Each coordinator will agree to:
- Be a UW-Madison registered student. Graduate or Undergraduate, full or part time. If you stop being a registered student suddenly, you MUST relinquish your coordinator status, as per Bart Miller.
- Have WisCard door access (a CURRENT coord must ask Bart for this. It requires the number on the back of the WisCard). Without access, one is not a coordinator.
- Be responsible for the lab when they're in it.
- Attend every coordinator meeting possible.
- Try their best to enforce the code of conduct.
- Hold a minimum of 2 office hours a week during the semester.
- Each office hour will be posted publicly on the upl website.
- Work on something UPL related once a week.
- Note: One of your office hours is a perfect time for this!
- Make a good effort on learning the UPL internal system administration.
- Check the documentation we have. Ask for help. No excuses.
- Majorly contribute to at least one UPL related event per year.
- Examples: Tech Talk, Interview Night, UPL Games, GameHax, etc.