NexaPow"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo NEXA" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1.0; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo RADIANT" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash", "Blake3"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "AMD"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^GCN4$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.015); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo AUTOLYKOS2" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("BeamV3"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo BEAM-III" }
@@ -75,46 +75,46 @@ $Algorithms = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1445"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(30, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --coin $(If ($MinerPools[0].Equihash1445.Currency -in @("BTCZ", "BTG", "EXCC", "XSG")) { $MinerPools[0].Equihash1445.Currency } Else { "AUTO144_5" })" } # FPGA
[PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash"); Type = "INTEL"; Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH" } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is faster
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.015); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo AUTOLYKOS2" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ALEPH" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("BeamV3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 50); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo BEAM-III" } # NBMiner-v42.3 is fastest
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckoo29"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 8.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C29AE" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckaroo29B"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo CR29-40" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckaroo29S"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo CR29-32" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckaroo30CTX"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.025); MinMemGiB = 8.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C30CTX" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckatoo31"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 4.0; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C31" } # ASIC
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckatoo32"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 4.0; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C32" } # ASIC
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1254"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.015); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --coin ZEL" } # MiniZ-v2.3c is fastest, but has 2% miner fee
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1445"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --coin $(If ($MinerPools[0].Equihash1445.Currency -in @("BTCZ", "BTG", "EXCC", "XSG")) { $MinerPools[0].Equihash1445.Currency } Else { "AUTO144_5" })" } # FPGA
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1927"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --coin $(If ($MinerPools[0].Equihash1927.Currency -in @("YEC", "ZCL", "ZER")) { $MinerPools[0].Equihash1927.Currency } Else { "AUTO192_7" })" } # FPGA
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash2109"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo EQUI210_9" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH" } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is faster
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL --maxdualimpact *" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL --maxdualimpact *" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH" } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is faster
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL --maxdualimpact *" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL --maxdualimpact *" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode ALEPHDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode PYRINDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode KARLSENDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode RXDDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$|^Pascal$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH" }
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$|^Pascal$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$|^Pascal$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode PYRINDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$|^Pascal$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
- # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$|^Pascal$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 50); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo KARLSEN" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(90, 50); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo PYRIN" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("IronFish"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo IRONFISH" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("NexaPow"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo NEXA" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo RADIANT" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH" }
- [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL --maxdualimpact *" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
-# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL --maxdualimpact *" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Autolykos2"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.015); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo AUTOLYKOS2" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ALEPH" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("BeamV3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 50); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo BEAM-III" } # NBMiner-v42.3 is fastest
