A drop-in solution for calling the suredbits api, built on top of c-lightning.
⚡ radically low fees ⚡ nano payments ⚡ instant confirmations ⚡
You need to install Node.js (v7.6 or newer) and npm.
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install nodejs npm
$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x -o - | sudo bash
$ sudo apt install nodejs
This guide assumes you have Xcode and Homebrew installed.
$ brew install node # installs npm as well
We need bitcoind
, for downloading and interacting with the Bitcoin blockchain.
As of the time of this writing, the bitcoin testnet will take ~25GB of space on your computer's hard drive.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install bitcoind
$ brew install bitcoin
Downloading and verifying the Bitcoin blockchain is going to take a while, so you should start that right away.
First, edit your bitcoind
configuration file called bitcoin.conf
. Here is a table to show you where this file should be located based on your OS. If there isn't a file that exists there already, create one.
Operating System Default bitcoin datadir Typical path to configuration file
Windows %APPDATA%\Bitcoin\ C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\bitcoin.conf
Linux $HOME/.bitcoin/ /home/username/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
Mac OSX $HOME/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/ /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
You need to create a rpc username and password inside of your bitcoin.conf file
For more information on configuring bitcoind please see this page
Start bitcoind
$ bitcoind
will now sync the blockhain. This will take a while, typically several hours. You can inspect the log to ensure that progress is made. Depending on where your bitcoin.conf
file is, you can watch your node sync by using tail
. For example, on macOS you can do:
$ tail -f $HOME/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/testnet3/debug.log
is the piece of software you use to interact with the Lightning Network. It is installed by downloading and compiling the c-lightning
software project. Note that we currently need c-lightning
version 0.6. First, get dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y autoconf automake build-essential git libtool libgmp-dev libsqlite3-dev python python3 net-tools zlib1g-dev
$ brew install autoconf automake libtool python3 gmp gnu-sed
Then, download the source code and compile:
$ cd
$ git clone https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning.git
$ cd lightning
$ git fetch && git checkout v0.6
$ ./configure
$ make
# Optionally, if you want to have c-lightning in your path
$ sudo make install
Assuming bitcoind
has finished syncing the blockchain, we can now start lightningd
. To check the status of bitcoind
$ bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockchaininfo
"blocks": [block height]
"verificationprogress": [percentage of sync complete]
Starting lightningd
$ ./lightingd/lightningd --daemon
$ ./cli/lightning-cli getinfo # if this succeeds, lightningd is working
also needs some time to sync the blockchain, although this is going to be faster than bitcoind
. To check the progress of lightningd
$ ./cli/lightning-cli getinfo
"blockheight": [block height]
Funds sent to your Lightning node will not show up until lightningd
has finished syncing.
To get some free testnet coins, generate a new address and paste it in at the TestNet Bitcoin Sandbox:
$ ./cli/lightning-cli newaddr p2sh-segwit
"address": "[should be a Bitcoin address here]"
You will need to wait 3 confirmations for your transaction to confirm. You can monitor your transaction on this block explorer.
#connect to suredbits testnet lightning network node
$ ./cli/lightning-cli connect 0338f57e4e20abf4d5c86b71b59e995ce4378e373b021a7b6f41dabb42d3aad069@ln.test.suredbits.com
#open a channel with suredbits and fund that channel with 100,000 satoshis, note you need 1 confirmation on your testnet tx
$ ./cli/lightning-cli fundchannel 0338f57e4e20abf4d5c86b71b59e995ce4378e373b021a7b6f41dabb42d3aad069 100000
You will need to wait 3 confirmations for your transaction to confirm. You can monitor channel funding transaction on this block explorer.
Note, that the channel needs to be in the state CHANNELD_NORMAL
before you can start the client, you can check this with the following command
$ ./cli/lightning-cli listpeers
"peers": [
"id": "0338f57e4e20abf4d5c86b71b59e995ce4378e373b021a7b6f41dabb42d3aad069",
"connected": true,
"netaddr": [
"alias": "eclair",
"color": "49daaa",
"channels": [
Asuming that the channel is in state CHANNELD_NORMAL
, we should be able to start your webserver and query our API!
First let's clone the suredbits/lightning-charge
$ cd
$ git clone https://github.com/SuredBits/lightning-charge.git
$ cd lightning-charge
$ git fetch && git checkout sb_api
Now that you have cloned and moved into the lightning-charge
directory, we can install dependencies and start the API!
$ npm install
$ npm start
You should expect output that looks something like this after 5 seconds:
> [email protected] start /home/chris/dev/lightning-charge
> bin/start.sh
API Request: {"uuid":"3daa1d60-9430-11e8-a087-d736f35db536","channel":"info"}
LN Invoice : {"uuid":"3daa1d60-9430-11e8-a087-d736f35db536","invoice":"lntb10n1pd476tzpp5ejk020ds9cs7ulu80ecahnzwl6ngkym8kyl7a7n8h9ycguk8rzxsdqqxqrrssg09q7ya3vnec33z8rreynjkuse5frzws7rh505f2ucktv89tj0fykjvwpd68nczyejysrmtv7m5tv6d65has8we3tmyfjly0p2m02hsq4ygsxe"}
API response: {"version":"8","lastRosterDownload":"20180730T185645.071Z","seasonType":"Regular","seasonYear":2017,"week":"NflWeek17"}
LN Invoice Payment: {"id":161,"payment_hash":"ccacf53db02e21ee7f877e71dbcc4efea68b1367b13feefa67b9498472c7188d","destination":"0338f57e4e20abf4d5c86b71b59e995ce4378e373b021a7b6f41dabb42d3aad069","msatoshi":1000,"msatoshi_sent":1002,"timestamp":1532979555,"created_at":1532979555,"status":"complete","payment_preimage":"cd5b2a1fcab30e5f267b99e76bff5392217bf4dbcfa148c80bf77c5cd43ea331","getroute_tries":1,"sendpay_tries":1,"route":[{"id":"0338f57e4e20abf4d5c86b71b59e995ce4378e373b021a7b6f41dabb42d3aad069","channel":"1356054:2387:0","msatoshi":1002,"delay":9}],"failures":[]}
You can see more API calls you can make in our suredbits module here or by looking at our API docs on suredbits.com