- Brand bar at top on all pages
- There is an alert box that closes on timeout or click
- Each section has it’s on color used for way finding (hovers). Defined in “Visual stratergy in FIgma)
- Button hover state is fill background, text to white. Sometimes in reverse.
- Need to study the "Main Menu" component
- The “faceted molecule” should be an option to show over images.
- Note the search box
- Grid “See more”goes to “Services & Resources”page
- Note that the top search bar is silmmer and has a colored “molcule”outline.
- Note the view dropdowns that change the layout of the page
- See what happens when an event runs over a period of time (gets the bar across the top)
- On scroll down, the date/year goes into a sticky nav.
- Note multiple gallery , can include images, audio and video. Note the “open”view.
- The hover state is a radial gradient
- Overlay lightbox viewer for all media types
- Different hero banners for event types. FIlm gets 16:9 image. There is a no image fallback.
- Film details get a video player or gallery at bottom
- Complex search box with filters, with selected tag-cloud.
- Articles link to the blog
- Note the sticky nav
- Note the list on the left scrolls, use CSS positon:sticky for that.
- Header has search bar
- Location “quick view”
- Header has breadcrumb
- Note the gallery has stats that update on change of image
- Has a sticky header has jump anchor tags and an “enroll” button
- Accordion blocks
- Has panels between sub menus.