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckoo29"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 8.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C29AE" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckaroo29B"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo CR29-40" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckaroo29S"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo CR29-32" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckaroo30CTX"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.025); MinMemGiB = 8.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C30CTX" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckatoo31"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 4.0; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C31" } # ASIC
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Cuckatoo32"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 4.0; MinerSet = 3; WarmupTimes = @(60, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo C32" } # ASIC
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1254"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.015); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --coin ZEL" } # MiniZ-v2.3c is fastest, but has 2% miner fee
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1445"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --coin $(If ($MinerPools[0].Equihash1445.Currency -in @("BTCZ", "BTG", "EXCC", "XSG")) { $MinerPools[0].Equihash1445.Currency } Else { "AUTO144_5" })" } # FPGA
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash1927"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --coin $(If ($MinerPools[0].Equihash1927.Currency -in @("YEC", "ZCL", "ZER")) { $MinerPools[0].Equihash1927.Currency } Else { "AUTO192_7" })" } # FPGA
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Equihash2109"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 30); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo EQUI210_9" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH" } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is faster
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL --maxdualimpact *" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL --maxdualimpact *" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EtcHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETCHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL --maxdualimpact *" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH" } # PhoenixMiner-v6.2c is faster
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL --maxdualimpact *" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("Ethash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL --maxdualimpact *" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 70); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode ALEPHDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode PYRINDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode KARLSENDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("EthashB3", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo ETHASHB3 --dualmode RXDDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$|^Pascal$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$|^Pascal$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$|^Pascal$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode PYRINDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$|^Pascal$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
+ # [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("FishHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 6.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = "^Other$|^Pascal$"; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo FISHHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(60, 50); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo KARLSEN" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("HeavyHashPyrin"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(90, 50); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo PYRIN" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("IronFish"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 2.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(45, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo IRONFISH" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("NexaPow"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.02); MinMemGiB = 3.0; MinerSet = 1; WarmupTimes = @(30, 60); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo NEXA" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.0075); MinMemGiB = 1.0; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(60, 20); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo RADIANT" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.007); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 0); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH" }
+ [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash", "Blake3"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 2; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH --dualmode ALEPHDUAL --maxdualimpact *" }
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash", "HeavyHashKarlsen"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH --dualmode KARLSENDUAL --maxdualimpact *" } # No hashrate for second algorithm
+# [PSCustomObject]@{ Algorithms = @("UbqHash", "SHA512256d"); Type = "NVIDIA"; Fee = @(0.01, 0.01); MinMemGiB = 1.24; MinerSet = 0; WarmupTimes = @(45, 90); ExcludeGPUArchitecture = " "; ExcludePools = @(@(), @()); Arguments = " --algo UBQHASH --dualmode RXDDUAL --maxdualimpact *" } # https://github.com/Lolliedieb/lolMiner-releases/issues/1986
$Algorithms = $Algorithms.Where({ $_.MinerSet -le $Config.MinerSet })
diff --git a/UG-Miner.ps1 b/UG-Miner.ps1
index c5182880..b39b529b 100644
--- a/UG-Miner.ps1
+++ b/UG-Miner.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: UG-Miner.ps1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ Set-Location (Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
