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Releases: TYPO3-Solr/ext-solr

6.0.0 - Support of Apache Solr 6.3 / Docker Images & Performance Tuning

14 Dec 09:22
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Dia dhuit - Hello "Apache Solr for TYPO3" 6.0

We're happy to announce the release of Apache Solr for TYPO3 (EXT:solr) version 6.0.0.
With this release we ship support for Apache Solr 6.3 and provide a Docker file, that
can be used to spin up a Solr server configured and ready to run within a few steps.
Besides that the release contains many other features and bugfixes.

New in This Release

In this release we've merged over 120 pull requests!
With these pull requests several new features and bugfixes were added.

Apache Solr 6.3 Support

The focus of this release was adding support for the latest version of Apache Solr
and making setup easier. Configuration of Apache Solr is now provided via configSets.
A configSet contains everything you need - solrconfig.xml, schema.xml & custom
access filter jar files - to configure and run a Solr server for use with TYPO3.

Related PRs:

Access Filter Support for multi-value Access Fields

The next release of EXT:solrfal will allow merging of duplicates into one document.
The implementation of this feature requires that the permissions are stored in a multi-value
field because different references to a file can have different permissions.
Thus the access field is now a multi-value field and the access filter plugin
is able to evaluate multiple access values.

Related PRs:


Fluid Templates for System Status Reports

By using the Fluid standalone views we have adapted the status reports
to use these views and create better output.

Related PRs:


Support for New Languages (Irish, Serbian and Latvian)

With the new Apache Solr version we have added languages Irish, Serbian, and Latvian.
You can now use them to index sites in these languages by creating a Solr core using the
configuration provided by the extension.

Related PRs:


Use Extbase Command Controller to Update Connections

The old cli commands have been replaced with an Extbase command controller.

Please use the following commands to update Solr connections through cli:

php ./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase solr:updateConnections

Related PRs:


Closer to 8 LTS

Our goal is to be able to support TYPO3 CMS v8 as soon as version 8 LTS will be released.
Many patches from the community have been merged to improve the compatibility for version 8 already.
Thanks to everyone who worked on that and provided contributions!

Related PRs:

Performance Improvements

Avoid schema retrieval:

Until now the Solr schema was fetched in the frontend even when it was not needed.
Now we only fetch the schema in the backend when it's really needed (when updating stopswords or synonyms).

Reduce ping requests:

The amount of ping requests has been reduced to only do one ping when the plugin is rendered.

Improved configuration caching:

Configuration object, are now cached in an in memory cache. This gives an improvement when pages in the backend are copied.

Related PRs:

Allow Solr Server-Side Facet Option Limits

Until now you could only limit the facet options shown when they get rendered in the frontend.
Sometimes however you want to reduce the available facet options at an earlier time when
retrieving them from Solr.

The following setting now allows you to configure this limit: = 50

Related PRs:

Improved Code Quality With Scrutinizer

To ensure changes don't reduce the quality of the code we have introduced Scrutinizer-CI to
provide feedback on code quality. After adding Scrutinizer-CI we also started to resolve
initial issues reported step by step and to increase the coverage of automated tests.

You can have a look at the results of the inspections and see the impact there:

A couple pull requests have been merged to introduce Scrutinizer and to fix several issues:

Related PRs:

Our goal is to improve the code step by step and don't get worse.

Use of Compound Index Format

To avoid an error in Apache Solr with "too many open files", it is possible
to use the compound index format. Apache Solr is then writting to only one
index file instead of many. The downside however, is that the performance may
be slightly reduced but should not be significant for most projects.
We decided to change the default configuration here to use a more robust setting.
If you have very high performance requirements you can still change this behavior
by setting <useCompoundFile>false</useCompoundFile> in your solrconfig.xml.

