diff --git a/src/category-theory/invertible-morphisms-in-precategories.lagda.md b/src/category-theory/invertible-morphisms-in-precategories.lagda.md
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+++ b/src/category-theory/invertible-morphisms-in-precategories.lagda.md
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+# Invertible Morphisms in precategories
+module category-theory.invertible-morphisms-in-precategories where
+open import category-theory.precategories
+open import category-theory.retractions-in-precategories
+open import category-theory.sections-in-precategories
+open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
+open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.equivalences
+open import foundation.function-types
+open import foundation.homotopies
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.injective-maps
+open import foundation.propositions
+open import foundation.retractions
+open import foundation.sections
+open import foundation.sets
+open import foundation.subtypes
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+## Idea
+A morphism `f : x → y` in a [precategory](category-theory.precategories.md) `C` is said to be
+{{#concept "invertible" Disambiguation="morphism in a precategory" Agda=is-invertible-hom-Precategory}}
+if there is a morphism `g : y → x` which is both a [section](category-theory.sections-in-precategories.md) of `f` and a [retraction](category-theory.retractions-in-precategories.md) of `f`. In other words, `f` is invertible if there is a morphism `g` equipped with [identifications](foundation-core.identity-types.md) `f ∘ g = id` and `g ∘ f = id`.
+## Definitions
+### The predicate of being an inverse of a morphism in a precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C} {f : hom-Precategory C x y}
+ where
+ is-inverse-hom-Precategory : (g : hom-Precategory C y x) → UU l2
+ is-inverse-hom-Precategory g =
+ is-section-hom-Precategory C f g × is-retraction-hom-Precategory C f g
+### The predicate of being an invertible morphism in a precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C} (f : hom-Precategory C x y)
+ where
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory : UU l2
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ Σ ( hom-Precategory C y x)
+ ( λ g →
+ ( is-section-hom-Precategory C f g) ×
+ ( is-retraction-hom-Precategory C f g))
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C} {f : hom-Precategory C x y}
+ (H : is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f)
+ where
+ hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory : hom-Precategory C y x
+ hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory = pr1 H
+ is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-section-hom-Precategory C f hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory
+ is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory = pr1 (pr2 H)
+ section-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ section-hom-Precategory C f
+ pr1 section-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory
+ pr2 section-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-retraction-hom-Precategory C f hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory = pr2 (pr2 H)
+ retraction-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ retraction-hom-Precategory C f
+ pr1 retraction-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory
+ pr2 retraction-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory
+ is-inverse-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-inverse-hom-Precategory C hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory
+ pr1 is-inverse-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory
+ pr2 is-inverse-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory
+### Invertible morphisms in a precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ (x y : obj-Precategory C)
+ where
+ invertible-hom-Precategory : UU l2
+ invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ Σ (hom-Precategory C x y) (is-invertible-hom-Precategory C)
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ (f : invertible-hom-Precategory C x y)
+ where
+ hom-invertible-hom-Precategory : hom-Precategory C x y
+ hom-invertible-hom-Precategory = pr1 f
+ is-invertible-hom-iso-Precategory :
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C hom-invertible-hom-Precategory
+ is-invertible-hom-iso-Precategory = pr2 f
+ hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory : hom-Precategory C y x
+ hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( is-invertible-hom-iso-Precategory)
+ is-section-hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-section-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ ( hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ is-section-hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( is-invertible-hom-iso-Precategory)
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-retraction-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ ( hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( is-invertible-hom-iso-Precategory)
+## Examples
+### The invertible identity morphisms
+For any object `x` of a precategory `C`, the identity morphism `id : hom x x` is an invertible morphism
+from `x` to `x` since `id ∘ id = id`, i.e., the identity morphism is its own inverse.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2) {x : obj-Precategory C}
+ where
+ is-invertible-hom-id-hom-Precategory :
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C {x})
+ pr1 is-invertible-hom-id-hom-Precategory = id-hom-Precategory C
+ pr1 (pr2 is-invertible-hom-id-hom-Precategory) =
+ left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C)
+ pr2 (pr2 is-invertible-hom-id-hom-Precategory) =
+ right-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C)
+ id-invertible-hom-Precategory : invertible-hom-Precategory C x x
+ pr1 id-invertible-hom-Precategory = id-hom-Precategory C
+ pr2 id-invertible-hom-Precategory = is-invertible-hom-id-hom-Precategory
+### Identifications induce invertible morphisms
+For any two objects `x` and `y` of a precategory `C`, there a map
+ x = y → invertible-hom-Precategory C x y.
+We construct this map by observing that we already have a map
+ hom-eq-Precategory : x = y → hom-Precategory C x y
+satisfying `hom-eq-Precategory refl ≐ id-hom-Precategory`. Since the identity morphism is invertible, it follows by identification elimination that all morphisms of the form `hom-eq-Precategory p` are invertible.
+Note that we could have defined the map
+ invertible-hom-eq-Precategory : x = y → invertible-hom-Precategory C x y.
+directly by identification elimination. However, with our current definition it follows that the underlying map of `invertible-hom-eq-Precategory p` always computes to `hom-eq-Precategory p`, which could sometimes be useful to know.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ where
+ invertible-hom-eq-Precategory :
+ (x y : obj-Precategory C) → x = y → invertible-hom-Precategory C x y
+ pr1 (invertible-hom-eq-Precategory x y p) =
+ hom-eq-Precategory C x y p
+ pr2 (invertible-hom-eq-Precategory x .x refl) =
+ is-invertible-hom-id-hom-Precategory C
+ compute-hom-invertible-hom-eq-Precategory :
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C} (p : x = y) →
+ hom-eq-Precategory C x y p =
+ hom-invertible-hom-Precategory C (invertible-hom-eq-Precategory x y p)
+ compute-hom-invertible-hom-eq-Precategory p = refl
+## Properties
+### Being an invertible morphism is a proposition
+Let `f : hom x y` and suppose `g g' : hom y x` are both inverses of `f`.
