Using yarn:
$ yarn add @tshio/redux-api-endpoint-middleware
Using npm:
$ npm install --save @tshio/redux-api-endpoint-middleware
Then, to enable endpointMiddleware, use applyMiddleware
import { applyMiddleware, createStore } from 'redux';
import { apiMiddleware } from 'redux-api-middleware';
import createEndpointMiddleware from '@tshio/redux-api-endpoint-middleware';
import { appReducer } from 'app/app.reducer';
const endpointMiddleware = createEndpointMiddleware();
const middlewares = [endpointMiddleware, apiMiddleware];
const store = createStore(appReducer, applyMiddleware(...middlewares));
By default all endpoints will be prefixed with the API url take from environment variable REACT_APP_API_URL
In order to change it, the configuration object with property apis.default.apiUrl
has to be passed to the endpointMiddleware
const endpointMiddleware = createEndpointMiddleware({
apis: {
default: {
apiUrl: process.env.MY_API,
Endpoints starting with http://
and https://
won't be prefixed. In order to change the list of the prefixes that
should be excluded the configuration object should have property excluded
with desired list:
const endpointMiddleware = createEndpointMiddleware({
excluded: ['http://', 'https://', '/i18n/'],
When you have to connect to more than one API in your application, you can define a list of APIs (with URL and custom params) in configuration:
const endpointMiddleware = createEndpointMiddleware({
apis: {
default: {
apiUrl: process.env.MY_API,
headers: {
'X-Api-Version': '1',
microServiceOne: {
apiUrl: '',
customParam: {
foo: 'bar',
microServiceTwo: {
apiUrl: '',
customParam: {
foo: 'bar',
and then you can select defined API directly in action (by api property):
export const fetchUsers = () => ({
[RSAA]: {
method: 'GET',
api: 'microServiceOne',
It will be equal to:
export const fetchUsers = () => ({
[RSAA]: {
method: 'GET',
endpoint: '',
customParam: {
foo: 'bar',