| 1 | +namespace BizHawk.SrcGen.VIM; |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +using System; |
| 4 | +using System.Collections.Generic; |
| 5 | +using System.Linq; |
| 6 | +using System.Text; |
| 7 | + |
| 8 | +using BizHawk.Analyzers; |
| 9 | +using BizHawk.Common; |
| 10 | + |
| 11 | +using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; |
| 12 | +using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp; |
| 13 | +using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax; |
| 14 | +using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text; |
| 15 | + |
| 16 | +using ImplNotesList = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, System.Collections.Generic.List<BizHawk.SrcGen.VIM.VIMGenerator.ImplNotes>>; |
| 17 | + |
| 18 | +[Generator] |
| 19 | +public sealed class VIMGenerator : ISourceGenerator |
| 20 | +{ |
| 21 | + internal readonly struct ImplNotes |
| 22 | + { |
| 23 | + public readonly string AccessorKeyword; |
| 24 | + |
| 25 | + public readonly string BaseImplNamePrefix; |
| 26 | + |
| 27 | + public readonly string InvokeCall; |
| 28 | + |
| 29 | + public readonly bool IsSetOrRemove |
| 30 | + => MethodSym.MethodKind is MethodKind.PropertySet or MethodKind.EventRemove; |
| 31 | + |
| 32 | + public readonly string MemberFullNameArgs; |
| 33 | + |
| 34 | + public readonly IMethodSymbol MethodSym; |
| 35 | + |
| 36 | + public readonly string ReturnType; |
| 37 | + |
| 38 | + public ImplNotes(IMethodSymbol methodSym, string memberFullNameArgs, string baseImplNamePrefix) |
| 39 | + { |
| 40 | + BaseImplNamePrefix = baseImplNamePrefix; |
| 41 | + MemberFullNameArgs = memberFullNameArgs; |
| 42 | + MethodSym = methodSym; |
| 43 | + switch (methodSym.MethodKind) |
| 44 | + { |
| 45 | + case MethodKind.Ordinary: |
| 46 | + AccessorKeyword = string.Empty; |
| 47 | + InvokeCall = $"(this{string.Concat(methodSym.Parameters.Select(static pSym => $", {pSym.Name}"))})"; |
| 48 | + MemberFullNameArgs += $"({string.Join(", ", methodSym.Parameters.Select(static pSym => $"{pSym.Type.ToDisplayString()} {pSym.Name}"))})"; |
| 49 | + ReturnType = methodSym.ReturnType.ToDisplayString(); |
| 50 | + break; |
| 51 | + case MethodKind.PropertyGet: |
| 52 | + AccessorKeyword = "get"; |
| 53 | + InvokeCall = "(this)"; |
| 54 | + ReturnType = methodSym.ReturnType.ToDisplayString(); |
| 55 | + break; |
| 56 | + case MethodKind.PropertySet: |
| 57 | + AccessorKeyword = "set"; |
| 58 | + InvokeCall = "(this, value)"; |
| 59 | + ReturnType = ((IPropertySymbol) methodSym.AssociatedSymbol!).Type.ToDisplayString(); // only used for set-only props |
| 60 | + break; |
| 61 | + case MethodKind.EventAdd: |
| 62 | + AccessorKeyword = "add"; |
| 63 | + InvokeCall = "(this, value)"; |
| 64 | + ReturnType = $"event {((IEventSymbol) methodSym.AssociatedSymbol!).Type.ToDisplayString()}"; |
| 65 | + break; |
| 66 | + case MethodKind.EventRemove: |
| 67 | + AccessorKeyword = "remove"; |
| 68 | + InvokeCall = "(this, value)"; |
| 69 | + ReturnType = string.Empty; // unused |
| 70 | + break; |
| 71 | + default: |
| 72 | + throw new InvalidOperationException(); |
| 73 | + } |
| 74 | + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessorKeyword)) BaseImplNamePrefix += $"_{AccessorKeyword}"; |
| 75 | + } |
| 76 | + } |
| 77 | + |
| 78 | + private sealed class VIMGenSyntaxReceiver : ISyntaxReceiver |
| 79 | + { |
| 80 | + public readonly List<TypeDeclarationSyntax> Candidates = new(); |
| 81 | + |
| 82 | + public void OnVisitSyntaxNode(SyntaxNode syntaxNode) |
| 83 | + { |
| 84 | + if (syntaxNode is TypeDeclarationSyntax syn) Candidates.Add(syn); |
| 85 | + } |
| 86 | + } |
| 87 | + |
| 88 | + private static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor DiagCantMakeVirtual = new( |
| 89 | + id: "BHI2000", |
| 90 | + title: "Only apply [VirtualMethod] to (abstract) methods and property/event accessors", |
| 91 | + messageFormat: "Can't apply [VirtualMethod] to this kind of member, only methods and property/event accessors", |
| 92 | + category: "Usage", |
| 93 | + defaultSeverity: DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, |