Related PRs:

Added Schema Field for Exact Matches

We've added a new data type "textExact" to the solr schema. Beside that copyFields have been added for the following fields:

  • titleExact
  • contentExact
  • tagsH1Exact
  • tagsH2H3Exact
  • tagsH4H5H6Exact
  • tagsInlineExact

Beside that this type is also available as dynamic fields with the following suffixes:

  • _textExactS
  • _textExactM

Related PRs:

Username and Password for Solr Connection

Username and password can now be configured for the solr connection:

plugin.tx_solr.solr.username = username
plugin.tx_solr.solr.password = password

Related PRs:

Timeout for Solr Connection

A timeout for the solr connection can now be configured:

plugin.tx_solr.solr.timeout = 20

Related PRs:

Rendering Instruction for DateFormatting

The following rendering instruction can be used, when you want to format a date as option facet and store it as date or timestamp. {
   field = created
   label = Created
   sortBy = alpha
   reverseOrder = 1
   renderingInstruction = TEXT
   renderingInstruction {
      field = optionValue
      postUserFunc = ApacheSolrForTypo3\Solr\Domain\Search\ResultSet\Facets\RenderingInstructions\FormatDate->format

Related PRs:

Breaking Changes

Updating from version 5.1.1 or earlier there are some breaking changes that
your need to keep in mind when updating.

Apache Solr 6 and Access Filter

Since version 6 Apache Solr comes with an embedded Jetty server which completely
changes the setup compared to Apache Solr 4.10. It is now required to install a
new instance of Apache Solr Server. This can be done with our install script for
development or you can use our Docker image to start a new Solr server as a container.
Both approaches are described in our documentation. The embedded Solr Jetty server also uses a new default port (8983) to serve connections.

Migration to Command Controllers for CLI

We are now using a command controller to update the Solr server connections.
Please use the following command to update your connections:

php ./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase solr:updateConnections


The following bugs have been fixed in this release.

  • Page is not added to queue when page_language_overlay record changed
  • Use TypoScript configuration object for plugin baseWrap
  • Fixed group by and statement in statistics
  • Make definition of cookie in tx_solr_statistics compatible with ses_id in fe_sessions
  • Fix recursive value resolution in SOLR_RELATION
  • Use styled fields for the scheduler tasks
  • Have index updated when using frontend editing
  • Make suggest working when variants are used


In the next release (6.1) our focus will be to prepare support for TYPO3 CMS
version 8 LTS as well as possible. The next release (6.1) will also be the
last release for TYPO3 CMS version 7.6 LTS.


Like always this release would not have been possible without the help from our
awesome community. Here are the contributors for this release.

(patches, comments, bug reports, reviews, ... in alphabetical order)

  • Anjey
  • Claus Due
  • Daniel Siepmann
  • Dominique Kreemers
  • Georg Ringer
  • Hendrik Putzek
  • Ingo Renner
  • Josef Glatz
  • Markus Friedrich
  • Markus Kasten
  • Michiel Roos
  • Olivier Dobberkau
  • Patrick Oberdorf
  • Peter Kraume
  • Philipp Gampe
  • Pierrick Caillon
  • Sascha Egerer
  • Thomas Hohn
  • Timo Hund
  • Tomas Norre Mikkelsen

Also a big thanks to our partners that have joined the EB2016 program:

  • Arrabiata Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
  • a...
Read more

5.1.1 - Maintenance release

01 Nov 13:45
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Apache Solr for TYPO3 version 5.1.1 released

This release is a bugfix only release.

SOLR_RELATION: Recursive value resolution

By using the SOLR_RELATION option enableRecursiveValueResolution relations can be resolved recursive if the given foreignLabelField is a relation too. The bugfix resolves this issue and adapts the integration test to check if this feature is working.

Details: #690

5.1.0 document variants / ux improvements / be statistics

19 Aug 07:46
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Apache Solr for TYPO3 version 5.1.0 released

We're happy to announce the release of Apache Solr for TYPO3 (EXT:solr) version 5.1.0. This release ships a few bugfixes and smaller features

New in this Release

The focus of this release was to provide the new features from the codesprint and bugfixes from the issue tracker. Beside that, we've added a variants feature that could be used together with the upcomming solrfal release as one approach to avoid duplicated files in the search frontend.

Document Variants

This feature adds a new optional field variantId that is filled with type/uid and can be used for collapsing by default.

The following example shows the required typoscript configuration that is needed: {
    variants = 0
    variants {
        expand = 1
        variantField = variantId
        limit = 10

The collapsing can be used to collapse on numeric and string fields, text fields are not supported for collapsing by Solr.

Note: You need to update your solrconfig and schema to use the new field variantId. When you include the TS Template "Everything on", variants are active. You need to reindex in this case to make sure that the field is filled correctly.

