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Nick Zivkovic <[email protected]>

RFD 19 Interface Drift In Workflow Modules


Triton can be defined as a collection of services and the interactions between those services. Those interactions are facilitated by interfaces, be they module/library interfaces or REST interfaces. Most bodies of software can be described this way. However, what distinguishes a large project like Triton from other large projects (like, say, SmartOS) is that the components of Triton can be upgraded and downgraded independently of each other. In other words, upgrades of the system are not atomic. As a result, we can't guarantee that all the interfaces of a service that a consumer may want to use are actually present.

All highly available distributed systems have to be robust when confronted with drift between interfaces. Triton has an intricate web of dependencies between its APIs. Most of those services simply depend on the REST interfaces provided by other services. Handling the interface drift between all of these services is certainly an important problem to solve. However, this RFD focuses specifically on the workflow service and its consumers because -- in addition to the possible drift between the REST interfaces of these producers/consumers -- there is a much more frequent (and therefore likely) drift between the interfaces provided by Node modules within workflow.

So far, five services in Triton -- namely, VMAPI, CNAPI, IMGAPI, DOCKER, and ADMINUI -- interact with the workflow service to schedule and get information about jobs. They do this by sending over raw Node code to the workflow, which is then evaluated as part of the workflow. The code that is sent from the workflow-consumer to the workflow-service is not self-contained -- it has dependencies on node modules such as sdc-clients, which are provided by workflow.

Problem and Goal

Access to these modules is provided from within workflow, in an unversioned way. Currently the consumer of workflow must assume that the module provided by workflow is not out of date and that it has all of the functionality its job code needs. This of course isn't necessarily the case, and can give rise to flag days. Flag days are very undesirable, since they involve relying on an actual human being to do the right thing. In fact, it sometimes involves relying on multiple human beings doing the exact same right thing, which is unlikely to happen, and may result in a frustrating and time-consuming experience for both the operator and the developer. It is therefore the goal to reduce the number of future flag-days to as small a number as possible -- ideally zero. It is the goal of this RFD to eliminate flag-days that result from interface drift in workflow modules.

Currently the consumers of workflow blindly send job code over, without regard for whether the workflow service that's currently running can actually execute it. We want to expose versioning information to the job code so that it can avoid invoking functionality that does not exist. Or put in other words, so that it can always send something that works, even if it doesn't have the latest capabilities.

We want to expand the spectrum of interaction between workflow and its consumers, so that they can ask questions about which workflow functionality is too new, or too outdated. The proposals below are, of course, very far from a full-fledged feature-flag implementation. But they are pragmatic, and will get the job done.


There are two ways to (correctly) solve this problem. The first involves using modules' version information and the second does not. They are described in the sections below. They have been organized by how many changes need to be made to the Triton repos, in increasing order. When discussing drift, both proposals refer to workflow as 'the producer' and the client APIs as 'the consumer', individually. Collectively they will be referred to as 'producers/consumers'.


When interface drift happens between workflow and a consumer, it can happen in one of two ways: (1) workflow is ahead of the consumer by some number of versions, and (2) workflow is behind the consumer by some number of versions. In principle, it is possible for an up to date producer/consumer to be cognizant of all the interface changes that have happened between itself and its dependencies in the past. In other words, the up to date producer/consumer can be written to adapt to any outdated interfaces. However, an out of date producer/consumer cannot be written to adapt to up to date interfaces -- to be able to do so reliably, one would need a time machine.

With this temporal distinction in mind, we can now focus on the producers/consumers themselves. Either both workflow and the consumer are up to date with each other, or one of them is out of date. It is the responsibility of the upgraded producer/consumer to provide the mechanism that allows for a graceful degradation of service in the face of interface drift.

The job code needs to be able to detect where it is temporally, relative to workflow and workflow's modules, and vice versa. The job code will need to be able to detect the version of the module(s) made available by workflow, and workflow will need to know what module-versions the job code expects.

In order for workflow to know what module-version the job code expects, the job code needs to supply more detailed module dependency information.

For example, here is an element from the chain array belonging to the workflow variable of the following VMAPI source file: lib/workflows/destroy.js.

	name: 'cnapi.wait_on_vm_ticket',
	timeout: 120,
	retry: 1,
	body: common.waitOnVMTicket,
	modules: { sdcClients: 'sdc-clients' }

The job code would have to be modified to have an additional key called imports:

	name: 'cnapi.wait_on_vm_ticket',
	timeout: 120,
	retry: 1,
	body: common.waitOnVMTicket,
	modules: { sdcClients: 'sdc-clients' }
	imports: { sdcClients: {name: 'sdc-clients', ver: '9.0.3'} }

The reason we create this object parallel to modules, instead of replacing modules, is that this allows old versions of workflow to keep functioning with new job code. We want to avoid flag days at all costs. Newer workflows can use imports to determine which version of a module is expected by its consumers.

