FDA Recall Interactive Map: http://18fchallenge.tcg.com/
This document contains notes on installation and API syntax related to TCG's submission for the 18F Challenge. For information on general architecture and approach, see the more general readme.md file.
In a traditional Docker deployment, individual services are split into separate containers (so that one main process is run in its own container). This generally encourages container reuse. For this prototype, we have an opportunity to leverage Docker for a non-traditional use case: to permit curious individuals to easily instantiate their own copy of the FDA Recall Interactive Map.
To do this:
Please install docker for your environment: https://docs.docker.com/installation/
Checkout or download a full copy of the project's source code from github: https://github.com/TCGInc/gsachallenge
git clone https://github.com/TCGInc/gsachallenge.git
Change your directory to gsachallenge/docker and run the build script to create the "gsachallenge" docker image (this requires a user with sudo privileges):
cd gsachallenge/docker ./build_docker.sh
You can then run the "gsachallenge" docker image ("-d" tells docker to run the image in the background, while "-p 8888:80" maps the container's web port, port 80, to localhost's port 8888):
sudo docker run -d -p 8888:80 gsachallenge
It takes a number of seconds for the docker image server to come on-line, after which you can access the local copy of the FDA Recall interactive map at http://localhost:8888/
NOTE: The resulting docker images have two mount points: /gsac for the source code and /var/lib/postgres/9.4/main for the PostgreSQL database. The easiest way to initialize these mount points is to copy the directories from the completed docker file system. The purpose of using the volume points is to allow updating the source code and persisting data across docker environments.
Installing the FDA Recall Interactive Map from scratch is a bit more involved than building a Docker container. The following instructions assume an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS system (though it could be run on any environment that supports Postgres 9.4 and Node):
Get the latest source from github:
git clone https://github.com/TCGInc/gsachallenge.git
Install PostgreSQL 9.4 (or later). As root:
# Add the Postgres repository and install the key echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ precise-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list wget --quiet -O - --no-check-certificate https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | apt-key add - # install the packages apt-get update apt-get -y install postgresql-9.4 postgresql-contrib-9.4
Create the gsac user and database (update the authentication as needed):
su - postgres /etc/init.d/postgresql start psql --command "CREATE USER gsac WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'gsac123';" createdb -O gsac gsac exit
Import the database. The simplest method is to import the database from the github project (alternatively you can re-import and clean the openFDA data following the instructions in gsachallenge/database/bootstrap/README.txt):
gunzip -c gsachallenge/docker/gsac.sql.gz | PGPASSWORD=gsac123 psql -U gsac
Install node and NPM (version 0.10 was necessary for Karma/Mocha):
# Install node wget http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.38/node-v0.10.38.tar.gz tar -zxf node-v0.10.38.tar.gz # Get compilation tools apt-get -y install build-essential # Compile node cd node-v0.10.38 && ./configure && make install cd .. # Grab and install NPM wget --no-check-certificate https://www.npmjs.org/install.sh && sh ./install.sh
Install node package dependencies:
cd gsachallenge npm install cd ..
Run node
cd gsachallenge node index.js
At this point you should be able to access the application at http://localhost/ .
We download a copy of the openFDA data into a local PostgreSQL database so that we can massage the location information. Therefore, we want to make sure to periodically check openFDA for new data. The perl script database/bootstrap/fdaApiDataLoader.pl accomplishes this task. To install this script, first install the dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libdbd-pg-perl libxml-simple-perl libjson-pp-perl libdatetime-perl
edit database/bootstrap/fdaApiDataLoader.pl to match your database password, and then add a cron job to periodically call the script. The following cron line will update the database at 3AM and assumes that the source is installed in /opt/gsachallenge:
0 3 * * * cd /opt/gsachallenge/database/bootstrap/; /usr/bin/perl fdaApiDataLoader.pl > /dev/null
Two API endpoints are provided for accessing the results of our distribution pattern normalization effort. The first endpoint returns the states in which a product was distributed for a given category of products (drug, device, food). The second endpoint returns the states in which a product was distributed for a specific recall.
Endpoint to get distribution states for all recalls of a given product type
Parameter | Description |
productType | Provide one of the openFDA nouns (food, device, drug) |
Every response will contain two properties:
Property | Description |
result | The result of the call, if successful. |
status | Metadata about the result including if an error occurred and what the error was. |
Response JSON structure:
"result": {
"distributionStates": {
"<recall number>": [
"<recall number>": [
"status": {
"error": <true/false>,
"message": "<Error message if applicable>",
Note: If a recalled product was distributed in all 50 states and Washington, DC only a single "NATIONWIDE" element will be included in the array.
"result": {
"distributionStates": {
"Z-0563-2014": [
"Z-0466-2014": [
"Z-0556-2014": [
"status": {
"error": false
Endpoint to get distribution states of a product in a specific recall
Parameter | Description |
productType | Provide one of the openFDA nouns (food, device, drug) |
recallNumber | Recall number of the recall |
Every response will contain two properties:
Property | Description |
result | The result of the call, if successful. This will be null if the recall number is not found. |
status | Metadata about the result including if an error occurred and what the error was. |
Response JSON structure:
"result": {
"distributionStates": [
"status": {
"error": <true/false>,
"message": "<Error message if applicable>",
Note: If a recalled product was distributed in all 50 states and Washington, DC only a single "NATIONWIDE" element will be included in the array.
"result": {
"distributionStates": [
"status": {
"error": false