Details: #550

Improved Documentation

During the transition from forge to github, we've moved the rest of the documentation to our rst documentation.

Details: #547

Backend statistics

During the codesprint in Frankfurt a new statistics module was added for that backend that allows you to get some usefull insights
of your search installation.

  • Which terms are the most frequent search terms?
  • Which terms are frequently searched but deliver no result?

UX Improvements

During the codesprint several UX improvements in the backend module have been done:

Replace content element wizard icon with svg icon:

  • Replace content element wizard icon with svg icon

Detail: #581

Make init connections icon use SVG:

  • Adds new SVG icon for init connection

Details: #566

Backend module layout fixes

  • Makes sure everything is aligned properly
  • Removes some whitespace, giving the module content more room

Details: #575

Bugfix: absRefPrefix auto in cli mode with webroot different from PATH_site

When you are using absRefPrefix auto and index in cli mode and you webroot differs from PATH_site you have the possibility to configure a
webroot in the scheduler task to make absRefPrefix=auto work in this case

Details: #495

Bugfix: Keep selected site in scheduler task

When a site in the scheduler task was selected the selection could get lost.

Details: #557


In the next release (6.0) we will focus on the integration of the latest Apache Solr Version (currently 6.1.0)


Like always this release would not have been possible without the help from our
awesome community. These are the contributors for this release.

(patches, comments, bug reports, review, ... in alphabetical order)

  • Daniel Siepmann
  • Ingo Renner
  • Sascha Nowak
  • Steffen Ritter
  • Timo Hund
  • Thomas Hohn
  • Thomas Scholze

Also a big thanks to our partners that have joined the EB2016 program:

  • Bank CIC AG
  • Bitmotion GmbH
  • Citkomm services GmbH
  • CS2 AG
  • Cosmoblonde GmbH
  • Daniz online markting
  • datenwerk innovationsagentur gmbh
  • die_schnittsteller GmbH
  • E-magineurs
  • Fernando Hernáez Lopez
  • Future Connection AG
  • Gernot Leitgab
  • Hirsch & Wölfl GmbH
  • hs-digital GmbH
  • IHK Neubrandenburg
  • L.N. Schaffrath DigitalMedien GmbH
  • mehrwert intermediale kommunikation GmbH
  • netlogix GmbH & Co. KG
  • pixolith GmbH & Co. KG
  • Q3i GmbH & Co. KG
  • RUAG Corporate Services AG
  • ST3 Elkartea
  • Star Finanz-Software Entwicklung und Vertriebs GmbH
  • Stefan Galinski Interndienstleistungen
  • Systime A/S
  • SYZYGY Deutschland GmbH
  • web-vision GmbH
  • websedit AG - Internetagentur
  • Webstobe GmbH
  • WIND Internet

Thanks to everyone who helped in creating this release!

How to get involved

There are many ways to get involved with Apache Solr for TYPO3:

  • Submit bug reports, and feature requests on GitHub
  • Ask or help answering questions in our Slack channel
  • Provide patches through Pull Request or review and comment on existing Pull Requests
  • Go to or call dkd to sponsor the ongoing development of Apache Solr for TYPO3

5.0.0 Fluid preparation / documentation

07 Jul 13:16
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Apache Solr for TYPO3 version 5.0 released

We're happy to announce the release of Apache Solr for TYPO3 (EXT:solr) version 5.0.0. With this release we ship the requirements to use our new addon EXT:solrfluid, that allows you to render your search results with the fluid templating engine.

Beside the adaptions for solrfluid we mainly did bugfixes and cleanup in the code base. If you want to use solrfluid in your projects, you should signup a partnership with dkd (visit or call dkd +49 (0)69 - 247 52 18-0 for more information).