+It is enough to show that `g = g'` since being a section and being a retraction
+is always a [proposition](foundation-core.propositions.md).
+Using that `g` and `g'` are both inverses of `f` we have the following chain of identifications:
+ g = g ∘ id
+ = g ∘ (f ∘ g')
+ = (g ∘ f) ∘ g'
+ = id ∘ g'
+ = g'.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ where
+ all-elements-equal-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ (f : hom-Precategory C x y)
+ (H K : is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f) → H = K
+ all-elements-equal-is-invertible-hom-Precategory f
+ (g , p , q) (g' , p' , q') =
+ eq-type-subtype
+ ( λ g →
+ product-Prop
+ ( Id-Prop
+ ( hom-set-Precategory C y y)
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C f g)
+ ( id-hom-Precategory C))
+ ( Id-Prop
+ ( hom-set-Precategory C x x)
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C g f)
+ ( id-hom-Precategory C)))
+ ( ( inv (right-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C g)) ∙
+ ( ap ( comp-hom-Precategory C g) (inv p')) ∙
+ ( inv (associative-comp-hom-Precategory C g f g')) ∙
+ ( ap ( comp-hom-Precategory' C g') q) ∙
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C g'))
+ is-prop-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ (f : hom-Precategory C x y) →
+ is-prop (is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f)
+ is-prop-is-invertible-hom-Precategory f =
+ is-prop-all-elements-equal
+ ( all-elements-equal-is-invertible-hom-Precategory f)
+ is-invertible-hom-prop-Precategory :
+ (f : hom-Precategory C x y) → Prop l2
+ pr1 (is-invertible-hom-prop-Precategory f) =
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f
+ pr2 (is-invertible-hom-prop-Precategory f) =
+ is-prop-is-invertible-hom-Precategory f
+### Equality of invertible morphism is equality of their underlying morphisms
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ where
+ eq-invertible-hom-eq-hom-Precategory :
+ (f g : invertible-hom-Precategory C x y) →
+ hom-invertible-hom-Precategory C f = hom-invertible-hom-Precategory C g →
+ f = g
+ eq-invertible-hom-eq-hom-Precategory f g =
+ eq-type-subtype (is-invertible-hom-prop-Precategory C)
+### The type of invertible morphisms form a set
+The type of invertible morphisms between objects `x y : A` is a
+[subtype](foundation-core.subtypes.md) of the [foundation-core.sets.md)
+`hom x y` since being an invertible morphism is a proposition.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ where
+ is-set-invertible-hom-Precategory : is-set (invertible-hom-Precategory C x y)
+ is-set-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-set-type-subtype
+ ( is-invertible-hom-prop-Precategory C)
+ ( is-set-hom-Precategory C x y)
+ invertible-hom-set-Precategory : Set l2
+ pr1 invertible-hom-set-Precategory = invertible-hom-Precategory C x y
+ pr2 invertible-hom-set-Precategory = is-set-invertible-hom-Precategory
+### Invertible morphisms are closed under composition
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y z : obj-Precategory C}
+ {g : hom-Precategory C y z}
+ {f : hom-Precategory C x y}
+ where
+ hom-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C g →
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f →
+ hom-Precategory C z x
+ hom-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory q p =
+ comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C p)
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C q)
+ is-section-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ (q : is-invertible-hom-Precategory C g)
+ (p : is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f) →
+ comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C g f)
+ ( hom-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory q p) =
+ id-hom-Precategory C
+ is-section-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory q p =
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C g f _) ∙
+ ( ap
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C g)
+ ( ( inv
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C f
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C p)
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C q))) ∙
+ ( ap
+ ( λ h →
+ comp-hom-Precategory C h
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C q))
+ ( is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C p) ∙
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C q))))) ∙
+ ( is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C q)
+ is-retraction-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ (q : is-invertible-hom-Precategory C g)
+ (p : is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f) →
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory q p)
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C g f)) =
+ ( id-hom-Precategory C)
+ is-retraction-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory q p =
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C p)
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C q)
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C g f)) ∙
+ ( ap
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory
+ ( C)
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C p))
+ ( ( inv
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C q)
+ ( g)
+ ( f))) ∙
+ ( ap
+ ( λ h → comp-hom-Precategory C h f)
+ ( is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C q)) ∙
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C f))) ∙
+ ( is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C p)
+ is-invertible-hom-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C g → is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f →
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C (comp-hom-Precategory C g f)
+ pr1 (is-invertible-hom-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory q p) =
+ hom-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory q p
+ pr1 (pr2 (is-invertible-hom-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory q p)) =
+ is-section-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory q p
+ pr2 (pr2 (is-invertible-hom-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory q p)) =
+ is-retraction-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory q p
+### The composition operation on invertible morphisms
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y z : obj-Precategory C}
+ (g : invertible-hom-Precategory C y z)
+ (f : invertible-hom-Precategory C x y)
+ where
+ hom-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ hom-Precategory C x z
+ hom-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-invertible-hom-Precategory C g)
+ ( hom-invertible-hom-Precategory C f)
+ is-invertible-hom-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C hom-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory
+ is-invertible-hom-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-invertible-hom-comp-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( is-invertible-hom-iso-Precategory C g)
+ ( is-invertible-hom-iso-Precategory C f)
+ comp-invertible-hom-Precategory : invertible-hom-Precategory C x z
+ pr1 comp-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ hom-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory
+ pr2 comp-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-invertible-hom-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory
+ hom-inv-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory : hom-Precategory C z x
+ hom-inv-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C comp-invertible-hom-Precategory
+ is-section-inv-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ ( hom-inv-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory)) =
+ ( id-hom-Precategory C)
+ is-section-inv-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-section-hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ is-retraction-inv-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-inv-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ ( hom-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory)) =
+ ( id-hom-Precategory C)
+ is-retraction-inv-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+### Inverses of invertible morphisms are invertible morphisms
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ {f : hom-Precategory C x y}
+ where
+ is-invertible-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ (p : is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f) →
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C (f , p))
+ pr1 (is-invertible-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory p) = f
+ pr1 (pr2 (is-invertible-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory p)) =
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C p
+ pr2 (pr2 (is-invertible-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory p)) =
+ is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C p
+### Inverses of invertible morphisms
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ where
+ inv-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ invertible-hom-Precategory C x y → invertible-hom-Precategory C y x
+ pr1 (inv-invertible-hom-Precategory f) =
+ hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C f
+ pr2 (inv-invertible-hom-Precategory f) =
+ is-invertible-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( is-invertible-hom-iso-Precategory C f)
+ is-invertible-hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ (f : invertible-hom-Precategory C x y) →
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C (hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C f)
+ is-invertible-hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory f =
+ is-invertible-hom-iso-Precategory C (inv-invertible-hom-Precategory f)
+### Groupoid laws of invertible morphisms in precategories
+#### Composition of invertible morphisms satisfies the unit laws
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ (f : invertible-hom-Precategory C x y)
+ where