-Copyright (c) 2018-$(([DateTime]::Now).Year) UselessGuru
+Copyright (c) 2018-$([DateTime]::Now.Year) UselessGuru
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ $Variables.Branding = [PSCustomObject]@{
BrandName = "UG-Miner"
BrandWebSite = "https://github.com/UselessGuru/UG-Miner"
ProductLabel = "UG-Miner"
- Version = [System.Version]"6.2.2"
+ Version = [System.Version]"6.2.3"
$WscriptShell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ Initialize-Environment
# Read configuration
[Void](Read-Config -ConfigFile $Variables.ConfigFile)
-Write-Message -Level Info "Starting $($Variables.Branding.ProductLabel)® v$($Variables.Branding.Version) © 2017-$(([DateTime]::Now).Year) UselessGuru"
+Write-Message -Level Info "Starting $($Variables.Branding.ProductLabel)® v$($Variables.Branding.Version) © 2017-$([DateTime]::Now.Year) UselessGuru"
Write-Host ""
# Update config file to include all new config items
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ Function MainLoop {
Else {
Write-Host "'P' pressed. Core cycle is running again." -ForegroundColor Cyan
- If (([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() -gt $Variables.EndCycleTime) { $Variables.EndCycleTime = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() }
+ If ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() -gt $Variables.EndCycleTime) { $Variables.EndCycleTime = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() }
Else {
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ Function MainLoop {
If ($Variables.RefreshNeeded) {
$Variables.RefreshNeeded = $false
- $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$($Variables.Branding.ProductLabel) $($Variables.Branding.Version) - Runtime: {0:dd} days {0:hh} hrs {0:mm} mins - Path: $($Variables.Mainpath)" -f [TimeSpan](([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() - $Variables.ScriptStartTime)
+ $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$($Variables.Branding.ProductLabel) $($Variables.Branding.Version) - Runtime: {0:dd} days {0:hh} hrs {0:mm} mins - Path: $($Variables.Mainpath)" -f [TimeSpan]([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() - $Variables.ScriptStartTime)
If ($LegacyGUIForm) {
$LegacyGUIForm.Text = $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle
@@ -926,19 +926,19 @@ Function MainLoop {
Remove-Variable Bias, Miner_Table, MinersDeviceGroup, MinersDeviceGroupNeedingBenchmark, MinersDeviceGroupNeedingPowerConsumptionMeasurement -ErrorAction Ignore
- If ($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo) {
- Write-Host "`nRunning $(If ($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo.Count -eq 1) { "miner:" } Else { "miners: $($Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo.Count)" })"
+ If ($Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo) {
+ Write-Host "`nRunning $(If ($Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo.Count -eq 1) { "miner:" } Else { "miners: $($Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo.Count)" })"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Miner_Table = @(
@{ Label = "Name"; Expression = { $_.Name } }
If ($Config.CalculatePowerCost -and $Variables.ShowPowerConsumption) { @{ Label = "Power Consumption"; Expression = { If ([Double]::IsNaN($_.PowerConsumption_Live)) { "n/a" } Else { "$($_.PowerConsumption_Live.ToString("N2")) W" } }; Align = "right" } }
@{ Label = "Hashrate"; Expression = { $_.Hashrates_Live.ForEach({ If ([Double]::IsNaN($_)) { "n/a" } Else { $_ | ConvertTo-Hash } }) -join ' & ' }; Align = "right" }
- @{ Label = "Active (this run)"; Expression = { "{0:dd}d {0:hh}h {0:mm}m {0:ss}s" -f (([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() - $_.BeginTime) } }
+ @{ Label = "Active (this run)"; Expression = { "{0:dd}d {0:hh}h {0:mm}m {0:ss}s" -f ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() - $_.BeginTime) } }
@{ Label = "Active (total)"; Expression = { "{0:dd}d {0:hh}h {0:mm}m {0:ss}s" -f ($_.TotalMiningDuration) } }
@{ Label = "Cnt"; Expression = { Switch ($_.Activated) { 0 { "Never" } 1 { "Once" } Default { "$_" } } } }
@{ Label = "Device(s)"; Expression = { $_.DeviceNames -join ',' } }
@{ Label = "Command"; Expression = { $_.CommandLine } }
- $Variables.MinersBestPerDevice_Combo | Sort-Object -Property { $_.DeviceNames } | Format-Table $Miner_Table -Wrap | Out-Host
+ $Variables.MinersBestPerDeviceCombo | Sort-Object -Property { $_.DeviceNames } | Format-Table $Miner_Table -Wrap | Out-Host
Remove-Variable Miner_Table
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ Function MainLoop {
@{Label = "Pool"; Expression = { $_.PoolName } },
@{Label = "Algorithm"; Expression = { $_.Algorithm } },
@{Label = "Device(s)"; Expression = { $_.DeviceNames -join ',' } },
- @{Label = "Last Updated"; Expression = { "{0:mm} min {0:ss} sec ago" -f (([DateTime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() - $_.Kicked) }; Align = "right" }
+ @{Label = "Last Updated"; Expression = { "{0:mm} min {0:ss} sec ago" -f ([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime() - $_.Kicked) }; Align = "right" }
) | Out-Host
diff --git a/Version.txt b/Version.txt
index fad3a6a5..48177a8d 100644
--- a/Version.txt
+++ b/Version.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"Product": "UG-Miner",
- "Version": "6.2.2",
+ "Version": "6.2.3",
"AutoUpdate": true,
"RequireRestart": true,
"Uri": "https://github.com/UselessGuru/UG-Miner/archive/refs/heads/master.zip",
diff --git a/Web/APIdocs.html b/Web/APIdocs.html
index 9b851ce7..821ba271 100644
--- a/Web/APIdocs.html
+++ b/Web/APIdocs.html
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
Product: UG-Miner
File: API.psm1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
version date: 2024/03/28
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- UG-Miner API (version
+ UG-Miner API (version
API data is available at http://localhost:[API port]/<resource>.
The default API port is 3999.
