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530 lines (442 loc) · 22.4 KB
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Kelly McLaughlin <[email protected]>

RFD 149 PostgreSQL Schema For Manta buckets


The manta buckets project aims to add the ability to store objects in manta using a flat namespace in addition to the hierarchical directory-based storage currently provided. A named bucket may be created in the context of a user account and then any number of objects may be stored in the bucket.

The storage for buckets storage in manta will continue to be based on PostgreSQL, but the schema will differ from that used by the directory-based storage.

This RFD presents the proposed schema for use in buckets-based storage.


There proposed schema includes four tables: one to represent the buckets in an account, one to represent the objects in each bucket, one to record information about deleted buckets, and one to record information about deleted or overwritten objects.


The table to model a bucket in manta is named manta_bucket and has five columns. The breakdown of those is as follows:

  • id - A unique identifier for the bucket.
  • name - A string representing the name of the bucket
  • owner - The unique identifier of the account owner of the bucket
  • created - The timestamp indicating when the bucket was created

Here is the statement to create the manta_bucket table in PostgreSQL:

CREATE TABLE manta_bucket (
    id uuid NOT NULL,
    name text NOT NULL,
    owner uuid NOT NULL,
    created timestamptz DEFAULT current_timestamp NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (owner, name)

The primary key for the manta_bucket table is a composite key of owner and name columns. Only one instance of a particular named bucket may be present at one time. When a bucket is deleted its manta_bucket record is moved to the manta_bucket_deleted_bucket table. The unique identifier (id) is used for tracking different incarnations of a particular named bucket and determining the visibility of objects within that bucket.


The table to model an object in manta is named manta_bucket_object and has fourteen columns. The description each column is as follows:

  • id - A unique identifier for the object
  • name - A string representing the name of the object
  • owner - The unique identifier of the account owner of the object
  • bucket_id - The id of the incarnation of a named bucket that the object is associated with
  • created - The timestamp indicating when the object was created
  • modified - The timestamp indicating the time when the metadata (headers) were last updated or when the object was created.
  • creator - The unique identifier of the account creating the object if it differs from the value of owner
  • content_length - A 64 bit integer value representing the number of bytes of object data.
  • content_md5 - A byte sequence representing the MD5 hash of the object content
  • content_type - A string representing the value of the HTTP Content-Type header for this object.
  • headers - A set of key-value mappings from HTTP header name to HTTP header value.
  • roles - An array of UUID values representing the valid roles for the object.
  • sharks - A set of key-value mappings from datacenter to manta storage identifier. This value of this column indicates where the object data resides. The type of this column is a text array to account for the possibility that more than one copy of an object is stored in the same datacenter (hstore types do not support duplicate keys).
  • properties - This column provides a place to store unstructured data in situations where it becomes valuable or necessary to store information that could impact performance or correctness of the system, but for which a proper schema update and deployment as structured data has not yet been done.

Here is the statement to create the manta_bucket_object table:

CREATE TABLE manta_bucket_object (
    id uuid NOT NULL,
    name text NOT NULL,
    owner uuid NOT NULL,
    bucket_id uuid NOT NULL,
    created timestamptz DEFAULT current_timestamp NOT NULL,
    modified timestamptz DEFAULT current_timestamp NOT NULL,
    creator uuid,
    content_length bigint,
    content_md5 bytea,
    content_type text,
    headers hstore,
    roles uuid[],
    sharks text[],
    properties jsonb,

    PRIMARY KEY (owner, bucket_id, name)

The primary key for the manta_bucket_object table is a composite of the owner, bucket_id, and name columns. This means only one instance an object may be live for a bucket at any time.


The manta_bucket_deleted_bucket table is used to maintain records of deleted buckets to ensure the storage resources for objects from the bucket are properly released before the record of the bucket is permanently discarded. The table has five columns:

  • id - The unique identifier of the bucket incarnation
  • name - The name of the deleted bucket
  • owner - The unique identifier of the account owner of the deleted bucket
  • created - The timestamp indicating when the bucket was created
  • deleted_at - The timestamp indicating when the bucket was deleted

The statement to create the manta_bucket_deleted_bucket table is as follows:

CREATE TABLE manta_bucket_deleted_bucket (
    id uuid NOT NULL,
    name text NOT NULL,
    owner uuid NOT NULL,
    created timestamptz NOT NULL,
    deleted_at timestamptz DEFAULT current_timestamp NOT NULL

The column structure is identical to the manta_bucket table except for the addition of the deleted_at column to record the time of deletion and the lack of a primary key. Multiple records for the same (owner, bucket) pair may need to be tracked and this table schema allows for that. At first glance it might seem that the table should use the id column as the primary key, but this could cause issues if a situation arose where two different deleted or overwritten object versions happened to have the same value for the id column. The table will maintain two non-unique indexes, one on the id column and one on the deleted_at column. These indexes will let the garbage collection system gather batches of records for deleted buckets to process in the rough order of deletion and then to delete those records based on the id once the garbage collection process is done with them.