+ left-unit-law-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C (id-invertible-hom-Precategory C) f = f
+ left-unit-law-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ eq-invertible-hom-eq-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C (id-invertible-hom-Precategory C) f)
+ ( f)
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-invertible-hom-Precategory C f))
+ right-unit-law-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C f (id-invertible-hom-Precategory C) = f
+ right-unit-law-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ eq-invertible-hom-eq-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C f (id-invertible-hom-Precategory C))
+ ( f)
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-invertible-hom-Precategory C f))
+#### Composition of invertible morphisms is associative
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y z w : obj-Precategory C}
+ (h : invertible-hom-Precategory C z w)
+ (g : invertible-hom-Precategory C y z)
+ (f : invertible-hom-Precategory C x y)
+ where
+ associative-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C h g)
+ ( f)) =
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( h)
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C g f))
+ associative-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ eq-invertible-hom-eq-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C h g)
+ ( f))
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( h)
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C g f))
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-invertible-hom-Precategory C h)
+ ( hom-invertible-hom-Precategory C g)
+ ( hom-invertible-hom-Precategory C f))
+#### Composition of invertible morphisms satisfies inverse laws
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ (f : invertible-hom-Precategory C x y)
+ where
+ left-inverse-law-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C f)
+ ( f)) =
+ ( id-invertible-hom-Precategory C)
+ left-inverse-law-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ eq-invertible-hom-eq-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C f)
+ ( f))
+ ( id-invertible-hom-Precategory C)
+ ( is-retraction-hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C f)
+ right-inverse-law-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( f)
+ ( inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C f)) =
+ ( id-invertible-hom-Precategory C)
+ right-inverse-law-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ eq-invertible-hom-eq-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C f
+ ( inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C f))
+ ( id-invertible-hom-Precategory C)
+ ( is-section-hom-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C f)
+### The inverse operation is a fibered involution on invertible morphisms
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ where
+ is-fibered-involution-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C} →
+ inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C {y} {x} ∘
+ inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C {x} {y} ~
+ id
+ is-fibered-involution-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory f = refl
+ is-equiv-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C} →
+ is-equiv (inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C {x} {y})
+ is-equiv-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-equiv-is-invertible
+ ( inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C)
+ ( is-fibered-involution-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ ( is-fibered-involution-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ equiv-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C} →
+ invertible-hom-Precategory C x y ≃ invertible-hom-Precategory C y x
+ pr1 equiv-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ inv-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ pr2 equiv-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-equiv-inv-invertible-hom-Precategory
+### A morphism `f` is invertible if and only if precomposition by `f` is an equivalence
+**Proof:** If `f` is invertible with inverse `f⁻¹`, then precomposing with
+`f⁻¹` is an inverse of precomposing with `f`. The only interesting direction is
+therefore the converse.
+Suppose that precomposing with `f` is an equivalence, for any object `z`. Then
+ - ∘ f : hom y x → hom x x
+is an equivalence. In particular, there is a unique morphism `g : y → x` such
+that `g ∘ f = id`. Thus we have a retraction of `f`. To see that `g` is also a
+section, note that the map
+ - ∘ f : hom y y → hom x y
+is an equivalence. In particular, it is injective. Therefore it suffices to show
+that `(f ∘ g) ∘ f = id ∘ f`. To see this, we calculate
+ (f ∘ g) ∘ f = f ∘ (g ∘ f) = f ∘ id = f = id ∘ f.
+This completes the proof.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ {f : hom-Precategory C x y}
+ (H : (z : obj-Precategory C) → is-equiv (precomp-hom-Precategory C f z))
+ where
+ hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory :
+ hom-Precategory C y x
+ hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory =
+ map-inv-is-equiv (H x) (id-hom-Precategory C)
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory :
+ is-retraction-hom-Precategory C f
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory)
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory =
+ is-section-map-inv-is-equiv (H x) (id-hom-Precategory C)
+ is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory :
+ is-section-hom-Precategory C f
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory)
+ is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory =
+ is-injective-is-equiv
+ ( H y)
+ ( ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( f)
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory)
+ ( f)) ∙
+ ( ap
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C f)
+ ( is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory)) ∙
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C f) ∙
+ ( inv (left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C f)))
+ is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory :
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f
+ pr1 is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory =
+ hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory
+ pr1 (pr2 is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory) =
+ is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory
+ pr2 (pr2 is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory) =
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-precomp-hom-Precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ {f : hom-Precategory C x y}
+ (is-invertible-hom-f : is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f)
+ (z : obj-Precategory C)
+ where
+ map-inv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ hom-Precategory C x z → hom-Precategory C y z
+ map-inv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ precomp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C is-invertible-hom-f)
+ ( z)
+ is-section-map-inv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-section
+ ( precomp-hom-Precategory C f z)
+ ( map-inv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ is-section-map-inv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory g =
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( g)
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C is-invertible-hom-f)
+ ( f)) ∙
+ ( ap
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C g)
+ ( is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( is-invertible-hom-f))) ∙
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C g)
+ is-retraction-map-inv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-retraction
+ ( precomp-hom-Precategory C f z)
+ ( map-inv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ is-retraction-map-inv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory g =
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( g)
+ ( f)
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C is-invertible-hom-f)) ∙
+ ( ap
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C g)
+ ( is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( is-invertible-hom-f))) ∙
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C g)
+ is-equiv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-equiv (precomp-hom-Precategory C f z)
+ is-equiv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-equiv-is-invertible
+ ( map-inv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ ( is-section-map-inv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ ( is-retraction-map-inv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ equiv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ hom-Precategory C y z ≃ hom-Precategory C x z
+ pr1 equiv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ precomp-hom-Precategory C f z
+ pr2 equiv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-equiv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ (f : invertible-hom-Precategory C x y)
+ (z : obj-Precategory C)
+ where
+ is-equiv-precomp-hom-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-equiv (precomp-hom-Precategory C (hom-invertible-hom-Precategory C f) z)
+ is-equiv-precomp-hom-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-equiv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( is-invertible-hom-iso-Precategory C f)
+ ( z)
+ equiv-precomp-hom-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ hom-Precategory C y z ≃ hom-Precategory C x z
+ equiv-precomp-hom-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ equiv-precomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( is-invertible-hom-iso-Precategory C f)
+ ( z)
+### A morphism `f` is invertible if and only if postcomposition by `f` is an equivalence
+**Proof:** If `f` is invertible with inverse `f⁻¹`, then postcomposing with
+`f⁻¹` is an inverse of postcomposing with `f`. The only interesting direction is
+therefore the converse.