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ Functions
Set miner hashrate value, not useful for pool stats:
Parameters: (JSON, pool list as array, requires properties Name=StatName, Algorithm=Algorithm(s), Type=Hashrate, Value (0=failed; -1=disabled))
- e.g.: /functions/stat/set?Miners%3D%5B{"Name"%3A"SRBMinerMulti-v2.4.9-1xRadeonRX5700XT8GB"%2C"Algorithms"%3A%5B"Argon2d16000"%5D}%5D%26Type%3DHashrate%26Value%3D-1
+ e.g.: /functions/stat/set?Miners%3D%5B{"Name"%3A"SRBMinerMulti-v2.5.0-1xRadeonRX5700XT8GB"%2C"Algorithms"%3A%5B"Argon2d16000"%5D}%5D%26Type%3DHashrate%26Value%3D-1
Enable disabled pool
diff --git a/Web/balancedata.html b/Web/balancedata.html
index 00394fe2..870655c0 100644
--- a/Web/balancedata.html
+++ b/Web/balancedata.html
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Balance data
+ data-sort-select-options="true"
diff --git a/Web/configedit.html b/Web/configedit.html
index 834ca11e..355183f9 100644
--- a/Web/configedit.html
+++ b/Web/configedit.html
@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ Edit configuration
required: false,
minlength: 3,
maxlength: 1024,
- pattern: '^[+|-]([A-Za-z0-9]{2,}?)+(?:,[+|-]([A-Za-z0-9]{2,})+)*$'
+ pattern: '^[+|-]([A-Za-z0-9\(\))]{2,}?)+(?:,[+|-]([A-Za-z0-9\(\)]{2,})+)*$'
PowerConsumptionIdleSystemW: {
digits: true,
diff --git a/Web/css/main.css b/Web/css/main.css
index 6b67c79c..f402e8f0 100644
--- a/Web/css/main.css
+++ b/Web/css/main.css
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ footer {
color: white;
font-size: 1.2rem;
line-height: 1.5;
- height: 5.4rem;
+ height: 4.8rem;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
diff --git a/Web/devices.html b/Web/devices.html
index ba323e48..4ddea492 100644
--- a/Web/devices.html
+++ b/Web/devices.html
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Enabled devices
+ data-sort-select-options="true"
@@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ Disabled devices
+ data-sort-select-options="true"
@@ -173,6 +175,7 @@ Unsupported devices
+ data-sort-select-options="true"
diff --git a/Web/index.html b/Web/index.html
index dfa13c64..0c18ae5e 100644
--- a/Web/index.html
+++ b/Web/index.html
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ Active miners
+ data-sort-select-options="true"
@@ -40,13 +41,13 @@ Active miners
- Devices
- Name
- Miner
- Version
+ Devices
+ Name
+ Miner
+ Version
- Status
- Status Info
+ Status
+ Status Info
Earning (biased)
Power cost
@@ -56,30 +57,30 @@ Active miners
Continous cycles
- Running time
- Primary algorithm
- Primary algorithm (variant)
- Primary currency
- Primary coin name
- Primary pool
- Primary pool (variant)
- Primary user
- Live hashrate
- Benchmarked hashrate
- Primary pool fee
- Primary miner fee
- Secondary algorithm
- Secondary algorithm (variant)
- Secondary currency
- Secondary coin name
- Secondary pool
- Secondary pool (variant)
- Secondary user
- Live hashrate
- Benchmarked hashrate
- Secondary pool fee
- Secondary miner fee
- Total mining duration
+ Running time
+ Primary algorithm
+ Primary algorithm (variant)
+ Primary currency
+ Primary coin name
+ Primary pool
+ Primary pool (variant)
+ Primary user
+ Live hashrate
+ Benchmarked hashrate
+ Primary pool fee
+ Primary miner fee
+ Secondary algorithm
+ Secondary algorithm (variant)
+ Secondary currency
+ Secondary coin name
+ Secondary pool
+ Secondary pool (variant)
+ Secondary user
+ Live hashrate
+ Benchmarked hashrate
+ Secondary pool fee