| 94 | + isEnabledByDefault: true); |
| 95 | + |
| 96 | +#if false |
| 97 | + private static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor DiagDebug = new( |
| 98 | + id: "BHI2099", |
| 99 | + title: "debug", |
| 100 | + messageFormat: "{0}", |
| 101 | + category: "Usage", |
| 102 | + defaultSeverity: DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, |
| 103 | + isEnabledByDefault: true); |
| 104 | +#endif |
| 105 | + |
| 106 | + //TODO warning for attr used on member of class/struct/record? |
| 107 | + |
| 108 | + //TODO warning for only one of get/set/add/remove pair has attr? |
| 109 | + |
| 110 | + //TODO warning for unused base implementation (i.e. impl/override exists in every direct implementor)? ofc the attribute can be pointing to any static method, so the base implementation itself shouldn't be marked unused |
| 111 | + |
| 112 | + public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context) |
| 113 | + => context.RegisterForSyntaxNotifications(static () => new VIMGenSyntaxReceiver()); |
| 114 | + |
| 115 | + public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context) |
| 116 | + { |
| 117 | + if (context.SyntaxReceiver is not VIMGenSyntaxReceiver receiver) return; |
| 118 | + |
| 119 | + // boilerplate to get attr working |
| 120 | + var compilation = context.Compilation; |
| 121 | + var vimAttrSymbol = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("BizHawk.Common." + nameof(VirtualMethodAttribute)); |
| 122 | + if (vimAttrSymbol is null) |
| 123 | + { |
| 124 | + var attributesSource = SourceText.From(typeof(VIMGenerator).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("BizHawk.SrcGen.VIM.VirtualMethodAttribute.cs")!, Encoding.UTF8, canBeEmbedded: true); |
| 125 | + context.AddSource("VirtualMethodAttribute.cs", attributesSource); |
| 126 | + compilation = context.Compilation.AddSyntaxTrees(CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(attributesSource, (CSharpParseOptions) ((CSharpCompilation) context.Compilation).SyntaxTrees[0].Options)); |
| 127 | + vimAttrSymbol = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("BizHawk.Common." + nameof(VirtualMethodAttribute))!; |
| 128 | + } |
| 129 | + |
| 130 | + Dictionary<string, ImplNotesList> vimDict = new(); |
| 131 | + ImplNotesList Lookup(INamedTypeSymbol intfSym) |
| 132 | + { |
| 133 | + var fqn = intfSym.FullNamespace(); |
| 134 | + if (vimDict.TryGetValue(fqn, out var implNotes)) return implNotes; |
| 135 | + // else cache miss |
| 136 | + ImplNotesList implNotes1 = new(); |
| 137 | + static (string? ImplsClassFullName, string? BaseImplMethodName) ParseVIMAttr(AttributeData vimAttr) |
| 138 | + { |
| 139 | + string? baseImplMethodName = null; |
| 140 | + string? implsClassFullName = null; |
| 141 | + foreach (var kvp in vimAttr.NamedArguments) switch (kvp.Key) |
| 142 | + { |
| 143 | + case nameof(VirtualMethodAttribute.BaseImplMethodName): |
| 144 | + baseImplMethodName = kvp.Value.Value?.ToString(); |
| 145 | + break; |
| 146 | + case nameof(VirtualMethodAttribute.ImplsClassFullName): |
| 147 | + implsClassFullName = kvp.Value.Value?.ToString(); |
| 148 | + break; |
| 149 | + } |
| 150 | + return (implsClassFullName, baseImplMethodName); |
| 151 | + } |
| 152 | + void AddMethodNotes(IMethodSymbol methodSym, (string? ImplsClassFullName, string? BaseImplMethodName) attrProps) |
| 153 | + { |
| 154 | + var memberName = methodSym.MethodKind is MethodKind.Ordinary ? methodSym.Name : methodSym.AssociatedSymbol!.Name; |
| 155 | + var memberFullNameArgs = $"{intfSym.FullNamespace()}.{memberName}"; |
| 156 | + var baseImplNamePrefix = $"{(attrProps.ImplsClassFullName ?? $"{intfSym.FullNamespace()}.MethodDefaultImpls")}.{attrProps.BaseImplMethodName ?? memberName}"; |
| 157 | + if (!implNotes1.TryGetValue(memberFullNameArgs, out var parts)) parts = implNotes1[memberFullNameArgs] = new(); |
| 158 | + parts.Add(new(methodSym, memberFullNameArgs: memberFullNameArgs, baseImplNamePrefix: baseImplNamePrefix)); |
| 159 | + } |
| 160 | + foreach (var memberSym in intfSym.GetMembers()) |
| 161 | + { |