The statements to create those indexes are as follows:

CREATE INDEX manta_bucket_deleted_bucket_id_idx
ON manta_bucket_deleted_bucket (id);

CREATE INDEX manta_bucket_deleted_bucket_deleted_at_idx
ON manta_bucket_deleted_bucket (deleted_at);


The manta_bucket_deleted_object table is similar in purpose to the manta_bucket_deleted_bucket table except rather than records about deleted buckets it maintains records for deleted or overwritten objects. The number, name, and type of the columns is similar to the manta_bucket_object table with the addition of a single column to record the time of deletion.

The description each column is as follows:

  • id - A unique identifier for the object
  • name - A string representing the name of the bucket
  • owner - The unique identifier of the account owner of the bucket
  • bucket_id - The id of the incarnation of a named bucket that the object is associated with
  • created - The timestamp indicating when the object was created
  • modified - The timestamp indicating the time when the metadata (headers) were last updated or when the object was created.
  • creator - The unique identifier of the account creating the object if it differs from the value of owner
  • content_length - A 64 bit integer value representing the number of bytes of object data.
  • content_md5 - A byte sequence representing the MD5 hash of the object content
  • content_type - A string representing the value of the HTTP Content-Type header for this object.
  • headers - A set of key-value mappings from HTTP header name to HTTP header value.
  • roles - An array of UUID values representing the valid roles for the object.
  • sharks - A set of key-value mappings from datacenter to manta storage identifier. This value of this column indicates where the object data resides. The type of this column is a text array to account for the possibility that more than one copy of an object is stored in the same datacenter (hstore types do not support duplicate keys).
  • properties - This column provides a place to store unstructured data in situations where it becomes valuable or necessary to store information that could impact performance or correctness of the system, but for which a proper schema update and deployment as structured data has not yet been done.
  • deleted_at - The timestamp indicating when the object record was either deleted or overwritten.

Here is the statement to create the manta_bucket_deleted_object table:

CREATE TABLE manta_bucket_deleted_object (
    id uuid NOT NULL,
    name text NOT NULL,
    owner uuid NOT NULL,
    bucket_id uuid NOT NULL,
    created timestamptz NOT NULL,
    modified timestamptz NOT NULL,
    creator uuid,
    content_length bigint,
    content_md5 bytea,
    content_type text,
    headers hstore,
    roles uuid[],
    sharks text[],
    properties jsonb,
    deleted_at timestamptz DEFAULT current_timestamp NOT NULL

The only difference from the manta_bucket_object table is the addition of the deleted_at column to track the time the object was deleted or overwritten and the lack of a primary key. This is similar to the relationship between the manta_bucket and manta_bucket_deleted_bucket tables. Like the manta_bucket_deleted_bucket table, manta_bucket_deleted_object has two indexes: one on the id column and one on the deleted_at column Again these two indexes serve to help the garbage collector complete its work efficiently.

The statements to create those indexes are as follows:

CREATE INDEX manta_bucket_deleted_object_id_idx
ON manta_bucket_deleted_object (id);

CREATE INDEX manta_bucket_deleted_object_deleted_at_idx
ON manta_bucket_deleted_object (deleted_at);

UUID collision risks and impacts

The proposed schema makes use of UUID values for bucket and object identifiers with the assumption that they will be mostly free from collisions. The account a bucket or object belongs to is also represented by a UUID. The system design of manta and the way the schema is designed allow us to tolerate certain cases of collisions. This section contains some discussion of the different versions of UUIDs that may be applicable and also covers the cases where the system can tolerate collisions and the cases where it cannot.

There five versions of UUID with different characteristics. Perhaps one of the most commonly used versions is version 4 (v4) which is a randomly generated UUID value. For the most commonly used variant of v4 UUIDs this actually means 122 of 128 bits chosen at random [1]. With truly random number generators the probability of collision for v4 UUIDs is extremely low, but the pseudorandom number generators used in practice fall short of being truly random to varying degrees. RFC 4122 gives the following warning in the Security Considerations section:

Distributed applications generating UUIDs at a variety of hosts must be willing to rely on the random number source at all hosts. If this is not feasible, the namespace variant should be used.

Version 1 UUIDs are another possible alternative to relying on pseudorandom number generation. Version 1 UUIDs use network card MAC addresses and a 60-bit timestamp for uniqueness.

