This document contains the help content for the unleash-edge
command-line program.
Command Overview:
Usage: unleash-edge [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
— Run in edge modeoffline
— Run in offline modehealth
— Perform a health check against a running edge instanceready
— Perform a ready check against a running edge instance
,--port <PORT>
— Which port should this server listen for HTTP traffic onDefault value:
,--interface <INTERFACE>
— Which interfaces should this server listen for HTTP traffic onDefault value:
,--base-path <BASE_PATH>
— Which base path should this server listen for HTTP traffic onDefault value: ``
,--workers <WORKERS>
— How many workers should be started to handle requests. Defaults to number of physical cpusDefault value:
— Should we bind TLSDefault value:
--tls-server-key <TLS_SERVER_KEY>
— Server key to use for TLS - Needs to be a path to a file -
--tls-server-cert <TLS_SERVER_CERT>
— Server Cert to use for TLS - Needs to be a path to a file -
--tls-server-port <TLS_SERVER_PORT>
— Port to listen for https connection on (will use the interfaces already defined)Default value:
--instance-id <INSTANCE_ID>
— Instance id. Used for metrics reportingDefault value:
<random ulid>
,--app-name <APP_NAME>
— App name. Used for metrics reportingDefault value:
— By enabling the trust proxy option. Unleash Edge will have knowledge that it's sitting behind a proxy and that the X-Forward-* header fields may be trusted, which otherwise may be easily spoofed. Edge will use this to populate its context's remoteAddress field If you need to only trust specific ips or CIDR, enable this flag and then set--proxy-trusted-servers
--proxy-trusted-servers <PROXY_TRUSTED_SERVERS>
— Tells Unleash Edge which servers to trust the X-Forwarded-For. Accepts explicit Ip addresses or Cidrs ( Accepts a comma separated list or multiple instances of the flag. E.g--proxy-trusted-servers ","
and--proxy-trusted-servers --proxy-trusted-servers
are equivalent -
— Set this flag to true if you want to disable /api/proxy/all and /api/frontend/all Because returning all toggles regardless of their state is a potential security vulnerability, these endpoints can be disabledDefault value:
--edge-request-timeout <EDGE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT>
— Timeout for requests to EdgeDefault value:
,--log-format <LOG_FORMAT>
— Which log format should Edge useDefault value:
Possible values:
--token-header <TOKEN_HEADER>
— token header to use for edge authorizationDefault value:
— Disables /internal-backstage/metricsbatch endpointThis endpoint shows the current cached client metrics
— Disables /internal-backstage/metrics endpointTypically used for prometheus scraping metrics.
— Disables /internal-backstage/features endpointUsed to show current cached features across environments
— Disables /internal-backstage/tokens endpointUsed to show tokens used to refresh feature caches, but also tokens already validated/invalidated against upstream
Run in edge mode
Usage: unleash-edge edge [OPTIONS] --upstream-url <UPSTREAM_URL>
,--upstream-url <UPSTREAM_URL>
— Where is your upstream URL. Remember, this is the URL to your instance, without any trailing /api suffix -
,--backup-folder <BACKUP_FOLDER>
— A path to a local folder. Edge will write feature and token data to disk in this folder and read this back after restart. Mutually exclusive with the --redis-url option -
,--metrics-interval-seconds <METRICS_INTERVAL_SECONDS>
— How often should we post metrics upstream?Default value:
,--features-refresh-interval-seconds <FEATURES_REFRESH_INTERVAL_SECONDS>
— How long between each refresh for a tokenDefault value:
--token-revalidation-interval-seconds <TOKEN_REVALIDATION_INTERVAL_SECONDS>
— How long between each revalidation of a tokenDefault value:
,--tokens <TOKENS>
— Get data for these client tokens at startup. Accepts comma-separated list of tokens. Hot starts your feature cache -
,--custom-client-headers <CUSTOM_CLIENT_HEADERS>
— Expects curl header format (-H : ) for instance-H X-Api-Key: mysecretapikey
— If set to true, we will skip SSL verification when connecting to the upstream Unleash serverDefault value:
--pkcs8-client-certificate-file <PKCS8_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_FILE>
— Client certificate chain in PEM encoded X509 format with the leaf certificate first. The certificate chain should contain any intermediate certificates that should be sent to clients to allow them to build a chain to a trusted root -