Speaking of consumers, let's look at the consumer side of version awareness. The job code's awareness of available module-versions would require metadata on sdc-workflow's side of things that's similar to the imports information.

The most commonly used modules in workflow jobs are as follows:

sdc-clients	156
restify		24
async		18
vasync		5
url		1

This is the code from node-workflow that 'links' the module into a task:

if (opts.task.modules) {
	if (typeof (opts.task.modules) !== 'object') {
		throw new TypeError(
		'opts.task.modules must be an Object');
		function (mod) {
		global[mod] = require(opts.task.modules[mod]);
		sandbox[mod] = global[mod];

We can modify the code to inspect the job code's expected versions as follows:

if (opts.task.modules) {
	if (typeof (opts.task.modules) !== 'object') {
		throw new TypeError(
		'opts.task.modules must be an Object');
		function (mod) {
		global[mod] = require(opts.task.modules[mod]);
		global['wf_current_versions'] = wf_current_versions;
		global['job_versions'] = [];
		global['semver'] = semver;
		var task_expects = opts.task.imports[mod].ver;
		var available = wf_current_versions[mod];
		 * The consumer is outdated.
		if (, task_expects)) {
			 * On the off chance that backward compatibility
			 * was broken between `available` and
			 * `task_expects`, we abort the job.
			if (semver.diff(available, task_expects) ==
			    'major')) {
				/* abort w/ helpful error msg */
			/* Otherwise, we can allow the job to continue */
		/* DELTA END */
		sandbox[mod] = global[mod];

On the job code side of things, we can access (and branch on) the module versions like so:

if (['sdcClients'].ver,
      wf_current_versions['sdcClients'].ver)) {
	/* try to get by with old functionality */
} else {
	/* use awesome new function */

Of course, workflow currently does not expose things like wf_current_versions or job_versions or semver. If the job tried to use these new variables and functions it would be trying to call/access undefined values. This is why sdc-workflow should expose an extra global:

global['WORKFLOW_VERSIONING'] = true;

This way we can make the above job code robust against workflows that never supported a notion of module-versioning:

	if (['sdcClients'].ver,
	      wf_current_versions['sdcClients'].ver)) {
		/* try to get by with old functionality */
	} else {
		/* use awesome new function */

Versionless (aka Thinner Workflow, Thicker Services)

Solving the problem in a way that requires no version information, would be very appealing. The most obvious way to do this, is to invert the relationship between workflow and its consumers. Instead of consumers sending job code to workflow, they would simply execute the job code themselves, and send job progress-reports to workflow. Since all of the job code runs internally, all module dependencies would be handled within the consumer's own repository.

Running the job code in the consumer APIs is very easy. The consumer can import the node-workflow and the workflow JSON files. It could then run those JSON files by invoking the WorkflowRunner object that comes with node-workflow. One disadvantage of doing it this way is that there is less concurrency -- sdc-workflow forks a new process for every workflow. However, the service APIs can also use fork. If one wants to be truly cautious, one could simply have an sdc-workflow process running in each API zone. The zone's respective API can remain unmodified in all aspects, except that it sends job code to the local workflow instead of the remote workflow.

So the running of the workflows in the API zones is not a problem. There are a few ways to do it, depending on how much surgery you want to do on the APIs. Either of the above modifications (importing node-workflow or running a parallel sdc-workflow), would probably bump the phys-mem requirements of each of the API zones. Probably not a concern for SDC on the metal, but may be problematic for COAL.

The thornier aspect of this is what to do with the workflow zone itself. It would still need to exist for a) backwards compatibility with unupgraded APIs, and b) providing an established and stable interface to operators for getting job information. Due to requirement (a) the workflow zone would need to retain the ability to run workflows as it does now. Requirement (b) makes it necessary to extend the workflow zone's interface to accept 'status updates' from the APIs that run their own workflows. This way the operators would use the same exact interface that they are used to using to get job info, even though the jobs run in the API zone.

Because we still need a centralized workflow service, we still have a single point of failure. In other words, the API zones cannot execute their workflows if the central workflow service is not running. We don't get any resiliency benefits that one would normally get by distributing a previously centralized service.

In summary, this solution requires more physical resources, a larger number of changes, and changes to the roles of both workflow and its consumers, than the versioning solution. Furthermore we don't get rid of the workflow service or any of its code, because backwards compatibility is a constraint. We can end up not using workflow, but we will never get rid of it. Whether or not these costs are justified by the 'versionlessness' of this solution is up for discussion.