+ Secondary miner fee
+ Total mining duration
Environment variables
API Port
@@ -123,17 +124,17 @@ System log
$table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'PowerCost');
if (config.DisableDualAlgoMining == true) {
- $table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'tSecondaryPool');
- $table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'tSecondaryAlgorithm');
- $table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'tSecondaryHashrate');
- $table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'tSecondaryHashrateLive');
- $table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'tSecondaryPoolUser');
+ $table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'SecondaryPool');
+ $table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'SecondaryAlgorithm');
+ $table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'SecondaryHashrate');
+ $table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'SecondaryHashrateLive');
+ $table.bootstrapTable('hideColumn', 'SecondaryPoolUser');
} else {
- $table.bootstrapTable('showColumn', 'tSecondaryPool');
- $table.bootstrapTable('showColumn', 'tSecondaryAlgorithm');
- $table.bootstrapTable('showColumn', 'tSecondaryHashrate');
- $table.bootstrapTable('showColumn', 'tSecondaryHashrateLive');
- $table.bootstrapTable('showColumn', 'tSecondaryPoolUser');
+ $table.bootstrapTable('showColumn', 'SecondaryPool');
+ $table.bootstrapTable('showColumn', 'SecondaryAlgorithm');
+ $table.bootstrapTable('showColumn', 'SecondaryHashrate');
+ $table.bootstrapTable('showColumn', 'SecondaryHashrateLive');
+ $table.bootstrapTable('showColumn', 'SecondaryPoolUser');
diff --git a/Web/js/utilities.js b/Web/js/utilities.js
index 362e8362..e6b04a12 100644
--- a/Web/js/utilities.js
+++ b/Web/js/utilities.js
@@ -8,64 +8,60 @@ function formatMiners(data) {
try {
// Format miner link
if (item.MinerUri && item.Best && item.Status == 4) {
- item.tBaseName = '' + item.BaseName + ' ';
- item.tName = '' + item.Name + ' ';
- item.tStatusInfo = '' + item.StatusInfo + ' ';
- } else {
- item.tBaseName = item.BaseName;
- item.tName = item.Name;
- item.tStatusInfo = item.StatusInfo;
+ item.BaseName = '' + item.BaseName + ' ';
+ item.Name = '' + item.Name + ' ';
+ item.StatusInfo = '' + item.StatusInfo + ' ';
// Format the device(s)
- item.tDevices = formatArrayAsSortedString(item.DeviceNames);
+ item.Devices = formatArrayAsSortedString(item.DeviceNames);
// Format the pool and algorithm data
- item.tPrimaryMinerFee = item.Workers[0].Fee;
- item.tPrimaryHashrate = item.Workers[0].Hashrate;
- item.tPrimaryAlgorithm = item.Workers[0].Pool.Algorithm;
- item.tPrimaryAlgorithmVariant = item.Workers[0].Pool.AlgorithmVariant;
- item.tPrimaryCurrency = item.Workers[0].Pool.Currency;
- item.tPrimaryCoinName = item.Workers[0].Pool.CoinName;
- item.tPrimaryPool = item.Workers[0].Pool.Name;
- item.tPrimaryPoolVariant = item.Workers[0].Pool.Variant;
- item.tPrimaryPoolFee = item.Workers[0].Pool.Fee;
- item.tPrimaryPoolUser = item.Workers[0].Pool.User;
+ item.PrimaryMinerFee = item.Workers[0].Fee;
+ item.PrimaryHashrate = item.Workers[0].Hashrate;
+ item.PrimaryAlgorithm = item.Workers[0].Pool.Algorithm;
+ item.PrimaryAlgorithmVariant = item.Workers[0].Pool.AlgorithmVariant;
+ item.PrimaryCurrency = item.Workers[0].Pool.Currency;
+ item.PrimaryCoinName = item.Workers[0].Pool.CoinName;
+ item.PrimaryPool = item.Workers[0].Pool.Name;
