Unless otherwise noted, each new update will contain the associated items, blocks, ships, NPCs, and quests for the major features. This list is subject to change, as new planets may be added between updates, or some planets may not be added at all.
- New planet: Tatooine
- New landmarks
- Mos Eisley
- Tosche Station
- Lars Homestead
- Kenobi Homestead
- Jabba's Palace and Sail Barge
- This update will not yet contain quests.
- New planet: Yavin 4
- New landmarks
- Great Temple
- Temple of Exar Kun
- Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum
- New planet: Hoth
- New landmarks
- Echo Base
- Echo Station 3-T-8
- Drift Hills Imperial Outpost
- New planet: Forest Moon of Endor
- New landmarks
- Imperial Shield Generator Outpost
- Shuttle Tydirium landing site
- New planet: Bespin
- New landmarks
- Cloud City
- BesGas Three
- New planet: Dagobah
- New landmarks
- Yoda's Hut
- New landmarks (Tatooine)
- Mos Espa
- Mos Espa Grand Arena
- New planet: Naboo
- New landmarks
- Theed Royal Palace
- Otoh Gunga
- Gungan Sacred Place
- New planet: Geonosis
- New landmarks
- N'ge'u Valley (Dooku's Hangar)
- Droid Foundries
- Petranaki Arena
- New planet: Kashyyyk
- New landmarks
- Kachirho City
- New planet: Mustafar
- New landmarks
- Klegger Corp. Mining Facility
- Fortress Vader
- New planet: Polis Massa
- New landmarks
- Polis Massa Research Base
- New planet: Alderaan
- New landmarks
- Aldera
- Castle Lands (Killik Mounds)
- New planet: Jedha
- New landmarks
- Catacombs of Cadera
- Holy City
- New planet: Scarif
- New landmarks
- Imperial Security Complex
- Orbital planetary shield aperture
- New planet: Eadu
- New landmarks
- Imperial Energy Conversion Laboratory
- New planet: Jakku
- New landmarks
- Niima Outpost
- New planet: Takodana
- New landmarks
- Maz Kanata's Castle
- New planet: D'Qar
- New landmarks
- Resistance Base
- New planet: Starkiller Base
- New landmarks
- Superweapon Command Center
- New planet: Ahch-To
- New landmarks
- Temple Island