In the case of standard version 1 and 2 UUIDs using unique MAC addresses from network cards, collisions can occur only when an implementation varies from the standards, either inadvertently or intentionally [1].

In theory, version 1 UUIDs are completely free from the risk of collisions, but in practice mistakes do happen and there have been cases where multiple network cards end up with the same MAC addresses. Ideally this would never be a problem in a single manta deployment, but the probability is non-zero.

Regardless of the selected UUID version the chance of collisions cannot be completely discounted, but generally the probability is extremely small.

The id columns for both the manta_bucket and manta_bucket_object tables in the proposed schema do not enforce a uniqueness constraint. The reason for this is twofold. First, to be meaningful the uniqueness constraint would need to be enforced across the databases on each metadata shard in the system which cannot be accomplished in a practical manner. Second, in most cases it does not actually matter if we have duplicate id column values for either the manta_bucket or manta_bucket_object tables and the system is able to function better without a uniqueness constraint.

It is tolerable to have UUID collisions across different metadata shards. The id column value alone is not sufficient to locate an object in the system because the id is not part of the hash function input used for (meta)data placement; therefore, the collision of id values on different shards has no effect on the correct functioning of the system.

There could be a case where two buckets or two objects that reside on the same metadata shard end up with the same UUID for their respective id column values. This case is also tolerable. Again the lookup of buckets or objects is not done directly using the id column value. Bucket lookups are done using the combination of the owner account identifier and the bucket name and object lookups are done using the combination of owner account identifier, bucket identifier, and object name. If a shard-local collision occurred for either a bucket or object in this manner, the lack of uniqueness constraint serves as a benefit that allows the system to continue to function normally whereas the use of the constraint would have caused a needless and perhaps hard-to-diagnose error.

There is one case in particular where a UUID collision could cause problems with the correct functioning of the system. Collisions in account identifiers would cause serious issues. Such a situation could result in improper access or mutation of the buckets and objects of the affected accounts. The generation of account identifiers takes places outside the manta metadata system and mitigating the risk of collision is outside the scope of this RFD, but this statement is just to highlight that it would be a problem were it to occur.

Considering the low probabilities of collision and the ability of the proposed schema to provide correct function even in the face of most collisions it should be acceptable to use either version 1 or version 4 UUIDs for the values of the id columns of the manta_bucket and manta_bucket_object tables.


This section covers some queries that might be used for higher level operations in the manta buckets system.

Read a bucket

SELECT id, owner, name, created
FROM manta_bucket
WHERE owner = '14aafd84-a57f-11e8-8706-4fc23c74c5e7' AND name = 'mybucket';

Read an object

SELECT id, owner, bucket_id, name, created, modified, content_length,
       content_md5, content_type, headers, roles, sharks, properties
FROM manta_bucket_object
WHERE owner = '14aafd84-a57f-11e8-8706-4fc23c74c5e7'
AND bucket_id = '293def5e-a57f-11e8-9ef0-bf343ab6f823'
AND name = 'myobject';

Write a bucket

INSERT INTO manta_bucket (id, owner, name)
VALUES ('293def5e-a57f-11e8-9ef0-bf343ab6f823',
'14aafd84-a57f-11e8-8706-4fc23c74c5e7', 'mybucket');

Write an object

WITH write_deletion_record AS (
  INSERT INTO manta_bucket_deleted_object (
    id, owner, bucket_id, name, created, modified, creator,
    content_length, content_md5, content_type, headers, roles, sharks, properties
  SELECT id, owner, bucket_id, name, created, modified, creator,
         content_length, content_md5, content_type, headers, roles, sharks, properties
  FROM manta_bucket_object
  WHERE owner = '14aafd84-a57f-11e8-8706-4fc23c74c5e7'
  AND bucket_id = '293def5e-a57f-11e8-9ef0-bf343ab6f823'
  AND name = 'myobject'
INSERT INTO manta_bucket_0.manta_bucket_object (id, owner, bucket_id, name,
content_length, content_md5, content_type, headers, roles, sharks)
VALUES ('06d40bb8-a581-11e8-84b2-93ddb053d02b',
'14aafd84-a57f-11e8-8706-4fc23c74c5e7', '293def5e-a57f-11e8-9ef0-bf343ab6f823',
'myobject', 14917, '\xc736398c96d1f6b72b3118657268bff2'::bytea,
'text/plain', 'm-custom-header1=>value1,m-custom-header2=>value2',
ON CONFLICT (owner, bucket_id, name) DO UPDATE
SET id =,
  created = current_timestamp,
  modified = current_timestamp,
  content_length = EXCLUDED.content_length,
  content_md5 = EXCLUDED.content_md5,
  content_type = EXCLUDED.content_md5,
  headers = EXCLUDED.headers,
  roles = EXCLUDED.roles,
  sharks = EXCLUDED.sharks,
  properties =;

This query may appear complicated at first glance so here is a brief explanation. Each higher level write object operation may result in a previous version of an object with the same name being overwritten. Each time an object version is overwritten we need to record the old version's details for future garbage collection.