+ item.PrimaryPoolVariant = item.Workers[0].Pool.Variant;
+ item.PrimaryPoolFee = item.Workers[0].Pool.Fee;
+ item.PrimaryPoolUser = item.Workers[0].Pool.User;
if (item.Workers.length > 1) {
- item.tSecondaryMinerFee = item.Workers[1].Fee;
- item.tSecondaryHashrate = item.Workers[1].Hashrate;
- item.tSecondaryAlgorithm = item.Workers[1].Pool.Algorithm;
- item.tSecondaryAlgorithmVariant = item.Workers[1].Pool.AlgorithmVariant;
- item.tSecondaryCurrency = item.Workers[1].Pool.Currency;
- item.tSecondaryCoinName = item.Workers[1].Pool.CoinName;
- item.tSecondaryPool = item.Workers[1].Pool.Name;
- item.tSecondaryPoolVariant = item.Workers[1].Pool.Variant;
- item.tSecondaryPoolFee = item.Workers[1].Pool.Fee;
- item.tSecondaryPoolUser = item.Workers[1].Pool.User;
+ item.SecondaryMinerFee = item.Workers[1].Fee;
+ item.SecondaryHashrate = item.Workers[1].Hashrate;
+ item.SecondaryAlgorithm = item.Workers[1].Pool.Algorithm;
+ item.SecondaryAlgorithmVariant = item.Workers[1].Pool.AlgorithmVariant;
+ item.SecondaryCurrency = item.Workers[1].Pool.Currency;
+ item.SecondaryCoinName = item.Workers[1].Pool.CoinName;
+ item.SecondaryPool = item.Workers[1].Pool.Name;
+ item.SecondaryPoolVariant = item.Workers[1].Pool.Variant;
+ item.SecondaryPoolFee = item.Workers[1].Pool.Fee;
+ item.SecondaryPoolUser = item.Workers[1].Pool.User;
// Format margin of error
- if (isNaN(item.Earning_Accuracy)) item.tEarningAccuracy = 'n/a';
- else item.tEarningAccuracy = formatPercent(item.Earning_Accuracy);
+ if (isNaN(item.Earning_Accuracy)) item.EarningAccuracy = 'n/a';
+ else item.EarningAccuracy = formatPercent(item.Earning_Accuracy);
// Format the live speed(s)
- item.tPrimaryHashrateLive = item.Hashrates_Live[0];
- item.tSecondaryHashrateLive = item.Hashrates_Live[1];
+ item.PrimaryHashrateLive = item.Hashrates_Live[0];
+ item.SecondaryHashrateLive = item.Hashrates_Live[1];
// Format Total Mining Duration (TimeSpan)
- if (item.TotalMiningDuration.Ticks > 0) item.tTotalMiningDuration = formatTimeSpan(item.TotalMiningDuration);
- else item.tTotalMiningDuration = "n/a";
+ if (item.TotalMiningDuration.Ticks > 0) item.TotalMiningDuration = formatTimeSpan(item.TotalMiningDuration);
+ else item.TotalMiningDuration = "n/a";
// Format Mining Duration (DateTime)
- if (item.BeginTime == "0001-01-01T00:00:00") item.tMiningDuration = "n/a";
- else item.tMiningDuration = formatTimeSince(item.BeginTime).replace(' ago' ,'').replace('just now', 'just started');
+ if (item.BeginTime == "0001-01-01T00:00:00") item.MiningDuration = "n/a";
+ else item.MiningDuration = formatTimeSince(item.BeginTime).replace(' ago' ,'').replace('just now', 'just started');
// Format status
- item.tStatus = enumminerstatus[item.Status];
+ item.Status = enumminerstatus[item.Status];
// Format warmup times
- item.tWarmupTimes0 = item.WarmupTimes[0];
- item.tWarmupTimes1 = item.WarmupTimes[1];
+ item.WarmupTimes0 = item.WarmupTimes[0];
+ item.WarmupTimes1 = item.WarmupTimes[1];
catch (error) {
@@ -80,9 +76,9 @@ function formatPools(data) {
$.each(data, function(index, item) {
if (config.UsemBTC) factor = 1000;
else factor = 1;
- item.tPrice = item.Price * factor;
- item.tPrice_Bias = item.Price_Bias * factor;
- item.tStablePrice = item.StablePrice * factor;
+ item.Price = item.Price * factor;
+ item.Price_Bias = item.Price_Bias * factor;
+ item.StablePrice = item.StablePrice * factor;
return data;
diff --git a/Web/minersall.html b/Web/minersall.html
index d8329d39..10483d4c 100644
