A collection of strange backups to go with the blog post (Why is Restore-DbaDatabase like it is?)[https://stuart-moore.com/day-8-why-is-restore-dbadatabase-like-it-is-31-days-of-dbatools-backup-and-restores/] (link not live till post goes live)
In that post I explain some of the weird backups I've come across over the years that lead to the design of (dbatools)[https://dbatools.io] Restore-DbaDatabase. So I've recreated some of the ones I came across and pused them up here
Have a go at restoring them with other solutions or scripts. Restore-DbaDatabase copes with them absolutely fine.
The dbs that will be restored are tiny. They were taken on a SQL Server 2014 instance running on windows.
Any comments, let me know.
Cheers Stuart