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209 lines (204 loc) · 7.27 KB

Comparison with other libraries

Ramda was a huge inspiration for Tinkoff Utils! it has a lot of similarities with naming style, uses same functional programming approach and many other things, with lack of some less popular design ideas like __ prefixes, lenses and etc

Ramda Utils
R.all /array/all
R.allPass /function/allPass
R.always /function/always
R.any /array/any
R.anyPass /function/anyPass
R.both /function/both
R.clone /clone
R.complement /function/complement
R.compose /function/compose
R.composeP /function/composeP
R.concat /array/concat
R.cond /function/cond
R.contains /array/includes
R.curry /function/curry (__ not supported)
R.curryN /function/curryN
R.defaultTo /defaultTo
R.difference /array/difference
R.dropWhile /array/dropWhile
R.either /function/either
R.empty /is/empty
R.equals /is/equal
R.endsWith /string/endsWith
R.F /function/F
R.filter /array/filter
R.find /array/find
R.findIndex /array/findIndex
R.flatten /array/flatten
R.flip /function/flip
R.forEach /array/each
R.forEachObjIndexed /object/each
R.fromPairs /object/fromPairs
R.groupBy /object/groupBy
R.has /object/has
R.head /array/head
R.identity /function/identity
R.ifElse /function/ifElse
R.intersection /array/intersection /is/*
R.isEmpty /is/empty
R.isNil /is/nil
R.join /array/join
R.keys /object/keys
R.last /array/last
R.length /array/length /array/map
R.mapObjIndexed /object/map
R.maxBy /array/maxBy
R.merge /object/merge (accepts n arguments, bot not less than 2)
R.mergeAll /object/merge (accepts an argument list not an array of arguments)
R.mergeDeepLeft /object/mergeDeep
R.mergeWith /object/mergeWith
R.negate /negate
R.not /not
R.nth /array/nth
R.objOf /object/objOf
R.omit /object/omit
R.once /function/once
R.path /object/path
R.pathEq /object/pathEq
R.pathOr /object/pathOr Note order of arguments is different (Utils always accepts path as first argument)
R.pathSatisfies /object/pathApply
R.pick /object/pick
R.pickBy /object/pickBy
R.pipe /object/compose (prefer to use compose)
R.prop /object/prop
R.propEq /object/propEq
R.propOr /object/propOr Note order of arguments is different (Utils always accepts prop name as first argument)
R.propApply /object/propApply
R.range /array/range
R.reduce /array/reduce, /object/reduce
R.reduceWhile /array/reduceWhile
R.reject /array/reject
R.repeat /array/repeat
R.replace /string/replace
R.sort /array/sort
R.sortBy /array/sortBy
R.split /string/split
R.startsWith /string/startsWith
R.sum /array/sum
R.tail /array/tail
R.take /array/take
R.tap /function/tap
R.test /string/test
R.toLower /string/toLower
R.toPairs /object/toPairs
R.toString /string/toString
R.toUpper /string/toUpper
R.trim /string/trim
R.type /type
R.uniq /array/uniq
R.uniqBy /array/uniqBy
R.values /object/values
R.when /function/when
R.where /object/where /array/zip
R.zipWith /array/zipWith
R.comparator /function/comparator
R.indexOf /array/indexOf
R.adjust /array/adjust
R.append /array/append
R.slice /array/slice
R.drop /array/drop
R.dropLast /array/dropLast
R.remove /array/remove
R.update /array/update
R.without /array/without

When migrating from lodash to Utils, keep in mind that –

  1. Lodash has different function signatures, since Utils uses data as the last argument in contrast with lodash
  2. Singular lodash methods can accept various argument types when Utils functions are focused and cohesive
  3. Some Lodash functions mutate passed arguments
Lodash Utils
_.compact /array/filter + /function/identity filter(identity)
_.concat /array/concat
_.difference /array/difference
_.dropWhile /array/dropWhile
_.findIndex /array/findIndex
_.first /array/head
_.flattenDeep /array/flatten
_.fromPairs /object/fromPairs
_.intersection /array/intersection
_.join /array/join
_.last /array/last
_.nth /array/nth
_.pull* pull* mutates array, if there no need in it, then /array/filter + /function/*
_.remove mutates date, otherwise /array/filter + /function/*
_.reverse /array/reverse
_.take /array/take
_.uniq /array/uniq
_.uniqBy /array/uniqBy
_.without /array/filter + /function/* /array/zip
_.zipWith /array/zipWith
_.each /array/each, /object/each
_.forEach /array/each, /object/each
_.every /array/all
_.find /array/find
_.groupBy /object/groupBy
_.includes /array/includes
_.keyBy /object/keyBy /array/map, /object/map
_.partition /array/partition
_.reduce /array/reduce, /object/reduce
_.reject /array/filter + /not filter(not)
_.shuffle /array/shuffle
_.some /array/any
_.sortBy /array/sortBy
_.curry /function/curry
_.debounce /function/debounce
_.flip /function/flip
_.negate /function/complement
_.once /function/once
_.thtottle /function/throttle
_.castArray /array/toArray
_.clone Object.assign({}, x)
_.cloneDeep /clone* /is/* a small part
_.assign Object.assign /array/map + /object/path
_.defaults /object/merge
_.defaultsDeep /object/mergeDeep
_.entries /object/toPairs
_.forOwn /object/each
_.get /object/path, /object/pathOr get(obj, 'a.b[0].c', 'dflt') => pathOr(['a', 'b', 0, 'c'], 'dflt', obj)
_.has /object/has
_.keys /object/keys
_.mapKeys /object/reduce + specific function
_.mapValues /object/map
_.merge /object/mergeDeep
_.omit /object/omit
_.pick /object/pick
_.pickBy /object/pickBy
_.result /object/pathApply + /function/applyOrReturn `result(obj, 'a.b', 'dflt') => pathApply(['a', 'b'], applyOrReturn, obj)
_.set /object/pathSet set(obj, 'a.b[0]', 'val') => newObj = pathSet(['a', 'b', 0], 'val', obj)
_.toPairs /object/toPairs
_.values /object/values
_.tap /function/tap
_.capitalize /string/capitalize
_.endsWith /string/endsWith
_.escape /string/escape
_.escapeRegExp /string/escapeRegExp
_.repeat /array/repeat + /array/join
_.replace /string/replace
_.split /string/split
_.toLower /string/toLower
_.toUpper /string/toUpper
_.trim /string/trim
_.trimStart /string/trimLeft
_.unescape /string/unescape
_.cond /function/cond
_.conforms /object/where
_.constant /function/always
_.defaultTo /defaultTo
_.identity /function/identity
_.noop /function/noop
_.range /array/range
_.stub* /function/always
_.uniqueId /uniqueId