--- a/Web/minersall.html
+++ b/Web/minersall.html
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ All miners
+ data-sort-select-options="true"
@@ -48,13 +49,14 @@ All miners
- Name
- Miner
+ Name
+ Miner
- Devices
+ Devices
- Status
+ Status
+ Status Info
Earning (biased)
@@ -62,33 +64,33 @@ All miners
Profit (biased)
- Total mining duration
- Accuracy
- Primary algorithm
- Primary algorithm (variant)
- Primary currency
- Primary coin name
- Primary pool
- Primary pool (variant)
- Primary user
- Primary hashrate
- Primary pool fee
- Primary miner fee
- Secondary algorithm
- Secondary algorithm (variant)
- Secondary currency
- Secondary coin name
- Secondary pool
- Secondary pool (variant)
- Secondary user
- Secondary hashrate
- Secondary pool fee
- Secondary miner fee
+ Total mining duration
+ Accuracy
+ Primary algorithm
+ Primary algorithm (variant)
+ Primary currency
+ Primary coin name
+ Primary pool
+ Primary pool (variant)
+ Primary user
+ Primary hashrate
+ Primary pool fee
+ Primary miner fee
+ Secondary algorithm
+ Secondary algorithm (variant)
+ Secondary currency
+ Secondary coin name
+ Secondary pool
+ Secondary pool (variant)
+ Secondary user
+ Secondary hashrate
+ Secondary pool fee
+ Secondary miner fee
Miner API
API port
Min. data samples
- WarmupTime [0]
- WarmupTime [1]
+ WarmupTime [0]
+ WarmupTime [1]
Environment variables
diff --git a/Web/minersoptimal.html b/Web/minersoptimal.html
index 3d54849b..e91518dc 100644
--- a/Web/minersoptimal.html
+++ b/Web/minersoptimal.html
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Optimal miners
+ data-sort-select-options="true"
@@ -43,13 +44,14 @@ Optimal miners
- Name
- Miner
+ Name
+ Miner
- Devices
+ Devices
- Status
+ Status
+ Status Info
Earning (biased)
@@ -57,33 +59,33 @@ Optimal miners
Profit (biased)
- Total mining duration
- Accuracy
- Primary algorithm
- Primary algorithm (variant)
- Primary currency
- Primary coin name
- Primary pool
- Primary pool (variant)
- Primary user
- Primary hashrate
- Primary pool fee
- Primary miner fee
- Secondary algorithm
- Secondary algorithm (variant)
- Secondary currency
- Secondary coin name
- Secondary pool
- Secondary pool (variant)
- Secondary user
- Secondary hashrate
- Secondary pool fee
- Secondary miner fee
+ Total mining duration
+ Accuracy
+ Primary algorithm
+ Primary algorithm (variant)
+ Primary currency
+ Primary coin name
+ Primary pool
+ Primary pool (variant)
+ Primary user
+ Primary hashrate
+ Primary pool fee
+ Primary miner fee
+ Secondary algorithm
+ Secondary algorithm (variant)
+ Secondary currency
+ Secondary coin name
+ Secondary pool
+ Secondary pool (variant)
+ Secondary user
+ Secondary hashrate
+ Secondary pool fee
+ Secondary miner fee
Miner API
API port
Min. data samples
- WarmupTime [0]
- WarmupTime [1]
+ WarmupTime [0]
+ WarmupTime [1]
Environment variables
diff --git a/Web/minersunavailable.html b/Web/minersunavailable.html
index 7bfdeeff..e7fc2487 100644
--- a/Web/minersunavailable.html
+++ b/Web/minersunavailable.html
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Unavailable miners
+ data-sort-select-options="true"
@@ -48,13 +49,14 @@ Unavailable miners
- Name
- Miner
+ Name
+ Miner
- Devices
+ Devices
- Status
+ Status
+ Status Info
Earning (biased)
@@ -62,33 +64,33 @@ Unavailable miners
Profit (biased)
- Total mining duration
- Accuracy
- Primary algorithm
- Primary algorithm (variant)
- Primary currency
- Primary coin name
