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GitHub コミュニティ・ガイドライン

The original article is here: We just copy it from here for translating purpose.

Millions of developers host millions of projects on GitHub — both open and closed source — and we're honored to play a part in enabling collaboration across the community every day. Together, we all have an exciting opportunity and responsibility to make this a community we can be proud of.

無数の開発者が、無数のプロダクトをGitHub上でホストしていて — オープンソースのものも、クローズなものも含めて —、あらゆるコミュニティで日々行われる協力作業の一翼を担っていることは、私たちにとって光栄なことです。ともに、私たちはみな、これを誇るべきコミュニティにするために、エキサイティングな機会と責任を持っています。

GitHub users worldwide bring wildly different perspectives, ideas, and experiences, and range from people who created their first "Hello World" project last week to the most well-known software developers in the world. We are committed to making GitHub a welcoming environment for all the different voices and perspectives in our community, while maintaining a space where people are free to express themselves.

世界中のGitHubユーザは、極めて(wildly)異なる視点と、アイデア、経験を持ちこみ、先週初めての"Hello World"プロジェクトを作ったばかりの人から、世界的に有名なソフトウェア開発者まで多岐に渡ります。コミュニティの中で様々な意見や視点を持つ人たちが、自由に自己表現できる場を整備していく中で、私たちはその全ての人たちにとってGitHubを快適な環境にするべくコミットしています。

By outlining what we expect to see within our community, we hope to help you understand how best to collaborate on GitHub, and what type of actions or content may violate our Terms of Service. We do not actively seek out content to moderate. We rely on our community members to communicate expectations, moderate their projects, and report abusive behavior or content. We will investigate any abuse reports and may moderate public content on our site that we determine to be in violation of our Terms of Service.

コミュニティの中で起きうることのアウトラインを示すことで、GitHub上でどのように協力することがベストなのか、どんな行動やコンテンツが利用規約に違反するのか、その理解の助けになることを期待しています。私たちは、モデレートするために積極的にコンテンツを探し回ったりはしません。やるべきことを明らかにし、それぞれのプロジェクトをモデレートし、違反行為とコンテンツを 報告することを、私たちはコミュニティのメンバーに委ねています。私たちは、どんな違反報告についても調査し、利用規約に反するとみなされたサイト上の公開コンテンツをモデレートするでしょう。


The primary purpose of the GitHub community is to collaborate on software projects. We want people to work better together. Although we maintain the site, this is a community we build together, and we need your help to make it the best it can be.


  • Be welcoming and open-minded - Other collaborators may not have the same experience level or background as you, but that doesn't mean they don't have good ideas to contribute. We encourage you to be welcoming to new collaborators on your projects and discussions.

  • 歓迎と開かれた気持ちで - 他の協力者たちはあなたと同等の経験やバックグラウンドを持たないかもしれませんが、それだからといって、彼らがコントリビュートするのに良いアイデアを持たないことを意味するわけではありません。私たちは、プロジェクトとディスカッションに新しい協力者を歓迎することを奨励します。

  • Assume no malice - Humans make mistakes, and disagreements or differences of opinion are a fact of life. Try to approach conflict from the perspective that people generally mean well. This will promote a respectful and friendly atmosphere where people feel comfortable asking questions, participating in discussions, and making contributions.

  • 悪意がないことを前提に - 人間が間違いをおかしたり、意見の違いや不一致があることは、日常茶飯事です。衝突に対しては、相手のいうことを一般的に良い意味でとらえてあげてください。これは、敬意ある友好的な空気を促進します — 質問を心地よくしやすく、ディスカッションに参加しやすく、またコントリビュートしやすくなるでしょう。

  • Stay on topic - People use GitHub to get work done and to be more productive. Off topic comments are a distraction (sometimes welcome, but usually not) from getting work done and being productive. Staying on topic helps produce positive and productive discussions.

  • トピックから離れない - GitHubを使うのは、仕事を完成させるため、もっと生産的になるためです。トピックからはずれたコメントは、その邪魔になります (ときには、歓迎されることもありますが、大抵はそうではありません)。トピックに集中することは、ポジティブで生産的なディスカッションを作り出すのを助けます。

  • Be clear - Communicating with strangers on the Internet can be awkward. It's hard to convey or read tone, and sarcasm is frequently misunderstood. Try to use clear language, and think about how it will be received by the other person.