New in this Release

Preparing fluid support

  • Adding a SearchRequest object
  • Improving the SearchResultSetService

Dropping deprecated code

As announced in Version 4.0 the following methods have been removed:

  • Util::getTypoScriptObject please use TypoScriptConfiguration::getObjectByPath() instead.
  • Util::isValidTypoScriptPath please use TypoScriptConfiguration::isValidPath() instead.
  • Util::getTypoScriptValue please use TypoScriptConfiguration::getValueByPath() instead.
  • IndexQueue\Queue::getTableToIndexByIndexingConfigurationName please use TypoScriptConfiguration::getIndexQueueTableNameOrFallbackToConfigurationName instead.
  • IndexQueue\Queue::getTableIndexingConfigurations please use TypoScriptConfiguration::getEnabledIndexQueueConfigurationNames instead.
  • Plugin\PluginBase::search / PluginBase::getSearch / PluginBase::setSearch please use $pi->getSearchResultSetService()->getSearch() instead.
  • Plugin\Results\Results::getAdditionalFilters please use $pi->getSearchResultSetService()->getAdditionalFilters() instead.
  • Plugin\Results\Results::getNumberOfResultsPerPage use $pi->getSearchResultSetService()->getNumberOfResultsPerPage() instead.
  • Plugin\Results\Results::getAdditionalFilters please use $pi->getSearchResultSetService()->getAdditionalFilters() instead.
  • TypoScriptConfiguration::offsetGet / offsetExists / offsetSet please use TypoScriptConfiguration::getObjectByPath / isValidPath / getValueByPath instead. These functions have only been implemented for backwards compatibility in will be removed in 5.0

Dropping the class maps

Since EXT:solr 5.0 is only running on TYPO3 7.6 LTS and classmap files for backwards compatibility have been dropped. This also gives am small performance improvement for the current version.

Unify xliff files in one file per language

Because we want to use the labels in EXT:solr and EXT:solrfluid, and extbase requires to use one xliff file per language, we take the chance to streamline the language files into one file per language.

Performance improvement for TypoScriptConfiguration

Because TypoScriptConfiguration is used quite frequently, we did some performance improvements by optimizing the access to the underling array structure.

Add additionalWhereClause to SOLR_RELATION

You can now add an additionalWhereClause for SOLR_RELATION items.


plugin.tx_solr.index.queue {
    record = 1
    record {
        table = tx_extension_domain_model_record

        fields {
            title = title
            category_stringM = SOLR_RELATION
            category_stringM {
                localField = category
                multiValue = 1
                additionalWhereClause = pid=2

See: #426

Show devLog entries as debug message or in the TYPO3 console

You can now show the written log messages as output of the debug console in the backend or debug messages in the frontent, when you enable the following setting:

plugin.tx_solr.logging.debugDevlogOutput = 1

NOTE: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['devIPmask'] needs to be configured and match.

RST Documentation

We've ported the typoscript reference from the forge wiki into an rst format. At the same time we've enhanced the documentation with chapters about:

  • Getting Started
  • The Backend
  • Logging
  • FAQ section

If you want to contribute and bring the documentation one step further feel free to proof-read or provide additional parts as a pull request.


  • Typo3Environment: The usage of ApacheSolrForTypo3\Solr\Typo3Environment is deprecated and should be removed


In the next release (6.0) we will focus on our codesprint (11. to 13. august in frankfurt). Beside that we will focus
on issues in the issue tracker and general improvements of the codebase and documentation.


Like always this release would not have been possible without the help from our
awesome community. These are the contributors for this release.

(patches, comments, bug reports, review, ... in alphabetical order)

  • Daniel Siepmann
  • Frans Saris
  • Gerald Spreer
  • Hendrik Nadler
  • Ingo Renner
  • Marc Bastian Heinrichs
  • Markus Friedrich
  • Olivier Dobberkau
  • Patrick Oberdorf
  • Peter Kraume
  • Sascha Löffler
  • Timo Hund

Also a big thanks to our partners that have joined the EB2016 program:

  • Bank CIC AG
  • CS2 AG
  • Cosmoblone GmbH
  • Daniz online markting
  • datenwerk innovationsagentur gmbh
  • die_schnittsteller GmbH
  • E-magineurs
  • Fernando Hernáez Lopez
  • Future Connection AG
  • Hirsch & Wölfl GmbH
  • hs-digital GmbH
  • L.N. Schaffrath DigitalMedien GmbH
  • pixolith GmbH & Co. KG
  • Q3i GmbH & Co. KG
  • RUAG Corporate Services AG
  • ST3 Elkartea
  • Star Finanz-Software Entwicklung und Vertriebs GmbH
  • Stefan Galinski Interndienstleistungen
  • Systime A/S
  • websedit AG - Internetagentur
  • Webstobe GmbH
  • web-vision GmbH

Thanks to everyone who helped in creating this release!

