Title. A Tale of Three Papers: a beautiful theorem, four open problems, a surprising connection. (My joint work with Bill, JB and Ralph.)
Speaker. Brian Davey
Institution. Department of Mathematics, Latrobe University, Australia
Abstract. I have published one paper with each of Bill, JB and Ralph.
- Davey, B. A.; Idziak, P. M.; Lampe, W. A.; McNulty, G. F.: Dualizability and graph algebras. Discrete Math. 214 (2000), 145--172.
- Davey, B. A.; Nation, J. B.; McKenzie, R. N.; Palfy, P. P.: Braids and their monotone clones. Algebra Universalis 32 (1994), 153--176.
- Clark, D. M.; Davey, B. A.; Freese, R. S.; Jackson, M.: Standard topological algebras: syntactic and principal congruences and profiniteness. Algebra Universalis 52 (2004), 343--376.
The talk will be based around the results in these papers and developments (mainly in the theory of natural dualities) related to them.