| 162 | + var vimAttr = memberSym.GetAttributes().FirstOrDefault(ad => vimAttrSymbol.Matches(ad.AttributeClass)); |
| 163 | + switch (memberSym) |
| 164 | + { |
| 165 | + case IMethodSymbol methodSym: // methods and prop accessors (accessors in interface events are an error without DIM) |
| 166 | + if (vimAttr is null) continue; |
| 167 | + if (methodSym.MethodKind is not (MethodKind.Ordinary or MethodKind.PropertyGet or MethodKind.PropertySet)) |
| 168 | + { |
| 169 | + // no idea what would actually trigger this |
| 170 | + context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create(DiagCantMakeVirtual, vimAttr.ApplicationSyntaxReference!.GetSyntax().GetLocation())); |
| 171 | + continue; |
| 172 | + } |
| 173 | + AddMethodNotes(methodSym, ParseVIMAttr(vimAttr)); |
| 174 | + continue; |
| 175 | + case IPropertySymbol propSym: // props |
| 176 | + if (vimAttr is null) continue; |
| 177 | + var parsed = ParseVIMAttr(vimAttr); |
| 178 | + if (propSym.GetMethod is {} getter) AddMethodNotes(getter, parsed); |
| 179 | + if (propSym.SetMethod is {} setter) AddMethodNotes(setter, parsed); |
| 180 | + continue; |
| 181 | + case IEventSymbol eventSym: // events |
| 182 | + if (vimAttr is null) continue; |
| 183 | + var parsed1 = ParseVIMAttr(vimAttr); |
| 184 | + AddMethodNotes(eventSym.AddMethod!, parsed1); |
| 185 | + AddMethodNotes(eventSym.RemoveMethod!, parsed1); |
| 186 | + continue; |
| 187 | + } |
| 188 | + } |
| 189 | + |
| 190 | + return vimDict[fqn] = implNotes1; |
| 191 | + } |
| 192 | + |
| 193 | + List<INamedTypeSymbol> seen = new(); |
| 194 | + foreach (var tds in receiver.Candidates) |
| 195 | + { |
| 196 | + var cSym = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tds.SyntaxTree).GetDeclaredSymbol(tds)!; |
| 197 | + if (seen.Contains(cSym)) continue; // dedup partial classes |
| 198 | + seen.Add(cSym); |
| 199 | + var typeKeywords = tds.GetTypeKeywords(cSym); |
| 200 | + if (typeKeywords.Contains("enum") || typeKeywords.Contains("interface") || typeKeywords.Contains("static")) continue; |
| 201 | + |
| 202 | + var nSpace = cSym.ContainingNamespace.ToDisplayString(); |
| 203 | + var nSpaceDot = $"{nSpace}."; |
| 204 | + List<string> innerText = new(); |
| 205 | + var intfsToImplement = cSym.BaseType is not null |
| 206 | + ? cSym.AllInterfaces.Except(cSym.BaseType.AllInterfaces) // superclass (or its superclass, etc.) already has the delegated base implementations of these interfaces' virtual methods |
| 207 | + : cSym.AllInterfaces; |
| 208 | + //TODO let an interface override a superinterface's virtual method -- may need to order intfsToImplement somehow |
| 209 | + foreach (var methodParts in intfsToImplement.SelectMany(intfSym => Lookup(intfSym).Values)) |
| 210 | + { |
| 211 | + var methodSym = methodParts[0].MethodSym; |
| 212 | + if (cSym.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(methodSym) is not null) continue; // overridden |
| 213 | + var memberImplText = $"{methodParts[0].ReturnType} {methodParts[0].MemberFullNameArgs.RemovePrefix(nSpaceDot)}"; |
| 214 | + if (methodSym.MethodKind is MethodKind.Ordinary) |
| 215 | + { |
| 216 | + memberImplText += $"\n\t\t\t=> {methodParts[0].BaseImplNamePrefix.RemovePrefix(nSpaceDot)}{methodParts[0].InvokeCall};"; |
| 217 | + } |
| 218 | + else |
| 219 | + { |
| 220 | + if (methodParts[0].IsSetOrRemove) methodParts.Reverse(); |
| 221 | + memberImplText += $"\n\t\t{{{string.Concat(methodParts.Select(methodNotes => $"\n\t\t\t{methodNotes.AccessorKeyword} => {methodNotes.BaseImplNamePrefix.RemovePrefix(nSpaceDot)}{methodNotes.InvokeCall};"))}\n\t\t}}"; |
| 222 | + } |
| 223 | + innerText.Add(memberImplText); |
| 224 | + } |
| 225 | + if (innerText.Count is not 0) context.AddSource( |
| 226 | + source: $@"#nullable enable |
| 227 | +
| 228 | +namespace {nSpace} |
| 229 | +{{ |
| 230 | + public {string.Join(" ", typeKeywords)} {cSym.Name} |
| 231 | + {{ |
| 232 | + {string.Join("\n\n\t\t", innerText)} |
| 233 | + }} |
| 234 | +}} |
| 235 | +", |
| 236 | + hintName: $"{cSym.Name}.VIMDelegation.cs"); |
| 237 | + } |
| 238 | + } |
| 239 | +} |
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