+Suppose that postcomposing with `f` is an equivalence, for any object `z`. Then
+ f ∘ - : hom y x → hom y y
+is an equivalence. In particular, there is a unique morphism `g : y → x` such
+that `f ∘ g = id`. Thus we have a section of `f`. To see that `g` is also a
+retraction, note that the map
+ f ∘ - : hom x x → hom x y
+is an equivalence. In particular, it is injective. Therefore it suffices to show
+that `f ∘ (g ∘ f) = f ∘ id`. To see this, we calculate
+ f ∘ (g ∘ f) = (f ∘ g) ∘ f = id ∘ f = f = f ∘ id.
+This completes the proof.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ {f : hom-Precategory C x y}
+ (H : (z : obj-Precategory C) → is-equiv (postcomp-hom-Precategory C f z))
+ where
+ hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory :
+ hom-Precategory C y x
+ hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory =
+ map-inv-is-equiv (H y) (id-hom-Precategory C)
+ is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory :
+ is-section-hom-Precategory C f
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory)
+ is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory =
+ is-section-map-inv-is-equiv (H y) (id-hom-Precategory C)
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory :
+ is-retraction-hom-Precategory C f
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory)
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory =
+ is-injective-is-equiv
+ ( H x)
+ ( ( inv
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( f)
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory)
+ ( f))) ∙
+ ( ap
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory' C f)
+ ( is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory)) ∙
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C f) ∙
+ ( inv (right-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C f)))
+ is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory :
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f
+ pr1 is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory =
+ hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory
+ pr1 (pr2 is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory) =
+ is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory
+ pr2 (pr2 is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory) =
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-is-equiv-postcomp-hom-Precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ {f : hom-Precategory C x y}
+ (is-invertible-hom-f : is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f)
+ (z : obj-Precategory C)
+ where
+ map-inv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ hom-Precategory C z y → hom-Precategory C z x
+ map-inv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ postcomp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C is-invertible-hom-f)
+ ( z)
+ is-section-map-inv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-section
+ ( postcomp-hom-Precategory C f z)
+ ( map-inv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ is-section-map-inv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory g =
+ ( inv
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( f)
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C is-invertible-hom-f)
+ ( g))) ∙
+ ( ap
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory' C g)
+ ( is-section-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( is-invertible-hom-f))) ∙
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C g)
+ is-retraction-map-inv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-retraction
+ ( postcomp-hom-Precategory C f z)
+ ( map-inv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ is-retraction-map-inv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory g =
+ ( inv
+ ( associative-comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C is-invertible-hom-f)
+ ( f)
+ ( g))) ∙
+ ( ap
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory' C g)
+ ( is-retraction-hom-inv-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( is-invertible-hom-f))) ∙
+ ( left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C g)
+ is-equiv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-equiv (postcomp-hom-Precategory C f z)
+ is-equiv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-equiv-is-invertible
+ ( map-inv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ ( is-section-map-inv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ ( is-retraction-map-inv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory)
+ equiv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ hom-Precategory C z x ≃ hom-Precategory C z y
+ pr1 equiv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ postcomp-hom-Precategory C f z
+ pr2 equiv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-equiv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level}
+ (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ (f : invertible-hom-Precategory C x y)
+ (z : obj-Precategory C)
+ where
+ is-equiv-postcomp-hom-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ is-equiv (postcomp-hom-Precategory C (hom-invertible-hom-Precategory C f) z)
+ is-equiv-postcomp-hom-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ is-equiv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( is-invertible-hom-iso-Precategory C f)
+ ( z)
+ equiv-postcomp-hom-invertible-hom-Precategory :
+ hom-Precategory C z x ≃ hom-Precategory C z y
+ equiv-postcomp-hom-invertible-hom-Precategory =
+ equiv-postcomp-hom-is-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( is-invertible-hom-iso-Precategory C f)
+ ( z)
+### When `hom x y` is a proposition, The type of invertible morphisms from `x` to `y` is a proposition
+The type of invertible morphisms between objects `x y : A` is a subtype of `hom x y`, so
+when this type is a proposition, then the type of invertible morphisms from `x` to `y`
+form a proposition.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ where
+ is-prop-invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory :
+ is-prop (hom-Precategory C x y) → is-prop (invertible-hom-Precategory C x y)
+ is-prop-invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory =
