Ramda was a huge inspiration for Tinkoff Utils! it has a lot of similarities with naming style, uses same functional programming approach and many other things, with lack of some less popular design ideas like __
prefixes, lenses and etc
Ramda | Utils |
R.all | /array/all |
R.allPass | /function/allPass |
R.always | /function/always |
R.any | /array/any |
R.anyPass | /function/anyPass |
R.both | /function/both |
R.clone | /clone |
R.complement | /function/complement |
R.compose | /function/compose |
R.composeP | /function/composeP |
R.concat | /array/concat |
R.cond | /function/cond |
R.contains | /array/includes |
R.curry | /function/curry (__ not supported) |
R.curryN | /function/curryN |
R.defaultTo | /defaultTo |
R.difference | /array/difference |
R.dropWhile | /array/dropWhile |
R.either | /function/either |
R.empty | /is/empty |
R.equals | /is/equal |
R.endsWith | /string/endsWith |
R.F | /function/F |
R.filter | /array/filter |
R.find | /array/find |
R.findIndex | /array/findIndex |
R.flatten | /array/flatten |
R.flip | /function/flip |
R.forEach | /array/each |
R.forEachObjIndexed | /object/each |
R.fromPairs | /object/fromPairs |
R.groupBy | /object/groupBy |
R.has | /object/has |
R.head | /array/head |
R.identity | /function/identity |
R.ifElse | /function/ifElse |
R.intersection | /array/intersection |
R.is | /is/* |
R.isEmpty | /is/empty |
R.isNil | /is/nil |
R.join | /array/join |
R.keys | /object/keys |
R.last | /array/last |
R.length | /array/length |
R.map | /array/map |
R.mapObjIndexed | /object/map |
R.maxBy | /array/maxBy |
R.merge | /object/merge (accepts n arguments, bot not less than 2) |
R.mergeAll | /object/merge (accepts an argument list not an array of arguments) |
R.mergeDeepLeft | /object/mergeDeep |
R.mergeWith | /object/mergeWith |
R.negate | /negate |
R.not | /not |
R.nth | /array/nth |
R.objOf | /object/objOf |
R.omit | /object/omit |
R.once | /function/once |
R.path | /object/path |
R.pathEq | /object/pathEq |
R.pathOr | /object/pathOr Note order of arguments is different (Utils always accepts path as first argument) |
R.pathSatisfies | /object/pathApply |
R.pick | /object/pick |
R.pickBy | /object/pickBy |
R.pipe | /object/compose (prefer to use compose) |
R.prop | /object/prop |
R.propEq | /object/propEq |
R.propOr | /object/propOr Note order of arguments is different (Utils always accepts prop name as first argument) |
R.propApply | /object/propApply |
R.range | /array/range |
R.reduce | /array/reduce, /object/reduce |
R.reduceWhile | /array/reduceWhile |
R.reject | /array/reject |
R.repeat | /array/repeat |
R.replace | /string/replace |
R.sort | /array/sort |
R.sortBy | /array/sortBy |
R.split | /string/split |
R.startsWith | /string/startsWith |
R.sum | /array/sum |
R.tail | /array/tail |
R.take | /array/take |
R.tap | /function/tap |
R.test | /string/test |
R.toLower | /string/toLower |
R.toPairs | /object/toPairs |
R.toString | /string/toString |
R.toUpper | /string/toUpper |
R.trim | /string/trim |
R.type | /type |
R.uniq | /array/uniq |
R.uniqBy | /array/uniqBy |
R.values | /object/values |
R.when | /function/when |
R.where | /object/where |
R.zip | /array/zip |
R.zipWith | /array/zipWith |
R.comparator | /function/comparator |
R.indexOf | /array/indexOf |
R.adjust | /array/adjust |
R.append | /array/append |
R.slice | /array/slice |
R.drop | /array/drop |
R.dropLast | /array/dropLast |
