layout | title | navname |
default |
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is the place to be every Friday afternoon if you want to learn more about a variety of research fields while enjoying delicious Fika! We bring together researchers across different universities in Stockholm to share their passion for science and related topics, while nourishing a deep sense of community among junior researchers.
{% assign announcements_by_date = site.categories.announcement | sort: "date" | reverse %}
{% for post in announcements_by_date %}
{% endif %}
{% include announcement.html talk=post id=forloop.index0%}
{% endfor %}
{% assign talks_by_date = | sort: "date" %}
{% assign seconds = 1 | times: 24 | times: 60 | times: 60 %}
{% assign tomorrow_date = 'now' | date: '%s' | minus: seconds | date: '%s' %}
{% for post in talks_by_date %}
{% assign pre_date = | date: '%s' %}
{% if tomorrow_date > pre_date %} {% continue %} {% endif %}
{% include talk_card.html talk=post%}
{% endfor %}