This table is used to store the credits for a given cast member. It is a central table that links a cast member to a role at the time of production, as well as a specific episode.
import {credits} from 'datakit';
Column | Type | Nullable | Default | Description |
id | integer | false | nextval('cast_credits_id_seq'::regclass) | Unique ID |
cast_id | integer | false | N/A | The cast member |
position_id | integer | false | N/A | The role that the person had at the time the show aired |
episode_id | integer | false | N/A | The episode that the person appeared in |
This table is used to store the credits for a given cast member. It is a central table that links a cast member to a role at the time of production, as well as a specific episode.
import {credits} from 'datakit';