How to get involved

There are many ways to get involved with Apache Solr for TYPO3:

  • Submit bug reports, and feature requests on GitHub
  • Ask or help answering questions in our Slack channel
  • Provide patches through Pull Request or review and comment on existing Pull Requests
  • Go to or call dkd to sponsor the ongoing development of Apache Solr for TYPO3

4.0.2 - Maintenance Release

27 Apr 06:57
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Apache Solr for TYPO3 version 4.0.2 released

This is a bugfix and maintenance release that contains the following fixes:

  • [BUGFIX] Fix fallback path of defaultImagePrefix for indicator icon
  • [BUGFIX] Fix Runtime Deprecation Notice from flashMessageQueue (#363)
  • [BUGFIX] Parent plugin is not passed to SearchResultSetService (#366)
  • [BUGFIX] Fix indentation and typo in typoscript


Like always this release would not have been possible without the help from our
awesome community. These are the contributors for this release.

(patches, comments, bug reports, review, ... in alphabetical order)

  • Gerald Spreer
  • Markus Friedrich
  • Peter Kraume
  • Timo Schmidt

4.0.0 - Preparation for Fluid Support - 7.6 LTS only and TYPO3 8.0 / PHP 7.0 Preparation

19 Apr 12:42
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Apache Solr for TYPO3 version 4.0 released

We're happy to announce the release of Apache Solr for TYPO3 (EXT:solr)
version 4.0.0. With this release we now support TYPO3 CMS versions 7.6LTS
together with Apache Solr version 4.10.
At the same time we also started making the extension work with TYPO3 8.

New in this Release

Support of TYPO3 7.6 LTS and TYPO3 8.0 (Dropping Support of 6.2 LTS)

To stay up-to-date with the TYPO3 core we decided to drop the support of 6.2 LTS
and support 7.6 LTS only. We also made sure that EXT:solr works
with TYPO3 8.0, this will be an ongoing effort until the LTS release of TYPO3 8.
Until then you may experience occasional bugs as we try to keep up with the
core's development.

Improve the Test Coverage for Fluid Integration and Refactoring

During the preparation for the upcoming fluid integration we used the chance to
refactor the frontend part of the extension.

What we did here:

  • Move the logic from the Result/Search and FrequentSearches plugins to service
    classes in order to have the possibility to use them in different places
    (e.g. other controllers)
  • Introduce a SearchResultSet and SearchResultSetService to improve the object
    model of search results

TypoScriptConfiguration Object and Streamlining of Configuration usage

TypoScript configuration is used in many places and accessing it with an object
has some advantages:

  1. Merging configuration with Flexforms and other sources is easier
  2. We have a single point of access for configuration
  3. We can move and remove isset()/is_array()/if..else logic to read and evaluate
    configuration into this object and make the code that is using it more readable
  4. Since the implementation is a cross cutting concern for the whole extension,
    it can be used to improve the coverage of integration tests for all parts
  5. By reading the annotations later it could be used to automatically generate
    a TypoScript reference

During the preparation of the current release we implemented this
TypoScriptConfiguration object and replaced all parts in the scope of EXT:solr


For backwards compatibility the TypoScriptConfiguration object can be used with
array access operators. If you want to read the configuration you can use the
speaking method name for a configuration path or use the methods
getValueByPath() or getObjectByPath().

PHP 7.0 ready

During the development we made sure that the code of EXT:solr works with PHP 7.0.

General Changes

Beside the major changes that have been mentioned before, there are a few minor
changes that might be interesting:


You can now use a new TypoScript setting plugin.tx_solr.index.queue.pages.excludeContentByClass.


plugin.tx_solr.index.queue.pages.excludeContentByClass = removeme

Removal of q.op Parameter from solrconfig.xml

Since solrconfig.xml contained a default value for the mm (MinimumMatch) and
q.op parameters and it does not make sense to have both at the same time for
eDismax we removed the q.op parameter from the default configuration to avoid

Allow Indexing from Backend Module

To avoid switching from the backend module to scheduler and back, we added a
button to do a simple indexing run with just 10 documents.

Resolving Overlays of SOLR_RELATION objects

The SOLR_RELATION object is now taking an overlay into account when relations
are resolved. This allows you to resolve different relations from a translated
entity for an original entity.

