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~GSoC2010: Hitesh's GUI installer (Wamp Xampp) and Updates

anildash edited this page Mar 26, 2011 · 1 revision

I am Hitesh, from BITS_-Pilani, Goa Campus, India.
I am extremely intrested in Php projects, and have previous experiece with
CURL , Php and python.

As i have tried to install the application, I myself faced difficulties,
because i tried to host it on localhost, and several libraries are not
installed, like GD library, and Curl by default (I am on apache server,
Ubuntu 10.04).And also, the sql import and all will be difficult for
I want to work on “Installer and updates


I made the web application, OnlineExam Manager (OEM) from scratch. you can
view it at

This application is made to suit my campus needs. I solved the installation
problem, by making a custom WAMP stack. I am not willing to give the source
php files, so i included the Zend Optimizer too, with the encrypted files.
All that you have to do is, press next—> next—> and it gets installed on
Windows. But as you can see, that is a major Limitation, being just on
Since it is an Examination application, it needs very high security, I
cannot risk to expose the Questions table, even to the Administrators. (Only
specific instructors should see the questions.)
Since I am giving Mysql separately, I alone know the MySQL password. and
this MySQL is made to run on a different port, to avoid clashes.

This can be done with thinktank too, we can give it as a package, along with
web server (like moodle, and several others). A tarball for linux, and an
Exe for windows.

or A web based installer can be made, like several web apps… which can
create database and create tables. and also proxy settings, for curl (I am
behind a proxy and i faced problems with curl without proxy).


Updates can be checked at specific periods, by keeping updates in a standard
path like
You can either download to a temporary path, and ask the Administrator
whether to install, or the download can be carried out after the
administrator gives the permission.
We can take a backup of the previous files so that we can restore them, if
something goes wrong.

I am happy to go along with thinktank (Even if i am not selected. For Gsoc).
I await your suggestions.


Hitesh ( ),
Bits-Goa ,

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