+ is-prop-type-subtype (is-invertible-hom-prop-Precategory C)
+ invertible-hom-prop-is-prop-hom-Precategory :
+ is-prop (hom-Precategory C x y) → Prop l2
+ pr1 (invertible-hom-prop-is-prop-hom-Precategory is-prop-hom-C-x-y) =
+ invertible-hom-Precategory C x y
+ pr2 (invertible-hom-prop-is-prop-hom-Precategory is-prop-hom-C-x-y) =
+ is-prop-invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory is-prop-hom-C-x-y
+### When `hom x y` and `hom y x` are propositions, it suffices to provide a morphism in each direction to construct an invertible morphism
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C}
+ where
+ is-invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory' :
+ is-prop (hom-Precategory C x x) →
+ is-prop (hom-Precategory C y y) →
+ (f : hom-Precategory C x y) →
+ hom-Precategory C y x →
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f
+ is-invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory' H K f g =
+ (g , eq-is-prop K , eq-is-prop H)
+ invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory' :
+ is-prop (hom-Precategory C x x) →
+ is-prop (hom-Precategory C y y) →
+ hom-Precategory C x y →
+ hom-Precategory C y x →
+ invertible-hom-Precategory C x y
+ pr1 (invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory' _ _ f g) = f
+ pr2 (invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory' H K f g) =
+ is-invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory' H K f g
+ is-invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory :
+ ((x' y' : obj-Precategory C) → is-prop (hom-Precategory C x' y')) →
+ (f : hom-Precategory C x y) → hom-Precategory C y x →
+ is-invertible-hom-Precategory C f
+ is-invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory H =
+ is-invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory' (H x x) (H y y)
+ invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory :
+ ((x' y' : obj-Precategory C) → is-prop (hom-Precategory C x' y')) →
+ hom-Precategory C x y →
+ hom-Precategory C y x →
+ invertible-hom-Precategory C x y
+ invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory H =
+ invertible-hom-is-prop-hom-Precategory' (H x x) (H y y)
+### Functoriality of `invertible-hom-eq`
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y z : obj-Precategory C}
+ where
+ preserves-concat-invertible-hom-eq-Precategory :
+ (p : x = y) (q : y = z) →
+ invertible-hom-eq-Precategory C x z (p ∙ q) =
+ comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( invertible-hom-eq-Precategory C y z q)
+ ( invertible-hom-eq-Precategory C x y p)
+ preserves-concat-invertible-hom-eq-Precategory refl q =
+ inv
+ ( right-unit-law-comp-invertible-hom-Precategory C
+ ( invertible-hom-eq-Precategory C y z q))
diff --git a/src/category-theory/isomorphisms-in-precategories.lagda.md b/src/category-theory/isomorphisms-in-precategories.lagda.md
index 4e7be2a906..819ca73128 100644
--- a/src/category-theory/isomorphisms-in-precategories.lagda.md
+++ b/src/category-theory/isomorphisms-in-precategories.lagda.md
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ module category-theory.isomorphisms-in-precategories where
open import category-theory.precategories
+open import category-theory.retractions-in-precategories
+open import category-theory.sections-in-precategories
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
@@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ open import foundation.retractions
open import foundation.sections
open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.subtypes
+open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation.universe-levels
@@ -29,49 +32,111 @@ open import foundation.universe-levels
## Idea
-An **isomorphism** in a [precategory](category-theory.precategories.md) `C` is a
-morphism `f : x → y` in `C` for which there exists a morphism `g : y → x` such
-that `f ∘ g = id` and `g ∘ f = id`.
+An {{#concept "isomorphism" Disambiguation="precategory" Agda=iso-Precategory}}
+in a [precategory](category-theory.precategories.md) `C` is a
+morphism `f : x → y` in `C` which has a [section](category-theory.sections-in-precategories.md) and a [retraction](category-theory.retractions-in-precategories.md). In other words, an isomorphism is a morphism `f : x → y` for which there is a morphism `g : y → x` equipped with an identification
+ f ∘ g = id,
+and a morphism `h : y → x` equipped with an identification
+ h ∘ f = id.
+This definition of isomorphisms follows a general pattern in agda-unimath, where we will always define isomorphisms in this manner.
## Definitions
### The predicate of being an isomorphism in a precategory
-is-iso-Precategory :
- {l1 l2 : Level}
- (C : Precategory l1 l2)
- {x y : obj-Precategory C}
- (f : hom-Precategory C x y) →
- UU l2
-is-iso-Precategory C {x} {y} f =
- Σ ( hom-Precategory C y x)
- ( λ g →
- ( comp-hom-Precategory C f g = id-hom-Precategory C) ×
- ( comp-hom-Precategory C g f = id-hom-Precategory C))
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C} (f : hom-Precategory C x y)
+ where
+ is-iso-Precategory : UU l2
+ is-iso-Precategory =
+ section-hom-Precategory C f × retraction-hom-Precategory C f
module _
- {l1 l2 : Level}
- (C : Precategory l1 l2)
- {x y : obj-Precategory C}
- {f : hom-Precategory C x y}
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {x y : obj-Precategory C} {f : hom-Precategory C x y}
+ (H : is-iso-Precategory C f)
- hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory :
- is-iso-Precategory C f → hom-Precategory C y x
- hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory = pr1
+ section-is-iso-Precategory : section-hom-Precategory C f
+ section-is-iso-Precategory = pr1 H
+ hom-section-is-iso-Precategory : hom-Precategory C y x
+ hom-section-is-iso-Precategory =
+ hom-section-hom-Precategory C f section-is-iso-Precategory
+ is-section-section-is-iso-Precategory :
+ is-section-hom-Precategory C f hom-section-is-iso-Precategory
+ is-section-section-is-iso-Precategory =
+ is-section-section-hom-Precategory C f section-is-iso-Precategory
+ retraction-is-iso-Precategory : retraction-hom-Precategory C f
+ retraction-is-iso-Precategory = pr2 H
+ hom-retraction-is-iso-Precategory : hom-Precategory C y x