Auto-Correct in Default Template

The goal of the search is to keep the visitor on the site and provide the best
results for them with the smallest possible interaction.

There was a feature in EXT:solr (searchUsingSpellCheckerSuggestion) that could
be used to automatically trigger a search using the spellchecker's suggestions
when a search with the original term did not retrieve any results. To simplify
the integration we added the needed markup to the default templates so that you
now just need to enable the feature and use it with the shipped default template.

How to use it? = 1

Use the shipped default templates or add the following snippet to your template (between
<!-- ###SOLR_SEARCH_NO_RESULTS### begin --> and <!-- ###SOLR_SEARCH_NO_RESULTS### end -->:

    <div class="tx-solr-search-suggestion_results">
        <!-- ###IF:###NO_RESULTS.HAS_SUGGESTION_RESULTS###|==|1### begin -->
        <!-- ###IF:###NO_RESULTS.HAS_SUGGESTION_RESULTS###|==|1### end -->

Dynamic Field Type for Spellchecking

For spellchecking we had no dynamic field type before. Since 4.0.0 we now ship
the dynamic field types *_textSpellS and *_textSpellM to allow you to
easily define fields for spell checking.

Usage of Styles and Modals from TYPO3 7 LTS

To keep the styling of the backend up-to-date and use the new JavaScript modals
we updated the backend module to use these new features.

Add Support of FastVectorHighlighter

Highlighting can be slow for large text documents - f.e. created when
indexing pdf documents - and slow down search queries. To help prevent this
issue we added support for Solr's FastVectorHighlighter

The FastVectorHighlighter will now be used by default if fragmentSize is set
to at least 18 (this is required by the FastVectorHighlighter to work).

Use Caching Framework in Util::getConfigurationFromPageId

Configuration is retrieved and evaluated many times during indexing. Thus it
made sense to use the TYPO3 caching framework to cache these expensive
operations and improve their performance.

Use Xliff as Translation Format

Translation files have been migrated to the xliff format. The EXT:solr team
would be happy if you contribute missing translations.

Resolve affected pages when "extendToSubpages" is set and "hidden" flag is changed

The Record Monitor is now able to evaluate the "hidden" flag on subpages when
the extendToSubpages page property is set or unset.

Add signal after IndexQueueWorkerTask::indexItems

You can now register for a new signal "afterIndexItems".


Beside the improvements mentioned before many smaller bugs have been fixed in
this release as well.

Installation and Updating

This version of EXT:solr is based on the same Apache Solr Version (4.10) as the
last version so an update for the Solr server itself is not needed.

However, a few modifications to the schema and Solr configuration where made.
Please make sure to use the latest solrconfig.xml and schema versions.

You can always check TYPO3's system status report to see whether your setup
meets the requirements and is up-to-date to be used with EXT:solr.


The following functions and methods have been marked as deprecated and will be
removed in version 5.0

  • Util::getTypoScriptObject please use TypoScriptConfiguration::getObjectByPath() instead.
  • Util::isValidTypoScriptPath please use TypoScriptConfiguration::isValidPath() instead.
  • Util::getTypoScriptValue please use TypoScriptConfiguration::getValueByPath() instead.
  • IndexQueue\Queue::getTableToIndexByIndexingConfigurationName please use TypoScriptConfiguration::getIndexQueueTableNameOrFallbackToConfigurationName instead.
  • IndexQueue\Queue::getTableIndexingConfigurations please use TypoScriptConfiguration::getEnabledIndexQueueConfigurationNames instead.
  • Plugin\PluginBase::search / PluginBase::getSearch / PluginBase::setSearch please use $pi->getSearchResultSetService()->getSearch() instead.
  • Plugin\Results\Results::getAdditionalFilters please use $pi->getSearchResultSetService()->getAdditionalFilters() instead.
  • Plugin\Results\Results::getNumberOfResultsPerPage use $pi->getSearchResultSetService()->getNumberOfResultsPerPage() instead.
  • Plugin\Results\Results::getAdditionalFilters please use $pi->getSearchResultSetService()->getAdditionalFilters() instead.
  • TypoScriptConfiguration::offsetGet / offsetExists / offsetSet please use TypoScriptConfiguration::getObjectByPath / isValidPath / getValueByPath instead. These functions have only been implemented for backwards compatibility in will be removed in 5.0


The next release (5.0) will focus on the needed refactorings to allow implementing
fluid template rendering. At the same time we will ship the first version of our
new extension "solrfluid" to our EAP partners.


