Note that the following steps uses annotations from the parent dataset converted into a fixed format (outlined below). For steps to reproduce the annotations see
The project directory is $ROOT
cd $ROOT/data
If you run into error downloading the annotations please use this drive link:
Current directory is located at $FLICKR=/some_path/flickr30k
- To get the Flickr30k Images you need to fill a form whose instructions can be found here Un-tar the file and save it under $FLICKR/flickr30k_images
- Make a symbolic link to the images using
ln -s $FLICKR/flickr30k_images $ROOT/data/flickr30k/flickr30k_images
Current directory is located at $REF=/some_path/referit
- Download the ImageClef subset for referit from Download link:
- Unzip to $REF/images/saiapr_tc12_images
- Make a symbolic link to $REFER here using
ln -s $REF/images/saiapr_tc12_images $ROOT/data/referit/images/
Current directory is located $VG=/some_path/visual_genome
- See download page for Visual Genome ( Download the two image files to $VG/VG_100K and $VG/VG_100K_2
- Make a symbolic link to $VG using
ln -s $VG/VG_100K $ROOT/data/visual_genome/
ln -s $VG/VG_100K_2 $ROOT/data/visual_genome/
The remaining annotations are already existing, so should work out of the box.
- Create a script to automate the above given root directory (flickr30k still needs to be done manually).