In the above query the action of recording the object details for future garbage collection is represented using a Common Table Expression. This allows all of the actions to be expressed in a single statement and is to show that the actions in the above query are all a part of implementing the higher level operation. It also facilitates testing in psql. It is not expressed this way out of necessity and it could just as easily be expressed as two statements in the same transaction.

The UPSERT portion of the query takes care of either inserting a new record for the object if no object with that name exists or overwriting the record for the object if an object with the name does exist. An interesting thing to note about this portion of the query is that in the case of an INSERT conflict the resulting update should be able to be done as a Heap Only Tuple (HOT) update which may have performance benefits and help us avoid vacuuming costs that might otherwise be incurred. This is the reason it is expressed this way rather than with separate INSERT and DELETE statements. The following query can be used to observe this before and after running the above object query:

SELECT n_tup_upd, n_tup_del, n_tup_hot_upd FROM pg_stat_user_tables
WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND relname = 'manta_bucket_object';

Delete a bucket

WITH write_deletion_record AS (
 INSERT INTO manta_bucket_deleted_bucket (id, owner, name, created)
 SELECT id, owner, name, created FROM manta_bucket
 WHERE owner = '14aafd84-a57f-11e8-8706-4fc23c74c5e7' AND name = 'mybucket';
DELETE FROM manta_bucket
WHERE owner = '14aafd84-a57f-11e8-8706-4fc23c74c5e7' AND name = 'mybucket';

Delete an object

WITH write_deletion_record AS (
  INSERT INTO manta_bucket_deleted_object (
    id, owner, bucket_id, name, created, modified, creator,
    content_length, content_md5, content_type, headers, roles, sharks, properties
  SELECT id, owner, bucket_id, name, created, modified, creator,
         content_length, content_md5, content_type, headers, roles, sharks, properties
  FROM manta_bucket_object
  WHERE owner = '14aafd84-a57f-11e8-8706-4fc23c74c5e7'
  AND bucket_id = '293def5e-a57f-11e8-9ef0-bf343ab6f823'
  AND name = 'myobject'
DELETE FROM manta_bucket_object
WHERE owner = '14aafd84-a57f-11e8-8706-4fc23c74c5e7'
AND bucket_id = '293def5e-a57f-11e8-9ef0-bf343ab6f823'
AND name = 'myobject';

Collect a batch of object records for purposes of a bucket content listing

SELECT id, owner, bucket_id, name, created, modified, content_length,
       content_md5, content_type, headers, roles, sharks, properties
FROM manta_bucket_deleted_object
WHERE owner = '14aafd84-a57f-11e8-8706-4fc23c74c5e7'
AND bucket_id = '293def5e-a57f-11e8-9ef0-bf343ab6f823'
ORDER BY name LIMIT 250;

Collect a batch of deleted bucket records for garbage collection processing

SELECT id, owner, name, created
FROM manta_bucket_deleted_bucket
WHERE deleted_at < current_timestamp - interval '24 hours'
ORDER BY deleted_at LIMIT 25;

Collect a batch of deleted object records for garbage collection processing

SELECT id, owner, bucket_id, name, created, modified, content_length,
       content_md5, content_type, headers, roles, sharks, properties
FROM manta_bucket_deleted_object
WHERE deleted_at < current_timestamp - interval '24 hours'
ORDER BY deleted_at LIMIT 100;

Remove a deleted bucket record after garbage collection processing

DELETE FROM manta_bucket_deleted_bucket
WHERE id = '293def5e-a57f-11e8-9ef0-bf343ab6f823'
AND owner = '14aafd84-a57f-11e8-8706-4fc23c74c5e7'
AND name = 'mybucket';

Remove a deleted object record after garbage collection processing

DELETE FROM manta_bucket_deleted_object
WHERE id = '06d40bb8-a581-11e8-84b2-93ddb053d02b'
AND owner = '14aafd84-a57f-11e8-8706-4fc23c74c5e7'
AND bucket_id = '293def5e-a57f-11e8-9ef0-bf343ab6f823'
AND name = 'myobject';

Higher level operations

The example queries shown in the previous section represent a majority of what will be needed to build the higher level operations that the manta buckets API will provide. Services further up the stack such as moray that interface directly with postgres will expose API operations that ultimately result in the execution of these queries.

There may be need for further adjustments that include additional columns or indexes primarily based on the results of further research into the behavior and performance of bucket content listing.


  1. Universally unique identifier Wikipedia page