+ hom-retraction-is-iso-Precategory =
+ hom-retraction-hom-Precategory C f retraction-is-iso-Precategory
+ is-retraction-retraction-is-iso-Precategory :
+ is-retraction-hom-Precategory C f hom-retraction-is-iso-Precategory
+ is-retraction-retraction-is-iso-Precategory =
+ is-retraction-retraction-hom-Precategory C f retraction-is-iso-Precategory
+ hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory : hom-Precategory C y x
+ hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory = hom-section-is-iso-Precategory
is-section-hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory :
- (H : is-iso-Precategory C f) →
- comp-hom-Precategory C f (hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory H) =
- id-hom-Precategory C
- is-section-hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory = pr1 ∘ pr2
+ is-section-hom-Precategory C f hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory
+ is-section-hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory = is-section-section-is-iso-Precategory
+ eq-hom-retraction-hom-section-is-iso-Precategory :
+ hom-section-is-iso-Precategory = hom-retraction-is-iso-Precategory
+ eq-hom-retraction-hom-section-is-iso-Precategory =
+ equational-reasoning
+ hom-section-is-iso-Precategory
+ = comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( id-hom-Precategory C)
+ ( hom-section-is-iso-Precategory)
+ by
+ inv (left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C _)
+ = comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C hom-retraction-is-iso-Precategory f)
+ ( hom-section-is-iso-Precategory)
+ by
+ inv
+ ( ap
+ ( λ g → comp-hom-Precategory C g _)
+ ( is-retraction-retraction-is-iso-Precategory))
+ = comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-retraction-is-iso-Precategory)
+ ( comp-hom-Precategory C f hom-section-is-iso-Precategory)
+ by associative-comp-hom-Precategory C _ _ _
+ = comp-hom-Precategory C
+ ( hom-retraction-is-iso-Precategory)
+ ( id-hom-Precategory C)
+ by
+ ap (comp-hom-Precategory C _) is-section-section-is-iso-Precategory
+ = hom-retraction-is-iso-Precategory
+ by
+ right-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C _
is-retraction-hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory :
- (H : is-iso-Precategory C f) →
- comp-hom-Precategory C (hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory H) f =
- id-hom-Precategory C
- is-retraction-hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory = pr2 ∘ pr2
+ is-retraction-hom-Precategory C f hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory
+ is-retraction-hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory =
+ tr
+ ( is-retraction-hom-Precategory C f)
+ ( inv eq-hom-retraction-hom-section-is-iso-Precategory)
+ ( is-retraction-retraction-is-iso-Precategory)
### Isomorphisms in a precategory
@@ -138,11 +203,13 @@ module _
{x : obj-Precategory C}
- is-iso-id-hom-Precategory :
- is-iso-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C {x})
- pr1 is-iso-id-hom-Precategory = id-hom-Precategory C
+ is-iso-id-hom-Precategory : is-iso-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C {x})
+ pr1 (pr1 is-iso-id-hom-Precategory) =
+ id-hom-Precategory C
+ pr2 (pr1 is-iso-id-hom-Precategory) =
+ right-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C)
pr1 (pr2 is-iso-id-hom-Precategory) =
- left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C)
+ id-hom-Precategory C
pr2 (pr2 is-iso-id-hom-Precategory) =
left-unit-law-comp-hom-Precategory C (id-hom-Precategory C)
@@ -198,7 +265,7 @@ module _
(f : hom-Precategory C x y)
(H K : is-iso-Precategory C f) → H = K
all-elements-equal-is-iso-Precategory f
- (g , p , q) (g' , p' , q') =
+ ((g , p) , (h , q)) ((g' , p') , (h' , q')) =
( λ g →
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+# Retractions in categories
+module category-theory.retractions-in-categories where
+open import category-theory.categories
+open import category-theory.retractions-in-precategories
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+## Idea
+Consider a morphism `f : A → B` in a [category](category-theory.categories.md) `𝒞`. A {{#concept "retraction" Disambiguation="morphism in a category" Agda=retraction-hom-Category}} of `f` consists of a morphism `g : B → A` equipped with an [identification](foundation-core.identifications.md)
+ g ∘ f = id.
+## Definitions
+### The predicate on morphisms in a category of being a retraction
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (𝒞 : Category l1 l2)
+ {A B : obj-Category 𝒞} (f : hom-Category 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ is-retraction-hom-Category : hom-Category 𝒞 B A → UU l2
+ is-retraction-hom-Category =
+ is-retraction-hom-Precategory (precategory-Category 𝒞) f
+### Retractions of a morphism in a category
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (𝒞 : Category l1 l2)
+ {A B : obj-Category 𝒞} (f : hom-Category 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ retraction-hom-Category : UU l2
+ retraction-hom-Category =
+ retraction-hom-Precategory (precategory-Category 𝒞) f
+ module _
+ (r : retraction-hom-Category)
+ where
+ hom-retraction-hom-Category : hom-Category 𝒞 B A
+ hom-retraction-hom-Category =
+ hom-retraction-hom-Precategory (precategory-Category 𝒞) f r
+ is-retraction-retraction-hom-Category :
+ is-retraction-hom-Category 𝒞 f hom-retraction-hom-Category
+ is-retraction-retraction-hom-Category =
+ is-retraction-retraction-hom-Precategory (precategory-Category 𝒞) f r
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+# Retractions in large categories
+module category-theory.retractions-in-large-categories where
+open import category-theory.large-categories
+open import category-theory.retractions-in-large-precategories
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+## Idea
+Consider a morphism `f : A → B` in a [large category](category-theory.large-categories.md) `𝒞`. A {{#concept "retraction" Disambiguation="morphism in a large category" Agda=retraction-hom-Large-Category}} of `f` consists of a morphism `g : B → A` equipped with an [identification](foundation-core.identifications.md)
+ g ∘ f = id.