  • 論点をクリアーに - インターネット上で、見ず知らずのひととコミュニケートすると、気まずい状態になることもあります。意図を読んだり伝えたりすることは難しく、きつい言葉は誤解されがちです。クリアな言葉を使うように心がけて、他のひとにどのように受け取られるかを考えてください。


We rely on the community to let us know when an issue needs to be addressed. We do not actively monitor the site for offensive content. If you run into something or someone on the site that you find objectionable, here are some tools GitHub provides to help you take action immediately:


Of course, you can always contact us to Report Abuse if you need more help dealing with a situation.

事態を収拾するためにそれ以上の助けが必要な場合は、もちろん、いつでも 不正利用の報告 をして私たちに連絡をとることができます。


  • Threats of violence - You may not threaten violence towards others or use the site to organize, promote, or incite acts of real-world violence or terrorism. Think carefully about the words you use, the images you post, and even the software you write, and how they may be interpreted by others. Even if you mean something as a joke, it might not be received that way. If you think that someone else might interpret the content you post as a threat, or as promoting violence or terrorism, stop. Don't post it on GitHub. In extraordinary cases, we may report threats of violence to law enforcement if we think there may be a genuine risk of physical harm or a threat to public safety.

  • 暴力の脅威 -

  • Hate speech and discrimination - While it is certainly not forbidden to broach topics such as age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation, we do not tolerate speech that attacks a person or group of people on the basis of who they are. Just realize that talking about these or other sensitive topics can make others feel unwelcome, or perhaps even unsafe, if approached in an aggressive or insulting manner. We expect our community members to be respectful when discussing sensitive topics.

  • ヘイトスピーチと差別 -

  • Bullying and harassment - We do not tolerate bullying or harassment. This means any habitual badgering or intimidation targeted at a specific person or group of people. In general, if your actions are unwanted and you continue to engage in them, there's a good chance you are headed into bullying or harassment territory.

  • 弱いものいじめとハラスメント -

  • Impersonation - You may not impersonate another person by copying their avatar, posting content under their email address, using a similar username or otherwise posing as someone else. Impersonation is a form of harassment.

  • なりすまし -

  • Doxxing and invasion of privacy - Don't post other people's personal information, such as phone numbers, private email addresses, physical addresses, credit card numbers, or passwords. This is also a form of harassment as it may present safety risks or other harms.

  • プライバシーの侵害とドキシング -

  • Sexually explicit content - Don't post pornography. To paraphrase the U.S. Supreme Court: We'll know it when we see it.

  • 性的なコンテンツ -

  • Active malware or exploits - Being part of a community includes not taking advantage of other members of the community. We do not allow anyone to use our platform for exploit delivery, such as hosting malicious executables, or as attack infrastructure, for example by organizing denial of service attacks or managing command and control servers. Note, however, that we do not prohibit the posting of source code which could be used to develop malware or exploits, as the publication and distribution of such source code has educational value and provides a net benefit to the security community.

  • マルウェアとエクスプロイト -


There are a variety of actions that we may take in response to inappropriate behavior or content. It usually depends on the exact circumstances of a particular case. We recognize that sometimes people may say or do inappropriate things for any number of reasons. Perhaps they did not realize how their words would be perceived. Or maybe they just let their emotions get the best of them. Of course, sometimes, there are folks who just want to spam or cause trouble.

Each case requires a different approach, and we try to tailor our response to meet the needs of the situation. We'll review each abuse report on a case-by-case basis. In each case, we will have a diverse team investigate the content and surrounding facts and respond as appropriate, using these guidelines to guide our decision.

Actions we may take in response to an abuse report include but are not limited to:

  • Content Removal
  • Content Blocking
  • Account Suspension
  • Account Termination

Legal Notices

We dedicate these Community Guidelines to the public domain for anyone to use, reuse, adapt, or whatever, under the terms of CC0-1.0.

These are only guidelines; they do not modify our Terms of Service and are not intended to be a complete list. GitHub retains full discretion under the Terms of Service to remove any content or terminate any accounts for activity that is "unlawful, offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene or otherwise objectionable or violates any party's intellectual property or these Terms of Service." These guidelines describe when we will exercise that discretion.