--pkcs8-client-key-file <PKCS8_CLIENT_KEY_FILE>
— Client key is a PEM encoded PKCS#8 formatted private key for the leaf certificate -
--pkcs12-identity-file <PKCS12_IDENTITY_FILE>
— Identity file in pkcs12 format. Typically this file has a pfx extension -
--pkcs12-passphrase <PKCS12_PASSPHRASE>
— Passphrase used to unlock the pkcs12 file -
--upstream-certificate-file <UPSTREAM_CERTIFICATE_FILE>
— Extra certificate passed to the client for building its trust chain. Needs to be in PEM format (crt or pem extensions usually are) -
--upstream-request-timeout <UPSTREAM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT>
— Timeout for requests to the upstream serverDefault value:
--upstream-socket-timeout <UPSTREAM_SOCKET_TIMEOUT>
— Socket timeout for requests to upstreamDefault value:
--redis-url <REDIS_URL>
--redis-mode <REDIS_MODE>
Default value:
Possible values:
--redis-password <REDIS_PASSWORD>
--redis-username <REDIS_USERNAME>
--redis-port <REDIS_PORT>
--redis-host <REDIS_HOST>
Default value:
--redis-scheme <REDIS_SCHEME>
Default value:
Possible values:
--redis-read-connection-timeout-milliseconds <REDIS_READ_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS>
— Timeout (in milliseconds) for waiting for a successful connection to redis, when restoringDefault value:
--redis-write-connection-timeout-milliseconds <REDIS_WRITE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS>
— Timeout (in milliseconds) for waiting for a successful connection to redis when persistingDefault value:
--s3-bucket-name <S3_BUCKET_NAME>
— Bucket name to use for storing feature and token data -
--token-header <TOKEN_HEADER>
— Token header to use for both edge authorization and communication with the upstream serverDefault value:
— If set to true, Edge starts with strict behavior. Strict behavior means that Edge will refuse tokens outside the scope of the startup tokensDefault value:
— If set to true, Edge starts with dynamic behavior. Dynamic behavior means that Edge will accept tokens outside the scope of the startup tokensDefault value:
--prometheus-remote-write-url <PROMETHEUS_REMOTE_WRITE_URL>
— Sets a remote write url for prometheus metrics, if this is set, prometheus metrics will be written upstream -
--prometheus-push-interval <PROMETHEUS_PUSH_INTERVAL>
— Sets the interval for prometheus push metrics, only relevant ifprometheus_remote_write_url
is set. Defaults to 60 secondsDefault value:
--prometheus-username <PROMETHEUS_USERNAME>
--prometheus-password <PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD>
--prometheus-user-id <PROMETHEUS_USER_ID>
Run in offline mode
Usage: unleash-edge offline [OPTIONS]
,--bootstrap-file <BOOTSTRAP_FILE>
— The file to load our features from. This data will be loaded at startup -
,--tokens <TOKENS>
— Tokens that should be allowed to connect to Edge. Supports a comma separated list or multiple instances of the--tokens
argument (v19.4.0) deprecated "Please use --client-tokens | CLIENT_TOKENS instead" -
,--client-tokens <CLIENT_TOKENS>
— Client tokens that should be allowed to connect to Edge. Supports a comma separated list or multiple instances of the--client-tokens
argument -
,--frontend-tokens <FRONTEND_TOKENS>
— Frontend tokens that should be allowed to connect to Edge. Supports a comma separated list or multiple instances of the--frontend-tokens
argument -
,--reload-interval <RELOAD_INTERVAL>
— The interval in seconds between reloading the bootstrap file. Disabled if unset or 0Default value:
Perform a health check against a running edge instance
Usage: unleash-edge health [OPTIONS]
,--edge-url <EDGE_URL>
— Where the instance you want to health check is runningDefault value:
,--ca-certificate-file <CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE>
— If you're hosting Edge using a self-signed TLS certificate use this to tell healthcheck about your CA
Perform a ready check against a running edge instance
Usage: unleash-edge ready [OPTIONS]
,--edge-url <EDGE_URL>
— Where the instance you want to health check is runningDefault value:
,--ca-certificate-file <CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE>
— If you're hosting Edge using a self-signed TLS certificate use this to tell the readychecker about your CA
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