+## Definitions
+### The predicate on morphisms in a large category of being a retraction
+module _
+ {α : Level → Level} {β : Level → Level → Level} (𝒞 : Large-Category α β)
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : obj-Large-Category 𝒞 l1}
+ {B : obj-Large-Category 𝒞 l2} (f : hom-Large-Category 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ is-retraction-hom-Large-Category :
+ hom-Large-Category 𝒞 B A → UU (β l1 l1)
+ is-retraction-hom-Large-Category =
+ is-retraction-hom-Large-Precategory (large-precategory-Large-Category 𝒞) f
+### Retractions of a morphism in a large category
+module _
+ {α : Level → Level} {β : Level → Level → Level} (𝒞 : Large-Category α β)
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : obj-Large-Category 𝒞 l1}
+ {B : obj-Large-Category 𝒞 l2} (f : hom-Large-Category 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ retraction-hom-Large-Category : UU (β l1 l1 ⊔ β l2 l1)
+ retraction-hom-Large-Category =
+ retraction-hom-Large-Precategory (large-precategory-Large-Category 𝒞) f
+ module _
+ (r : retraction-hom-Large-Category)
+ where
+ hom-retraction-hom-Large-Category : hom-Large-Category 𝒞 B A
+ hom-retraction-hom-Large-Category =
+ hom-retraction-hom-Large-Precategory
+ ( large-precategory-Large-Category 𝒞)
+ ( f)
+ ( r)
+ is-retraction-retraction-hom-Large-Category :
+ is-retraction-hom-Large-Category 𝒞 f
+ ( hom-retraction-hom-Large-Category)
+ is-retraction-retraction-hom-Large-Category =
+ is-retraction-retraction-hom-Large-Precategory
+ ( large-precategory-Large-Category 𝒞)
+ ( f)
+ ( r)
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+# Retractions in large precategories
+module category-theory.retractions-in-large-precategories where
+open import category-theory.large-precategories
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+## Idea
+Consider a morphism `f : A → B` in a [large precategory](category-theory.large-precategories.md) `𝒞`. A {{#concept "retraction" Disambiguation="morphism in a large precategory" Agda=retraction-hom-Large-Precategory}} of `f` consists of a morphism `g : B → A` equipped with an [identification](foundation-core.identifications.md)
+ g ∘ f = id.
+## Definitions
+### The predicate on morphisms in a large precategory of being a retraction
+module _
+ {α : Level → Level} {β : Level → Level → Level} (𝒞 : Large-Precategory α β)
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : obj-Large-Precategory 𝒞 l1}
+ {B : obj-Large-Precategory 𝒞 l2} (f : hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ is-retraction-hom-Large-Precategory :
+ hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 B A → UU (β l1 l1)
+ is-retraction-hom-Large-Precategory g =
+ comp-hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 g f = id-hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞
+### Retractions of a morphism in a large precategory
+module _
+ {α : Level → Level} {β : Level → Level → Level} (𝒞 : Large-Precategory α β)
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : obj-Large-Precategory 𝒞 l1}
+ {B : obj-Large-Precategory 𝒞 l2} (f : hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ retraction-hom-Large-Precategory : UU (β l1 l1 ⊔ β l2 l1)
+ retraction-hom-Large-Precategory =
+ Σ (hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 B A) (is-retraction-hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 f)
+ module _
+ (r : retraction-hom-Large-Precategory)
+ where
+ hom-retraction-hom-Large-Precategory : hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 B A
+ hom-retraction-hom-Large-Precategory = pr1 r
+ is-retraction-retraction-hom-Large-Precategory :
+ is-retraction-hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 f
+ ( hom-retraction-hom-Large-Precategory)
+ is-retraction-retraction-hom-Large-Precategory = pr2 r
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+# Retractions in precategories
+module category-theory.retractions-in-precategories where
+open import category-theory.precategories
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+## Idea
+Consider a morphism `f : A → B` in a [precategory](category-theory.precategories.md) `𝒞`. A {{#concept "retraction" Disambiguation="morphism in a precategory" Agda=retraction-hom-Precategory}} of `f` consists of a morphism `g : B → A` equipped with an [identification](foundation-core.identifications.md)
+ g ∘ f = id.
+## Definitions
+### The predicate on morphisms in a precategory of being a retraction
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (𝒞 : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {A B : obj-Precategory 𝒞} (f : hom-Precategory 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ is-retraction-hom-Precategory : hom-Precategory 𝒞 B A → UU l2
+ is-retraction-hom-Precategory g =
+ comp-hom-Precategory 𝒞 g f = id-hom-Precategory 𝒞
+### Retractions of a morphism in a precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (𝒞 : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {A B : obj-Precategory 𝒞} (f : hom-Precategory 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ retraction-hom-Precategory : UU l2
+ retraction-hom-Precategory =
+ Σ (hom-Precategory 𝒞 B A) (is-retraction-hom-Precategory 𝒞 f)
+ module _
+ (r : retraction-hom-Precategory)
+ where
+ hom-retraction-hom-Precategory : hom-Precategory 𝒞 B A
+ hom-retraction-hom-Precategory = pr1 r
+ is-retraction-retraction-hom-Precategory :
+ is-retraction-hom-Precategory 𝒞 f hom-retraction-hom-Precategory
+ is-retraction-retraction-hom-Precategory = pr2 r
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+# Sections in categories
+module category-theory.sections-in-categories where
+open import category-theory.categories
+open import category-theory.sections-in-precategories
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+## Idea
+Consider a morphism `f : A → B` in a [category](category-theory.categories.md) `𝒞`. A {{#concept "section" Disambiguation="morphism in a category" Agda=section-hom-Category}} of `f` consists of a morphism `g : B → A` equipped with an [identification](foundation-core.identifications.md)
+ f ∘ g = id.