- Primary pool
- Primary pool (variant)
- Primary user
- Primary hashrate
- Primary pool fee
- Primary miner fee
- Secondary algorithm
- Secondary algorithm (variant)
- Secondary currency
- Secondary coin name
- Secondary pool
- Secondary pool (variant)
- Secondary user
- Secondary hashrate
- Secondary pool fee
- Secondary miner fee
+ Total mining duration
+ Accuracy
+ Primary algorithm
+ Primary algorithm (variant)
+ Primary currency
+ Primary coin name
+ Primary pool
+ Primary pool (variant)
+ Primary user
+ Primary hashrate
+ Primary pool fee
+ Primary miner fee
+ Secondary algorithm
+ Secondary algorithm (variant)
+ Secondary currency
+ Secondary coin name
+ Secondary pool
+ Secondary pool (variant)
+ Secondary user
+ Secondary hashrate
+ Secondary pool fee
+ Secondary miner fee
Miner API
API port
Min. data samples
- WarmupTime [0]
- WarmupTime [1]
+ WarmupTime [0]
+ WarmupTime [1]
Environment variables
diff --git a/Web/parts/head.html b/Web/parts/head.html
index cb57da4b..488ec211 100644
--- a/Web/parts/head.html
+++ b/Web/parts/head.html
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@
@@ -54,7 +53,6 @@
diff --git a/Web/poolsall.html b/Web/poolsall.html
index 457b97f5..ec309a0f 100644
--- a/Web/poolsall.html
+++ b/Web/poolsall.html
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ All pools
+ data-sort-select-options="true"
@@ -44,16 +45,16 @@ All pools
Pool Uri
Algorithm (variant)
- Currency
+ Currency
Coin name
- BTC/GH/24hr
- BTC/GH/24hr (biased)
- BTC/GH/24hr (week)
+ BTC/GH/24hr
+ BTC/GH/24hr (biased)
+ BTC/GH/24hr (week)
Pool name (variant)
- Pool name
- Region
+ Pool name
+ Region
Username or wallet
Worker name
diff --git a/Web/poolsbest.html b/Web/poolsbest.html
index 1bb5b08f..d8ac2b52 100644
--- a/Web/poolsbest.html
+++ b/Web/poolsbest.html
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Best pools
+ data-sort-select-options="true"
@@ -46,13 +47,13 @@ Best pools
Coin name
- BTC/GH/24hr
- BTC/GH/24hr (biased)
- BTC/GH/24hr (week)
+ BTC/GH/24hr
+ BTC/GH/24hr (biased)
+ BTC/GH/24hr (week)
Pool name (variant)
- Pool name
- Region
+ Pool name
+ Region
Username or wallet
Worker name
diff --git a/Web/poolsunavailable.html b/Web/poolsunavailable.html
index 9705477a..8269f2ff 100644
--- a/Web/poolsunavailable.html
+++ b/Web/poolsunavailable.html
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Unavailable pools
+ data-sort-select-options="true"
@@ -47,13 +48,13 @@ Unavailable pools
Coin name
- BTC/GH/24hr
- BTC/GH/24hr (biased)
- BTC/GH/24hr (week)
+ BTC/GH/24hr
+ BTC/GH/24hr (biased)
+ BTC/GH/24hr (week)
Pool name (variant)
- Pool name
- Region
+ Pool name
+ Region
Username or wallet
Worker name
diff --git a/Web/scripts/demo.ps1 b/Web/scripts/demo.ps1
index 588cd7f4..126a7d10 100644
--- a/Web/scripts/demo.ps1
+++ b/Web/scripts/demo.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Product: UG-Miner
File: demo.psm1
-Version: 6.2.2
+Version: 6.2.3
Version date: 2024/03/28
diff --git a/Web/switchinglog.html b/Web/switchinglog.html
index a9b2c73b..5f1e2cbb 100644
--- a/Web/switchinglog.html
+++ b/Web/switchinglog.html
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Switching log
+ data-sort-select-options="true"
diff --git a/Web/watchdogtimers.html b/Web/watchdogtimers.html
index a52224f7..13eed83a 100644
--- a/Web/watchdogtimers.html
+++ b/Web/watchdogtimers.html
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Watchdog timers
+ data-sort-select-options="true"