Like always this release would not have been possible without the help from our
awesome community. These are the contributors for this release.

(patches, comments, bug reports, review, ... in alphabetical order)

  • Dmitry Dulepov
  • Florian Seirer
  • Frank Nägler
  • Frans Saris
  • Ingo Pfennigstorf
  • Ingo Renner
  • Marc Bastian Heinrichs
  • Markus Friedrich
  • Markus Kobligk
  • Mickael Vanclooster
  • Olivier Dobberkau
  • Sascha Egerer
  • Timo Schmidt

Thanks to everyone who helped in creating this release!

How to get involved

There are many ways to get involved with Apache Solr for TYPO3:

  • Submit bug reports, and feature requests on GitHub
  • Ask or help answering questions in our Slack channel
  • Provide patches through Pull Request or review and comment on existing Pull Requests
  • Go to or call dkd to sponsor the ongoing development of Apache Solr for TYPO3

3.1.2 - Maintenance Release

18 Apr 05:59
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This release is a maintenance release for the 3.1 branch. Since EXT:solr 4.0.0 will require TYPO3 7.6 LTS or higher this release provides bugfixes for users on TYPO3 6.2 LTS

  • Provide needed adjustments to use replaced search content element:


  • Index Inspector not working:


  • JavaScript files get lost if concatenation and compression are enabled


  • Solr doesn't support config.absRefPrefix = auto


  • Re-Index after deleting a content element


  • Support phrases inside a query string


Thx to the following contributors for patches, reviews and backports:

  • Ingo Renner
  • Lorenz Ulrich
  • Markus Friedrich
  • Markus Kobligk
  • Timo Schmidt

3.1.1 - Maintenance Release

01 Jan 00:58
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Fixes an issue related to composer when installing an extension that depends on EXT:solr

3.1.0 - Support for TYPO3 7.6LTS

02 Dec 21:13
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Apache Solr for TYPO3 version 3.1 released

We're happy to announce the release of Apache Solr for TYPO3 (EXT:solr) version 3.1.0. With this release we now support TYPO3 CMS versions 6.2LTS and 7.6LTS together with Apache Solr version 4.10.

New in this Release

Support of TYPO3 7.6 LTS:

We added support for TYPO3 CMS 7.6LTS while still supporting version 6.2LTS to allow an easy upgrade. Support for TYPO3 version 4.5LTS has been dropped with this release. The next release will likely require at least TYPO3 7.6LTS.

On the code side we now use PSR-2 coding style like in TYPO3 7.6LTS. This way it is easy for contributors and developers to stick with a common coding style. For contributions PSR-2 style is also enforced through automatic checks now.

Overall we resolved over 40 issues and added almost 700 commits.

Apache Solr 4.10

The extension comes with an installer that installs Apache Tomcat 8.0.29 and Apache Solr 4.10.4. Please make sure to update to Apache Solr 4.10.4 and the new Solr schema and configuration provided by the extension to make sure the extension works as intended.

Manage Stopwords from the Backend

With EXT:solr 3.0 we introduced an all new backend module to manage the Index Queue, check index data, and manage synonyms. With this release we're adding a new sub module to allow editing stopwords.

Stopwords are usually used to discard common words when indexing. This can increase relevance of documents.

Introducing PHP Namespaces

Our complete codebase is now namespaced and uses root namespace "\ApacheSolrForTypo3\Solr" for all classes. We also added a class map to provide backwards compatibility. Nevertheless we suggest updating your extensions to use the namespaced class names if you use them.

Introducing Travis CI

For a long time we already had a small unit test suite. However, it was not kept up-to-date, tests weren't executed automatically and generally in a state that left room for improvement. Starting with this release we will focus on increasing test coverage and keeping them up-to-date.

The unit test suite is now executed automatically for each Pull Request through Travis CI ( Currently we run tests against TYPO3 version 6.2 LTS, 7.6 LTS, and dev-master with the same PHP versions as TYPO3 CMS, PHP 5.3-5.6.

Additionally Travis CI also checks for PSR-2 compliance and will fail a PR in case the code does not fit that coding standard.

