Managed/No ops relational database (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
- Complex queries perform better in postgresql
Best for gigabytes of data with transactional nature
- Low latency
- Doesn’t scale well beyond GB’s
- Data structures and underlying infrastructure required
Too slow for analytics/BI/warehousing (OLAP)
2nd Generation Allow
- Cloud Proxy Support
- Higher availability configurations
- Maintenance won’t take down the server
Use SSD for production (instead of hard disk (persistent disk))
Enable binary logging
- For Point-in-time recovery and replication
Bulk Loading Data
- Copy data to GCS from SQL dump file or CSV files
- SQL dump files cannot contain triggers, views, stored procedures
- Import it into DB using copy from csv or something similar.
- Use correct flags for dump file.
- Compress data to reduce costs
- Cloud SQL can import compressed .gz files
- Use InnoDB for Second Generation instances
- Copy data to GCS from SQL dump file or CSV files
Limited to 10 TB and is regional (not global)
- Use Spanner if not good enough
Use Case:
- Medical Records
- Blogs
Read Replicas
- In same region as master
- Purpose to offload requests for analytics traffic from master.
What to do when data size limits performance?
- Many smaller tables perform better than one larger.
- Cloudsql.admin
- Cloudsql.editor
- Can’t see or modify permissions, users, or ssl certs.
- No ability to import data or restore from backup, nor clone, delete, or promote instances.
- No ability to delete databases, replicas, or backups.
- Cloudsql.viewer
- Read only access to all Cloud SQL instances.
- Cloudsql.client
- Connectivity access to Cloud SQL instances from App Engine and the Cloud SQL Proxy.
- Not required for accessing an instance using IP addresses.