- a high-performance cache simulator binary for running cache simulations.
- a high-performance library for building cache simulators.
- high performance - over 20M requests/sec for a realistic trace replay.
- high memory efficiency - predictable and small memory footprint ~36 bytes memory per cached object.
- performance and memory mode - run the simulator in performance mode with larger memory footprint, or run it in slower low-memory mode.
- State-of-the-art algorithms - eviction algorithms, admission algorithms, sampling techniques, approximate miss ratio computation.
- Simple API - easy to build cache clusters, multi-layer caching, etc.
- extensible - easy to add traceReader or eviction algorithms either in source or load using plugin systems.
- Realistic simulator - support object size, wall clock time, operations, etc.
- wide trace formats support - support txt, csv/tsv, binary, vscsi trace formats.
libCacheSim uses camke build system and has two dependencies: GNOME glib and Google tcmalloc.
Mac (using homebrew as an example)
brew install glib google-perftools
Linux (using Ubuntu as an example)
sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev
[Optional] Install XGBoost (Linux):
git clone --recursive https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost
pushd xgboost;
mkdir build && cd build;
cmake .. && make -j;
sudo make install;
cmake recommends out-of-source build, so we do it in a new directory:
git clone https://github.com/1a1a11a/libCacheSim
pushd libCachesim;
mkdir _build && cd _build;
cmake .. && make -j;
sudo make install;
More usages in quick start cachesim for a tutorial.
linking can be done in cmake or use pkg-config
Such as at the _build directory:
- hugepage - to turn on hugepage support, please do
echo madvise | sudo tee /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
See example folder for more examples on how to use libCacheSim, such as cache cluster with consistent hashing, multi-layer caching simulators. Here is a simplified example showing the most basic APIs.
#include <libCacheSim.h>
/* open trace, see quickstart.md for opening csv and binary trace */
reader_t *reader = open_trace("data/trace.vscsi", VSCSI_TRACE, OBJ_ID_NUM, NULL);
/* craete a container for reading from trace */
request_t *req = new_request();
/* create a LRU cache */
common_cache_params_t cc_params = {.cache_size=1024*1024U};
cache_t *cache = LRU_init(cc_params, NULL);
/* counters */
uint64_t req_byte = 0, miss_byte = 0;
/* loop through the trace */
while (read_one_req(reader, req) == 0) {
if (cache->get(cache, req) == cache_ck_miss) {
miss_byte += req->obj_size;
req_byte += req->obj_size;
/* cleaning */
save this to test.c
and compile with
g++ $(pkg-config --cflags --libs libCacheSim glib-2.0) -IlibCacheSim/include -lm -ldl test.c -o test.out
if you get error while loading shared libraries
, run sudo ldconfig
- see quick start for a quickstart tutorial.
- see API.md for common APIs.
- see http://mimircache.info for full doc.
- simulate a cache cluster with consistent hashing, see example/consistent_hashing
Please join the Google group https://groups.google.com/g/libcachesim and ask questions.
We gladly welcome pull requests.
Before making any changes, we recommend opening an issue and discussing your proposed changes.
This will let us give you advice on the proposed changes. If the changes are minor, then feel free to make them without discussion.
This project adheres to Google's coding style. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
@inproceedings {libCacheSim,
author = {Juncheng Yang and Yao Yue and K. V. Rashmi},
title = {A large scale analysis of hundreds of in-memory cache clusters at Twitter},
booktitle = {14th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 20)},
year = {2020},
isbn = {978-1-939133-19-9},
pages = {191--208},
url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/osdi20/presentation/yang},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = nov,
- PyMimircache: a python based cache trace analysis platform, now deprecated