+## Definitions
+### The predicate on morphisms in a category of being a section
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (𝒞 : Category l1 l2)
+ {A B : obj-Category 𝒞} (f : hom-Category 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ is-section-hom-Category : hom-Category 𝒞 B A → UU l2
+ is-section-hom-Category =
+ is-section-hom-Precategory (precategory-Category 𝒞) f
+### Sections of a morphism in a category
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (𝒞 : Category l1 l2)
+ {A B : obj-Category 𝒞} (f : hom-Category 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ section-hom-Category : UU l2
+ section-hom-Category =
+ section-hom-Precategory (precategory-Category 𝒞) f
+ module _
+ (r : section-hom-Category)
+ where
+ hom-section-hom-Category : hom-Category 𝒞 B A
+ hom-section-hom-Category =
+ hom-section-hom-Precategory (precategory-Category 𝒞) f r
+ is-section-section-hom-Category :
+ is-section-hom-Category 𝒞 f hom-section-hom-Category
+ is-section-section-hom-Category =
+ is-section-section-hom-Precategory (precategory-Category 𝒞) f r
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+# Sections in large categories
+module category-theory.sections-in-large-categories where
+open import category-theory.large-categories
+open import category-theory.sections-in-large-precategories
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+## Idea
+Consider a morphism `f : A → B` in a [large category](category-theory.large-categories.md) `𝒞`. A {{#concept "section" Disambiguation="morphism in a large category" Agda=section-hom-Large-Category}} of `f` consists of a morphism `g : B → A` equipped with an [identification](foundation-core.identifications.md)
+ f ∘ g = id.
+## Definitions
+### The predicate on morphisms in a large category of being a section
+module _
+ {α : Level → Level} {β : Level → Level → Level} (𝒞 : Large-Category α β)
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : obj-Large-Category 𝒞 l1}
+ {B : obj-Large-Category 𝒞 l2} (f : hom-Large-Category 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ is-section-hom-Large-Category :
+ hom-Large-Category 𝒞 B A → UU (β l2 l2)
+ is-section-hom-Large-Category =
+ is-section-hom-Large-Precategory (large-precategory-Large-Category 𝒞) f
+### Sections of a morphism in a large category
+module _
+ {α : Level → Level} {β : Level → Level → Level} (𝒞 : Large-Category α β)
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : obj-Large-Category 𝒞 l1}
+ {B : obj-Large-Category 𝒞 l2} (f : hom-Large-Category 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ section-hom-Large-Category : UU (β l2 l1 ⊔ β l2 l2)
+ section-hom-Large-Category =
+ section-hom-Large-Precategory (large-precategory-Large-Category 𝒞) f
+ module _
+ (r : section-hom-Large-Category)
+ where
+ hom-section-hom-Large-Category : hom-Large-Category 𝒞 B A
+ hom-section-hom-Large-Category =
+ hom-section-hom-Large-Precategory
+ ( large-precategory-Large-Category 𝒞)
+ ( f)
+ ( r)
+ is-section-section-hom-Large-Category :
+ is-section-hom-Large-Category 𝒞 f
+ ( hom-section-hom-Large-Category)
+ is-section-section-hom-Large-Category =
+ is-section-section-hom-Large-Precategory
+ ( large-precategory-Large-Category 𝒞)
+ ( f)
+ ( r)
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+# Sections in large precategories
+module category-theory.sections-in-large-precategories where
+open import category-theory.large-precategories
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+## Idea
+Consider a morphism `f : A → B` in a [large precategory](category-theory.large-precategories.md) `𝒞`. A {{#concept "section" Disambiguation="morphism in a large precategory" Agda=section-hom-Large-Precategory}} of `f` consists of a morphism `g : B → A` equipped with an [identification](foundation-core.identifications.md)
+ f ∘ g = id.
+## Definitions
+### The predicate on morphisms in a large precategory of being a section
+module _
+ {α : Level → Level} {β : Level → Level → Level} (𝒞 : Large-Precategory α β)
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : obj-Large-Precategory 𝒞 l1}
+ {B : obj-Large-Precategory 𝒞 l2} (f : hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ is-section-hom-Large-Precategory :
+ hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 B A → UU (β l2 l2)
+ is-section-hom-Large-Precategory g =
+ comp-hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 f g = id-hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞
+### Sections of a morphism in a large precategory
+module _
+ {α : Level → Level} {β : Level → Level → Level} (𝒞 : Large-Precategory α β)
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : obj-Large-Precategory 𝒞 l1}
+ {B : obj-Large-Precategory 𝒞 l2} (f : hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ section-hom-Large-Precategory : UU (β l2 l1 ⊔ β l2 l2)
+ section-hom-Large-Precategory =
+ Σ (hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 B A) (is-section-hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 f)
+ module _
+ (r : section-hom-Large-Precategory)
+ where
+ hom-section-hom-Large-Precategory : hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 B A
+ hom-section-hom-Large-Precategory = pr1 r
+ is-section-section-hom-Large-Precategory :
+ is-section-hom-Large-Precategory 𝒞 f
+ ( hom-section-hom-Large-Precategory)
+ is-section-section-hom-Large-Precategory = pr2 r
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+# Sections in precategories
+module category-theory.sections-in-precategories where
+open import category-theory.precategories
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+## Idea
+Consider a morphism `f : A → B` in a [precategory](category-theory.precategories.md) `𝒞`. A {{#concept "section" Disambiguation="morphism in a precategory" Agda=section-hom-Precategory}} of `f` consists of a morphism `g : B → A` equipped with an [identification](foundation-core.identifications.md)
+ f ∘ g = id.
+## Definitions
+### The predicate on morphisms in a precategory of being a section
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (𝒞 : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {A B : obj-Precategory 𝒞} (f : hom-Precategory 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ is-section-hom-Precategory : hom-Precategory 𝒞 B A → UU l2
+ is-section-hom-Precategory g =
+ comp-hom-Precategory 𝒞 f g = id-hom-Precategory 𝒞
+### Sections of a morphism in a precategory
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (𝒞 : Precategory l1 l2)
+ {A B : obj-Precategory 𝒞} (f : hom-Precategory 𝒞 A B)
+ where
+ section-hom-Precategory : UU l2
+ section-hom-Precategory =
+ Σ (hom-Precategory 𝒞 B A) (is-section-hom-Precategory 𝒞 f)
+ module _
+ (s : section-hom-Precategory)
+ where
+ hom-section-hom-Precategory : hom-Precategory 𝒞 B A
+ hom-section-hom-Precategory = pr1 s
+ is-section-section-hom-Precategory :
+ is-section-hom-Precategory 𝒞 f hom-section-hom-Precategory
+ is-section-section-hom-Precategory = pr2 s