R.remove | /array/remove |
R.update | /array/update |
R.without | /array/without |
When migrating from lodash to Utils, keep in mind that –
- Lodash has different function signatures, since Utils uses data as the last argument in contrast with lodash
- Singular lodash methods can accept various argument types when Utils functions are focused and cohesive
- Some Lodash functions mutate passed arguments
Lodash | Utils |
_.compact | /array/filter + /function/identity filter(identity) |
_.concat | /array/concat |
_.difference | /array/difference |
_.dropWhile | /array/dropWhile |
_.findIndex | /array/findIndex |
_.first | /array/head |
_.flattenDeep | /array/flatten |
_.fromPairs | /object/fromPairs |
_.intersection | /array/intersection |
_.join | /array/join |
_.last | /array/last |
_.nth | /array/nth |
_.pull* | pull* mutates array, if there no need in it, then /array/filter + /function/* |
_.remove | mutates date, otherwise /array/filter + /function/* |
_.reverse | /array/reverse |
_.take | /array/take |
_.uniq | /array/uniq |
_.uniqBy | /array/uniqBy |
_.without | /array/filter + /function/* |
_.zip | /array/zip |
_.zipWith | /array/zipWith |
_.each | /array/each, /object/each |
_.forEach | /array/each, /object/each |
_.every | /array/all |
_.find | /array/find |
_.groupBy | /object/groupBy |
_.includes | /array/includes |
_.keyBy | /object/keyBy |
_.map | /array/map, /object/map |
_.partition | /array/partition |
_.reduce | /array/reduce, /object/reduce |
_.reject | /array/filter + /not filter(not) |
_.shuffle | /array/shuffle |
_.some | /array/any |
_.sortBy | /array/sortBy |
_.curry | /function/curry |
_.debounce | /function/debounce |
_.flip | /function/flip |
_.negate | /function/complement |
_.once | /function/once |
_.thtottle | /function/throttle |
_.castArray | /array/toArray |
_.clone | Object.assign({}, x) |
_.cloneDeep | /clone |
_.is* | /is/* a small part |
_.assign | Object.assign |
_.at | /array/map + /object/path |
_.defaults | /object/merge |
_.defaultsDeep | /object/mergeDeep |
_.entries | /object/toPairs |
_.forOwn | /object/each |
_.get | /object/path, /object/pathOr get(obj, 'a.b[0].c', 'dflt') => pathOr(['a', 'b', 0, 'c'], 'dflt', obj) |
_.has | /object/has |
_.keys | /object/keys |
_.mapKeys | /object/reduce + specific function |
_.mapValues | /object/map |
_.merge | /object/mergeDeep |
_.omit | /object/omit |
_.pick | /object/pick |
_.pickBy | /object/pickBy |
_.result | /object/pathApply + /function/applyOrReturn `result(obj, 'a.b', 'dflt') => pathApply(['a', 'b'], applyOrReturn, obj) |
_.set | /object/pathSet set(obj, 'a.b[0]', 'val') => newObj = pathSet(['a', 'b', 0], 'val', obj) |
_.toPairs | /object/toPairs |
_.values | /object/values |
_.tap | /function/tap |
_.capitalize | /string/capitalize |
_.endsWith | /string/endsWith |
_.escape | /string/escape |
_.escapeRegExp | /string/escapeRegExp |
_.repeat | /array/repeat + /array/join |
_.replace | /string/replace |
_.split | /string/split |
_.toLower | /string/toLower |
_.toUpper | /string/toUpper |
_.trim | /string/trim |
_.trimStart | /string/trimLeft |
_.unescape | /string/unescape |
_.cond | /function/cond |
_.conforms | /object/where |
_.constant | /function/always |
_.defaultTo | /defaultTo |
_.identity | /function/identity |
_.noop | /function/noop |
_.range | /array/range |
_.stub* | /function/always |
_.uniqueId | /uniqueId |