In case a Pull Request is rejected by Travis CI you can follow the link to the build and inspect its output to see what needs to be fixed.

General Changes

HTML escaping after retrieval from solr

The data ist now esapced right after the retrieval from Solr. In rare cases when you need to store HTML in Solr documents you can use the following configuration to mark these fields as trusted fields and skip the escaping: = my_first_html_field,my_second_html_field

Synonym handling (Lowercasing and Evaluation at Index- and Querytime)

Synonyms are now handled at query and index time. The advantage is, that when editing synonyms from the backend module those changes become effective immediatly.

Removed page browser dependency

As we were preparing to be compatible with TYPO3 7.6LTS we found that there is no compatible version of EXT:pagebrowse. We used that extension to provide the page browser in results listings. To become compatible with TYPO3 7.6LTS we now have integrated the page browser into EXT:solr itself. So if you are not using EXT:pagebrowse for anything else you can safely remove the extension from your installation.

Installation and Updating

To install EXT:solr version 3.1.0 you will need either TYPO3 6.2LTS or TYPO3 7.6LTS. On the Solr side we require Apache Solr 4.10.4, which requires Java 7.

When updating an existing installation to EXT:solr 3.1.0 please make sure to update to Apache Solr 4.10.4 including the new schema and configuration files. The extension comes with a script that will install a working setup for you automatically. The script can be found in EXT:solr/Resources/Install/.

In rare cases you may have to re-initialize the Solr connections. You can do so from TYPO3's clear cache menu in the top toolbar.
Because of the changes made to the schema you will need to re-index your site.

Make sure to check the system status report for any warnings or errors.

TypoScript Paths changed

During the migration to namespace we also had to change the TypoScript paths:

tx_solr_pi_results => tx_solr_PiResults_Results
tx_solr_pi_search => tx_solr_PiSearch_Search
tx_solr_pi_frequentsearches => tx_solr_PiFrequentSearches_FrequentSearches

If you're building custom TypoScript content objects referencing solr plugin configurations you should make to update these as well.


With this release out the door we will focus on updating the add-on extensions like EXT:solrgrouping, EXT:tika, and EXT:solrfal for file indexing, these should be available soon, too.

The next release within the 3.x series will likely require at least TYPO3 7.6LTS and might as well arrive soon as there are no bigger changes planned yet besides dropping support for TYPO3 6.2LTS.

After that we will start working on the long-awaited move to Fluid as the template engine for version 4.0.


Like always this release would not have been possible without the help from our awesome community. These are the contributors for this release.

(patches, comments, bug reports, review, ... in alphabetical order)

  • Alexander Stehlik
  • Andreas Allacher
  • Andreas Fernandez
  • Andreas Wolf
  • Daniel Siepmann
  • Dmitry Dulepov
  • Frank Nägler
  • Frans Saris
  • Gordon Brüggemann
  • Hans Höchtl
  • Heiko Hardt
  • Hendrik Nadler
  • Ingo Renner
  • Javn Wagner
  • Jens Jacobsen
  • Jigal van Hemert
  • Joschi Kuphal
  • Josef Florian Glatz
  • Kevin von Spiczak
  • Marc Bastian Heinrichs
  • Markus Friedrich
  • Markus Günther
  • Markus Sommer
  • Markus Kobligk
  • Maxime Lafontaine
  • Michael Knabe
  • Michiel Roos
  • M. Tillmann
  • Olivier Dobberkau
  • Peter Kraume
  • Phuong Doan
  • Romain Canon
  • Sascha Affolter
  • Sascha Egerer
  • Sascha Nowak
  • Sebastian Enders
  • Soren Malling
  • Stefan Galinski
  • Stefan Neufeind
  • Steffen Müller
  • Steffen Ritter
  • Thomas Heilmann
  • Thomas Janke
  • Timo Schmidt
  • Witali Rott
  • Thomas Heilmann

Thanks to everyone who helped in creating this release!

Introducing Timo Schmidt

Last but not least we would like to introduce Timo Schmidt. Timo recently joined dkd to work on Apache Solr for TYPO3 in support and development. If you've been active in our Slack channel or followed our GitHub commits you may have been in contact with Timo already. We're looking forward to working with Timo.

How to get involved

There are many ways to get involved with Apache Solr for TYPO3:


02 Dec 18:51
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