This project contains an reference implementation for a CI/CD pipeline for Apigee using the Apigee Deploy Maven Plugin.
The CICD pipeline consists of:
- Git branch dependent Apigee environment selection and proxy naming to allow deployment of feature branches as separate proxies in the same environment
- Static code analysis using eslint
- Unit testing using mocha
- Packaging and deployment of the API proxy bundle using Apigee Deploy Maven Plugin
- Integration testing of the deployed proxy using apickli
It also contains an example configuration for running the CI/CD pipeline in an orchestration tool:
- Using fully managed Google Cloud Build for Apigee X/hybrid and Edge
- Using a self-managed Jenkins Server for Apigee Edge
Install dependencies:
npm install
Unit testing:
npm run unit-test
Integration testing against host
and default basepathairports-cicd/v1
:TEST_HOST=$APIGEE_ORG-$ npm run integration-test
Integration testing against feature branch deployment on
:TEST_HOST=$APIGEE_ORG-$ TEST_BASE_PATH='/airports-cicd-feature-ABC/v1' npm run integration-test
Create a Git repository to hold your API Proxy. You can either create a Google Source repository
gcloud services enable
export REPO_NAME="apigee-cicd-demo"
gcloud source repos create $REPO_NAME
GIT_URL=$(gcloud source repos describe $REPO_NAME --format="value(url)")
or create a GitHub repository
cd devrel
git init
git remote add origin $GIT_URL
git checkout -b feature/cicd-pipeline
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push -u origin feature/cicd-pipeline
The instructions below explain how to trigger an Apigee CI/CD pipeline manually via the gcloud command and via a push trigger on a Google Source Repository. Similarly push triggers can also configured on other Git repositories.
Requires the Cloud Build API to be enabled and a Service Account with the following roles (or a custom role with all required permissions):
- Apigee API Admin
- Apigee Environment Admin
gcloud services enable
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)")
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$PROJECT_ID" \
--member="serviceAccount:$CLOUD_BUILD_SA" \
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$PROJECT_ID" \
--member="serviceAccount:$CLOUD_BUILD_SA" \
Configure the (externally reachable) hostname of your Apigee environment for the integration test:
Run the deployment (with a simulated git branch name)
gcloud builds submit --config='./ci-config/cloudbuild/cloudbuild.yaml' \
Or set up a push-trigger for the Google source repository
gcloud beta builds triggers create cloud-source-repositories \
--repo="$REPO_NAME" --branch-pattern='.*' --name="cicd-example" \
--build-config='ci-config/cloudbuild/cloudbuild.yaml' \
Requires the Cloud Build API to be enabled and a Service Account with the following role:
- Secret Manager Secret Accessor
gcloud services enable
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)")
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$PROJECT_ID" \
--member="serviceAccount:$CLOUD_BUILD_SA" \
To pass the Apigee user and password securely into the Cloud Build pipeline you have to add these two secrets to the cloud secret manager:
that holds the user to use for the CI/CD accountdevrel_apigee_pass
that holds the password for the CI/CD account
echo "$APIGEE_USER" | gcloud secrets create devrel_apigee_user --data-file=-
echo "$APIGEE_PASS" | gcloud secrets create devrel_apigee_pass --data-file=-
Run the deployment (with a simulated git branch name)
gcloud builds submit --config=./ci-config/cloudbuild/cloudbuild.yaml --substitutions="_API_VERSION=apigee,_INT_TEST_HOST=$APIGEE_ORG-$,_DEPLOYMENT_ORG=$APIGEE_ORG,BRANCH_NAME=experiment"
Or set up a push-trigger for the Google source repository
gcloud beta builds triggers create cloud-source-repositories \
--repo="$REPO_NAME" --branch-pattern='.*' --name="cicd-example-edge" \
--build-config='ci-config/cloudbuild/cloudbuild.yaml' \
You can either use the included instructions to configure a new Jenkins server
or use your existing infrastructure. The jenkins-build
folder contains instructions
on how to set up a dockerized Jenkins environment with all the necessary
tooling and plugins required.
See the instructions in ./jenkins-build/
If you already have a current (version 2.200+) Jenkins instance you can also use that one.
You are responsible to ensure you have the following plugins enabled:
The Jenkinsfile provided in this repo expects a credential object to exist for Apigee Edge deployments:
APIGEE_CREDS = credentials('apigee')
The Jenkinsfile provided in this repo also expects several environment variables. The required environment variables must be configured under Global properties in System Configuration -> Configure System or provided as parameters when the pipeline runs.
Start or configure your Jenkins server as described above.
Use the UI to configure the Jenkins Job for multi-branch pipelines:
- Set the Git repo e.g.
- Path to the Jenkinsfile e.g.
- (Optional) Set the build trigger / polling frequency
- Open the multi-branch pipeline you just created.
- Click
Scan Multi-branch Pipeline Now
to detect branches with a Jenkinsfile. - Explore the build(s) that get triggered.
- Explore the final build success.
- Explore the newly created api-proxy in the test environment that corresponds to the feature branch
- Merge the feature branch into
branch and explore the promotion into the Apigee test environment - Merge the
branch into theprod
branch and explore the promotion into the Apigee prod environment
- The authentication to the Apigee management API is done using OAuth2. If you require MFA, please see the documentation for the Maven deploy plugin for how to configure MFA.